June 5, 7450.

There was an accident yesterday at the site of railway work.

One of them was seriously injured.

On the clap he hit with another worker, he said the rail he was responsible for fell over his leg.

Just then it seemed that my slave-centric construction team was working with me, and I was able to hang a healing magic immediately because there were Knights of Surveillance members.

In its shadow, the injured man was sent to Damon village without losing his life, and was immediately put on a freight train to Beglitz to refill the rail, so he was able to receive adequate treatment within a few hours of the accident, so the injury was completely healed without sequelae.

Because of that, I'm the one who put healing magic on the injured man who got to Beglitz.

When I heard this report not only from the victim of the accident himself, but also from the site supervisor Iron Boyle who accompanied me, I took a heavy look at the situation.

In any case, this was the first time an accident had occurred during railway work (it was not an accident that two criminal slaves had died trying to escape).

I asked the director Iron Boyle, who apologizes for all the momentum, to investigate the cause and report the accident at a later date.

At any rate, I was stuck at work at that time, not if I was asking about the cause of the accident or something.

So, since I finally had free time today, I called the administration with the four people who were carrying rails on the scene at that time.

All four of the rail hauling were Tiger Nation (Tigerman), only an apprentice I hired the other day, and one was a turbulent wave of directorial candidates.

I heard it was Teng himself who caused the accident, which is also why I called him.

It should be noted that the turbulence waves are tight due to manslaughter at work in the name of the crime of injury on the day of the accident, so I got them out of temporary jail at this time.

Behind him is a knighthood member holding back his hips.

"Sit down."

Me and Secretary Insenga are gonna sit side by side. I'm gonna sit five people across from the conference desk.

Only the Knights remain standing.

"Well, that was it first. How's your leg?

I asked the guy who was hurt.

"Oh, thanks to you, I'm doing perfectly well. Lord. It really helped, thanks!

With him Iron Boyle also bowed his head.

"Uhm. Then Iron Boil. Explain the accident."

"Yes, but before you explain, apologize. My deepest apologies for this accident under my supervision. We are truly sorry…"

All I could think of was a bad turbulent wave that tried to make things easier without hearing his life, according to Iron Boyle's description.

I've thought of it as a unique way to take charge when I saw the construction site before, but enough to convince me that if you ask me, it meant safety to the surroundings.

"Hmm. I generally understood the revelations..."

Oh? You look unhappy with the turbulent waves.

It may be more obvious than being held captive, but what is it?

"Oh yeah, you got something to say? Call me if you have one."

I asked because I learned to be interested.

You're not telling me you were ordered to interrupt the construction with the king's life.

To be honest, it's a thought that's been on my mind since I heard the one who had the accident was a turbulent wave.

Especially though I believe there will be no such thing on the boulder because it is a story that has permission under the title of carrying glass safely and at high speeds.

Or do you still want to apologize to the victim yourself first?

"... Yes. Then I'll say it. It's not enough to explain what your parents are saying right now."


Encourage ahead with eyes on the iron boil.

Iron Boyle looks directly in the front with no expression.

"I did teach my parents how to handle rails first. Say," This is the right thing to do... "


"Wait a minute. Are those people telling the truth?

I blocked the turbulent wave story and asked Iron Boyle and the other three.

I didn't even use Lie Breaking (Diect Rai).

"Yes, word for word, I'm not sure if it stays that way, but what he just said is not wrong"

Iron Boyle replies and affirms his words while the other three look at each other.


When I glanced at the Secretary of Insenga sitting next to her, she looked difficult.

I think I have a similar face.

Anyway, I said this turbulent wave was taught the "right way to take charge" by itself.

Iron Boyle said, "I told you the least," so as far as I'm concerned, I thought I just said, "Carry it from here to there."


A turbulent wave said something. I do.

No, you. Come on......

Ma, no. Let's talk about it.


"But in doing so, you couldn't explain why you shoulder such inefficiencies. They didn't explain the reason for the perimeter safety, they just said," This is the right way to do it ”!


There was a temporary silence.


"So if it's explained properly from the beginning..."

"You said you didn't have that accident?

