May 18, 7450.



Each other has been rewarded with the moves they've been hiding, and the two continue with their sword triumphs.

- Knock... this man, have you been hiding your wife's hand for so long? But it's a big deal.

Fio wraps his tongue around his heart.

- But you can't spend time on this guy.

I still hear the sound of Peggy and his carriage running away.

To be honest, I wanted to preserve some inherent skill (= magic) here and use it to track the carriage after cleaning up the reli.

[Gut (Variance)] has no effect time of thirty seconds, and when the effect time expires, fatigue strikes at once.

It's bad if you can't use it continuously to increase the effect time and catch up with the carriage in the meantime and tie it up.

It would be natural to think that we wanted to keep it a little warmer than expected for a considerable amount of time in captivity because of the number of people.

But it was a bitter decision because Lilai's sword moves far exceeded expectations.

- That's it for fun!

I purposefully wave my sword a little loudly, letting Lilai fly down and at the same time retreat a little myself to take the distance.

"Phew Phew Phew!

And activated [Gut (Variance)], an inherent skill to cat at once.

Your arms, feet, and torso are thick (pumped up) with your temper.

At first glance, it also appears that the Tiger Nation (Tigerman) has used its unique skills [rigidity (Strength)].


Seeing that, Lilai also seems to have used a special skill [Instant (Instantenios)].

- Chip, speaking of which, you were a lion (lios)......

Fio kicked the earth, staring at Lilai with his shooting eyes.

"Ugh, uh-huh!

Exhaling loudly, Hemmitt drops his eyes on the knife that remains stabbed on his left flank.

- Oh, Daimyo... a miracle... a miracle for your hand!

This level of wound will definitely heal you.

Somehow he healed the major injuries he sustained in the accident with the miracle of his hand.

I was carelessly slapped on both legs during the carriage repair and messed up.

Village healers also used simple healing magic to block wounds and reduce bleeding, and were nowhere near treating complex fractures.

Although I managed to connect my life, my crushed legs remained imperfect and I could not walk.

Being an upright knight in the Knights of Yorises at the corner blocked my outlook for my future life even though I turned up in the village with exasperation, and for a moment I thought seriously about even committing suicide.

Because he quickly made it fully healed, because Hemmitt believed Peggy was reborn as God and began to serve the Church...

I feel more and more flowing out to my vitality with the blood, but I'm sure this isn't because of my mind or anything, it's because I'm really mortally injured.

Perhaps my intestines are damaged and I'm bleeding badly.

It is a wound that will surely lead to death if left alone.

At that moment, a heavenly thought flashed in Hemmitt's consciousness.

- There was Bucks!

It was originally painkillers.

Dear Daemon (Peggy) and Archbishop (Wally), he said that the accompanying effect of the grace of Mother Earth God also helps stop the pain with immediate effect, even large wounds, and the orcs even call it "warrior's medicine”.

Sure, Nax and Bucks can't fly their consciousness to Gangan Kai right after they smoke it.

You can't separate your soul from an earthbound clay until it's been more than a few dozen seconds since you smoked it.

Hemmitt desperately worked his hips in (a rush) and when he took out the sachet with the bucks in it, he spilled the brown powder in his palm and shoved it into his mouth.

- Oops!!

My consciousness is about to fly to the bitterness of being paralyzed.

But the drug substance absorbed more than the oral mucous membrane quickly reached the brain without having to force it down with cheeks full of mouth.

The side pain, which was felt as if even the chopsticks had been penetrated, began to fade quickly with the feeling that it would be washed through the skull without wow.


"Come on!"

The voice of mood that Fio and Lilai exhaled reached his ear and turned to you.

The speed at which the two of them wave their swords is not comparable to what Hemmitt was looking at in the fold of past archeology.

"Pee... gu... hee, what an arm you both are..."

He spits out the bucks that were left in his mouth, and Hemmitt groans as he is forced to drink down what he couldn't spit out, but that voice has not reached anyone's ear.



However, both sides remain intact, and strength still appears antagonistic at a high level.

By not even showing a very small gap with each other, Lilai doesn't seem to be able to afford to even use [instantaneous (instant tenios)].

