Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 215: Playing the Triple Flavor

May 18, 7450.

Before dawn.


It was the Fourth Knights Squadron Commander, Arquiz, who came to report where he was looking through church materials in one of the rooms he received.

He and Brigadier Trinin, Squadron Leader of the Second Knights who had Viscount Yorises tied up in Zahrax, said before the operation, "If you show brilliant command, you can tell the Sergeant, and if you want to retire from the Knights of the Kingdom, you can leave the village to him," which is very morale.

Maybe this arquiz, like me, has only slept about three hours since then.

"Okay. Let's start the investigation at 10: 00 today. You should rest until then."


A glimpse into the back of the exited arquise and once again glance at the church material.

The church materials were scattered in content and seemed to take a considerable amount of time to grasp the full extent.

"... that woman, she looks like she's in trouble... it's unnatural for her to do that, and she doesn't dare keep a record?

What could be discovered was that other so-called sales things, such as drug production and sales, were all accounting things involved in the operation of church organizations.

It was also scattered slightly like a follow-up of addicted patients, but there is no record of key extraction methods, etc.

In particular, I cannot deny the possibility that it is buried in the materials I have not yet examined, so I cannot say anything about this.

Rather than that, the problem is in the language it says.

Most of it is written in Lagdarios, naturally, but it is mixed up to English, regardless of the mixing of some Japanese.

All the wood janes that said something like a follow-up mentioned earlier were in English (which also used medical terms that I didn't quite understand).

That, too, isn't a proper record, it's like a memoir, somewhat close to a note.

I don't know if I have to go through all the materials directly because of you.

I can't help it, but if this is what's going to happen, why don't you turn Claw over here... he hasn't even graduated high school, and he can't read English, maybe. I did have a commercial high school, and I can never read a notebook.

If you're a normal person, you learn your writing body in middle school, and if you have a complete master of English at the middle school level, you won't have as much trouble with it, but the majority of Japanese people who are sad do not do that to learn well about other languages.

That said, from the handwriting, it seems that there were five or so people writing the discovered material in all.

Also, at least two people are writing Japanese. It seems that there is only one person in English.

I mean, I'm pretty sure there was another reincarnator besides that woman.

Since it hasn't been found in the village of Balzas, is it the archbishop or one of the bishops that he's out preaching in the realm?

In addition to the Archbishop, one of the bishops may be a co-reincarnator because he says he has dark hair and dark eyes.

However, it cannot be explained that there is no record of drug production at all.

The investigation from yesterday has secured three workers involved in drug manufacture, all of whom have said, "I was just doing what the Archbishops or Archbishops say I was doing".

The work is not a busy one either, to be honest.

All you have to do is scratch lightly with a blade in the womb after the flowers of a plant called Calesso are scattered and collect the secreted and dried juice.

If Calesso was really mustard seed, he would still be able to collect drugs that could be fully used, but he wasn't engaged in any work that would increase his purity.

Internal material shows that five types of drugs were manufactured, called Knux, Bux, Knox, Dux and Zex.

Of those, all I knew were three types: Knux, Bux and Knox, for sale (?) There were only three types of records that were also made.

I asked the workers and believers, "What's a dux or a zex?" It also leaves me dissatisfied that no one knew.

... maybe it was simply a failure, but something, it hooks me up.

Anyway, it wasn't until recently that the names of Ducks and Zex started appearing on the record, was it?

Also, naturally, the drug stock itself has all been seized, but the only ones whose status can be seen are the burnt brown powder bucks and knoxes, and possibly the tobacco-shaped knoxes that melted and stained it.

It should be noted that the bulk of the inventory was Knax, the Bucks were about ten liters and the Knox was only about a helicopter volume.

Very few other light brown powders in small bottles and slightly brownished white powders have also been found.

It seems that one of these is Dax and the other is Zex, but I'm not sure which one is because neither the status nor the appraisal has a name.

Because of this, the contents of all five drug appraisal windows are also common to the fact that they all have the same "analgesic effect," and it is also crooked that appraisal doesn't make much sense.

Somehow, I feel that the lower the amount seized, the more effective the drug seems to be... I don't think I'm going to try it that easily.

Oh, do you have any hands to try with an oak or something?

I can't talk, and I guess I'll just have to observe and judge you even though you're rallied?

But the amount is small, and the right amount (?) I can also feel free to give it a try than I don't know.

Whatever it was, I figured out more or less the money flow.