Insenga couldn't seem to keep her mouth shut either. She just blocked the turbulent wave story, or she said it to the end of it.

"Yes, you're right"

Turbulent waves are the intelligence services of the king of the great kingdom of Lomberto.

That is, I think I have quite a bit of education.

Well, at the auce level, the crown says.



Can I take care of it? We'll talk one-on-one with that turbulent wave later.

I asked the aunt next door with my eyes.

Taking my gaze, Insenga said, "Just a week ago, in an interview with that guy, I just heard," During the apprenticeship period until I learn to work, I follow the orders of the director, just like slaves. "Was that a lie? Or have you forgotten that already? I said."

Well, I know you want to say that...

"I haven't forgotten. but it's not like this..."

"Different? How do you mean different?

"Ha. If I had been taught that the way I took charge was for the safety of my surroundings, I would have kept taking charge of it,"

"... does that mean you can take on anything other than being taught on your own unless it's for safety?

"No, that's not it. For example, that way of bearing is very burdensome on the bearer, and it is tiring. Because of the forward leaning posture, my gaze really goes to the foot to face the front and... not efficient anyway. It seemed to me so."

"Enough is enough. If you don't answer my question, shut up."


I've thought about it many times since my last life, but a lot of guys don't answer my boss's questions.

I wonder why that trend seems so strong, especially the guy who failed.

If you ask a question, it's annoying, and to be honest, all I get is anger.

"Then I'll answer. At first glance, without explanation, I think it's different to be pushed into an inefficient way to accept it, and to follow the orders of a director, just like slaves."

Hearing the answer, Insenga narrows her eyes and sees the turbulence.


"... then ask"

Insenga called out to another apprentice who was also not a victim.

"What did you think about the“ right way to take charge "that the director said?

"Yes. I... I am tired, but I was told that this is the right way to take charge, so I thought it was something like that, and I thought," You're right... "

The suddenly nominated apprentice answered in his own language, albeit in many ways.

"What happened?

"Yes. I was a carpenter, so I understood it must be for immediate safety. When carrying columns, beams, and many people in line for long items, there will be accidents like that."

Because this apprentice was asked a second time, or he answered without precipitation.

Well, maybe it's natural for a carpenter to know it's for safety.

I don't know.

"What happened?

I asked the victim, the apprentice.

"Yes, if this is the right thing to do, I want to learn to work fast. I took it all on my own."

"Hmm. Why did you want to learn to work fast?

'Cause I want to hire a book from an apprentice as soon as possible and get paid for it.'

Hearing the three men's answers, Insenga turned her gaze back on the turbulent waves.

"What do you think of listening to these people?

The turbulent waves questioned by Insenga slightly glanced and silenced.

"Did you think I was a fool who didn't think about efficiency compared to that?


"Or did you think you were dumber?


"Either way, this is all clear. That's not what I was told, it's my personality to solve things on my own, if I'm not convinced."


"I'm not saying that's generally bad. It's possible that my flow is better..."

It's not to the extent that an amateur who's not even experienced can come up with it, you know.

Well, I can't say it's a total zero.

Is this a good place for this aunt?

"But in that case, ask questions. Oh, I'm talking about Iron Boil. Maybe it was a tough atmosphere to ask, but then it was. Follow the scene. In the first place, while I can't remember my work, I'll shut up and try to solve it on my own, you better fix that personality."

"... Yes"

There is an odd time after the turbulent wave reply.

Huh? No way. That's it...?

Because it hasn't...

"Well, I understand what the parties are saying"

Right? It's still going on, isn't it?

"Is there anything else you'd like to say or forget to say?

Insenga questioned the turbulent waves.


It's important.

"… No"


I'm sorry. You won't?

You know, before you explained safety, your buddies hurt for hours?

A careless, accidental mention, just insisting that I'm not bad, after all, you're a hell of a bastard, this guy.


The insenga that answers also seems frightened.

"I would like to move on to the future…"

When I said that, Insenga looked at me.

At least, if you're not even going to apologize to the victim again, you can't help it.

Um, I'll snort at you.

"Iron Boil. What will you do to prevent future accidents?

