Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Tabernacle Thirty-five: In the Case of a Legitimate (38) (Part II)

The Red Soldiers officially entered into a mercenary contract with the Kingdom, joining their mothers' main unit in Leggin Kyle, the king's capital of the Bakurney kingdom.

It was the summer of 7440 years of common history.

So far, the Kingdom of Bakurney is not in a state of war with the surrounding states, but the Suesarg Empire, next to the east, has been heavily attacked by the Keiran Empire further east, and the flag color is said to be detrimental to the Suesarg Empire.

Suesarg, where small nations had gathered and named empires, but the army's will was not united because of the vastness of its territory, and it had been done in a way that was good for the Keiran Empire, which was firm in its unity of will.

And the forces of the Keiran Empire invade the Suesarg Empire to the east and west, and its spearhead reaches just a short distance to the territory of the Bakrney Kingdom.

From what I've heard, Keiran also sent soldiers north, whose front finally reached the great bay called Golin Bay at the end of last year, and if that's true, the Suesarg Empire will be broken into three pieces of national territory.

But that rate of invasion has been slowing down over the past six months, he said.

When I heard that, I wondered if the stretch of the front made it difficult to replenish the boulder and I was short of breath, but the reality was different.

This is only speculation from the situation, but the Keiran army was only moving towards the expansion of the occupied area.

Now they began to expand the armies that penetrated deep into the flanks of the Suesurg Empire, like cones, to the north and south.

That was why the invasion stalled.

Maybe it was a prep before opening the end of the battle with Bachrney.

In any case, the impasse in this invasion was very gratifying for the Kingdom of Bakrney, which was fortunate enough to give its voice to mercenary regiments and others everywhere and to focus on enhancing its armaments.

Our contract with the Red Army is part of it.

It is also significant that the refugees who have fled the Suesarg Empire have been able to be taken into the army.

Because they aligned the soldiers burning in vengeance against the Keiran army that occupied the motherland without any effort.

As far as I know, there are four other mercenary regiments stationed in Gertkaus, a stronghold close to the border with the Suesarg Empire.

In addition to that, there were about 3,000 regular troops in the kingdom.

Although I am not sure about the size of the other mercenary regiments, assuming they are estimated to be about the same as the Red Army, the combat personnel alone will be about 3000 people in conjunction with the regular army.

More than 1,000 militant infantry units, mainly refugees, were added there.

You won't be able to break the Gertkaus, which this many soldiers consolidate with a nasty keyrun.

Anyway, Gertkaus was originally the leading trading city in the Kingdom of Bakurney, and work on the city's exterior walls began nearly three years before Keiran's invasion of Suesarg was reported.

In particular, the construction of this exterior wall will to some extent crush the cultivated land that extends around the city, and there are problems with transportation to the field, so it is taking time to adjust, although not half of it has yet been completed.

Anyway, the valuable time we have earned has allowed us time not only for the Kingdom of Bakrney, but also for the Red Army to join other mercenary regiments and regular armies in deployment training and mock warfare, and to improve their local power, including their ability to collaborate.

Our brothers were torn apart.

And nearly a year after we started garrisoning in Gertkaus.

By the time the month of August of 7441 was about to end, the western army of the Keiran Empire, which had until then extended its occupation to the north and south, suddenly began its westward march.

Perhaps the stagnation so far had been marked by periods of unrestrained movement last winter in addition to the expansion of the occupied territories and demand, starting with food, from the expanded occupied territories.

I guess that saved more than a certain amount.

Fighting took place several times on a meadow stage that stretched from mid-October to the east of Gertkaus.

The Keelan army seemed to have two legions of about 4,000 men, and came under attack by organically linking those two legions.

It is the inferior Bakurney kingdom due to the number of combatants, but it was basically a defensive force, causing numerous damage to the allies, while feeding the opponent more pain than that.

Also, the kingdom was able to support the front because it continued to actively send replenishments around the regular army.

However, it is undeniable that the Royal Army's will to fight was also considerably lower.

It turns out in several battles that the Keiran army had taken prisoner of the Suesarg Imperial soldiers in past battles to stand on the arrows of their own forces.

The battle will of the troops made up of refugees from the Suesarg Empire seemed absurdly depressing and even letting the deserters out.

In the meantime, the Kingdom Regular Army and our mercenary regiment kept retreating somehow from the pushing Keiran Army.

And the fall deepened.

By the time you hear the footsteps of December that winter will arrive if you endure a little longer and Keiran will have no choice but to pull his troops as well.

They came out on a massive offensive with a knockout.

I think if it started snowing even as a key run, I'd go crazy to death because I couldn't take military action.