I don't think I've made as much money as I expected.

At any rate, production is not a great deal in itself, and it would be about a billion dollars earned.

Besides, considering the cost of food and miscellaneous expenses for believers and workers, it should be quite diminishing.

Especially if the books are correct.

For example, it is possible that a single digit of a number was written less than one digit.

This is the easiest way to deceive me when I look back at it later because I simply need to multiply everything tenfold.

However, in this case, it will not be accurate without multiplying the expenses by ten times, so it is fairly easy to see through.

When it comes to closing your eyes on some of the accounts, you can write the expenses accurately and multiply them by a few fractions or a few times as much as you earn.

Even in such cases, it is possible to see through by checking how much you actually paid for it, but if it says that one month is twice as much and one day is triple, the investigation will require a considerable amount of time.

In practical terms, it is often inconvenient, so it is often adjusted to be several times or a fraction of the original figure over a period of time (e.g., a year or three months).

Well, "Do you want to go that far?" I think so too, and so far we'll have to look at it as the right one.

But it's usually easier to double book than bother doing that, because I haven't discovered what looks like that double book.

That said, I don't even think it's that easy to find a double book where it existed, but I really get all sorts of evil pushes.

That's how he fished Cicosico and the materials and collected information.


Cave a short distance from the village of Colzas.

Fio woke up a little before the sun rose with the sounds of the watch changing.

It's like a man standing on new watch under a whitewashing sky.

- Is that a reliever?... No.

Out of his outfit, he's one of the church warriors named Hemmitt.

- Is there at least four more people in that cave? What the hell are you doing all the way here...

Would you like to meet someone?

What Carrack was carrying was probably tons of cash.

That amount is more than Z1 billion gracefully if Fio's predictions are correct.

It won't reach two billion, but I also heard that there is a super expensive currency in the world called white gold coins.

- Dealing in drugs? No, it's the church that's making it.

Never seen a drug manufacturing site directly during an infiltration before, but it was certain that the drugs were manufactured in the village of Balzas.

Rooms that manufacture drugs such as refining can also be identified in church buildings.

The carriage carriage is empty now, but I can't even wipe it off about the possibility of having drugs available.

The judgment at the moment is premature, he cautioned.

- Hey... is there any other ingredient besides that Caleso? Did you come to buy that?

Fio was trapped in bitter thoughts, stunned at the same time, wondering why he had never come to this idea before.

Because I came up with the possibility of the existence of organizations and organizations that would bolster the Church's drug manufacture.

- If so, you can just slap the church...

As we do so, the sun rises and the light of Pai Dawn begins to plug in around.

After a while, Fio's eyes showed several men and women coming out of the cave.

- Is that to the Dai Enlightenment (Peggy)...... reli?

Though I had predicted from what I heard a few hours ago, Fio opens his eyes wide, acknowledging Peggy and Lilai, who should have headed for preaching to Zahrax.

- It's natural to have Ruda and Carrack... but Kiln's the only one out there?

In Fio's memory, he heard that in addition to Peggy, Lilai, Luda, Hemmitt and Carrack, he went out to preach with six Kilns.

It was only a few days after they left that Carrack returned to the village of Balzas, and only after suspicion that he had removed his horse along the way.

- Why isn't Kiln the only one here? Is she the only one still in Zahrax? Or have you just not come out of that cave yet? No, no, this way it's obvious that it's a lie that you headed for Zahrax...

Everyone, except Peggy, is replacing the luggage Carrack brought to the carriage.

Then he put his jacket on the saddle he was putting on Carrack's carriage horse, and started wearing something like a wax on the saddle.

At the same time, I found myself starting to load the carriage carriage with dead grass.

Fio was convinced that there was no Kiln, as it was unnatural that only Kiln would not participate even though he was working with everyone except the Dai Enlightenment.

- Aren't we meeting? You're just gonna hitch four people in the carriage? And Carrack rides that horse, too?

Dead grass may also make sense to hide leather bags transferred to the carrier, but it is normal to use them instead of simple cushions for easy and light dumping.

- It's still not a meeting, is it? But if this looks like it, I'll be gone on foot. We can't keep up with the boulders!? Plus, the destination remains unknown...

Fio the boulder is also slightly upset by this.

He chased Carrack because he was on foot pulling a load of horses.

There is considerable openness to endurance between horses and people.

Even if I chased him, it was visible that he would be pulled away sooner or later.

"How long will it take to get to Karlum?

"If things go well, we'll see..."

