Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Tabernacle Thirty-five: In the Case of a Legitimate (38) (Part I)


My breath leaked unexpectedly as I lowered my back to the bus seat.

My brother-in-law (okay one) has been suffering from disc hernia for about a year now, but she has been diagnosed with the need for surgery and hospitalization to get it fully healed.

The expected length of hospitalization was less than two months, and after less than three years of relocation, I couldn't tell the company to give me that long leave.

It's hard to say that it hasn't been a whole five years at least, so only my family knows this.

- Ugh, don't calm down when you sit down after all...

It starts to hurt to paralyze the outside of my leg just standing for twenty consecutive minutes, then I can't stand for ten minutes after that.

When I sat or crouched, the pain pulled off, and after a few dozen seconds to a minute or so of rest, I would be able to stand and walk again, so I managed to keep working this way.

- When I get back to the company, I have to make a continuation of the presentation material... but it's the same industry. So don't be impotent about how to modify the one I made last year for Dongdu Sales...

I get a slightly depressed look.

As a brother-in-law, I was absolutely successful about my presentation to a new customer next week, and I really wanted to tie it to the contract.

I didn't want to make nasty material.

"... so what do you think, Senior Soji Lungshi?"

"No, you know what?"

"Oh, you've said that many times!

Despite being on the bus, the voices of high school students who raped and talked like shags are stuck in the stepson's ears.

- Well, but you're like that back then... have fun while you're at it.

Put your hand in the inner pocket of the suit and when you take out the little notebook, open the cover and look at the little picture that was pinched.

The photo showed about a middle school girl wearing an artificial respirator (ventilator).

This is a picture of my sister who died of illness over twenty years ago.

- You wanted to talk like that too...

I've never heard anything like that out loud except crying as a baby or toddler.

After a chilling glance and a look of envy, the righteous man closed the notebook and again delivered it into his inner pocket.

- You're so pretty now...

The girl who talks loudest from earlier, looking cheerful, can be described as beautiful enough to be annoyed as long as she keeps her mouth shut.

The kid hammering next to it would also be a pretty cute category, though he doesn't look funny.

There are two people sitting beside them, too.

I'm not sure until I look in the shadow of a boy student standing together, but he must be cute.

- Heh. My kid didn't lose, either.

I remember my oldest daughter's face going up to middle school next year, and the moment I did my hand in the suit's chest pocket to see the picture I had in my smartphone, and took it out and started manipulating it, I heard a loud skill sound different from the bus.

Reflectively looking to the left of the direction of travel, the righteous man drew three O letters with his eyes and mouth.

- Guru... my breath is... bitter...

I can't even open my eyes and breathe.

And, not long after I was surprised by the feeling of my body being turned upside down, Don, I was stretched back.

They were swallowing it in its shadow. They were able to spit out the raw, smelly water, and they were able to breathe.

At the same time, it is conscious of feeling great pain around the belly… umbilicus, not the strained back.

I guess I panicked because I couldn't breathe until now and because I was blind, and I was out of consciousness.

The umbilical wound still looks pretty new from the way you feel the pain.

And I think soon......

"Ghaaaa! Ahhh!

I can't stand the pain and I get aroused without merit.

Was it my blood that spit it out?

And just now, a train ran into the bus I was on, I remember.

Oh, did you get seriously injured and transported to the hospital?

Save me from crying like this and not having the feeling of having an artificial respirator (ventilator) attached... I wonder if you could do some hip surgery with me anyway.

Don't help me if I do.

But how's this belly ache?

Pain hurts, and it feels like something pierced it or was decided on every umbilical, but it's not as intolerable as it should be... I feel like it... but it hurts!

Damn, that hurts!

Do something!

I've been in all those accidents!

I was just crying and complaining about the pain and I didn't care!

It hurts. Ooh!

Two days in the hospital? Three days? went by.

As I was worried, I could tell that my eyesight, on the contrary, had fallen to the brink of blindness.

