May 28, 7450.

Darlings Palace, the centre of the Kingdom of Dabus.

"Let's hear what you said last night, shall we? The original is here, so read it."

The Duke of Agenor Belgrid, King of the Kingdom of Davis, asked the other two by slipping one report onto the table.

"We'll see."

The Duke of Stoles, second in sequence, runs the receiving eye.

A few minutes later, the report came into the hands of Duke Dantes from the Duke of Stoles.

While the Duke of Dantes is reading, the King and the Duke of Stoles remain silent.

Reports opened to them came from "red" undercover intelligence, an intelligence group owned by the King.

There he said, "The daughter of the king of the Kingdom of Lomberto, who has a reputation for great beauty ahead of next spring, is to be married to the Earl named Gried, a former adventurer and dragon-killer, lord of the South".

It was also noted that "as a testament to this, the Kingdom of Lomberto conferred on the Grid the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Army, transferring military powers in the southern part of the Kingdom of Lomberto".

Other accompanying information included the fact that the Grid is a byline to the Duke of Sandark, an active script of the Territorial Ministry, and that the blood muscles are not bad, that the blue dragon that appeared on the Dart Plains the other day was only exorcised with a few gestures, and that the possession of the Central Dart region was to be recognized as a reward.

It should be noted that during the last year information was received from the consulate of the Kingdom of Davis in Lombertia about what was described to the Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Army, and it has also been discussed at a meeting held about a month ago.

And as the most important piece of information, "Regardless of its current status, the Grid sees Fusi dissatisfied with the treatment from the Kingdom of Lomberto," and as evidence of this, "it leaks dissatisfaction about the reward of dragon exorcism becoming an enclave," "the Kingdom has not increased its army even to the central dart region of that reward or the western dart region it currently possesses, and the Grid also seems dissatisfied about it".

In addition, "this information was heard when the Greed stopped by the village of Garhe (the village where the intelligence agents are lurking), who had zeroed in to the lords and wives of the village", and "the lords and wives of the village of Garhe and the Greed seem to have a deep relationship from the adventurers' time, between which they can easily talk about anything because of their high trust".

There are a number of other matters listed, and to sum up: "There is only a wife of other races about this marriage, a marriage sought by both the Greed, who wishes to draw his own blood, and the King, who wants to mix the king's blood in his land, which would aim for stronger ties by becoming kinship to each other. Finally, Gried seems to be obsessed with his daughter".

"… I know that this information is better than His Majesty's, but how credible is it?

After the Duke of Dantes had finished reading and admitted that he had returned the report to the King, the Duke of Stoles said.

Regardless of what seems to be properly confirmed, such as obtaining a new territory, let's just say that it is a natural question because it is touched on in the mind that the nobleman named Gried does not want to confirm the dissatisfaction or anything else.

"Hmm. I wondered if there was any more about that. However, she said that it was her sister who separated the blood of the red head who approved (approved) this report. He said he was an awesome undercover intelligence agent who kept blending into the village of Lomberto before he grew up and kept sending accurate information. The decision was made because they sent us detailed information about the villages and surroundings that they attacked as well during last year's attack on the development villages of Lomberto. Also, instructions have already been sent for backing up, so we can guess the probability of this information in a month or two."

The King's response was quite convincing.

Also, from the words, I can see the high trust in the organization that I hold, the "red".

"I see, at that time..."

In last year's Comin Village offensive, he launched an attack on a village dozens of miles away in order to mislead Lomberto into this purpose.

That is the village to Ghar, and that operation made the decision to carry it out because it obtained detailed information about the village to Ghar in the first place.

The infiltrators have reported in detail not only on the cultivation and harvest of the village, but also on the strength of the troops stationed in the village, their sophistication and the terrain information surrounding it.

As a result, it was found that the village was not very tasty to occupy at the time, and it was determined that it would be ideal for distracting Lomberto because of the information on terrain and force.

Because it is an attack aimed at attracting the opponent's defensive power, in some cases it takes into account the possibility of concentrating a large defensive force and its withdrawal from the situation.

As a result of the invasion in the attack, it has also been confirmed that the information received by the two parties is very accurate.

Associate Baron Shrikhan, who was the commander on the Gal side, would have been able to do more damage to cultivated land, etc. if he had not given a strange colour and had been steadfast in his command.

