May 16, 7450.

All right, let's start searching the west.

Whatever it is, the only way to lead the search now is to capture the wagon that was in it (and possibly the real one).

Commander of the Fourth Knights squadron, who sent him to the village of Balzas, ordered him to focus his search from the streets to the west before half the men commanded by Arquiz disappeared from sight.

And you won't be able to take my Uranus off without losing its maneuverability even in these woods to search.

When I thought so and tried to make my way into the West Forest myself.

Claw rushed in.

You seemed right to let a military horse run by Claw wear Breeze Horseshoe, just like my Uranus.

"Captain! We're hit! This one's a punk! They're in Jordan from Samish in a carriage around noon today! His face is also confirmed at the precinct!

Ahhh, they ate a cup.

"You say it's noon!? Sure?

Whatever, it's about 9: 30 after the soldier's ceremony in Zahrax, right?

Still, I was crossing the precinct at noon... and you were running away from me that early?

Anything too soon?

"That's what the guy at the precinct said!

He always checks his status at the precinct, and says he saw his face.

It wouldn't be a mistake.

But it's noon!


I can't help it.

The time now is already significantly around 19: 00.

I don't care if I tell you I have a magic hoof.

I'll take another look at the map, but if I got out of the carriage seven hours ago, if I had been escaped along a street with good road conditions even considering the break... the travel time would be five hours, the average speed would be... empty load, and even if I had estimated seven to eight kilometers less, I would still be more than 30 kilometers away.

If even the destination is clear, there's a breezy hoof, Breeze Horseshoe, and you can catch up in about an hour, but there's no way you know where you're going.

As I expected earlier, there are too many options after crossing the northern barrier.

In case you're lucky enough to head in the right direction, the sun is already down.

Unless you're taking an inn in some village or city, but if you're a little off the road and even camouflaged and wild boarding or something, you decide to overlook it.

In the first place, it would be difficult in itself to find a way to catch up even from now on.

Then I think it would be better to look for the faithful and facilities left behind towards the village of Balzas, home of the church, which is still after us, and much more constructive than that to look for clues.

I was going to go to Balzas Village if I caught a jar, but I think I should go to Balzas Village with Arquiz, leaving this to Claw, beyond confirming a jar.

Because Claw came running out loud when he glanced at us and the south, or the Knights, who were led by Arquiz, are also stopping the marching legs.

He yelled at Claw to keep going, and ordered Claw to take command of the remaining Knights and focus on searching the west from the street.

"By the way, you said you were keeping an eye on the inn!?"

He asked Claw, who had pulled a horse to his side as he circled his horse's neck toward the Arquizzes.

"I'm sorry, Captain! Looks like I missed it."

According to Claw, those who were on the lookout were only distracted by prominent monastic clothing.

Well, it wouldn't have been a bad idea for a guy like West Dart or something to change to wrap his tail around in the country, because it's possible he wasn't even able to busily confirm his face with a tail from behind to make sure the inn first......

But I used to say I was a good tailor with this body.

My imaginary “tail" is the kind of tail that appears in pre-reincarnation dramas and novels, sometimes with the kind of hands that overtake targets, keep their distance, monitor them, and change tails along the way.

But the West Dirt standard doesn't make a big deal about crowds in the first place, so they can turn off footsteps and immediately perceive it and hide themselves or make irrelevant bare gestures, even if they turn around.

I don't have any means of telecommunications on a personal basis like a mobile phone, and unless it's a very large number of people, I can't have it staffed ahead of me...

That's the same thing that makes little sense for technology to erase footsteps all over Tokyo's city. If it's a big city like Lombertier with more than 10,000 people, there's no such thing as a concept of overtaking a target with a West Dart with no busy crowd.

Then I also snort that I can't confirm my face at all.

I snort, but considering what the hell I was letting you watch for, I can't help but be unconvinced and not interpret.

"You never found out about the watch and got away with it, did you?

If so, the fact that the guard was attached is nothing but a snake.

"No, no!... I'm sure it was the lookout that didn't notice you left the inn..."

I came with a cock to Claw, who speaks such a dialogue all the time.

I say it as I swallow that feeling.

"... it would have been much worse not to be reported heading north thinking about preservation. What I didn't do to those guys is the accomplishment of the knights I usually coach. But..."

"Yes. Anyway, if you've been tailed, I'll reprimand you for not noticing that you left the inn. And I let them do the same thing."

Yeah, did you understand that I have more responsibility than I ordered you to be elected in front of me?

Around trying to keep the punishment for my men to reprimands that don't even go on record, quite.

Then I guess I will, too, if you know what I mean.

Open your mouth as you nod at Claw's words.

