June 16, 7450.

I've been cutting and expanding the edge of the Dart Plains again for days.

Use the Dragon Slayer to collect demons and annihilate the Knights with training.

He was then spending time cutting trees with nosebleeds to open them.

It's a very cool and plain job, but I can't help but get the Knights to gain a lot of combat experience on the Moon Ichi, which leads to more farmland in the future.

One day, Tor finally reported that he was able to design a satisfying press machine.

I had made several prototypes before, but the first one was a screwed press machine of such size that it could be placed on the tabletop, and the next one was the one that magnified it.

Both are made from a rather expensive and precious hard metal called blade steel in oath, which is quite treasured as a tool capable of mass production of various cookware and dishes (various squeezing processes), such as balls and pans, from small objects such as, for example, fittings for underground footbags on rubber bottom (which require a reliable bending process), small parts made of metal that require drilling and various products of uniform quality.

I don't think it's an exaggeration to say mass production because even press machines with only a few sizes can make hundreds from dozens to hundreds of things in a day.

However, because the slide has only a few strokes in the first place due to the screw type, on top of the small slide part at any rate, the object that can be processed had to be a small object as well (about the fullest frying pan less than 30 cm in diameter for household use), and the pressure is not that great.

Things on the tabletop would be about a few hundred kilograms, and I think even the larger type would have been a few t at best.

Still enough to process the trinkets, and I was sure it would be convenient.

Afterwards, I was layering brush-ups for a large stroke, but when it was screwed, it was difficult to large the jig that could be mounted on the slide.

For example, it was not possible to create an object that could be placed on a target without accurately tilting a square sheet of iron between 30 and 40 cm on one side to mislead glass production.

Although I tried pressing it to make it, it is difficult to apply uniform pressure to the entire jig, and the inclination really occurs.

It is difficult to interact precisely even when attempting to accommodate by increasing the screw shaft, and most importantly because another screw shaft gets in the way when turning the handle, the working efficiency is very low even when a removable handle is used.

Furthermore, a cast iron frame becomes more intolerably distorted when a certain or more pressure is applied.

To solve those problems, I thought it might be time to use precious magic metals.

Ore such as Orihalcon, Adamantite and Mithril.

Besides, I own several of them that I think are highly pure.

I wanted to know the properties of metals that didn't even exist similar objects on these planets, but I had barely gotten my hands on them until now because of my busy schedule.

Experiments will be needed.

We only know that corrosion resistance and rust resistance are very high because there is nothing such as temperature and humidity control, but only magic metals are not floating one rust like gold or platinum.

I owned more misrills than the Orihalcon and Adamantites, so I started with misrills.

For experimental purposes, a ribbon-like thickness of about one centimeter wide and 40 centimeters long was tried.

To the extent that it was so thin and thin that it deflected even when beaten with a one-handed hammer used by carpenters and the like, it was to the extent that it finally broke after beating with a warhammer.

Hiring was decided at a time when only my dragon slayer (dragon slayer) and Mizuchi's magical songknife were able to cut anything close by.

I haven't even tried it with the other weapons I was getting because it was a pain in the ass.

At this time, he said, "Speaking of which, Tris' armor must have been made of Mithril, but regardless of how it was processed, was it because it was a magic item (magic item) that even the kid's slave broke the chain to resize it? I thought," But I can't seem to help thinking about it, so I get rid of it right away.

Because of this, the end was just a little sliced misrill ribbon, but I cut it about half way and divided it into two pieces, drilled two holes on the end of it and fixed the handles and then shaped it slightly, making it an edible knife for me and Mizuchi.

The sharpening itself is not very good even if it is used as a weapon because it is not grinding at all, and even if the grinding wheel is hit, the grinding wheel just shredded and it didn't grind at all.

But because it is quite thin, it is not a problem enough to cut the steak, and it turns out that it is not enough to damage the ceramic dish for normal use, so it is effectively used.

Nevertheless, I did a lot of tests on Mithril because it's a corner.

As a result, details will be given later, but since the toughness of the magic metal was understood anyway, Tor was given permission to use it after explaining the characteristics.

Back to the beginning, Tor was working on designing the press again.

He threw away the screw type and adopted the hydraulic type (not completely throwing away the screw itself. As always, screws are used for connecting many components, including frames, instead of pressure regulating valves at various parts of the piping that connects from the foot and hand operated type hydraulic pump to the cylinder containing oil).

And the frame was solved by wearing a misrill.

