Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Lesson 220: Apostles of National Interest

May 29, 7450.

Interview room on the first floor of the administration in Beglitz.

I was sitting on a two-seater couch in the back, side by side with Secretary Insenga.

At present, almost all of the windows in Beglitz's administration have been replaced by glazing, providing a very well-lit environment during the day.

"What do you say? I think I'm good though."

Associate Duchess Insenga delivered her opinion.

The man who just finished the interview, Samar, is the third son of the Viscount, the lord of the city, seems to be a good fit for her glasses.

I didn't feel bad either.

"But what the hell did that question mean?

Yeah, look at me nodding. Insenga says.

That question is, "Do you know the word trumpet? That's the question.

Of course, it was asked after using the magic of Lie Breaking (Diect Rai).

In response to the question, he replied, "I don't know you," but I didn't respond to magic.

"Trumpet is the name of a group of interlocutors under His Majesty's direct command, but it is not well known to the public. By daring to ask, this one knows it exists, that's a shake. Well, a good intermediate wouldn't freak out his attitude so easily with that degree of question, but he can't hide his reaction altogether either. It is possible to distinguish between eye movements and faster tones after. Besides, not everyone will be good."

I told you this, but naturally, I don't really know how to do it without magic.

Except if things change obviously.

"I see... how was the present?

"From what I've seen the reaction, it won't matter. Maybe it's white."

"So is it okay for him to say he's passed?


Insenga has filled in the paperwork at hand as "Hire".

It should be noted that there are a total of eight interviews being conducted.

That's the first one.

For this reason, today's interview is a secondary interview in the hiring of the "Supervisor of the Line Construction Team of the Carriage Railroad".

In total, there were ten applicants, but two had been branded as unsuccessful in the primary interview conducted by Insenga.

However, since this is only an interview as a supervisor, it is said that the two people who were dropped in the primary interview will also be fully enjoyed as a mere human foot.

Apparently, the two who failed were aristocrats on both sides, but if they have no complaints, they plan to hire them there.

"So here's the next one. Here's the material."

Insenga has handed over a brief rejme of the next scheduled interviewer.

It took me almost noon to finish interviewing all eight of them.

In the end, it seemed that two of them would be in between.

"What will you do?

Insenga thought he was a crook and asked the two of them in front of him.

"Um, as far as I'm concerned, I just want to drop it... well, you can hire it"

I'm the construction supervisor, that's all right.

It's unnatural to just drop them.

It would be enough if even the construction would go unattended.

Why don't we put Samish and the others in charge of the out-of-country work heading north?

Oh, there's also a hand in turning to construction from the Wang Du side.

Sincerely, it may be better for the future to go to Wang Capital once in the summer and have some slaughter planned for laying.

It'll take years for the construction to finish, and then there 'll be maintenance and all that.

"Okay. Then we'll all tell them we're hiring."

"Oh, please"

Insenga left the room she used for the interview.

Return your gaze from that back to the lejme at hand.

Releasing it gently onto the table in front of him deposited his back on the couch.

Sighs naturally.

To be honest, I'm quite dissatisfied with the talent I've applied for this time, even if I skip the fact that the two of them were mixed.

It is impeccable that only two civilians, the first one and the other, are likely to turn their heads at all.

For this reason, half of the six nobles did not even have experience joining the Knights.

I'm sure there were great expectations that today's interview was because the majority were aristocrats, but I have only the feeling that the intrigues are not traceable and that they are the ones who do not show their heads in the Knights.

There's nothing critical about the control and surveillance of the construction staff.

Let me tell you, the result is that no one was good enough to catch my eye with all the people who felt normal.

I didn't recruit you as someone to entrust the village to, and I'm sure you deserve it... well, I can't help but notice that all I'm coming here is like someone who knows how to recruit early in the year and hastened to apply.

The director's candidate has also received a dokadoka interview request in the last few days, so I expect it in the future.

I slowly put my posture back on and took my seat.

After a little early lunch, we'll have to clear up some verdicts.

After lunch, he was now told a visitor when he reached out to a pile of paperwork to work on the ruling.

The visitors were the forerunners of the Kingdom of Lyle.

The Kingdom of Lyle used Mizuchi about two months ago, when she found out she was pregnant.

According to the first mention, it will come from an elder named Zagroch, whose position is Director General for Foreign Affairs.

He said he would arrive around noon tomorrow.

That means you should think that after tomorrow afternoon, neither Mizuchi nor I can do almost anything.

Tomorrow, I was going to interview more than 30 civilian construction workers, almost like 10 minutes a person, but can't I interview about a third of them?