"Grr, shit... if I had a helper knife..."

Even though such a guy can be defeated in no time.

With that said face, Hemmitt grabs the nearby shrub trunk and tries to stand up with his sword in his hand instead of a cane.

Did Bucks do more than I expected, Hemmitt feeling slightly brighter when he didn't feel as much pain as he thought.

I also felt like I was sharpened to the point of no heart or sensation.

At that time.


There was a distinctly different scream than the voice of the mood that was being raised when waving the sword.

Hemmitt sends his gaze to those who speak up about something.

- [Rigidity (Strength)]?

Seeing the slightest gap in Lilai as an opportunity, Fio seemed to have used Tigerman's special skills.


Loser and Lilai also roared.

- Huh, did Master Lilai use [Instant (Instantenios)]? That's settled!

But at the next moment, Hemmitt opens his eyes too wide of surprise.

- What do you mean?

Fio showed us a tread of speed that we couldn't compare to before.

[Rigidity (Strength)] I can see that Lilai also glanced at the unlikely movement.


Lilai, however, had just thrashed Fio at his place and even fought back.

- Whoa! The boulder is Master Lilai! I didn't take a pull at all!

The two have met with swords for a few moments, and they have clasped with each other.

It wasn't long before Mitt reached an area where he didn't know what was anymore.


Suddenly Lilai's movement is dull.

Finally, a poke released by Fio hit Lilai's left shoulder.


The voice of pain rises.

- Damn it! [Instant (Instantenios)] doesn't last much......

Lilai, however, had attacked Fio with a terrible amount of sword moves.

But still… clearly on the verge of being cornered.

"Phew, phew..."

Hemmitt began to move softly, sheltering his aching flank.

Fio won't be aware he's repositioned.

And you must be seeing it from Lilai.

- It's just for a second. Just a little distraction.

Then Lilai might take a blow at it as an opportunity.

However, it is already obvious that it was unlikely that he would have won even if he relieved himself using [instantaneous (instant tenios)].

Sooner or later, Lilai will be shot.

When that happens, you will never get away with a seriously injured body, even though you are not feeling how much pain you are getting.

All that, or if it's Fio, who boasts all that physical ability, he might even catch up with the Carriage of the Great Enlightened, who bought corner time and missed it.

The rebirth of the beloved Mother Earth God (Nigiwana), the sword of Winkibirau can be protruded by the Great Enlightened (Peggy)?

I imagine a nightmarish sight if I try to make it Hemit.

- At least a knife!

That, too, requires a heavy blow from Lilai, not himself.

That way, we won't be able to move until the wounds are healed, so to speak of Winkibirau's men.

If you don't help anyway, not if you spare your life.

I thought so. Hemmitt made up his mind.

- Phew... it's not a bad idea to scatter with the foundations of the church here.


Looks like Fio's attack hit again.

There's no end to Lilai's left hand!

"Whoa, whoa!

Fio is roaring again in the gap that he has made.

"Ohhhhhhh!! This, you winkibiraw!

When Hemmitt was shaken with his infantry sword (short sword) still in his right hand, he squeezed his strength and stepped out, raising his full voice.

Something far less painful than I had expected certainly made me feel that there was the blessing of Mother Earth (Nigivana).

Almost at the same time, Fio, played down the chase, turned around as he quickly retreated under the guise of the wind taking distance from Lilai.

There is no surprise expression on that face that Hemmitt saw, as he had hoped, and a cold, bottom-cold eye illuminates a cold glow.

"Thanks to Nigiwana... Think!"

I swung down my sword knowingly that I wouldn't hit it, pretending that I deliberately let my sword slip through.

Fio steps in one more step with his sword only slightly changed his posture.

At the same time, the roar of Lilai reached my ear: "Ohhhh!!".

- Come on, poke me!

Hemmitt stretched his left hand into a knife with a stab in his flank.

Pull the long sword Fio held in his hand.


I pulled the knife out of my wound.


Seeing him pull the knife out of his flank, Fio didn't move.

To hold him to stop the movement, but the aim is….

Hemmitt reached for his knife, which was inserted in his right hip.


