June 15, 7450.

The left-wing unit, commanded by Alec, ran the horse in a whisper.

This is followed by an infantry unit of only twenty, which was distributed to the rear of the left wing, also rushing out after it in unison.

At the same time there was a horseman from Alec's troops, even when the cavalry of the decree was headed for the main unit.

All the cavalry members of the left-wing unit who cut ahead took the reins with their left hand, and the fire-rine gun in their right hand was placed on their shoulders, etc., and the muzzle is pointing considerably higher than the horizontal.

And all of them were fitted with firing pills and bullets, and the sparkling ropes were fitted with ignited sparkling ropes.

Many people are wearing simple covers to cover each engine section so that the fire in the fire rope does not go out due to wind pressure.

The right-wing unit of the Aiming Royal Cambit Army is less than 200m away.

Several arrows have flown from Cambit's archers who panicked into the assault, but they are all falling to the ground much ahead.

Probably because inexperienced young soldiers and others rushed to shoot.

With the roar of those who seem to be troop leaders, the archers, who until then had fully deployed their enemy right-wing units, descend backwards.

Instead, the entire right-wing unit began to expand with less than thirty horsemen, as well as infantry units equipped with large shields (large shields) and spears (pikes).

However, since they had originally approached quite close range, the troop placement seemed to have been decided on the boulder.

There was no great confusion, so much so that he formed a formation in an attempt to be struck while simultaneously gaining money and adjusting his standing position.

"Okay, that's an orthodox formation as expected"

Around the center of the assault unit, Alec looked like he would even nod his tongue.

We cut another 150 meters to the enemy.

"...... NOW!!"

Alec signals aloud to the Munair Saguar Hundred, who binds dozens more left-wing rides among the left-wing troops.

"Ugh, let's go. Whoa!

The mule swelled further outward without looking back, while increasing its speed slightly.

At the same time, when I lower the gun I was putting on my shoulder, I grasp a curved handlebar (grip).

The muzzle remains diagonally pointed.

Confirming that all of Mule's troops have changed their gun retention postures, Alec begins to shift to the left so that the left-wing central unit he commands flows like a mule.

At this time, Mule's left-wing units had changed formation to two rows of horizontal squadrons about 30 meters wide.

It is lined diagonally to the right with a mule at the left edge leading the way.

To say geese row, the angle is a steep slope formation.

A diagonal horizontal row of horseback riding opens an interval of about two meters larger than normal for one or six rides each.

That's two rows apart from each other.

He is shouting at his mouth while holding a firerope gun.

Many people scream their names, their family names, the warfare they have given them in the past, etc. when they listen carefully.

The distance from the mule to the enemy is 100 m away.

I figured it out so that both central and right-wing units were moving as trained by the sound of horseshoes coming from behind.

In contrast, the enemy's right-wing units are not just supposed to be dense assaults, or they are rushing to start reshaping formation after seeing this one storming the cavalry with it lined up in a geese row.

Mule niggered and grinned behind his decorated helmet.

Further left the horse and eventually positioned a little further outward than the right wing of the enemy.

"What, it's just a geese strike...?

At the headquarters of the Kingdom of Davas, Axal Dantes, five hundred men long, grumbled watching the assault of the left-wing troops.

That tone is probably mixed with something bitter.

Behind his brain was a glimpse of Prince Alexander, who had recently joined him as a reinforcement unit and who seemed to have something in his heart as well.

Since the rendezvous, his serious attention has repeatedly confirmed the expected troop placement of the Cambit army before this interception was decided.

He repeated detailed questions and confirmations about the number and equipment of his opponents, even after his return and official reports had been made, to the scouts sent by the Aotearoa Knights, where five hundred Dantes would be kept.

That's good, but his question extended to how much further enemy troops were behind the invading enemy forces as an advance, and to what extent.

If you ask, the prince says this is the first line.

In the Kingdom of Davas, noble blood figures, such as Prince Alexander, are often suddenly heads of some troops in the first line.

I also remember Dantes, five hundred men long, no matter how good but noble the blood muscles, but many are distracted by all that is at hand when it comes to the first battle.

Those who see beyond are not bad.

How can I get a handle on it?

What is the number of hostile forces currently approaching or planned to attack?

Can you take charge of your men when it comes to battle?

Isn't the training I've been loading enough?

Can I make the right choice as a commander?

A sense of anxiety that creeps up.

What if it hits a flow arrow?

Will my men listen to my orders properly?

It's all natural, and it's something that everyone thinks and feels when the first battle is imminent.

Before going into action, the on-board exercises at the Knights also performed well, calmly listening to their predecessors' words, this is what happens when you stand on the battlefield for the first time even as you nod with the intention of carving them firmly into your heart.