I don't know if I or Insenga's feelings were conveyed, or if he thought it was a natural apology again, but Iron Boyle, who was staring at the turbulent waves on the side, coughs small and opens his mouth.

"Nothing. I just wanted to say that in the future, I thought it might be better for New America to take some time to explain before throwing it into work."

This way of putting it... that's it.

"What do I do? And I asked, didn't you hear me?

Yeah, I won't do anything just because I thought, it's the same as I'm saying.

That's fine, but I need to get back to what I was asked.

"In the future, 10m will be thorough and instructed on the spacing between rail hauling workers. In addition, we will first take time for explanations for the new America. But that would cost you about half a day, but forgive me for that."

When I heard the answer, Insenga looked at me again.

I should probably answer this to the boulder.

"Construction is going too well. So if you think it's necessary to take some time to explain, there's not much delay."

If you don't think Iron Boil is necessary, you don't have to explain it.

As far as I'm concerned, no matter what the accident is, I just need you to do the construction right.

And as for the man named Iron Boyle, I know he's been seriously solid since he built my mansion, and I'm sure he's doing a job of keeping up with delivery times.

I can't do it, because this is how it is, and I appreciate you saying that.

And whatever guidance this guy gives to the craftsmen and workers who work for him, it doesn't matter from the bottom of his mind as long as he keeps getting the results right.

"Thank you for your kind words, this iron voile, I can't thank you enough"

Iron Boyle bowed his head just rubbing his forehead against his desk.

"Mm-hmm. Take care to learn the lesson of this accident and be safe in the future. Don't forget that there are some guys like this in the world. Then back off."

Iron Boyle looked at me with an unexpected look.

Apparently, the riot wave, the perpetrator of the accident, was tied up, and he thought he, the director, would be held accountable in some way as well.

No, you're not responsible for this.

The turbulent waves said, "I would have done it right if they had taught me it was for safety," but can you do something credible?

It's like stopping your legs and swirling the rails you were carrying without even thinking about your surroundings to the point where the bugs were clutching together.

Guys like this prioritize themselves for boring reasons no matter what they teach you.

Luckily, I learned to work without an accident, and when I got used to it, I decided to steal the director's eyes and take it easy.

I'll stick the lettel out of my head, but it's not the kind of job I can complete on my own.

I can't say enough about not turning this into an opportunity, but I'm not as gentle as an insenga.

"And then, yeah. You said Marks Robigol, didn't you? We still need to talk about that. Stay here."

When I told him to stay in the turbulent waves, he said to the Knights that he would stay too, "Is there any reason to allow me to be in front of you and run away from rebellion?," he kicked out and faced the turbulent waves with Insenga and the three of us.

"Well... how do you feel hurting your buddies doing the same job with your own dumbness? Hmm?"


"Say something"

Well, it doesn't make much sense to apologize to me.

No, I was forced to devote some of my busy time to treating him, so I guess I hit the bee by stating about my apology.

And now I'm devoting my time to you.

"... well. That's the cost of treating the injured worker this time, but that seems like something you should be paying for."

Why such an unexpected face?

I don't think it's a supervisory responsibility, and it's natural for you to bear the full amount.

As of now, I have no more laws in place to charge for medical treatment in these circumstances than I have problems in my territory, so I have no choice but to judge the Lord.

Especially if you want to be fair.

Even if it was something that I couldn't be convinced of as anyone but myself.

"The treatment cost is 700,000 Z for a total of 14 uses of healing magic, but I will give you a special discount because I work in the railway business even though I am an apprentice. Pay 630,000 z. to this administration."


What the fuck?

Are you surprised it's cheap?

I also feel a little too cheap for cure-all fourteen times, because it's a regular rate prescribed by a treatment center specializing in trauma such as Balduk.

I couldn't treat him completely until I had broken one leg in 10 places.

You're just not putting up the most expensive check-up fee you can get, are you?

"My lord, I don't think this man has six hundred thousand."

Truth is, this breakfast is always cool.

I think so, too.

"Can't you pay?

I don't think there's any reason to have it, but I have to ask.