By wearing a misrilled frame with a cross section in the shape of a co against the normal frame, we were able to create a frame that was at least fine under any pressure applied.

Well, I'm the one who machined the misrills.

In addition, even the interior of the hydraulic cylinders and piston heads made of precise diameters, the hydraulic pumps and the oil piping extending from them, had to be made by me with a misrill.

I also made sure to cover the surfaces of iron, copper and other core materials with thinly stretched misrills.

The inner part of the cylinder and the piston also use a misthrill on its surface.

Even if I say that I am using Mithril, it is known that the amount of Mithril I have actually used since it is as thin as plating (naturally, it is quite thicker than plating) even if combined with the frame itself.

Maybe you don't have one cigarette box to add up?

I also feel that the most I use is the screw mountain part.

Whatever it was, the effect of employing Mithril was remarkable.

First of all, it doesn't wear out because it does.

Not only could it not be shredded busily with yasles made of cast iron, blade steel, or at the end tungsten, but I ordered Ruby to continue rubbing each other from morning to evening, processing the surfaces into mirror-like, misrilled surfaces, so that only scratches could be seen.

This means that it can be used semi-permanently simply by continuing to clean properly if used, for example, in a baking egg engine.

And sturdy above all.

Blah, blah, frames, slides, everything seems to be fine in hollow, but I'm just saying that the press itself naturally needs some weight, so I needed to put the core material in.

Finally, I tried to target the shooting.

I prepared three types of paper thickness, one mm and one centimeter, and shot them with my rifle gun.

If you hit a normal iron muk warhead at a super close range of 10m, the thickness of the paper will penetrate easily, and the thickness of one mm will be filled with warheads, and the thickness of one centimeter, did it recede slightly? to that extent.

I kind of got to my head so I made a full metal jacket bullet with only one shot of lead bullet core covered with guilding metal and shot it, but it just didn't penetrate to the point where the dent was visible to my eyes.

As a result, I painstakingly created it, felt like they told me my improved gun wasn't a big deal and I was fucking annoyed, and when I made the warhead jacket out of misrills, orihalcon, and adamantite, I shot it 100m away at a centimeter thick and it all pierced me pretty. Zamaa, look.

That turned out to be, yes, unbreakable if applied slowly and vulnerable to instantaneous shocks.

Well, still, cast iron and steel are neglected, and I'm sure they're stronger than tungsten.

For your information, Adamantite was weak for slowly exerting force for its high impact resistance, and Orihalcon was strong for both.

Neither can machining or even deforming in a proper way.

Oh, one more thing at a time.

The specific gravity of the misthrill is probably about aluminum. Adamantite is about twice that. And Orihalcon is slightly heavier than iron and lighter than copper.

But Orihalcon is a person (creature?) will weigh less than half the weight no matter what you think while you have it when it is in your hand.

If there were 50Kg of ore on the scale, it wouldn't be 120Kg if a person weighing 70Kg took it on the scale, and it would be just over 90Kg.

Of course I can only assume that the weight felt by those who have it is also decreasing.

But when you put it on a sturdy board and hold that board, it suddenly gets heavier and lighter when that's what you can call an obvious "tool" like a pot.

I guess I just didn't realize this because I had it in my bag before when I carried it.

The boulder was a magic metal, but Mizuchi didn't know why it was happening.

And the last trait.

unrelated to expansion or contraction (maybe).

To be sure of this, I will try to make a metal rod with a diameter of one mm with three types of metal and a pipe that fits perfectly with it.

It did not seem that the resistance to moving the piston had changed even if the stick serving as the piston was seared with fire or the pipe serving as a cylinder was cooled.

None of this was even difficult to put a stick in the pipe when it was metal other than misrills because of it, and even if I did, it was hard to move it.

Finally, it was also found that, as far as misrills were concerned, even if one side of a sheet as thick as paper was seared into cancer, the thermal conductivity was low enough to barely touch the other side.

No matter how hard I try, I can't do it for cookware such as pot kettles. No, I don't.

These characteristics may be related to the fact that the elf armor of the misrilled steel tris was resistant to high temperatures.

Also, it's packed, but the oil I plan to use this time is vegetable sesame oil.

If this is normal even if synthetic oil is used, then the packing needs synthetic rubber such as nitrile rubber rather than natural material rubber.

Perhaps one day we will be able to make more than we have discovered oil, but unfortunately we cannot make synthetic rubber and other petroleum-derived materials because we have not yet been able to make contact decomposition (cracking) because we have not yet managed to refine the oil.