But the prince seemed to be looking not only at the moment, but beyond, like one who had experienced several battles.

He also seemed to be well reconciled with the anxiety that should be swelling up momentarily.

It embodied precisely being an excellent royalty and seemed to have a thin relationship with ordinary people.

I was even impressed, wondering if the boulder was a rendezvous or replenishment hand then.

And two days before the battlefield and the day the battle was finally expected to begin.

He has volunteered to be placed in a left-wing unit with a serious eye.

In doing so, he said, "Left-wing units are fine with my gestures only. After cutting ahead, I will necessarily poke the Cambit army to show it," he said with a sober voice and even a seeping look of confidence.

He said, "The reconnaissance has revealed the other soldier's composition. Many of the cavalry are not very 70 horsemen. Place my troops on the left wing and more than half of them, as well as the majority of confirmed shield and spear men, will be assigned to the right wing. Break through that with the first blow and be sure to take a look at it. If you do, the enemy formation will break down and the enemy central and left-wing units will also be forced to reposition. Our main unit and right-wing units want you to look at that plane and attack it," he said.

If I had wondered what kind of proposed operation would pop up, I wouldn't even call it orthodox, but it was a very neat tactical proposal.

It's not an oddity like targeting a major pattern, it's not an oddity trying to drag your enemies around.

Although I can see a slight leaning toward psychology, I can also take it as a manifestation of confidence that comes from leading a highly skilled unit with the former White Phoenix Knights.

Surely if as many as a hundred hand-worked knights dared to make a dense assault, they wouldn't be taken by a smooth force.

A few cavalry troops will also die in battle, but that is acceptable as a sacrifice.

At first glance, he cut ahead and stormed, and seemed to want to boast of his spears, but from the prince, who spoke calmly without feeling it, he had the impression that he was calmly analyzing his power and saying, "I'll do what I can".

In response to Alec's offer, five hundred Dantes responded with forgiveness.

- Was that just a face to try to snow the stigma caused by the failure of a late day?

I can't forbid my teeth to bite at thoughts similar to my disappointment.

At any rate, the Prince's unit, made up of all former Knights of the White Phoenix, is valuable as a breakthrough force.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a force close to a literal tiger child, especially if we try to make it the Knights of the Blue Tigers, who are entrusted with the Eastern Front.

- I didn't know you'd be missed at this level of battle. Did this thing with me... confuse you?

From what I can see, the intervals between the cavalry, who are carrying out the assault with the leftmost wing leading the geese, are quite wide, and the formation is stretched and spread out sloppily.

During an assault in a cavalry, it is the usual path to increase breakthroughs by taking as dense and sharp a wedge-shaped formation as possible.

Of course, there are times when we dare to intervene with each other and carry out a wide array of assaults, but that is a tactic to the extent that we may employ the other shield or spear soldiers in a considerably reduced number of end-of-the-life sweeps.

In a world where sweeps themselves rarely take place, you never see them first.

Cavalry is meant to increase even higher defenses by densely concentrating on each other, and to jump into the opponent's position and cut through breakthroughs at this point in time, ultimately for no other use.

When it comes to a trained military horse, the limit is two minutes, or even three minutes, for all walks.

Dantes' deputy general, who refrains from being on the side of the five hundred, also looks unfortunate.

- It's just not a slow geese march. It's still better, but if I'm the commander of the enemy's right-wing unit...

As five hundred men long imagined, enemy right-wing units are moving into a defensive posture that consolidated their defense.

That's not all.

I was handing out more shieldmen on the right side of the unit, on the left from here.

The fact that we are protruding after further inflating the leftmost wing to the left suggests that the right-wing unit leader on the other side will tilt his defense to the right side to support him, and in the meantime let the cavalry unit he was collecting on the left enter and poke the flank of this cavalry unit.

It is more of an effective tactic than Alec's cavalry unit is firmly undercrowded.

Difficult timing, but if you stick to it, no matter how skilled Alec's left-wing unit is, they won't spare you a lot of damage.

In that case, we'll have to retreat.

When the five hundred foresighted Dantes attempted to order the heavily armed infantry unit under him to enter the left wing to cover his retreat, which would take place in the near future.

- So? The infantry is moving forward too?!

I could see him running after the cavalry unit to just about twenty infantry units who were in Alec's left-wing unit.

It is certainly not the wrong thing to do because it takes infantry to maintain the breakthrough opened by the cavalry unit, which is a breakthrough force, and to keep the enemy from trying to form a formation again.

In that case, however, it is natural that the infantry unit is equally dense as the cavalry unit.