Whatever you see, the contours are blurred like seeping, and nurses can only tell the difference between men and women to the extent that they are painfully distinguished.

My stomach is still sore, and my hands are wrapped around my torso with a bandage-like cloth, either to keep me from touching that wound.

It is very comfortable to wipe it with a cloth dipped in warm water once a day.

If you want to take a bath, but you have a big scratch on your belly, you'll keep the bath for a while.

... Oh, I have to ask for hernia surgery!

And get in touch with my family!

Yuzu! Ria!

Damn, just thinking about my family makes me cry, my voice... I can't contain it!

"Uh-oh! Uh-oh!

It's always this!

It's not just about my family. I didn't know I could attach it to something and get emotional and not even have a conversation!

I have no idea what nurses and doctors are talking about when it finally gets worse to my ears.

Especially since I know there's a mix of familiar English words by the word, it's not that I can't hear them completely.

Too many things I can't hear... No, I just don't want to admit I'm crazy.

By the time a few more days went by, I thought I'd just have to take the facts.

Well, it's like reaching the threshold of enlightenment.

I was reborn.

Yes, I was reborn into another body.

I've really noticed that for a while now.

Those are my mother's boobs.

It's not very tasty, but it makes me wonder and feel safe when I drink it, and I want to sleep.

To infer from seeping vision, it's not a hospital.

On the contrary, it is not even Japan, perhaps some developing country, which is also quite remote.

After a month or two (I don't remember the number of days every day after eating and sleeping), my mother suddenly disappeared.

Instead, a woman I don't know takes care of me.

The woman seems to have just had a baby like me, too, and she makes me drink milk.

She drinks milk and falls asleep so that she can share it with her baby because she thinks she has given birth.

Initially, I started crying out of an unpleasant sense of anxiety, but I got used to it after a few days.

So much so that I wonder if it's cash stuff myself, but I guess I got used to the smell of new milk.

When I think back here, I don't remember having a man on my side who was the equivalent of a father.

No, were you there right after you were reborn?

While I was doing that, it's been over a year.

It also begins to understand the meaning of some words on boulders.

And I'm finally getting the general situation.

It seems that our father (who is like a brother to a nanny child) is going to make money.

My mother is at her father's, too, and does it feel like a nanny is hired?

I'm pretty sure it wasn't abandoned or sold.

Because it turns out my brother, sister, and other toddlers live with me, and very rarely my father or mother came and held me.

Hmm, I can't find a good word for it, but is it an all-door nursery school?

And years went by.

"Vasco! The spear is standing again!

Two older sisters, Sullivan, have been whispering reprimands.

"Ah? Oh, I'm sorry"

He came to the first line and seemed to float unconscious himself.

Well, when I say first line, it doesn't mean there's definitely a fight.

If you're telling the truth, it's just a patrol mission with scouts.

I held back the spear tip I had in my hand so I could put it to sleep.

"You don't have to get too nervous because this one's still in Lombert's sphere of power, but, Sullivan's right, don't put up a spear,"

Darry, captain of the scouts, turned around and said.

Spears, he said, can reflect the light of the sun from quite a distance when they are standing, and can be noticed (but not necessarily by the enemy) by the enemy.

Plus, if you're standing up, you can hit a tree branch, so unless you're marching down the street or walking around the city, it's natural to keep them asleep.

Regardless of the enemy, demons can suddenly strike from the shadows and bushes of trees, so keep them asleep to make it easier to provide immediate cover.

Getting around standing still is quite a bone break.

Plus it was because it was at the rear of the line, or it was unconsciously spearing.

Says it's the first line I've been waiting for, but I'm sorry to distract you.

As I stood firm, I flew my gaze around Sullivan again and began to proceed vigilantly.

This assignment is a patrol of the border with the Marquis Junkel territory, and the entire itinerary is expected to last two nights and three days.

He is hired on a two-year contract by the Romberto kingdom, which cannot afford regular armies to the Granan Empire, which is turning its forces to the south of the land and entering into non-combatant agreements.