"It sounds like interesting information..."

The Duke of Stoles put his arms together and shut up.

The king reaches for tea as he sends his gaze to it.

"If you say the ideal… I think I should march for the timing of my entrance…"

The Duke of Dantes opened his mouth.

To the words the King and the Duke of Stoles roared at the same time.

Because neither of us thought about it.

If it were to be the wedding of the Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Army at the Count who would rule the territory, but also the daughter of the King, the class of commanders of the army stationed in the vicinity would also attend.

Of course, there would be no way to move all the most important men from the important front line, but nevertheless there is a good chance that those in the rear supply row, the commanders of the reserves, etc. will participate.

In other words, the northern half of the Dart Plains will temporarily have a thin defense when it comes to taking place next spring.

It was a sweet temptation.

"Sure, the further off the front line, the thinner it will be..."

"Mm-hmm. This doesn't mean it's harmless either. Now we are also replenishing lost troops..."

The King and the Duke of Stoles all showed a difficult color.

"There seems to be some mistake..."

Seeing the King and the Duke of Stoles, the Duke of Dantes says with a thin grin.

"What I said was not an invasion of the development village on the Lomberto side in the Dart Plains."

It's not such a shallow reason, but I glance at it as if I refuse.

"The march doesn't take place on the Dart Plains, it takes place behind it. A maximum of 200 people is sufficient. In some cases, it may be less."

The two give an inexplicable look to the Duke of Dantes' words.

It is not a development village in the Dart Plains, nor deep in the plains.

Further behind this, we felt a different purpose for the small number of people around 200.

"Let's sort it out a little bit. Gried and they seem to have made the lower bitch adventurer their business, but they seem pretty good. Especially since he seems to be part of the blood of the Duke of Sandark, who runs the Territorial Ministry."

It is a daybus kingdom-like narrative that weighs on blood muscles and households in any matter.

Nevertheless, this is not the norm in the Aus in general, not just in the Kingdom of Dabus.

That kind of thinking is a little looser. The Kingdom of Romberto is more unusual.

Even for its Romberto kingdom, it is only a little loose, and is often taken into account for blood muscles and households in most cases, with the exception of military and political.

"There have been reports of the exorcism of the dragon in the famous Labyrinth of Balduk, but at the same time it has been reported that this was a work done to foil his people. This is a craftsmanship about the dragon because it gave territory to the reward of scale-by-case devotion of the exorcised Wyvern in the labyrinth…"

Something evil. The Duke of Dantes carries on the words with a bad look on the face of someone who looks like he will.

"... if it's true, your handles will take precedence, and most importantly, Wyvern's head, which is believed to have been on display for a day, seems to have been able to see the status by touching the part where the ice melted, but I hope the dragon has been on display for a month, but he hasn't been able to check the status while it's still ice pickled."

The two nodded at the words as they stood in the report from the consulate in Lombertia.

"But it seems true that you exorcised the dragons that appeared on the Dart Plains, so that seems to have a lot of power in battle. I wonder if it would be a mistake to entrust his men to the Commander-in-Chief of the Confederate Army... and not to deposit military power in the Dart Plains with the incompetent on the boulder."

The two of them are listening quietly.

"And because his people are good, the following assumptions are made: As you can see in that report, the treatment of his people in the Kingdom of Romberto does not seem to be so good. I'm sure it's not a bad thing."

The Duke of Dantes put his mouth on the tea and dampened his throat.

"It's not uncommon to fly... but it also gave the best land in the northern line of the Dart Plains the land that exorcised the dragon to observe, but the fact that it doesn't increase busily about the garrisoned forces... Thank you, but let's be sure that his people are dissatisfied… Perhaps those who will be greedy are currently flying around their own territories and other territories to calculate their armies and people"

Besides, the two of them are nodding.

"Especially in the sense of diverting those grievances. Even though the Kingdom of Romberto decided to descend its officially recognized daughter, even though she was a common son. This is just my imagination, but the princess that his people were obsessed with is a common son, so if it were okay to have him descended, he would have been left alone. Daimyo, I guess you were anticipating these timings. Well, you couldn't read the emergence of the dragon, but it must have kept it warm as food for disgruntled outfits."

These arguments seemed somewhat convincing to both of us.