"... these are probably the two of us. I'm letting you focus your search on the west side of this street. You take command. If you can't find it after a short search, stop the search there and lead them all back to Zahrax, join the Danes to cover the Viscount's arrest."


"Be careful when arresting the Viscount, because you can also think of an outburst of Viscount Knights."


The outburst of the Knights of Yorise, Claw's expression becomes ever tighter on the word.

"In that case, don't get your hands on this one. I want you to avoid any act of combat as much as you can because the rest is troublesome. Still, if you really don't think the battle is going to be avoided, give priority to running to the West Dirt. All right?"


"If you run into our territory but seem to follow us..."

Claw said, "Do you want to go that far? I looked like I was saying."

"Some people will move with emotion to save their master, who was initially unreasonably captured. I think there's about half a chance so far. But you will notice that we are thoroughly avoiding engagement around following you retreating. More people will be calming down over there. But if there's someone in the other Knights who's got a little head on top of it, there's a chance there 'll be people around here who think about how Viscount's testimony can be a steep point for this territory."

With that said, Claw said, "Don't think too much...? I've said."

To be honest, I think so too.

But I never went over there to assume.

"Through the Viscount we made him declare penalties in relation to drugs and denominations. Naturally, that would be the first thing the Viscount's Knights would know. I don't mean to, but when someone comes up with retroactive application of the penalty, even if they don't think of it at first, it's natural to be anxious about the guy who did drugs in the past or the guy who's been involved in the church that did it."

By the time I said this, Claw seemed to understand what I was trying to say.

"Then they say the Viscount has a successor, and you mean there might be more people out there trying to kill the Viscount for mouth sealing than they chased him?

"If you feel that much and are asked if you want to go into actual action, it won't happen first. But if they panic in a group and stir it up, it's hard to keep it down so easily. Halfway around, if anyone fans around, there's a chance of that."

Claw looked a little relieved.

"Whatever happens, run without ever responding. And protect only the Viscount."

That's all I said, I joined Arquiz and headed to the village of Balzas.

It's a lot of walking, but it takes the streets.

At the latest at dawn you will be able to reach the suburbs of the village of Balzas.

After a break... it's a raid on the home of the church.

"Ha, ha, ha..."

Jackson, Kiln, and a few orcs run through the bustling woods that don't even reach the stars.

Jackson and Kiln, who do not have infrared vision (infrastructural vision), can only rely on a grumpy figure to blend into the darkness of a gig running a little further.

and went out through the woods to the meadows.

A little further west would also allow us to enter the cultivated land of Zahrax.

But Giggs, it's harder than being accompanied by oak.

If it were this time on the boulder, no one would be farming, because it would be troublesome in case they were discovered and reported to the administration and the Knights.

The Jacksons changed course west at a critical point so as to get as far away from the arable land as they could, but not into the dark woods because of the difficulty of moving.

Then, stretching south from Zahrax, he arrived to the point where he could see the street of Tulac, which he had just passed on a carriage a short while earlier.

"... let's take a break here"

Jackson fell asleep in the grass a little in front of the street.

It's a grass about the height to your hips, so if you fall asleep, you won't find it that easy.

Kiln puts his ear on the ground while disturbing his breath.

"We Hachikazuku Monoganai Kamihari Shimas"

That's when Gig tried to scatter the orcs around his men.

We noticed numerous footsteps approaching from the end of the street where Kiln stretches into the south woods.

"Wait! Someone's coming from over there. There are a lot of them. Keep your tall and don't move......!

With warning, everyone stiffened their bodies.


The grass has no bug voice, only the sound of leaf rubbing.

Someone rattled his throat with Gokuri.

"... so... or..."

A crowd reaches everyone's ears.

Everyone stiffened the body even more so as to be vicious.

Lurk your breath and wait for it to pass.

"Ooh, you're walking!

"Goddamn it, you oak bastard!

It was the Knights led by Claw who approached us.

Based on what we're talking about, it looks like some of the rest of the orcs who took the total offense have been captured and taken to get the Jacksons off the hook.

- There must have been about ten orcs we broke up with there... that's what we lost in such a short time...? How big of a squad was that!?

Jackson bites his teeth at the look of his head that he is about to lift by accident.

At the same time, Gig remembered that she was beginning to understand the language well and sent her gaze softly.

Gig stares in the direction of his voice and footsteps as he glances at Runlan.

But I didn't do anything to take action.

He ate his teeth and was thin, long and exhaled.

"What? He's so busy!

"The rebellious guy's got to get away with it, right?

"Stop it!"

"But Lord Balladik, this guy, he's been roaring and staring! Busy with the oak habits! Whoa!"


I guess even if the captured oak got kicked.