I just want to know as much about who's between us on the boulder, but, well, I've expected some turbulent wave grass to come in on my husband, so nothing, okay?

Tomorrow, the guy who couldn't do the interview can do it again at a later date.

I called Insenga and told her that I would be out in the middle of the day about tomorrow's interview, so I went back to ruling affairs.

We can't do anything tomorrow afternoon, so we'll have to move on to where we can do it by the end of the day.

Karlum, capital of the Jordan region.

This afternoon, finally, the Church Pursuit Unit, formed from the Knights of the Leagues led by Fio and the Knights of the Kingdoms stationed in the territory of the Counts of the Leagues, arrived on top of the forcible forces.

Early on arrival, Fio performed a ritual of renaming at a shrine.

The shrine is where a few years ago, Grace was married to free her from slavery.

By virtue of Al's epistemological testimony, the great nobleman of the Territory, he performed the ritual of naming him (named) as the true knight of the Earl of Leagues.

Immediately thereafter, he goes with his wife Grace and the servants of the Pursuit Squad who brought him from Samish to get permission from the Viscount Penride Knights.

But when I say investigation, I have little clue.

The information I was getting was only a group of people who worship only the Mother Earth God (Nigivana) to the extent that some constituents' names can be known.

In Karlum, a big city with a population of over 40,000, it's very tricky to find people based on just that much information, but Fio and Grace still had to do it.

All the formal documents were in order, so the permit came right down.

Fio first declared he was going to the administration before the face of a distracted force to embark on a church investigation as soon as possible.

Because after raiding the church headquarters in Balzas village and questioning a large number of prisoners, it was found that the church was beginning to move to build a base in Karlum.

Because there is still no concept of a branch in Aus, it is the quickest way to set up a Karm-based chamber of commerce to open a base in Karm, and because detailed procedures are no longer required.

Of course, you can buy or rent the right house or building without such hassle, but Fio said one of the purposes of building a base was to make money from the sale of drugs.

It was not illegal in itself until this time, nor is it illegal in this land today. Apart from that, the Church has never done anything illegal before.

Therefore, he thought that he would not have broken the law as a principle of the Church's conduct or been able to hang suspicions about it.

He stepped that he would be selling commodities (this time drugs in the name of God's grace) on a constant basis and would receive consideration (the price in the name of Rejoicing), so he would likely also be setting up an appropriate chamber of commerce in the sense of preventing him from being put in a weird penetration.

Retrospectively from the registration records of the last two years or so, the names of all founders and representatives are washed out about the chambers of commerce established in the meantime, and if there are any familiar names, they are rushed to the address registered as their base.

Arrest and seduce the Daemon or Archbishop if they remain there.

If it's not left, we'll wash some clue out of what's left and go after it.

It is also possible that delivery has been given under an unrecognizable, pseudonym or something.

In that case, it may also hit all chambers of commerce in turn from newly established objects.

Therefore, it was necessary to first check the registration data of the Chamber of Commerce of the Church's hiding place, which would have been established.

However, this action was to decisively divide light and darkness.

The Church had not established a chamber of commerce in the Jordan region.

The building rented as a base was also the personal name of the constituents, and it was the day before this that the base was removed from Karlum.

It was not until three days after this date that we finally identified the building that was used as the hub of the church, spending considerable time investigating and so forth into the Chamber of Commerce, which seemed suspicious.

But Fio and the others didn't.

It was the twenty-sixth day of the month that Grace joined Fio, who was waiting in the village of Colzas to heal his wounds, and at that point Peggy and the others were eight days late.

We decided to think it was a big step forward that was shrinking in half the four days.

May 30, 7450

Reception room on the second floor of the administration in Beglitz.

Me and Mizuchi sat side by side on a two-seater couch.

Sitting in the back of the room is Elder Zagroch of the Kingdom of Lyle.

She was congratulating her with a smile as she rocked her beautiful gray hair.

I thought Mizuchi's birth control would not be a bad thing for the Kingdom of Lyle, but I didn't think it would be welcome so far.

In any case, it has been the equivalent of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Director-General for Foreign Affairs, who is in charge of outside negotiations in the State.

Mizuchi's prediction was that someone would come from an apprenticeship position around the age of twenty who should also be the undersecretary.

For this reason, after the discovery of Mizuchi's pregnancy to the Kingdom of Lyle, I had sent two mercenaries who had been hired by the Kingdom of Lyle with letters as messengers, but I did not think that they were being taken so heavily because I had heard that it would take quite some time for them to return in just over a month after sending them out, until someone was sent to negotiate thus.