And the Duke of Dantes finally mentions the marching destination.

"... hehe. It's the princess who comes to keep you. Though officially recognized as the king's daughter, the interpretation is commoner. Many of the soldiers on guard will be about fifty, and even including the side service that accompanies them may not exceed a hundred first. You should kidnap that daughter if possible. If the greedy is obsessed with his daughter, Lomberto's seclusion to the royal family will result from thinking he was killed or robbed of it. Until he enters the territory of his people, the responsibility for the princess's safety rests with the Kingdom of Lomberto, no, naturally, on the royal side, so his people will also rebuff about the security system on the side of the Kingdom of Lomberto."

Here we are, the two of us who initially understood what the Duke of Dantes meant, but the expression became more rude.

"Well, before then, you'll be exposed early that the bad guys are our country, so anger could turn to this one. But it is now because it is the opponent who was originally fighting for territory. The problem is not there. It is to trench his people and the Kingdom of Lomberto. Of course, as a Romberto kingdom, you will apologize to his people and prepare a new princess. But the resentment that he was killed before he put in the princess that he was obsessed with continues to smoke without disappearing. Even if the groove doesn't appear on the surface, what's worn behind your heart doesn't disappear so easily."

The Duke of Dantes keeps talking as much as he can.

"… and if you succeed in kidnapping it, you will likely be able to use it as a negotiating card for those who will be greedy later."

The Duke of Dantes' high theory seems to have reached a paragraph with this.

The king and the Duke of Stoles all floated to the brink, thinking, "It is easy to say, and difficult to do."

The bones of the operation are good in themselves.

I can't say that the purpose is excellent, but I can also understand that it's not that bad.

It would be enough to have 200 marches.

It is not a large number of troops, and it seems possible to enter from the mountain backs where there is no place, for example by riding in the shade of night for travel within the Kingdom of Lomberto.

There seems to be plenty of time to investigate because of the timing of the placement and because it is a festival called a wedding, there will be no great difficulty in the investigation.

Of course, there is no problem with the fact that the Kingdom of Dabus was pulling the thread of those who attacked it at a later point of exposure. You just have to keep wiping your mouth if you don't even leave anything to prove it, and either way, the two countries can't get any worse because they're originally bad friends.

And the subject of killing or kidnapping is almost nil chance of developing into a great war because although it is publicly recognized, it is common-law and cannot be called a formal royalty.

The question is: where does it strike?

And until then, how do we keep 200 people hidden?

I don't have to go too far behind the mountain, the entrance will go through a pretty big street, and if I move 200 people to a place with such a crowd, I will definitely find them.

Does the Duke of Dantes have any bellies about that?

Duke Dantes grinned invincibly at the sight of both of them.

"Don't worry. There are two ways. One is a fairly expensive method, but it seems certain."

The two embarked on the Duke of Dantes' words that he had a proposal.

"Hehe. Forgot? That there are people in the world who will undertake such things..."

We both pinned on that word.

It is the Kingdom of Lyle.

Sure, if you ask the Kingdom of Lyle to assassinate you, it will cost you, but there will be more certainty.


"Though a common son, he is the one receiving the blood of the king. The cost is a hell of a lot of money. Doesn't mean you'll never be able to pay for it, but now it's something to go into... it'll be hard."

said the king with a bitter laugh.

It would not be enough to target a regular royalty because of the different difficulties, but it was made public, albeit common, and it is an assassination of a person who, even if rotten, drew the blood of the king directly.

Billions, and billions in the second half, no wonder.

No, the amount would be charged to that extent if you consider that the target is drawing noble blood.

And all requests to the Kingdom of Lyle are in principle prepaid.

I can't step down.

"Besides, assassinating him in Lombertia doesn't make any sense. If you pretend to be sick or accidental, you simply say that the princess of the bastard is dead, and you are no longer in a ditch between Count Gried and the Royal Lomberto family. Even if you kill him so you know it's an assassination, you can just make up a fake killer anyway. Either way, I don't think we're going to get results commensurate with the cost of hanging it."

The Duke of Stoles also says with a bitter face.

The Duke of Dantes heard as he nodded back against those words one by one.

"Exactly. So if you're after it, it's an absolute condition that you're in the middle of it."

