May 16, 7450.

... Huh!

Use life sensing magic to search for life reactions within a 300-meter radius of me.

There are only five hooked life reactions.

Run your horse toward one of those who passes by even close by.

Damn it!

I'm angry at the dumbness additions and subtractions that have caught me brilliantly against a wagon called an empty carriage.

Even so, that's the kind of report I had, so I can't help it.

Besides, it has not yet been established that the two people who were in this carriage were.

We can't deny the possibility that they were on board and fled the carriage en route, and if we're going to put a letter on a report from one of our men, we should rather think so.

But there's a headscarf left, and Nick said he was wearing flickering weird clothes.

Can a thin woman on that line jump off a wagon in a nunnery?

Even if you can, don't get hurt... that's an inherent skill. Can it be cured in front of itself?

Somehow, my instinct tells me that the two of you in the carriage are a pimp, but that's why I can't make up my mind.

Why did you think to run away in the first place?

Things I've been thinking about a few times go around my head.

That's the first time I've seen that patriarch.

You've known me for a long time, and even if you don't, you can't act like I'm after you.

Not to mention if you believe my instincts.

But I don't know what it's like to see me face to face at noon.

If you knew I was after you and you could stand up to me, you should never face me.

You didn't think I was coming?

It's possible.

But he seemed to be having a conversation with Viscount Yorise at the censorship ceremony, and he couldn't face the censorship ceremony without knowing where anyone's army was coming from, normal.

The possibility would not be zero, but it would be infinitely close to zero.

We just checked with each other then that we were reincarnated.

Did you run away knowing I was a reincarnator?

That's weird too.

I publicly declare that I have been reborn from another world for quite some time.

Can't you say enough that the Lord of the West Dart should already be known to be a reincarnator...

Normally think about it, rebirth or anything other than Yotai, and it's normal to laugh it off even when you're reported for serious faces.

In fact, Viscount Yorise didn't even touch on that topic when we first met, nor did the Marquis of Webdos, who ruled where I came from.

I may have received about a report, but it's also possible that I just forgot that it's crappy information because I think it's a joke or it hasn't even been reported from the beginning.

And, I mean, I guess that's natural.

This is even the case with the great nobility, who is ruling the territory at all costs.

It is not surprising at all that the Church and its constituents deliberately gripped over the information of "rebirth" in the process of reporting above.

Instead, it would be information of the kind that crushes as good a man as he can if he kept the information that even within the Church "the Patriarch himself was reborn".

... is not the time to think about this right now.

It's almost time we had the life response we sensed earlier.

It sounds different than the sound of Uranus running, but this is a hassle.

I could see a white-haired deer fleeing.

I think this is the guy who reacted to life earlier.

"Captain, it's like something's moved over there"

Nick points to the back of the woods and says:

I accidentally turn to you, but nothing suspicious appeared in my eyes.

I tried life sensing magic again just in case, but there's nothing for Nick to point at.

At least life forms larger than small animals are in a different direction.

Shall we bury them with earthly magic in large quantities?

Put it out in the sky and spread it out and drop it......

Only in the woods will the vision above be narrow but not impossible.

Though that's the only way to bury me in the front direction of my body.

Again, try the magic of life sensing.

Some life reactions got hooked.

Yeah, stay.

Stretch the soil in the direction where there were as many life reactions as possible.

And I dropped it.

It is not intended to kill (you should not kill it because it is an important source), so it would be sufficient to have a soil height of 70-80cm.

Can I have that for 300 meters square?

About half of level eight, huh?

Even if we could get out of the buried dirt, we wouldn't be able to move.

Holy shit!

The earthen mass poured down from the top of the forest, making a sudden sound as if it had fallen even in heavy rain.

Like I expected, when I built a dirt base in the first village of Tankur of the year, I said, "Don!" and it doesn't sound like it sounds on the bottom of my belly.

I think the majority of the soil fell like a slip when it hit a tree branch or something.

The amount of soil itself would not add up to two thousand tons, and is this because it was extensively thinned and the trees didn't get in the way and fall to the ground all at once?

... and thirty minutes later.

I mobilized about a dozen people from the cavaliers who caught up with me and searched every place where there was a life response.

