Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 218: If you hurry, turn around.

May 27, 7450.

"... and well, that's what it feels like"

Back at the mansion, I told Mizuchi about what the church was doing and how it was disposed of.


Something stuck in my eyes.

"What the fuck?

Are you complaining?

'... ugh. You're a hard worker or a lazy person. "


My brow jumped unexpectedly.

You think I'm lazy?

Well, I know I'll always be diligent, but if it's going to happen, I want to be lazy.

But isn't that what all normal people are for, young or old?

'I'm aware, too, but I wonder if it's because I'm still young. I know... it didn't feel like you could afford it so far when you were an emperor. Well, the territory will quadruple at once, and with that, there will be more worries, so maybe I can't... but maybe it's because I was able to pull a step back and see calmly.'


'... crushed the church with stigma. This will be good. The fastest way to prevent the spread of drugs is to take away the productive power of the organization, even in an attempt to get away with the chief. Even if you're legally innocent at that point... you're not guilty, are you?


I replied with an emotionless voice.

Until, indeed, a few days ago, precisely when I had Viscount Yorise proclaim the Church and the laws relating to drugs, the Church had no sins whatsoever.

Even if you make a lot of money producing drug addicts, that wasn't a crime until that moment.

In the first place, having other lords of the realm declare laws prohibiting the manufacture and trade of drugs is not something that would have been much praised, even if it had been in the name of His Majesty the King.

Because interfering in internal affairs is also a good place.

The discharge of the patriarch and the fact that I heard about it changed my blood phase and the fact that the church was the intermediate tissue of Dabus completely devoured the bubble and put it into a dull spot of judgment, so I don't know what to say myself, but it's also a lot of cross paper tearing.

Especially since Samish lords are Viscount Yorises, not me, and even though the Romberto kingdom is approaching more or less absolute kingdoms, it is only natural that we need much more time and procedure if we are to have such a law promulgated in a territory ruled by another nobleman, and it is usually only natural to have a marginal grace period.

That's why the church guys figured that out, too, and they only talked to the Knights executives until just before they tried to get caught off guard, and even made them rush to announce it.

"Mmm, I'm not blaming you for wearing wet clothes and acquitting me, so don't look like that now..."

Oh? Did you look weird?

I accidentally do my hand on my cheek.

I can't believe my emotions are leaking... well, it's just Mizuchi and me, so I can relax.

In a way, it's the only place in the world where you can get distracted.

'... I've heard about that beforehand, and there's no way I can leave drugs alone in the first place, and I don't care what happens, I'm not going to miss making or selling drugs, so I think it's a good idea to handle that a little bit and turn down later problems. From what I've heard, it's going to be hard to get him to declare it before that. Yeah.'

Then what?

"The problem here is that I left your job to my men."


'I knew it. I don't know what I'm lazy about. No, I'm not trying to tell you I'm lazy.'

'You are a great nobleman and lord, and I think if you can be lazy in the general sense, you should be lazy as much as you want. But this time, you should have stayed in Zahrax and stuck him in person about Viscount Yorise's captivity and proclamation. "


Ugh... this one, this one...

'I know you had the prospect of gaining experience around Claw and Danik anyway, but we're in too much of a hurry. Or are you feeling sorry for Claw, who married his older wife over twenty? But you can take extra care of it if you try to claw it like that. Of course, I have no objection to working him out and trying to grow a little faster, but as far as I can tell, he keeps growing fast enough. Think calmly. Originally Claw was younger than Lal and Guineh, wasn't he?

Kuh, shit. How long have you been looking?

"Okay? It's a good thing to train Claw and train Dainik because you want to get easier soon in the future. But one day, all of a sudden, people don't grow as fast as they do when they wake up. There's no such convenient story in (...) vs. (...). Even if it did, it's just a fantasy (cartoon) story. So even if you give it a challenge, you have to make it commensurate with the person and work hard to figure out if it's within critical reach... you're the one who taught me that. Have you forgotten?

Did I say that? But it's a word I'd say, and most importantly, this idea was definitely tapped into the bone marrow in the Great Jubilee.

That school is a lot of shit, but it's definitely an institution that makes people grow up a lot.

If any man is satisfied with his body, he must reach the line of study, strength, and physical fitness that "normal people can do this far", and since then he has adopted an educational method that stretches to the limits of the individual.

Especially since that is limited in the direction of Japan's defense, but that is not normal because of the character of the school.

Countless injustices and irrationalities occur in the process.


Because the limit values vary from individual to individual.

If it's enough to meet certain criteria, or if it's strange to treat yourself differently than others even if you do the same thing, you should go to a general university from the beginning.

If you're not going to increase your capacity a little bit more than you're going to be in a position to keep people's lives, I think one day your dissatisfaction will explode even if you go to school.