- That it's Karlum!? I'm sure it's Jordan's... pretty far away. I walked pretty well, but I don't even know where this place is in the first place... what do we do? Do you want to speak up here?

I cruised around biting my teeth.

Turned out to be the destination, but Karlum is pretty far away.

Karlum is on the coast of the sea at any rate.

We only know to what extent the place we are now is probably somewhere in the Zahrax Mountains.

Fio himself, a few years ago, used the Jordan region as an adventure stage, so I can't say with great confidence that there are some land surveys, but there are "land surveys", etc.

The Jordan region is also the birthplace of his wife Grace, but she, who was a serf, would have no more land prospects than Fio.

- But it's clear he was moving away from people. Worst case scenario, you could be attacked......

I look around my body gently.

The weapon consists of a wave of a long sword raised on the hips and a knife sandwiched between the right crotch and the back of the hips for a total of two.

There is also a small knife in the miscellaneous sac I carried, but I don't mind counting this on the boulder as a weapon.


Heartlessly, my little voice leaked unexpectedly.

Time goes by while I do that.

"Dear Daimyo, we are ready"

"Really? Shall we leave, then? Let's make it hemit to be the first to ride a horse. Carrack will be tired of walking all the way from Balzas."


"Hemmitt, I'll take turns at the break."

"Thank you, Master Lilai. But not until about lunch..."

"No, it's not a proper saddle, and you should replace it in as short a time as possible"

"That's right, Hemmitt"

Those conversations reached Fio's ear.

- Too suspicious a move... you can't lose sight of it here with your hands around!

Even if I lost him, I didn't want to just drop him off without doing anything.

Of course, I intend to raise my hand in picking up the church and get a precise jazz.

If we lose sight of it without doing anything here, the handle will be far away.

Lilai on your stand reaches out to Peggy and assists him in climbing.

Luda climbed onto the carrier, and Carrack also hung his hand on the carrier.

Hemitt is also unwrapping the reins of the carriage horse that was tied to the tree.

I reviewed them all again.

All but Peggy, the Great Enlightened, have weapons, but the only thing they get is a sword (short sword) for all three infantry, except Lilai, who is raising a long sword (long sword).

I most likely carry a knife, but I don't have a bow or other flying gear (missile Weapon) or a long pattern (Paul Arm).

- Yeah, stay!

Picking up an affordable stone from the ground, Fio stood up softly as he shoved that hand into his trouser pocket as he held it in both hands.

"Hey! Come on!

Attention is paid to Fio, who speaks slowly as he approaches.

"Nah!? Why...!?"

He raised his voice as Carrack panicked from the top of the carrier.

Because of that, everyone paid attention to Carrack this time.

In this situation, it can be inferred that Carrack was obviously attached to Fio.

"Carrack, take responsibility."

I told Carrack in a tone that Ruda blamed.

Carrack puts his hand on his hips as he stands on the carrier, staring at Fio.

"Whoa, stop imitating the noise. Let's talk about it in peace first... Daimyo, I told you before, didn't I? If you want to talk about making money, let me bite one, okay?

Fio doesn't mind his heart as he pastes his niggly thin and laughing.

The Great Enlightenment (Peggy) may not have to be in the headcount as a combat personnel, but the remaining four are all church warriors, some of whom are relies of the Holy Knight.

"Dear Daimyo..."

He took his hand off the carriage's reins and spoke to Peggy in a tone that Lilai would confirm.

It also looks as if Fio is asking about what he talked about to Peggy at first glance.

"... Mr. Heroskol, what's wrong with your wife?

With even a smile on his face, Peggy asks Fio.

But his eyes are not laughing at all, and he looks at Fio like he shoots through.

"Well, sometimes it's better to be light-hearted to make a lot of money."

Fio replied so that Peggy and Lilai could stand obliquely against the table where they would sit.

The positional relationship from Fio is Peggy sitting on the front side of the carriage tower facing right and Lilai sitting down behind it.

On the carrier stood a carack and put his hand on the sword, and even beside it, Luda tried to stand up.

And on the other side of the carriage, Hemitt is holding the horse's reins.

- Still don't think you'll have ears to listen to, huh? I would have liked to have targeted Lilai first anyway, but Peggy's in the way. Only this patriarch needs to be caught alive...

As he gradually regained his calm, Fio tried to carack his first aim if it was to be a battle.

"Really... that would be a good excuse for not taking your wife badly..."