The remaining 100 people will be used to search the area that hasn't flown dirt.

but only animals could be found.

The disposal of the soil is land nobody uses anyway, and I don't care, but it's not a good idea you can't find it here.

That said, even in time, the boulders would have gotten away with it pretty far already.

It hurts that I can't even grasp the direction in which I was escaped.

I honestly don't think he's headed to Balzas because he was standing there.

No, you weren't sure the two of them were still in the carriage.

Expand the map of the Samish region that was borrowed from the Knights of the Viscounts of Yorise.

I can't see the details unless I use the magic of the lights to see if the night really took control.

It's a bit like a deformed triangle of land.

The topography filled in is a good place to be inaccurate, and the location of the village and city is arranged in a way that feels "more or less around it".

The streets also have streets that connect the city to this village except for their own territory, which seems to fit only so well.

Evidence suggests that the map of Guineh in the West Dirt is negligible, the moon and spoon even compared to the map we received from the country, and Zondir, Beglitz and Hash are completely different locations.

From that city. That city fits more or less in this direction, this village more or less in this direction, only about.


You can only draw such inaccurate maps, but you can't solve the fact that the realm is straight?

Oh, that's right.

I was also educated as a nobleman in the King's Capital, and I was told when he showed me the map that the first Lomberto had pulled it off with the only magic magic tool that was said to have been found in the Labyrinth of Balduk.

Anything, they say that the two types of magic props are paired, and when you install the underlying magic props at a certain point and specify the direction at that point, you get a magical beam in that direction.

Beam is my interpretation, but officials in the Territorial Ministry said "magic radiates" so it wouldn't be a mistake though.

When you are on the beam with a pair of demonic props, it seems that users can recognize that along with the distance from the foundation.

Simply put, it's a substitute for being able to travel exactly in the direction you like from a point of view.

It seems that the user can recognise that he or she left the original course only slightly (maybe a meter or so) away from the straight line in that direction, so he or she can draw a complete straight line beyond the mountains and valleys over a vast area of land.

Well, the beam reaches a maximum radius of about 100 °, but they rarely use it unless there is a requirement to draw new boundaries because it requires more than a certain quality to eat a huge amount of demonic stones.

At the same time, the high and low differences from the base points cannot be measured (only straight distances, including directions and distances, and possibly high and low differences, are thought to be known), so it is also not possible to create an accurate map of the ground.

But it's great to decide on a tunnel digging course and proceed with the construction without going in the wrong direction.

Officials from the Ministry of Territorial Affairs bragged about "the map of our country is accurate thanks to that demonic prop," but certainly the map of West Dirt, which they showed us at the beginning, was not so far apart compared to the map of Guineh either, regardless of the grasp of the situation, or the location of the villages and cities that were described.

If we do this, we know very well that the quality of the map is quite different between the West Dirt, which was originally heavenly, and Samish, which is not.

For this minute, I wonder if there are any other levels of maps that I can't help anymore (back in the day, when I was still in Balduk, the maps I bought on my way home were just as terrible as the Japanese maps of the Warring States era).

Now, if I was in that carriage, what would I do to get away from the chaser?

You'd think about crossing the border first.

From here (the current location is between Zahrax and Kelsamish, possibly near Zahrax) you can go a little further east into the Burke region ruled by the Earl of Dazur and immediately north into the Western Kandail region ruled by Viscount Lowell.

Of course, there are no roads, and legally it would be out of control, but it would not be so easy if we could bypass the cities and villages closest to the realm of such things and reach the appropriate cities and villages a little further away.

If it's possible to break through the woods, woods, wilderness, or even dozens of kilometers of land unknown when or where any monster might strike you.

But, well, now that you're trying to escape until you smash up a meeting with me or Viscount Yorise, do you worry about that?

You won't, will you?

Was the main fate east when the two of them escaped saying they were in a carriage?

He called in the scattered Knights and decided to let Arquiz, squadron leader of the Fourth Knights, direct half of them to Balzas.

Anyway, Balzas is the home of the church, and there are manufacturing facilities in the narcotics fields.

And I would also keep the property I saved up.

Should the other half join me in a search from here to the east?

There's a good chance they'll be able to capture the boulder because it's been quite a while since then and they've already treaded quite a distance, but they'll have to go down a roadless path under this night without even being able to light the lights.