It's important to realize it yourself, as long as you can be aware of it, you can endure any injustice or irrationality, but before you realize it, you've reached the limit of patience... so to speak, the "short minded guy” keeps quitting.

Especially since the number of school leavers within a month of enrollment will still be a hell of a number just new to my wife's memory.

Speaking of which, a "bullying incident" inside the National Guard was shaken up by the press a short while before I died.

"Bullying" occurs because people who are born and raised differently are confined in one place to live collectively and are constantly exposed to strong stresses, such as upward and downward relationships that are almost absolute.

There was also "bullying" when I was in school.

This would also be precisely one end of the unsaveable human truth, which cannot be helped in a certain sense.

But of course "bullying" is a bad thing.

Absolutely bad how you defended yourself, especially on the bully side.

Even if there was quite a problem on the bullied side.

I think the students who complained about the case out of the ordinary just did what they deserved.

When I was a kid, someone in the same room who was the target of a bully complained to the sync and the guy's top to number, and he asked me and the other sync cooperators to gather almost perfect evidence, and appealed to the "I know the story" senior class.

Upper classmates who scrutinized the evidence initially tried to cat inside the upper classmates, but after a week they decided that they saw little improvement, and appealed directly to the instructors to resolve it.

Although the main perpetrator of the bullying apologized, his subsequent attitude of life determined that the apology was a one-time one, and he was expelled without waiting for graduation.

As you can see from the examples from my time, the real problem with this case is with other students who pretended not to see it even if they didn't participate in the same grade, sync, versus number of bullies in the same room...

I'm out of line again. I don't care about that now.

There is no sound in Mizuchi's words.

"In this case, Patriarch... are you the Daemon? I don't care there because I don't think I have a choice but to get away with it. But I don't think you had to track it down yourself. Shouldn't that kind of field work be left to Claw or Danick?

"But I couldn't imagine how many hours ago I escaped then, and some Uranus made me wear magical hooves, so I figured if I chased him, I'd catch up with him as soon as I could."

Um, I can't believe I said it myself...

'That's laziness. If we get to the inn, we can ride to Uranus, so we should leave it up to Danik, who is good at equestrian.' Cause that's when you knew that Daemon's inherent skills weren't lethal, right?

I'm just already aware of it, it's hard when they say it.

But you should hear a little more of your scolding words when you can.

'Just to be clear, I don't care if Danik is Uranus or whatever, but if he's on a horse, there's no more talent than him when it comes to tracking. Of course, if we can catch up and capture him, it's natural that we should do that, but nothing. I hope we kept tracking him down and hunted him down without leaving until the horse over there crumbled, and if we do, we'll put Claw on Uranus, and I think Danik was good for his own horse. Instead, if you could have guessed the direction you escaped, it would be safer than letting one of the Danes chase you. "

That said Mizuchi smiled small.

'If you wanted to arrest the Viscount and declare your touch, you should have headed that way. Instead of saying it was good because they could have done it as a result, that it was more important to free yourself and be able to make any moves.' Cause you're forcing the impossibility of outlawing commerce that was admitted until then. If you had arrested the Viscount, you would have finally mastered the Knights of Viscount Yorises and chased them in all directions... or you could have given the order to catch them as soon as the Church found a church official in a criminal organization. "


There's no words.

I told Claw and the others to watch out for the Viscount Knights outburst, and the idea of taking in and using that Knights would have vanished at that point.

Well, the only thing that didn't get violent was the weave, but that's simply it.

'Well, even if I did, it would have been almost impossible to catch him from the time he would have escaped about this one, but that's just a theory of consequences. Anyway, the Claws' education is good, but I think if we were going to do it anyway, we'd have had five more seconds to think calmly and fill up what was at their height without any trouble. '

I can't help but be defamed that it was from laziness that I did waste a small amount of time in that situation.

They were grasping that those who fled south fled in carriages, and even if they were carriages, even if it was empty loads, and Claw, who put them on Danic and Uranus, even if five seconds was an hour, they could always catch up.

We're just talking about how many shifts there is to catch up with.

At that time, I was all too distracted by whether or not I was a pimp.

If you think about it, it might be real, but it was actually good for both.

It would be too much to say to a boulder that, since it does not change to being a church official, from the point of view of increasing the number of arrests for which information can be obtained, we will serve beside it as the Patriarch's offering, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that those who are so appointed as to be important in times of need are the key men of the church.

Even if I chased him in the first place, I missed him.

"Maybe we headed to the village of Balzas. I can predict the drug fields, the materials, the equipment left behind, and I'm pretty sure you'd be better off on your way because you have to make up wet evidence from there, but I think Claw could've done pretty much the same thing because we've already had a meeting."

"...... right"

Nature and sighing.

Even if I couldn't read the English material, I should have seen it later.

That's an excuse to comfort myself about my arrival in the village of Balzas.