"… cannot be paid immediately"


"In this case, what happens?

Asked Insenga.

"... right. First of all, I think his guilty plea qualifies as a second-degree injury offense…"

"Huh? Isn't that first class?

I accidentally blocked the word.

'Cause one leg was almost completely crushed, huh?

Normally, you're gonna have a lifetime of disability, or you're gonna chop off one foot?

"Yes. The victim has not been seen by a doctor or healer while she is injured. A medical certificate from a healer treated with witchcraft has not been submitted to the administrative department. And because the victim is not currently suffering any obstacles"

Oh, yeah......

"Secondary injury is equivalent to a fine of not more than twice whipped or 500,000 Z. pursuant to Article 27 of the Criminal Code of the Kingdom. Especially since the sentence has not yet been finalized because there has not yet been a formal trial, I can't say anything about this, but if the sentence has been whipped twice, if you take it, you are not a criminal, so the cost of treatment simply means debt to the administration"

"What if it was a fine?

"In that case, he is a slave in administrative custody until a fine is paid. In addition to the fine for the crime, the time will be extended until 630,000 Z, the cost of this treatment, is paid."

Assuming the fine is the highest 500,000 Z.

I need to be a director. You mean slave for about two years.

Nevertheless, I don't suppose it means I don't have a dime in the boulder.

Even if you temporarily make it a debt slave, if you make it a director, you'll be released from slavery in a few months because your salary is high.

Hmm? Seriously... slaves can't get you out of my territory.

No, well, if you make a law like that in my territory, you can put it out, but if there's no law like that in the land of those who accept it, it doesn't make sense.

It means that next year we can only move in the northern half of the Dart Plains if we get a new territory.

And I can't even leave it with a slave trader to re-educate it until it's concluded that I can't fully pay my debts.

No way, this guy, in anticipation of the fact that this is the turbulent wave is going to let you engage in construction outside your territory, act like you can stay in your territory until you pretend to be an idiot!?

Neither did I apologize so that this heart certificate would go badly and I would be a slave for as long as possible and a fine!?

No, no, on the boulder. It's... it's not, is it?

But you want to do it on the first day?

At least we'll only be working on West Dirt for a while.


I just found out what this guy's after here and it doesn't make any sense.

I'd like to charge the owner for the treatment, but if he tells me he doesn't know, that's it, and where I enslaved him, it's like giving him a tip on "Was there such a way".

The results will go hand in hand even if we make it a director and release it in a matter of months, and then immediately afterwards we kick it out on the grounds of crime.

I can't acquit you, and I can't condemn you to death.

I can't do it if I want to, but it's too unnatural.

If such an unnatural judgment had taken place, it would make me think about why I did so.

What is this...?

How did this happen?


To open up this situation, no, to be a strange currency......

... Just make sure.

It doesn't have to be now to draw conclusions.

"... there it is. This is the kind of situation we're in, and I'm sorry to hear about it."


Insenga is also trying to talk to me, but after thinking about what to say before the King's Between Kings, I seem to have just hammered him.

"I hired you as a supervisory candidate, which is why you think you're quite capable... By the way, I haven't apologized yet, but you didn't think it was bad for the victim?

The turbulent wave moved its expression like it had "failed" for the first time.


"No, that's... I think it's bad. Your lord and secretary's hands have also annoyed me. I'm sorry."

Apparently this guy himself is the only idiot.

If you're serious about scaring this one, you should say, "If you're apologizing, I'm doing it when you have an accident" or something.

Did you overthink that earlier?

Anyway, it's not like executives or kings like you're the head of a turbulent wave.

I shouldn't dare give you a hint.

Especially, though I've already noticed around the king, and it's possible we're after a time.

"... you want to tell the people in the house about this situation? If you can pay me a fine or something, I don't need to put you in jail."

Of course, I don't even know if this guy has enough family to pay for or if he has any family in the first place.

I don't remember what it said in the body book.

But my complexion changed only for a moment.

I don't even know if that's hope or a depressing emotion that has no one to depend on, such as my family, but it did change my complexion.

"I don't care if you're a family member, a friend or anyone else, but if anyone wants to contact me, let me know."