As for the lack of these packings, I made surface parts such as hydraulic cylinders, oil pipes, and connections so that I didn't have to worry about oil leakage.

We don't need parts like gaskets and packings.

Anyway, I'm talking about my senses, but instead of nm (nanometer), I can make parts without pm (picometer) discrepancies.

Even for this cylinder, the gap between the parts is only about one µm (micrometer).

When I say 1 µm, it is 0.11 mm, and its molecules are smaller in any oil, but to this extent, if the length of the cylinder and screw part is taken sufficiently, it will not leak even at high pressures in 10,000 bar.

Also, screw threads won't be stupid because they won't even deform that way because they use Mithrill.

I also feel like I'm the greatest credit for making high-precision parts with my nosebleed and hiccola, but it's also because Thor pulled a proper blueprint that he actually made an excellent man-hydraulic press.

I decided to do 10 million Z as a bonus to Thor.

You don't have to let me get my hands on it. It would have been ten times better.

Anyway, thanks to the construction of this press machine, metal processing and workmanship will progress from 800 to 900 years at a time.

As long as you care about that and make a decent mould, it takes a lot of work to create swords, spears, guns. Even press moulding...... can't mass produce on boulders without a mechanical oil pump?

Well, if you have a little accessory hardware like "", you can even make guns from press machines you've made in the past, okay?

Does that mean that the next lathe or ball board I'm holding back will be my wings making parts?

No, that one doesn't need the strength of a press machine on the boulder, and it doesn't need a super precise, tough hydraulic cylinder or screw.

I'd say they're both almost mechanically complete at the time they're completing the round scarecrow in the first place.

... Lathe bits (blades) and ball board bits (drills) can definitely be better made of magic metal and last longer.

It's a trinket compared to what I made this time, and that's about it.

June 18, 7450.

Eastern Front of the Kingdom of Dabus.

Interception was unfolding again on the battlefield where the interception took place the other day.

This time the position has been constructed in advance with the magic of Lane, making it a complete specialty of the artillery squad in the Dabus army defending it.

Because the Royal Cambit Army was also conducting reconnaissance, we knew that the Royal Dabus Army was doing something on this flat, but we didn't realize that we were building such a heavy fortress in just three days from the last battle.

They panicked quite a bit as they went through the woods and farsighted the positions of the Dabus army, which consolidated their defenses as if they were fortresses.

The position has a trapezoidal shape slightly thinner towards the east when viewed from above, and from each corner of its trapezoidal shape it is dressed with walls protruding a few meters diagonally outward.

All the walls surrounding the position are about five meters high.

On closer observation, however, the wall itself is not a vertically cut outfit, but has a steep slope on the outside.

As a result, ladders and the like are likely to make it much easier to cross than climbing normal walls.

Well, the walls are made of dirt.

Even scaffolding will be easy to dig if you care about it.

If you work a little hard, you don't have to have any special tools to look like you can climb.

There are usually two ways to make fortresses and other fortifications when they are magically constructed.

One is a way to massively mobilize magicians to finish with genuine stone.

But even a skilled magician (four or five levels of elemental magic) isn't going to make it that easy.

Whatever you do, if you send out stones, not soil, the amount will be about a tenth the volume if you send out soil.

All you can get out of this is about soft grey rock, better than soil but quite brittle.

If I want to be about the hardness of granite, I will be depressed to about a hundredth of a volume.

(I mean, if ground magic is level nine Al, we can get 10,000 cubic meters of granite out at a time)

Elemental magic is used to produce three cubic meters of condensate even by five magicians. Five is used in the unwitting of plastic surgery. A total of 13 points of three are eaten by MP in fixed place adjustments.

If it's high intensity granite, there's only about one or three cubic meters you can put out at a time, even level six of the head court sorcerer class, and this is very hard to do.

If you can even hang up time, you can make it the most sturdy, but even a small fort takes a lot of time and manpower.

To give an example, if there is only one magician, even if the outside area makes a really small fort with a wall thickness of 1 m at 10 m and a height of 3 m, you have to use magic twice or eight times, and it doesn't end in an entire day if you save bedtime and keep making it.

Of course, if you're not used to the magic of plastic surgery, the concentration time will be eaten accordingly, so no one can do this even if they meet the level of elemental magic or unmagic.

In addition, all you can do with it is a really small piece of land with only eight meters on one side surrounded by a straight square, so it's very useless to stay put.

I want at least three days for both of us considering all the different aspects.