Mostly, on top of being so bulky, that number will only destroy each and every cavalry unit storming the hole they drill.

I want at least that five-fold strength.

Otherwise, you won't be able to keep breaking through.

We should send a message first and let the infantry unit alone go back first.

Not only will it stand in the way of the retreating cavalry unit if you don't, it could be trampled.

While realizing that his face is distorted, the five hundred man length becomes even more like a bitter worm bitten down face.

Alec's left-wing unit as he stormed was not only goose marching, but was also found to be leaning further to the left as a whole.

As it is, it's not like we're entering an enemy right-wing unit, it's like we're raiding towards its outside.

- Were you cowardly... not to say royalty, not this.

A horseback riding of a decree apparently sent by Alec's troops arrived at the main unit.

Just fine, so I'll order him to lower his infantry unit after he yells at me.

"Orders! Deng Yi!

The decree ran aloud as it jumped off the horse beside the main formation.

If you look closely, Dantes is a veteran cavalry who has been in the Knights of the White Phoenix since he was a young man.

- There was this guy, and he was in that unusual formation?

A veteran cavalry known by five hundred captains, even if the captain's command was somewhat poor, was a man with enough drive and ability, knowledge, to make up for it and fix it to proper instructions, and thus also a high degree of popularity from other cavaliers.

- People are decaying.

Though I felt a little sad, I tried to get him to go back to his sanity.

"I hear more noise than this! Soon thereafter, the enemy's right wing will be disturbed and the enemy will turn the reserve towards the right wing in an attempt to make up for it! The main unit and the right-wing unit scream at no time and hope to burst apart at once! Order, over!

Soon after the five hundred chiefs raised their voices, the cavalry issued a loud order.

When I tried to ask how different the contents were, it happened.

A mule running the leftmost front line.

Because this assault formation is unusual, it looks like enemy right-wing units were overwhelmed with just gathering shields to the right.

Start lowering the mouth of the right hand firearm.

I've only been heavily trained in handling on horses, and it's quite sumptuous.

Cut 50 meters to enemy units.

Shields are lined up in enemy units and spears are starting to stick out of that gap.

As it is, the defensive formation will be complete by the time the mule arrives.

- Hi-hi... scared. But we need to get ahead of ourselves once...!

Cutting ahead of what is considered the most dangerous is the best way to gather my men's respect and make it easier to do something in the future.

The first time if you have to anyway.

Cut 30 meters to enemy units.

Arrows are released from behind enemy right-wing units.

The crossbow also seems to be mixed, cutting the wind and flying off the side of his face.

A flying arrow is snapped at the shoulder (sparlder) that shields the left shoulder.

- You sure are. That's how you hit it.

Mule felt even more terrified, but at the same time was regaining his composure.

The attacks unleashed by archers and crossbow soldiers don't strike that way either, but they knock out about a few percent and the hit rate there for opponents approaching straight from the front.

But now the mule is swelling further outward than the enemy.

In other words, it moves diagonally to the right from the enemy.

The bow holds with his left hand and pulls the arrow he watched with his right hand.

From that attitude, it is harder to target a target that moves to the right than a target that moves to the left.

Even a low hit rate would be even lower.

20m to enemy units.

On a hugely swinging horse, Mule lowered the muzzle further and brought it closer to the horizon.

They train hard to achieve this tactic, and keep holding the gun in place so that it doesn't rock with one right hand as it moves up and down the saddle.

Hang your finger on the trigger while carefully moving your right hand holding the fire rope gun and rest your back.

Ten meters to enemy units.

Because it is a long barrel-length fire rope gun, even an amateur won't take it off first, even if it doesn't have to be well targeted at this distance.

Finally, he lowered the muzzle slightly and pulled the trigger toward one of the shields lining the front right.

On the verge of falling, the flame lid linked to the trigger opens and reveals a flame plate containing the ignition medicine.

At the same time, the shutter, which had blocked the fire path connecting the fireplate to the firing drug, was opened, and nothing was blocking the ignition drug and the firing drug.

This was the biggest difference between the fire rope guns developed by the Dabus reincarnators and the fire rope guns that have been made on Earth.

It is an intermediate type of gun between a firewire (matchlock) and a flintlock type.

Some weight gain and structural complexity were noticed, and a slight or gentle vibration made the structure so that the igniter would not overflow (spill) from the fireplate.


A bullet of lead spherically fired along with a dry burst sound.

Lead balls penetrating Cambit's great shield, wearing a small hole in the shield's surface almost simultaneously, hit the shield's chest.


White smoke rose flashly from the gunpoint, but scattered quickly either because it was traveling at some high speed.