In the words of the Duke of Dantes, the two said, "Then the Kingdom of Lyle will also have to prepare a considerable number of people. The amount is bound to be higher," he returns.

"You two are right. So here's another idea. As far as I'm concerned, I think it's our destiny."

The two spoke to the Duke of Dantes, who said with a confident face.

"This is a way to carefully examine the course of storage in advance and use caves in mountains that are hard to see to create a basis. People won't be very noticeable if they send them to pieces over a few months divided into about ten people… it will cost a lot if you ask Lyle's people, but they will present a definite proposal, including selecting a raid point and securing an exit route"

They opened their eyes to see if the Kingdom of Lyle had a hand in asking them to prepare lower rather than assassinate.

The Dark Elves (Dark Elves) possess a force that is specific to assassinations, but they also possess very good talent as wildfire (Rangers).

Starting a topographical survey, selecting raid sites and setting grounds in the mountains is a treat.

Countries are asking for surveys on undisclosed lands.

Because it costs more than asking an adventurer, but it's more accurate.

Naturally, the Kingdom of Dabus also had a track record of commissioning several times in the past.

And I'm not asking you to directly assassinate me, and if you don't let me take part in the fight, the cost will be considerably reduced.

However... there is also information that the First Lady of Count Gried in the example is a dark elf.

The two of them asked if there was any chance of information leaking out of the line.

"Set aside the cost and I'm not too worried about that one. As you know, the Kingdom of Lyle will keep absolutely no secrets about the request. And in this case, the Kingdom of Lyle is expected to be cooperative in the request."

For that reason, the Duke of Dantes touched on the fact that the First Lady of Count Gried was a dark elf.

"Pregnancy is unlikely among other races, but not all of them. As far as they are concerned, they will wish to have a child with the First Lady. You will buy a little time for this, so it seems unlikely that you will neglect it if you are thorough and indifferent to your work or if you are favorable. If it's preferred, it might add some color to the cost."

As for the two of us, I couldn't say anything because I don't have the ingredients to argue with, even though I wouldn't prefer boulders.

"Let me get back to you, whoever sends you to Lomberto doesn't need to be a regular soldier either. Of course, the commander should be tasked with excellence, but this time there is a suitable person. I recommend Count Robotney, the Golden Cup of the Court Mage (Court Mage). He is also the Knights of the White Phoenix and is familiar with massive offensive witchcraft, starting with fireballs, so reduce the number of troops by that amount."

Subtle, recommend a leading court magician to the Dantes family.

but it will certainly be a good candidate.

I guess Associate Sir Lantier Gegran, who is making a name for herself as a court magician (Court Wizard), would be better suited, but unfortunately she is stuck with the First Prince on her journey to the Eastern Front.

At last, the Gegrans have not drawn the stream of the Three Dukes, so those who take them to the Three Dukes are still better off if they are going to let them set the rules anyway, and their creditworthiness is out of step.

"I was wondering if the senders should recruit the majority in Benkerish. If you are an adventurer diving into an underground labyrinth, it will be quicker to master collaboration than to conscript soldiers, and most importantly, you will say that there are many people who can use magic, which will lead to even fewer people. In addition, conscripts will be neglected and superior to regular soldiers about crossing unspoiled mountain fields out of sight and going all the way to the grounds. And this is the most important thing..."

The words that the Duke of Dantes would say come to mind between the two of us.

"... we don't have to throw it away when we withdraw, and we can prevent exposure to the fact that it is a regular military operation. Plus, if you've thrown it away, you'll have to pay about the cost."

We both expected it, but it seemed against our consciences and floated on the tannic side.

However, it was not considered a bad measure for the Kingdom of Dabus.

The cost is also not likely to exceed 50 million Z., no matter how expensive it may be, combined with the cost of the survey to be paid to the Kingdom of Lyle and the payment to hire the adventurer.

"... If you could get a quote from the Kingdom of Lyle and a back on this information, that would be good again"

After a brief reticence, the Duke of Agenor Belgrid, King of the Kingdom of Dabus, pronounced conditional but approval in a harsh tone, and the two remaining substituted their reply by nodding.

The information drawn up by Bernaded Karostaran and channelled through Damaroon (Muschele Sagual) was daring to mix in the falsehood, but in the majority, except some, it worked as she expected.

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