What Mizuchi is saying is, if you're going to feed Claw or Danish, you can do it with regular training, etc. You don't have to do anything in action.

Not to mention that the act would amount to interference in internal affairs, even if it were in the name of His Majesty the King.

It does mean that if it's around Tris, Bell, Lorrick, or Value, it's still not the kind of job I'd leave to Claw or Danick at the moment.

In the first place, the actual battle is a place to demonstrate the abilities that have built up until then, not a place that feeds on growth.

Of course, it is not absolutely impossible, but it is desirable to obtain food for growth even from the actual battle, if possible.

The point is which is the main one and which is the obedience.

Applicable to this one, the main thing is to get as many arrests as possible and dismantle the church as an organization, and the captivity of the executives, including the Claws' growth and reincarnators, is obedience.

The captivity of the reincarnated people who were making drugs is certainly important, because the primary aim is to discourage the distribution of drugs and prevent them from being manufactured.

It is certainly ideal to solve everything in one go, for which reincarnated captivity is a must and a sine qua non.

But we don't have to put everything in circles this time.

Even if you missed the reincarnator, you can say so if you don't mind.

Even if they try to get back together somewhere, they'll have another chance.

First of all, we should have tried to get a little bigger fruit in the possible part.

In short, the top reincarnator of the church was caught on the verge of losing sight of his main purpose too temporarily, trying to foolishly devour it.

Well, in the end, the most important goal of dismantling church organizations could be achieved, but this is natural.

More than that, if I had stayed in Zahrax and had mastered the Viscounts of Yorise and been able to move quickly, I might have been caught running away in other directions too.

Even if I missed it, I think it was possible to exert pressure and sharpen my mental margins.

Mizuchi said, 'Well, you seem to be aware of that, so you seem to have gotten smart about one thing, and it's not in vain at all. Above all, I'm relieved that I didn't get hurt,' he tightened.

As far as I'm concerned, I just have to drop my shoulders and keep quiet.

A week late for the Peggies, Kiln and Jackson arrived in Karlum.

Peggy and the others were just folding up the store now and organizing their luggage, so it's really a critical time to be safe.

It must have been a tribute to being purchased an old donkey horse and a small carriage in a cold village on the road.

If it was Wally, Kiln and Jackson, who had traveled a long time, wanted to get enough rest.

But the fact that Lilai and Hemmitt did not show up over this period had disappointed him and left him with no room.

For this reason, it was decided to leave Karlum while the sun was still high.

One destination is the northern power, the Empire of Granan.

The Kingdom of Davis didn't even think about it, but if we were to go the shortest distance, we would have to go through West Dart, Count of the League territory, and even if we were to go far and bypass West Dart, we would have used a street stretching out of a large city called Tenjin's Dran, so we just postponed the conclusion.

I picked up the gigs on the road and hurried to the northern heavens.

If Count Riegle is serious about targeting their captivity, he wants to go a little faster and farther, and even if he is not serious and feels to the point of getting rid of it far away, he should hurry as much as possible, given the possibility of arrangements being turned to a post between this region of Jordan and Heaven.

Because it's more convenient to run around inside the vast heavens.


Miloo was throwing up his head in the training grounds of the First Knights on the riverbed, where he was still refining to the limit of his strength today.

"That's dirty. Clean it up."

Sir Sagan Kendus, a former superior officer of Miloo with a wooden sword on his shoulder, spoke up.

- Oh, you're not just overdoing it! Shit! If this is making my boobs come out bad, I'll be in the dark!

But Miloo's milk hasn't gotten worse so far.

My son Marsilio gave me his belly full milk every day.


From behind Miloo as he was returning to the river plain, Sagan shook down the wooden sword.

I perceive it instantly and roll it sideways.

"Okay, you don't seem alarmed."

Sagan laughs with a tsunami.

If Sagan wanted to hit him now, he would have guessed.

"There's no way I'm losing my mind if the captain stays by my side."

Miloo stares up at Sagan as he wipes the edge of his dirty mouth with the back of his hand.

Staring at his sweaty face under his helmet for a while, Sagan said, "Hmm. You should squeeze him a little more," he said, hanging the wooden sword on his shoulder again.

As for Miloo, he continued to be squeezed in the name of retraining for more than two months, and had intended to regain his previous account for some time, but I guess it still doesn't look good enough for Sagan.

- How long will it last, this...

Miloo, with a pitiful face, manages to stand up with the nausea that has crept up again.

Sagan, who had already gone a little further away, crouched and picked up a small barrel that was rolling, in his eyes.

Released loosely, Miloo received it with a small shield (buckler) that was anchored to his left hand and jumped up gently to take it where it had fallen.

I guess I tell you to wash your face with water magic.

- It's easier if you just serve the elements.

Shoulder to shoulder, Miloo clasped his right hand over the barrel.

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