With a frightening look on his face, Peggy continues.

"Gentlemen. Unfortunately, he seems to have already fallen into the hands of Winkibiraw. It would be mercy to send you here to the Mother Earth (Nigivana)."

Carrack, who was standing on the carrier in the words, pulled out his sword and hung his foot on the edge of the carrier.

"I'm not saying too much about winkibiraw...... hey!?"

At the same time as answering, Fio took his hand out of his pocket and threw the stone he was holding in.


A carrack rubbled on his chest collapses on the carrier, skinning his fall, and Lilai floats down to jump off your platform.

"Let it out! There are other possibilities!

When Peggy cried out, Lilai was after he jumped out of his hips sword.

"Come on!"

When he saw it, Ruda jumped into your platform.

- Shit! I thought this way I'd leave it to the numbers!

He also throws the stone he was gripping into his left hand, but unlike Carrack, which was inevitable at close range, he was stunned by Hemit, who was across the carriage.

"I buy time! Go!"

As he echoed Lilai's cry, Luda, who jumped into your podium, munched at the horse.


Fio runs out as long as he can get Peggy out of here.

The carriage, which hasn't been long since we left, quickly catches up. My left hand hangs on Peggy's monastic clothes.


You can keep dragging him down like this.

That's what I thought. When Fio tried to put a lot of effort into his hand, a debris carack hung his hand on the edge of the carrier and waved down the sword he held in his opposite hand.

I accidentally let go of my hand, which was grabbing my monastic clothes, and avoided Carrack's attack.

but he breaks down his posture after receiving a relay hit that came around the carriage that slowly started to move.

Fearing that an attack with a blade would hit Peggy even if it were a reliever, I guess I thought of pulling Fio apart first.

"I'll join you!

Hemmitt, who let go of the horse's reins, also rushes over as he pulls out his sword.

- Come on, it still didn't work. If this was the case, we should have ambushed him before he even noticed!

Rolling and distancing himself as he exploited the momentum he had been hit by, Fio rose with a bitter laugh.

I pulled out my long sword and set it up.

- Hmm. You should have ambushed me from the beginning without any discussion, or your thoughts are getting rampant.

Playing Lilai's spike, Fio pulled a little of the long sword he held in his right hand.

"I didn't mean to throw stones without asking questions, you coward!

I heard Hemmitt poisoning me as I rushed over and said, "You must be the one who broke off the discussion so I had to! return."

Winkibirau is a name so hated and feared.

If you said "Winkibirau's men" toward the face, you can't complain about getting killed if it's rough adventurers and stuff like that.

Well, Peggy said, "Kill Winkibirau's men."


While avoiding the sword of Lilai, he also pays attention to Hemmitt, who rushes over.

- In addition to two to one, are you relieved over there...

Fio is quite calm, albeit in an overwhelmingly unfavourable situation.

Because I didn't even join Ruda or Carrack.

But the carriage Peggy rode while doing this makes a flashy noise with the gutter and goes for the streets.


The moment he was paid a sword that protruded into restraint, Fio flipped himself around and made it look like he was going after the carriage.

"Turn around!

Lilai's voice echoes the trees in the mountains.

Hemmitt cut his gaze from Fio as he circled in.

Not missing that moment, Fio threw a knife that had been inserted behind his hips.


Hemmitt screamed when he saw the knife pierced his flank.

"Li, Master Li Li! Heal!"

Without giving Hemmitt a glimpse of healing magic, Lilai packed the distance from Fio at once.


Lilai's long sword, paid to the horizontal giraffe at the perfect time, begins to draw a silver arc.

but the movement of the arc depicted along with the clear metal sound was stopped halfway through.

"You hid the sword now, didn't you?

When asked, Lilai returns, "I didn't know you were going to get cut off from this, did you see your strength wrong?"

"Can we just leave him alone?


"Li, Master Li Li... Wah, I...!

Telling him to mock, Fio stopped completely and confronted Lilai.

It is impossible to follow a carriage with a lily attack on a boulder.



It was also between the clutches that stared at each other.

"Hey do it!


The swords cross as they make each other's temper voices.

Seeing the sword slammed, Fio lowers his posture and releases a surface kick, while Lilai releases a spinning kick with a slight jump.

And then they let off their swordspears again.

"Gu, Master Lilai, don't mind me, please succeed in defeating the evil gods' men!

Try to squeeze. The screams that Hemitt would raise had not reached anyone's ears at the earliest.

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