When he advanced for a while, Geese, who was in the lead, raised his right hand and pointed to his right.

"Prepare for battle! Fierborg!"

I doubt my ears when I hear Darry's orders.

Fierborg is said to be quite a formidable enemy with giant demons like relatives of Auga, but because I've heard he hasn't seen it around here for a long time.

On the right hand side, I saw a giant rushing this way between the trees.

I've seen goblins and cobolds in the past, but I'm overwhelmed by the large bodies that don't compare to them, or the fur that wraps around animals or something, and rushes over with boneless sticks.

- I knew what I was hearing wasn't exaggeration or anything! Big!

Will he be more than two and a half meters tall?

Ringing his throat and swallowing his knob.

"Quincy! Cover him!

Quincy extended her right hand to Darry's order and turned to Fierborg.

"Sullivan and Vasco protect Quincy! Jesus, let's go!

Darry pulled out his sword and ran out toward Fierborg, shaking the tail of the house ahead of the two, which was characteristic of the Lions (Lios).

It's a slope on a mountain with bad scaffolding, but I don't wonder how you can run all that lightly with a shield on.

- Calm down...!

Stand with the spear between Sullivan and Quincy, raising the heel of a combat boot made of tanned pork leather and slightly leaning forward.

In case Fierborg comes through Darry and Jeese, me and Sullivan are Quincy's last forts.

Darry and Jeez are splitting up about 10 meters from us to keep Quincy's sight out of sight and set up an interception posture.


Untranslated shouting, Fierborg came under attack.

I guess he even sees us all as delicious prey.

I can see the saliva dripping from the edge of my mouth.

- Come on, I'm scared!

Seeing Fierborg come closer and closer, he is imprisoned by his primitive fear.

Can only five of us beat a big guy like that?

Can you win? No, can you kill him?

Physical differences are adults and children, even compared to Darry and Jeez in Lios.

A giant who distorts his face with a vicious look and rushes over with a sprinkle of killing intent.

I was listening, but I didn't think it was that big.

More than a meter higher than I am ten years old.

Even if they say he's twice his height, he feels bigger than that.

Nature and tooth roots don't match.

Looking softly at Sullivan, she could see her knees laughing too, and I could calm down a little when I saw it and see why.

- Everybody's scared. Calm down! Calm down!

Focus on your eyes and focus your consciousness on Fierborg.


Another translucent fiirborg appeared before the rushing fiirborg.

Soon that translucent fiirborg will hit Darry.

At the same time, Darry split and the translucent Darry used his shield well to repel the attack with a stick.

Seeing it calmed my spirit at once.

With my [Future View (Second Site)], I'm not afraid of any opponent!

Now that my intrinsic skill level is MAX, I can see all the future that happens around me for 100 seconds at the same time (I only saw organisms until I became MAX).

A translucent zice slashes from side to side into the fiirborg, and blood blows out of the right upper arm of the translucent fiirborg.

A second late, things go on exactly as they were.

And a translucent magic warhead hits the translucent Fierborg chest......

"I am!

The translucent Fierborg, who was accidentally raising his voice and at the same time staring at a magical warhead that stood against his chest with a painful expression, changed his posture in an instant to twist, and the translucent magical warhead disappeared somewhere in a critical place, being swept away by the translucent Fierborg!


Now exhale regret in a small voice.

My voice made Fierborg realize the attack magic Quincy unleashed!

Naturally, it's my poka.

But no one thinks so.

I don't think the cause is my voice, it's not my poka more than I don't think.

- Damn!! It's been a while! This is the real fight!

I sincerely apologize to Quincy for letting her consume her magic in vain, but I saw translucent Darry succeed in slashing her on the leg of a translucent Fierborg with a magic warhead.

Quincy's flame bolt must have killed her for making an impossible gesture.

"Sullivan! Basco! Go!"

Quincy screams and me and Sullivan shouts and penetrates with the spear lying down.