"That's... not available..."

The turbulent waves said it was now time to completely erase the expression.

"No, you must have parents and a brother in Wang Du. It's on the body document. His father is in a place called the Marzan Chamber of Commerce, where his mother says he works as a maid of honor for the Baron Lanusas"

"I can't afford that to my family"

That's a boulder, Insenga.

Perhaps he remembers all the body books of those who said I was a turbulent wave.

Physical documents are sometimes prepared by those who come for the interview themselves, but they are about the aristocratic class, and the majority of them are created here by interviewing the assistant before the interview.

Though there is also a great chance that you are lying more than you belong to an organization called Turbulent Waves.

Or maybe it's a lie.

Maybe it's a little true.

For this reason, there is no penalty in the Kingdom of Romberto or in my territory for historical misrepresentation, in short, for lying and getting a job.

If you can force it to fit in, I guess fraud or something applies, but is it painful to interpret it as a scam on a boulder?

Well, I guess it's the equivalent of fraud.

"Hmm. If your father is a working man and your mother is employed by an aristocrat, that sounds okay. Let's just say I'm going to use it right away."


It will take manpower and time if I use it up to Wang Du, and if I suck, my legs will come out. Normally, it's impossible.

It's a hassle in the first place.

"Oh, no. With this much money...?

But the bluff worked quite well.

"That's not the line that anyone who can't pay this much for. Besides, I already know that you were part of a turbulent wave. Even I don't want to punish His Majesty's men for their boring sins."


I looked strange here on the boulder in a very natural way.

It's well planted around here.

"That's right. I know I work in the back job called Turbulent Waves. It wasn't just that. There was someone who told me during the interview."

I'll use this guy to plant a seed of mutual distrust between turbulent waves.

June 15, 7450.

Marquis Razod territory of the Kingdom of Dabus.

At its eastern end was the front line against the Kingdom of Cambit.

There is a slightly open plain about ten kilometers north of the coast, and now the Royal Dabus Army is positioned on the west side of the plain, and the Royal Cambit Army is positioned on the east side.

The number of people is about 1,000 each, including each other's heavy units, and they appear to be antagonistic in their power.

but the dabus kingdom consisted of about 60% of the collected morale and less skilled soldiers, which was slightly disadvantageous compared to the kambit kingdom, where the proportion of conscripts was less than half.

The two armies are approaching a distance that is not strange when the assault begins.

In other words, even in the event of an assault by horseback, it's about 300m to see if reinforcements can be turned there and defensive posture put in place.

In that formation, Prince Alexander Belgrid commands a left-wing unit.

Despite having a strong cavalry and being royal, it is not central headquarters because the person volunteered for a left-wing unit.

"Then you'd be ready for gunpowder and bullets, wouldn't you?

Alec, dressed in international fine armor, speaks to the knight who solidifies his surroundings in a left-wing unit that keeps moving forward one by one.

Oddly enough, almost all the cavalry making up the left-wing unit only held the spear in the spear hanging on the left side of the horseback, with an elongated stick in their hands that didn't even have a metal blade about a meter long.

Also, a little like a large sword sheath hangs on the right side of the horse, but contains no contents.

The elongated rod was an iron gun.

It is the type of firecracker that was used in the Edo period since the Japanese Warring States and does not have a gun bed on its shoulder.

but the equivalent parts of the engine department appear to be slightly different.

"Respond" to the Prince's inquiry and respond from all around the Prince.

"Calm down and do as you're trained. Never lower the muzzle during an assault, do you?

Speaking to the horseback riders around him, the prince advanced a little in the troops.

Ahead was a mule with a gun and a spear on his horse, just like any other horseback rider.

"Raging training cut the underdevelopment rate by 20%. Let me show you something different than the only fire-rine gun you can't load and carry!

In Alec's words, Mule also smiles back, "No, you don't know the other side of the line," with an invincible face.

"It's time to... Assault Wi (Binayin ')!"

Attacks on the right-wing units of the Kingdom of Cambit, which have more cavalry and shielded spears than any other unit, have been launched to confront this left-wing unit.

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