What if I assumed that they were?

Zahrax near the northern apex of the triangular Samish region.

... nobility can cross the border unconditionally, so as I thought earlier, don't run off to neighboring territory first.

But if it wasn't my mistake, that woman was the Associate Duke.

The number of offerings is also restricted when they are mere quasi-churds who, even though nobles, do not have any chambers of commerce.

For once the Associate Duke is the lowest of the nobility, but it cannot be considered a complete nobility.

No matter how high your parents are, a maximum of about a dozen people would be the limit if you were on the journey of an Associate Duke who would be a prince, but not a military or anything (usually you would be forced to entrust them to military or other official duties, and at least a few dozen people could accompany your offering because if you were a prince or princess before that, you would have the worst or lower degree of nobility).

The biggest problem than that is that there are three guys who can cross the border right away.

Where would I go and how would I escape?

It seems that the main focus of this escape of the Patriarch is to escape me.

If it wasn't, it would be too weird to smash up a meeting with me or the Viscount and run away with Stacora.

With that in mind, the Burke region, ruled by the Earl of Dazur to the east, could be removed.

There is no north bound street from the city of Gettylt, which is closest to Zahrax in the Burke region, away from West Dart, and the north bound street to Viscount Lowell territory should have to go quite east of Gettylt.

Especially if you don't try to get as far away from me as you can, and you're going to lurk in the Burke and Kandail regions, you're not going to be able to make it to Gettylt... but it's probably the least likely.

Next, west.

Jordan region ruled by Viscount Penride.

The nearest village to the west from Zahrax is called Loija.

This map says it feels like it's more than ten kilometers away... but honestly, I don't know how far away it is.

Well, more than five, maybe within fifteen. I don't have any basis for this.

I didn't even know until I saw this map, but it looks like there's a way north from Loiha.

Maybe we'll rendezvous in the city of Zamal, where the Tulac streets stretching north from the Zahrax, or even the village next to it.

The area is off the Zahrax Mountains, which stretch southwest from Zahrax, and there are few strange hills like Chocolate Hills, so it should be easy to get around.

Hurry up and go to heaven, if you don't want to go to a foreign country ahead, it's likely enough.

And north.

If you're going to move away from me, you're most likely going north opposite the "".

As soon as you enter Viscount Penride territory and head east, it's Viscount Lowell territory, and if you don't, you can go straight north into heaven wherever you want.

If you're not going to Viscount Lowell's territory, that means you can escape into vast heavens at the shortest possible distance.

It is also difficult to grab a foothold because it can keep the number of points in excess of those in the realm just like heading west.

This idea doesn't make much sense if they break through the barracks, and if you know a path that can't even be called a trail or a beast road that isn't on this map, you won't get through the barracks in the first place.

Oh, I just have to pray that the two of us in the carriage aren't fateful, this...

"Master Daimyo, hide the lights. We have arrived."

On Lilai's words Peggy pulled back the pole where the light magic she had in her hand had been hung, and she burst into the front cloth that had been covered on the carrier to hide the light.

I look at Lilai when he runs his eyes around him with a frightening look on his surroundings that suddenly darkened.

"Nothing unusual?

Peggy, a werewolf, has a bad night's eye.

"No, especially..."

The carriage is parked in a place that overlooks the cultivated land stretching north of the village of Colzas.

"Well, I'll wait here just in case..."

"Ha. We will return as soon as we confirm, so we will temporarily leave your side"

As soon as Lilai handed Peggy the reins, he got off the carriage and drove off to his village residence.

"Oh, really? Thank you."

Tulac Avenue stretches north from Zahrax.

Ralph, a subordinate of the Knights of the Leagues, who came to the post on the border with Viscount Penride territory to hear him, obtained conclusive testimony.

After noon today, the Patriarch of the Church, also known as the Great Enlightenment, gave only one escort and drove north in a carriage.

I'm also checking my status, so it looks like it was Brigadier General Siebex himself who went through this precinct and made no mistake.

- It was a long time ago after lunch. Besides, you couldn't possibly have mislooked at those clothes, but you missed them?

Ralph the squire ran out toward Zahrax with a face that looked like he had chewed up a bitter bug.

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