By the time several gunshots rang continuously, the mule's fire rope gun had been plunged into the sheath-like contents of a large sword that had been put on the right side of the horse, and the spear had been removed from the spear receptacle on the left side.

Finished to flow through a series of operations, the mule runs through the sides of the enemy forces.

- Shit, you should put the gun to the left, not the right...

After busy moving his hands and putting up a spear, Mule thought so again.

This, a post-shooting firearm on the right side of the horse and a spear on the left side, was knitted during training.

Not a minute's time, though, is in line with the desire to rest a little faster on a rocking horse, a hand that kept holding a heavy volcanic gun with one right hand.

I was a reincarnator, and I didn't really care about reincarnators like Mule and Alec, who were somewhat more conducive to the way they developed muscle strength with other people, but when I actually tried, even if I slowed down the spear setup a little, this one turned out to be less conspicuous.

Running through the sides of the enemy, Mule glanced behind him.

My men are moving from artillery to spear as trained, moving into dense formation.

We also know that the enemy is in havoc.

Flashy firing sounds echo on the battlefield in a row.

"What, that sound!?"

"That's smoke."


"Stupid, so contiguous!?"

A voice with a sense of fear rises from both sides of the line.

But that's not exactly the case with Cambit's right-wing unit, which is under attack right now.

Whenever a roar sounds, a neighboring comrade falls as a comforting knight wears heavy armor pulls the tail of a scream.

It was the end of the day to leave even those who panicked and tried to leave their fields.

In the first assault, Alec's troops used 102 firearms and 88 rounds were fired.

Nineteen of them were unleashed on the same target, sixty-three hit bullets, twenty-eight shield soldiers, fifteen spear soldiers and twelve cavalry soldiers defeated.

It is an uninterrupted hit rate.

Not only did Cambit's right-wing unit, which consisted of about 150 men, instantly lose nearly 40% of its soldiers and knights, but it was quickly rendered powerless by planting a deep sense of fear in the surviving soldiers.

"Ma, they're turning around!

"Behind you!

The commander of the right-wing unit regains his sanity with a voice raised by his men.

"Formation restructuring! Gather the shields backwards!

But few react to its life.

While doing so, Alec's cavalry unit is forming a dense formation, and now it's time to put up a spear and try to re-assault.

In the meantime.

The infantry unit, which was running out late to Alec's cavalry, stopped on its feet.

There's still a hundred meters to Cambit's troops.

The infantry set up a gun when they stood on their knees.


From around the center of the infantry unit, which was wide spread from left to right, a commander-like man hung the decree.

Now it is a sniper from a distance.

Cambit's commander, who was wearing a flashy helmet decoration, received five bullets from the thin back of his armor and fell.

The infantrymen who finished the sniping rush to the commander's side.

At the same time, Lane, who was with the commander, stuck his right hand out to the enemy team and began to concentrate.

"Prince Alexander. Was that magic, today's battle?

The battle was over, and Chief Dantes five hundred asked Alec, who had returned home.

That attitude seems a little worse for my men.

"... well, that sort of thing... right... it's not a magic prop, but you can think of it as something close to it"

While the rank in the army is lower than that of Count Dantes, who is five hundred, Alec, who is a hundred, this wording is not so strange because of his political position and because Alec, who is royal within the court, is above him.

But Alec is uncomfortable because he's been polite.

Quietly speaking narratives show that they are not growing.

For this reason, Dantes has begun to be five hundred long, and everyone around him has shown a disgraceful attitude towards Alec.

That would be the case, too.

This battle on the Eastern Front was a long overdue victory.

It's not like we've never won anything before, but in a battle of 1,000 men on both sides, we killed more than half of them and got nearly 200 prisoners, while this damage is a total victory with just over 10 deaths.

And the greatest meritor, no matter what anyone may say, is Prince Alexander, who was leading a left-wing unit.

Such things seemed to me that the generals around them behaved naturally as royalty.

Beginning with Count Dantes, some of the generals were inclined to think, "If you were going to use such magic props, you would have told them so from the beginning," but "If you did, you would have guessed at me, wouldn't you? I wanted to make it a little less likely to read this intent because of a slight disturbance in formation," and I couldn't say anything back.

What the generals did in this battle was just stroke the frightening and atrophying enemy soldiers, and it wasn't something I could be very proud of, and I can't help it because the effects themselves and the Prince's troops were overwhelming.

War is only right for those who win, no matter how they do it, no matter how they command it.

"As for me and my court demon mentor joining the war, could it be too much to say that a year... But within two years, we'll push the front back to Khaled. Then be my hands and feet. Retrieve your father's land."

The generals knelt before Alec at once.

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