Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Tabernacle XXXV: In the Case of a Legitimate Person (38) (Medium)

On the move to the eastern part of the Bakurney Kingdom, the next place of call, the Red Soldiers were to move their troops in two.

One is the captain, Father, and the other is the deputy captain, Mother, who is in command and travels to her place on separate courses.

On the road far to the Kingdom of Bakrney, the fathers thought that they could not simply travel, because they had also taken on the task of two rebellions and a crackdown.

Because of this, I went with my father and my second brother, Brother Truss and Sister Sullivan, to the rebel crackdown with about 20% of the team, and my mother led Brother Legrass and the majority of the remaining Red Army to the crackdown.

The rebellion is in the northwest of the Kingdom of Bakulny and is centered on a city baron named Daruntaf on the Himik Marquis Territory bordering the Empire of Granan.

The baron said he flipped the anti-flag two months ago to his lord, the Marquis Himik.

They say that the cause of the rebellion is dissatisfaction with the fact that taxes are too high, or that it was bought by the lord ruling the neighboring territory, but I'm not sure because it's foreign.

Perhaps Father and Mother have received detailed explanations from the Marquis Himik, but they have decided that children like me do not need detailed explanations.

Honestly, the decision is convincing in reason, but not in emotion.

Because I think we should all share as much information as we can on our way to crackdown.

However, there is no doubt that this is a reasoning close to the convenience twisted out of the emotion of a kid who has been taken off the hook, who cannot be allowed to share information.

Because it's the same thing that no one tells their toddler about their house income or debt, and they just decided they didn't have enough ability to teach them.

In short, it's like being dissatisfied with the fact that I haven't been treated in one serving by a 12-year-old habit yet, and around here, I still think my spirituality is that flesh-like kid.

The conditions for being treated similarly to my brother are simple, and you just have to improve your track record enough to show that you are alone.

Of course, this includes real-time experience in various situations, so there is no reason why you should be treated as a single person just because you have raised the profile once.

At least five older brothers, Brother Truss, who is in a position to bind the young men of the Red Army by accompanying patrols many times and gaining numerous experiences, were summoned to their fathers several times while on the move.

Even if I get two to three more years of experience...

A couple of years?

I'm not kidding!

I feel like I'm already 50 years old.

To be clear, Father, on the contrary, there is a sense that you are older than anyone in the Red Army and that you can have a sophisticated and well-rounded idea.

Since last year, my father and mother have said that patrol shifts, patrol courses, etc. have taken my opinion into account, and that they are actually more efficient, and my brother and sister are heartily impressed.

In addition, the fathers praised the Red Army for its accounting relationship and the management of assets and personnel. Of course, the fathers praised the Red Army at the mercy of those actually in charge of it.

If you consider your abilities properly, even the deputy captain who assists your father should serve adequately.

... but at the same time, I am reasonably convinced of Father's decision not to reveal detailed information to me.

Physically I'm still a child, needless to say, but I don't even know the common sense of the oath busily, and the combat skills are immature, and the number of times I stepped on the most important occasions as a mercenary is overwhelmingly insufficient.

I don't care how many other guys I turn my head on, it's the pinnacle of foolishness to disclose everything to a guy like this.

I say to myself, "It's still far to go in public," and so on, and in that mind, I decide to get ahead of myself in trying to get a handle on it if I give it information poorly, such as the guy who thinks, "All I'm missing is experience.

I know.

And yet what do you say?

There are some feelings of "pity" or "impudence" about who I was judged to be, but the majority of emotions are filled with dissatisfaction "why me alone".

Of course, I'm not the only one who hasn't been told about the details, and the two Sullivan sisters above are naturally not informed by Averaldo, Radovan, or the average Red Soldier who said Franca was older than Brother Truss.

By contrast, my emotions feel "those guys still have no choice because they're kids".

They say I'm a kid more than them, but this is it.

It's really hard.

... Steady, how can I just feel like a kid when I was an old man close to forty before I was reborn?

From my own analysis, I suppose I'm getting closer to feeling physically age-appropriate, but are those reborn to oath with me plagued by a similar dilemma...?

"Heck of a face"


I was walking beside the carriage with a spear to protect the carriage of troops traveling down the street, and suddenly I was complained of in the face.

She's Jeez's daughter, and she's two years younger than me.

Is it the gift of his father, Jeez's talented education, younger than me and pure swordsmanship in women's habits, that line me up?

Well, it's not a big deal because it's to the point of lining up with me, but it's amazing given my age, and I'm one of those people who's been tasked with the future within the team.

"This face was born"

"I'm not saying that," Tania replied in a blurry reply.

Instead of facial creation, it seems to refer to the expression and describe it as a "heh heh face”.

"I was just thinking."

"Thinking, hey..."