Shake the knife pulled out of the wound.

but fio slashed hemit's left arm before the knife reached his body......

Hemmitt's belly with a knife to return...

Hemitt was watching the move!

I can even predict the trajectory of the sword that Fio wields because his senses have sharpened.

Twist your body to avoid it somehow.

But I guess it's sad, Hemmitt's brain doesn't come with his body better.

Fio's long sword dived from his right flank and fell off to his left flank.

I could see a thousand pieces of halawatta and guts cutting off.

Besides, even though I was able to anticipate the trajectory that the sword would draw, it didn't seem to avoid Fio's sword tip altogether, and I can see that his spine was broken.

You felt the response, and I could understand that Fio had brought consciousness back to relaxation.



I shook my right hand with my knife in my hand for the first time.

Hemmitt gets slightly satisfied when he sees a mix of surprises in Fio's expression with his gaze back.


Grace called out to me when I was looking through church material.

I'm worried that Fio won't be back for more than a whole day.

I was worried about that, too.

But I can't even make predictions about his whereabouts, which left nearly forty hours ago.

With our presence, we have ordered the Nels, who no longer need surveillance of the village of Balzas, to look only for footprints, but we have not got a clue as to one.

"I'm worried, there's nothing I can do now but wait."

Sure, leaving it like this - although ultimately that's all it is - but I don't know if there's anything I can do about it.

Grace also seemed to understand about it, and nothing more was said.

Apparently, he's just here to see if there's been any progress in the search.

"I'm going to go back to Zahrax once I'm done with today's investigation, but you want to come with me?

It is also possible that Fio followed was one of the pigeons who escaped Zahrax at that time.

It seems to be one of the five people who left the village with the patriarch a few days ago for preaching, so it is natural to doubt the possibility, but since we are not grasping the exact foothold, we do not know at the moment whether he was accompanying the patriarch to Zahrax.

Especially about that. It would be clear if a man named Carrack had used the same inn as his patriarch.

My journey to Zahrax by the end of the day also means investigating it.

After all, you want to get a clue at all.

Grace agreed to accompany me back to Zahrax.

Acknowledging Hemmitt waving the knife as he slipped off his torso, Fio glances.

- So many serious injuries that we can still attack!?

Now, I did feel the response of turning down my spine.

Normally, you can't act like you're busy at the time you slashed your left arm before that.

There is no such thing as an organism that is capable of some action even if its spine is severed.

Unless it's also an undead monster.

With so much anomaly, Fio got confused just for a moment.

I guess that slowed the sword down slightly.


It was almost at the same time that the sword was engulfed in Hemmitt's head and the swung knife tore his left thigh apart.

- Shit!

But the wound is shallow.

Sure enough, the scratches Hemmitt put on just cut a piece of thigh skin, so much for fatal injuries.

It is to such an extent that it may not even be called a wound.

- To this extent!

Quickly turn around and lay your sword on Lilai as he approaches you with a dash.

"Whoa whoa!!"

Lilai bursts in, barking with her sword standing at her waist.

Fio tried to take a step aside to slit that throat.


But my ankle gets grabbed by some hand.

- Stupid!?

Grabbing my ankle with a strong force can't be anything other than Hemmitt, who really just killed me with his sword in it until halfway through his skull!

- Why can you move!? He's not dead!?

Though confused, Fio can't stand Hemmitt anymore.


Dealing with Lilai looming in front of you as you stick out your sword first.

Forced to take a leg with Hemmitt hanging.

but even though I am using [guts (Variance)], the movement really slows down more than the sudden unexpected weight.

And I was in a bad shape in the first place.

Lilai's sword cut off the tendon running behind Fio's left knee.


At the same time, Fio's sword was slammed into Lilai's head, and Lilai was desperate.

And he also slammed his sword into it many times against Hemmitt, who still grabbed his leg, killing it completely.

-Come on.

The wound itself isn't that big, but I don't even realise I'm going to stand up any more than I've been cut off my left foot tendon.

I don't know when healing (cure) magic will work.

- Mindless!

Fio's ears biting his teeth didn't even get the sound the carriage could make already.

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