I can see a painful voice leaking from a different vocal cord than a human.

"Come on, you! You belong to the Fourth Knights, right? I don't have time to play! Hurry up!

"Roger that! Hey, why don't you just walk!

- I was wondering what would happen, but you're going to make it.

Relaxed Jackson.

But I did my eyes unexpectedly on the sound of shaking the stirrups and grass.

One of the orcs is about to get up!

But there's a quick gig on that oak's back, lowly whispering something in his ear.

I don't understand what you're saying to Jackson, but he seems to be forgiving from the tone of his voice.

- Thanks...... don't count on a chilling gig.

Jackson exhales slowly as he accidentally looks at Kiln and his face.

Such a strange sound of criticism arrived in his ear.

It sounds like a toothpick that an oak standing on its side.

- Please, come here!

Did his wish make sense, Orc endured as he stared at the tip of the grass with his angry shapes.

May 17, 7450.

Not long before nightfall.

The first rendezvous emerged at Peggy and Lilai, who waited in a cave a little north of the village of Colzas.

It is two people, Ruda and Hemmitt.

Everyone was leaving Zahrax dressed almost as close as they wore it, thus zeroing a grin at the thriving belly sounds.

"We'll wait for Carrack like this until tomorrow morning, but if the sun doesn't come up... unfortunately Carrack will head to Karlum as something that fell into the hands of Winkibirau. Until then, everyone, rest your bodies slowly."

Three people hang their heads over Peggy's words......

"But Master Daimyo. Anyway, Daimyo himself, we haven't eaten since yesterday morning. And Ruda and Hemmitt have been walking all night since then..."

"No, Master Lilai, we're fine, so don't worry about it."

"That's right. More than that, it is a problem that the Daimyo is not eating your meal. You'll get something if you head out to Colzas. I'll come conveniently."

Peggy said, "We are in the village of Colzas… No, don't let the others be noticed. So you can't raise food in the village," he said, stopping the conversation.

And he said, "I have some bread I bought before I joined Lilai. Let's all share this," he smiled.

"How far are you going?

Fio, who follows Carrack, kept his tracking carefully by keeping his distance to himself but not to go away.

The day I climbed hours ago, I'm passing through Jomtien.

In the meantime, Carrack kept walking while taking a short break every hour or two in the creek or something.

Course takeovers also use very few streets, to the extent that they cross quickly in anticipation of a time when the streets will run out.

Especially since it travels to sew between the pocky and dotted lowly hills rather than the steep mountain roads, there is little difference between the high and low, so there is no difficulty.

Moving itself would not have been so difficult if only we had paid proper attention to our feet.

Except for fatigue.

"But the horse, anyway, that ankle is a big deal"

Fio and I used to walk down roadless paths from our training in the Knights and our experience as adventurers, but it was about the labyrinth in Balduk that we kept walking for so long.

Besides, it's not a hard place to walk this far.

"That man, you sure have experience with the Knights or Adventurers," one was convinced as he rode through the robust cookies of mobile preserved food.

And around sundown again.

I could finally see that they were going to take a decent break.

Instead of a brief rest to the extent that he had ever lowered his hips, he tied his horse firmly to a tree and began to make things like sleeping beds.

"Heh heh, he looks like he can beat a sleeper on a boulder too"

So grumbling Fio was also desperately fighting drowsiness.

For the most part, they also found just the right wooden sinus that allows them to monitor the beds made by Carrack.

There is no such thing as sleeping over and losing sight of the subject for Fio, who has been touring the suburbs for years as an adventurer with just two of his wives, Grace.

Without completely falling asleep, Fio closed his lid.

And a few hours.

When Carrack, who woke up from his bunk, unraveled the horse's reins while chewing on the dried meat, Fio was out of the tree sinus, resting until then, distracted in the dark from the inside, sending his gaze to Carrack's back.

May 18, 7450.

After midnight.

Looks like Carrack finally arrived at his destination.

Fio gently takes his distance as he sneaks his footsteps.

Because he admitted two horses and a carriage beside Carrack stopping at the moonlight, which leaked from among the trees.

As he was watching the situation by killing his breath while using his special skills at night (Night Vision), he admitted he was approaching Carrack.

"That was pretty quick."

"Oh, I'm tired of boulders."

- Who is it? Woman...... sure, like Ruda.

"Departure is after sunrise. So rest till then. And do you have any food?

"Mm-hmm. There's only dried meat and bread, but it's pretty good."

"Good. They haven't eaten anything all day."

"A whole day, too, Daimyo?


- Master Daimyo? Is that woman there, too? What's this all about?

Fio embarks on a process of not listening to a word.

I couldn't make a sound because I was careful.

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