It should be noted that the letter contained a request from Mizuchi to create a departure agency for the Kingdom of Lyle, such as Tukelin in Lombertia, based on predictions that Mizuchi would have been pregnant with my first child, an increase in mercenaries to protect Mizuchi, and that he would have a lot of accommodation in the future.

"Now, with the protection of your wife, I would like to ask that the terms offered by our country be equal to the mercenary contract of late..."

Four million dollars a year plus living and eating.

I don't mind that much.

The answer is, of course, yes.

"Thank you for acknowledging. I would like to leave you with eight warriors, including four."


An unexpected word unwittingly breaks my expression, exposing me to a dumb surface.


Mizuchi shouts out in surprise, but I agree.

Maybe two or three at most, I thought.

This time, Elder Zagroch was accompanied by a total of nearly thirty dark elves.

It's more than double the size of Lyle's occasional caravan.

Still, the less I thought it was ministerial protection (especially considering that all the escorts are Dark Elf warriors, I should think it involves about ten times as many soldiers), so I thought it would be prudent, but would you leave eight of them behind as well?

"Yep. Sorry for the minimum number of fours in pairs...... well, my country can't afford it either......"

What did I get wrong, Elder Zagroch bowed his head with a seemingly sorry face.

No, Mizuchi tells me that there are only about 20 warrior classes on active duty, and four of them are outrageous.

And that's only 4 million a year!?

Once again, the intention of the Kingdom of Lyle is conveyed.

"No, I'm sorry to borrow your precious battle power. Security is supposed to be covered by my Knights, but as you know, my territory is also absorbed in the spreading of troops, and I thought it would be more peaceful for my wife to be watched by her own people, so I apologize... for just forgiving me or sending you the first warriors... I truly appreciate that."

"It would be easier if you could say that. In addition, we know that all the constituents of this time are women, so your wife will feel free to spend time with you."

I'd really appreciate it if you were a woman.

Looking sideways, Mizuchi looked kind of restless.

I'm sorry to ask you to do that, is that it?

The story continued with the establishment of a departure agency for the Kingdom of Lyle.

By the way, you speak much more fluently than the average dark elf if you are also the elder in charge of the out-of-court.

A caravan... a winning class? people talked fluently too, if you say so.

"As a country, we basically want to accompany your will, but there have been no examples in the past of having placed more than one destination agency in one country. We also have the problem of stationed personnel, so we would like to hear from you through mercenaries for the moment."

"Yeah. So there's no problem. But for the time being, how long do you expect that to last?

"Right. I can't promise you that in two to three years."

Nothing to rush, well, is that it?


"Thank you for acknowledging"

Elder Zagroch smiled nicely.

But you're really amazing - you're beautiful.

The color of the skin is also slightly purple black, and not pale light purple like a corpse.

Red-purple glowing eyes also have an exotic impression.

In addition, it's quite a proposition for a dark elf, like Mizuchi, and makes me want to do an eye job of what's wrong with thin, white clothes that stick out perfectly so as to emphasize that.

I'm desperate to indulge in it and have a hard time keeping it under my nose from stretching.

I really want to suspect you're in your 30s, but I watch birthdays in both status and appraisal, and there's no question about age.

In advance, if we hadn't met face to face when we went to say hello to our marriage, we would have definitely done a sketchy glance at our breasts or something.

I can't help but wonder if one of the reasons why she's in the Foreign Secretary's position is aimed at this effect.

Well, aside from that, I'm not done talking about it yet.

There are quite a few matters to discuss, such as details.

Besides, I haven't even finished introducing the security personnel.

A few hours go by in no time while we're doing that.

For this reason, the head of the people who protect Mizuchi was naturally the first warrior-class woman, a mid-thirties veteran warrior named Marina Kalsaslos, who had also tried and coached the rookie Mizuchi.

Although we had warmed up our old relationship with each other, it was very impressive that Mr. Karsaslos treated Mizuchi with great respect, as opposed to being jealous of his great birth.

I'm still in a position to be respected that much for being an elder.

I'm relieved that my wife is an elder.

It's a corner, so when I invited her to dinner tonight, she admitted with a glossy grin.

All right, uncle, I'm gonna get you something delicious!

Let's open up some good liquor, you know, the delicious one I bought last time!

It should be noted that when returning to the mansion, Mizuchi was told, "I have important stories to tell, and let's keep our alcohol modest today".

I do have to disclose negotiating information about not having multiple departure agencies in one country, naturally, but my ambition to see where Elder Zagroch got drunk was unbroken.

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