A translucent fiirborg slaps me and Sullivan's spear off with a translucent stick.

When I saw it, I changed course.

The translucent Fierborg changed his posture in an instant, as earlier, slamming away only the translucent Sullivan spear, with my translucent spear poking deep into his shoulder.

Two more years later.

In addition to my sword and spear archery, I have increased my strength and athletic strength.

Because no matter how many seconds ahead of us we could see, we knew that we could not drastically change the future without being able to move our bodies to respond to it.

I don't want to die. Until then, but unlike the Aus, I also have a great deal of knowledge of how to train efficiently.

The point is, you just have to remember training in physical education classes and department activities that you did at school, such as running in a hurry, repetitive lateral jumping, knee-upright abs and lying torso.

Now that I think about it, I was really lucky that my first actual battle was off against Fierborg (I ripped my chest to take the Demon Stone, and then I was unfamiliar with it, so I ripped it up to my gut, but barely anything in my stomach or intestines, so it seems that he was an individual who had lost quite a bit of strength).

It would have been a factor that calmed me down at that time, with Darry and Jeez, the awesome fighters in the Red Army, and Quincy, the elite (elf) who was good at witchcraft.

I am truly grateful to my father, mother, and brother for putting them on my first assignment, who are powerful even in the squad.

"Were you working out again?

I sweated. Look at me. Brother Reglas at the top clasps his shoulder.

"Yes, because I don't want to die."

Answer as you wipe the sweat off your forehead with the back of your hand.

"Ho, ho. That's all I have in my arms that year. Be more proud. You're gonna feel sorry for me."

It is true that I am now said to be the most promising stock in the White Soldier War among the minors in the squad.

But he's still a kid.

The strength is not enough and the endurance is relatively low compared to that of the adults.

Even the moves of actually handling swords and spears are immature, and I still can't even get them on horses.

Saying it's the best of the kids is only mediocre if mixed up with the adults.

I still haven't even taken one from my two older brothers, who are said to be spear and sword geniuses, respectively, in that evidence.

I have it from my sister, but that would be obvious because of the huge difference between men and women and the fact that they are close in age.

Anyway, no matter how much [Future Vision (Second Site)] you say you can use when your strength is isolated, you'll cope with my movements and end up getting stuck and losing.

Even if you stay on the battlefield, one or both of you will surely be a leg pulling presence if the battle prolongs, even if you can take it away, and it is visible that you will be quickly taken away without the support of your allies.

I said, "Don't say that. Because it's still not far above my brother," he replied, trying to get back to training.

"I hope you're enthusiastic, but your father is back..."

Brother Regras, I turned my momentum to the words above me.

"... um. Looks like we've made up our minds."

The Red Army, founded by your father and raised so far.

Its reputation is high and foreign countries are beginning to invite it.

From the history of being originally flagged for the crackdown on civil unrest in the Kingdom of Lomberto, until now, I had only received requests from the Kingdom, but I had pinned my ear to the idea that when this contract expired, I would go abroad.

Although I said earlier that it was still too early to get out on the battlefield, I really just wanted to try my arm.

I know it's really hard for me to do this around here, but they've rejuvenated me a lot because of my rebirth, and I really can't contain that feeling.

Even what you usually think or think is like a double personality that expects the exact opposite when faced with the situation and likes it.

I hear that my work with the Kingdom of Lomberto used to be on the front of the battle (wasabi) with the Kingdom of Davis in the South, but since I was attentive, I've said border security and patrols, I've never been active in a place that could be called a battlefield, even if there was a small battle.

Therefore, the contract fee also maintains the team, so it seems to be the best, and instead of having few casualties, it is difficult to increase the size of the team, which in some ways was in a dilemma.

In order to break it and make the team grow bigger around the corner, Father and Mother even went out to the Kingdom of Bakurney, where they spoke up under the best conditions.

The end of the bargaining process seemed to be an elegant one because of my older brother's face.

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