Tania's face, half-eyed and saying so, has a look that seems blatantly suspicious.

In my previous life, I thought the Western European girl looked beautiful in a way, but Tania is extremely.

At first glance, he has beautiful, light green hair on his neat face like he thinks he is a fairy.

Though if you ask me to prune them all after my neck, I won't.

"I guess you're checking the perimeter better than that, aren't you?

"What... naturally"

They poked me where it hurt.

Peripheral surveillance was neglected because of the impatient thoughts.

It also makes me recognise that I have become a kid's heart without denying around here.

I can't think very much from my memorable past life, such as forgetting my original purpose and immersing myself in meaningless thinking.

Anyway, this is an oath forest where you don't know when demons will hit you.

I skipped my sight in charge again.

Three weeks later.

We finally arrived on the outskirts of Darn Tough City.

The suburbs are garrisoned with Himik Marquis Knights to build their positions.

That's where I joined.

The garrison and position is built on all streets stretching in three directions from Darntuff, and he said there are now fewer skirmishes and a state of well-being.

He entered the garrison and was told by the soldiers he was packing and found the cause of the rebellion.

They have beautiful daughters in the Baron Gard family who rule the city of Darntuff, but the Marquis Himik, who sees her, tried to make her his wife the sixth or seventh, demanding that the Baron Gard give her a daughter.

I wish I could honestly give my daughter to the baron, too, but I said no for some reason.

Because the daughter was in love with the eldest son of the Baron, who was the Baron's squire chief.

The eldest son was also personable and full of roughly all the talent required of a nobleman.

The baron, who only had other young daughters, wanted to marry his eldest son and daughter and make them his own trail.

The Marquis Himik, who was refused without a nibble, imposed a heavy tax on the city of Daruntaf.

They call it a rebellion as a dissatisfaction.

It should be noted that, although it has become less common in the Romberto kingdom these days, rebellion against lords is not in itself so rare in order to make them drink political demands such as reducing taxes and securing their rights.

Even around here, before the Middle Ages, it was scattered around the world as usual, so it could be taken for granted by an oath that, due to its civilization and cultural level, seems to correspond to the eighth and ninth centuries of the planet, or at best, after the tenth century, in a good place.

Also, even when it comes to rebellion, anything of a nature that occupies the territorial capital and kills all the clans of lords and tries to replace them has been obsolete in the Kingdom of Romberto more than three hundred years ago, and in foreign countries, including the Kingdom of Bakurney, for nearly a hundred years now, such literal rebellions have ceased.

For the record, it is said that the last successful example of a literal rebellion of these personalities was a rebellion (coup d 'état) in the Kingdom of Cambit, which was only one of the smaller countries at the time, and King Logmoc from an adventurer who took over the whole country.

The point is that it's a rebellion as one means of eliciting political concessions, and you don't pay taxes unless you acknowledge the demands of the rebels, and in the worst case, you're going to be on top nobles ruling the neighboring territories.

This Darn Tough rebellion is that my daughter doesn't want to do it to her daughter-in-law, and I don't like raising taxes because I'm not convinced why.

For this reason, the Baron Gard family is a division from the Himik Marquis family three generations ago, and some ministers are in close kinship with each other.

So I don't know what the top guys think inside each other, but at least the Knights on the Marquis' side I heard about didn't seem to have the vibe of a very serious exchange of lives, etc.

Somehow the Knights also belong to people from Darn Tough (they've been removed from the besieged forces by boulders), so naturally.

At first, they seal off the streets, and only the shapes surround the city, but that seems to be why they were ending up in skirmishes.

And, naturally, the rebellion itself was small, and the cities and villages around Darntuff were thought to be able to suppress it immediately because they would not have been part of the rebellion.

As for the drop point, does the baron say that if he gives up his daughter, there will be no way to raise taxes somewhat?

It also appears that the Marquis sees that the problem will be solved if only the son of the squire is taken over.

They know that heavy taxes are nothing but a threat because they are not intended to crush the city of Darn Tough.

Nor has there been any attack using fire arrows or the like to prevent damage to the city or people.

When I heard this, I found out why 20% of the squad, which was also only accompanied by a force that wasn't the main one.

The Marquis don't want to fight opponents whose relatives may be mixed up, nor are they going to crush the city of Darn Tough on the Marquis himself.

I guess the idea is that you can leave it up to the mercenaries to fight, and that the rebels will only have as much power as a small city in a region can have, so 20% of the Red Army is enough.

It was only one day after arriving at the garrison west of the city that I found out all this.

It seems that Father dared to lay information down on our lower end in order not to tell us that he was a small opponent of scale and to invite him to his heart, or to say that he wanted to head for a crackdown on what was expected to be a fierce battle that was likely to be heavily handled.