Because otherwise, we cannot build stairs or create shields on the walls.

Regardless of the building inside, you'll need an entrance or exit.

Then, in the case of agglomerates, about a metre thick would collapse with one shot per body of staglino, and if dozens of people hit it with round-tails for siege, it would be easy to get in about a crack.

If you use a siege weapon or something called a cat with harder stones, metal, etc. that reinforces the tip of the marutai, it will be destroyed in about a few minutes.

Therefore, it may take a long time to build stone buildings and walls, limited to the architecture of castles and other authentic fortresses.

The other is simpler than this method, by lowering the strength of the walls and making them dirt walls.

Even magicians with five levels of earthly magic can produce a significant amount of this.

At the same time, it is possible to solve the problem if you make shaping difficult (if you don't keep shaping at about the same time when you give out the elements, you will soon be out of sight).

In particular, whichever way you take it, only those with five levels of elemental magic are as good as court magicians or first-rate or close adventurers.

Besides, while using magic, the magician becomes completely defenseless.

Even if you're used to plastic surgery, you can't do anything for about a minute.

If that's the battlefield, cross-bow sniping, face control with bows and arrows, and cavalry assault can only be good.

From these things, the Cambit Royal Army decided that perhaps the Davas Royal Army had put in figures from multiple court sorcerer classes.

Try the Cambit Royal Army, it was a snowflake a few days ago.

They used magic props like they'd never even heard of, but only a few troops of cavalry were confirmed to be equipped with it, and they said they only used that cavalry once.

In one way or another, it was the perception that he was attacked leaving the momentum to where he had lost his hips in surprise by the roar, and once he knew it, he had come to a height that sometimes he would already be surprised.

Plus, that fortress.

It would be strange if at least a few magicians close to the top of the Dabus kingdom had not been put into construction.

With powerful demonic tools in the enemy, this is a hard opportunity.

Reinforcements were also requested, and now is a good opportunity to bone Dabus.

The decision itself is not strange.

At the moment, I still don't have any real knowledge of artillery.


A small flag that Alec waved down at the same time as the order.

Dozens of artillery guns were released from the walls as they moved.

The knights of Cambit, who were storming toward the fortress, pull the tails of one scream after another to despair.

Airflow is immediately caused by the magic of those who can use wind magic, and the thick shooting smoke that was generating in large quantities to block sight is paid off.

"Holy shit!

When the Alec squad shooting is over, another commander orders the artillery squad under his command.

This one also signaled a small flag.

They were taking charge of the shooting destination in detail to avoid overlapping goals as much as possible.

Simply carrying out the shooting a few times this way, Cambit soldiers expose the corpse in front of the fortress as funny as it sounds.

"This is our second assault, but we've done so much damage, so it might be time for the other side to think of something else."

Dantes, five hundred chiefs told Alec.

but on the inside, he was stepping on that he would make another assault.

In any case, from the true east of the fortress, that is, directly in front of it, there is an arched mouth like an entrance or exit nearly ten meters wide, overlapping two wooden barrels to make it look like a replacement for the castle gate.

What I hate about this is that if you look at it from the offensive side, it just looks like the construction of the castle gate is not done in time and barricades are being built with matching materials, and it looks like an entrance to the outfit.

In fact, from the gap in that barrel, numerous artillery guns were peering at the tip, and when enemy soldiers reached nearby, Lane was firing after using ground smoke and silence magic.

Although it emits flashing from time to time, instead of shooting sounds, it doesn't even raise the shooting smoke, so the brittle looking entrance looks like it could easily be broken through as long as it is attached.


A short distance away from his men, who were reloading, Alec replied as he sent his gaze to the Cambit army.

"Look. I can see you noticed this is already like a bow on a boulder"

At the end of Alec's gaze, he was making a move like the Cambit army was restructuring its assault unit.

Apparently we're increasing the percentage of infantry this time around the Big Shield.

Five hundred captains glanced back at Alec, even wondering if it might be the resurgence of legendary hero Kai Riser, who is smiling lightly in a confident manner rather than showing how he feared at all.

Kai Riser was a hero more than 200 years ago, around the time of his founding, and a great hero of the Dabus kingdom who achieved peace south of the Dart Plains as a second-generation White Phoenix Knights captain while coming from an adventurer and the conquest of the eastern region then ruled by the Barbarians.

The Kingdom of Davis says it has its own history of 700 years of statehood, but it must not go in there, and Kai Riser himself was groaning that it was the fall of the then Duke of Dantes, but it must not be held there either.

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