Anyway, if I went into the garrison, I would have been in a situation where I could quickly grasp the details of the opponent, the insurgency, etc., and I guess I didn't go to tell them before I arrived about the information that was going to be a source of dissatisfaction.

Me, too, when I first heard these stories, I thought, "Ahhh, this is not going to be a big deal, either," so if I try to be the mercenaries whose handles on the battlefield are directly linked to the payroll, I guess it's a job I honestly don't want to do.

I guess spirituality has really gone back to being a kid around feeling dissatisfied with these things as they were in their initial emotions without even thinking about them from the start.

Anyway, it may have also been an abdominal desire to have my second brother gain experience in troop command because it's an easy job in a sense to just start a small battle and pick up targets.

I and other young mercenaries will gain valuable practical experience.

In any case, very few of us, including my second brother, have experienced the battle of humans.

All we meet on patrol are demons, and demons who are said to be powerful are no match for a man to be able to do his head.

Of course, even demon opponents are dangerous, and there are actually dead people out there.

However, I have never fought anyone who cooperated organically or set up a proper operation.

In addition, the experience of having a painful look, speaking words, killing each other for no reason whatsoever with a similar figure and dying of life is, in a sense, a ritual of passage for a mercenary.

It seems necessary to "lose a virgin" and "graduate a virgin" as a mercenary.

I can think of this to some extent as a calm situation like right now, and maybe I can make the right predictions, but if you ask me if I'm going to actually kill someone who begs for their life, "I don't know until then" or "I can't!" I would reply, "but the real thing is," If you hold him prisoner, he'll be gold, so you don't have to kill him "...

Well, sometimes it won't be the kind of situation where you take prisoners, but whether or not you can really kill them then... I can't honestly say anything.

Anyway, I only have one eldest son of a squire chief who I have to kill for sure on this job, and I really don't think I'd be blessed with that opportunity on a battlefield where even the lower end is hard to handle.

Two days later.

We, the Red Soldiers, succeeded in suppressing the rebellion with minimal sacrifice.

But it also overlapped with events that were very shocking to the team.

Brother Truss died in battle.

We negotiated in the form of a single hit and if this one loses, we try to make it as convenient as we can, and the other side accepted the negotiation.

My father opposed this negotiation from the beginning, and my brother was convinced that he was headed to a military conference with the Knights' central unit stationed south of the city to see the gaps that had left the team.

Me and my sister would disobey my father's life, but the young men's trusted brother said, "This is the easiest and the least expensive," and led the young men out forcibly.

I went to report to my father and my sister had no choice but to follow my brother.

That's all I went to report because I had better riding skills than my sister.

He said that the negotiations had come to an end, that a single strike had been made, and that his brother was fighting for dominance.

I was prepared to be refused even though I was in the middle of a military debate, so I did everything I could to hurry up and get my father to come after me, and I was desperate to negotiate.

I had a great deal of difficulty choosing the words because I couldn't tell the opponent of the Knights of the Guard on the boulder that my brother had gone out on his own.

It was really good that it didn't take me ten minutes to get it next...

It was me who insisted that I try my best to run the horse so that my father wouldn't be late for the military horse he drives, but my father forced me to sit behind him and ordered me to show him the way.

As soon as I ran out, he reminded me that my riding skills only allowed me to pull my father's leg.

And when we arrived on a one-horse stand, my brother was pierced by assault magic and crossbows.

It was instant death.

The other side was cowardly enough to sneak an ambush.

The situation became unfavourable and I saw that it was unlikely that I could cover it, but I shot my brother with attack magic from a little further away.

Especially since the Red Soldiers were sneaking up on the ambushes, I'm not going to blame them just for that.

This is because he was prepared to provide immediate support in the event of a disadvantage to his brother.

But what I'm reading is a young group of uneducated mercenaries, unlike me, the old man.

Unlike the mercenary regiment of justice if you survive, if you use any cowardly hand, it is common sense that cowardly means are hated in the general knighthood and elsewhere.

Captured by that common sense, he said he didn't think that this one would think either.

The moment I saw the sight in the distance, my father ordered me to jump, shouting out loud.

Arriving on the scene using a magical ring that instructed the young men to form as they ran and let go of the tiger child's flame arrow, Father quickly picked it up in the shape of a ghost when he identified a target trying to escape the scene.

The insurgency was quickly quelled with only a few other casualties to each other between the other and his brother.

Of course, the young men were squeezed tightly and reprimanded for not being able to stop my brother and my sister from being impotent.

I have seen the scene where my brother died in battle, and my sister and I had no objection (calmly speaking, I don't think it was possible to stop my brother), but we just had to fall apart.

Then, another six months later, he arrived at Leggin Kyle, the capital of the Kingdom of Bakurney, his real destination.

My mother and I will not arrive until about a month from now.

Me, my sister, and my father are so depressed that I don't have a face to match my mother.

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