I saw unprecedented desperation and perseverance.

It had been six years since I came to the Kingdom of Bakurney and I was eighteen years old.

In the meantime, my body has changed dramatically.

My father, my mother, my brother Legras, and even my Sullivan sister were killed in battle about five years ago.

In addition to this, a significant number of first-tier mercenaries have been killed in the war during that meeting, and the Kingdom of Bakurney has also notified the rescission of the contract.

Although it was possible to leave the Keiran army at a critical point in this meeting to defend Gertkaus, it is only luggage for the Kingdom of Bakrney, such as a mercenary regiment that has not been able to maintain its previous fighting power.

The powerful mercenaries, who had survived only marginally, lost themselves with their families when they received their battle rewards for stealing the gold objects left behind in the squad.

There is plenty of escape to the point where the gold slice is a slice of edge, even if it is a mercenary.

All that remained were those seriously injured and their families who could not escape.

A young mercenary who has lost her parents and is only capable of running away and not likely to eat them, and who doesn't have the guts to rely on someone to run away with her.

And I inherited from my father (because my contract had not yet been broken at that time, the Kingdom of Bakurney recognized me as the head of the Bendits family and even partitioned me to the naming ceremony. Especially since the contract can be officially broken without anyone pointing their back finger at it just by multiplying it by the slightest naming cost, which can be taken for granted in a certain sense), the total number of Red Soldiers has dropped to just about 50.

The only advantage is that I was able to inherit my father's Baroness position.

Originally, it should have been for one generation only, but the Kingdom of Bachrney, which did not know the domestic circumstances of Lomberto, could have obtained the official title by mistake on its own.

Nevertheless, only titles and combat slaves were able to inherit, although only names with little substance, with nothing to dominate, such as territory and government.

The property of the squad also leaves only a really minimal amount: a few military horses and a luggage truck, a cow to pull it off, and a small amount of money for personal equipment.

Still, in order to reward those who did not flee, we tried to dispose of the army horses, cattle, etc. to provide satisfactory treatment to the injured first.

A folk healer can hang healing magic if he accumulates money.

They'll buy you out, but if you still dispose of three or four military horses and cows, all the injured will get a full treatment.

As far as I'm concerned, I thought about breaking up the Red Army with a beautiful sapphire.

I only know mercenary operations in Orth, but I had some weird confidence that I could do anything alone.

Well, there are a few adult combat slaves who are injured right now, so in the worst case scenario, if you sell them recovered, they can also be used for business seed money.

but the injured people all disagreed.

"What do you say about breaking up a traditional Red Army?"

Now I have no choice but to sell myself to some mercenary regiment for the moment, and I was told that I should turn my mind around and try to relapse somewhere else.

And "My predecessors will want that," or "Sullivan told me to ask for Vasco at the time of his death," he has said something very difficult for those who said it.

If they are to survive the Red Army as a mercenary regiment, as they claim, they will not go any further without even losing the marginal amount of manoeuvre left behind.

Because it makes it harder to travel in search of a battlefield, and it narrows the range of tactics that can be picked.

They were originally given minimal healing magic by Royal Army magicians, so there is nothing else in their lives.

It would take quite some time to fully heal, but it was thought that the injury would not cause death.

Being the orphan of Baron Alfrate Benditz, the founder of the Red Army, I had to be prepared to be hasty without being given time to think.

While doing this, time flies ruthlessly, and some leave the squad, reckoning how difficult it is as it is.

There's nothing I can do about this, and I had to accept it as a team again, even for me.

And by the time the city of Gertkaus was completely covered in snow, the Red Army had been depressed to just over thirty, about a tenth of the time at its peak.

Moreover, there are at most about twenty of them who can fight in it, and that is more than half of them are minors and the rest are injured, so much so that as a mercenary corps we can no longer do anything about it.

Here, the Red Soldiers ringing with strength have not undergone de facto aerial decomposition...

He managed to work hard with me as captain, the three surviving Bendits.

We couldn't even run a decent unit on the battlefield, and we were thrown out of Gertkaus at the same time as the winter dawned and the replenished Regular Army arrived in the city.

Of course, I had an imagination that this would happen, so I was negotiating to hire a whole group of mercenaries to garrison in Gertkaus, but at the time, I was a minor and still an ass-blue kid, and there was no reason for me to captain, and all the adult combat personnel to hire a group like Borocuz who were so injured that they couldn't move.

Finally, one of the factors would have been that those who fled the squad one foot away were already hired (everything was ignored as a matter of course, such as a dispute against them) and made a bad review about whether the bats were bad or the Special Red Army.

I dropped my shoulders more than any more and left Gertkaus behind.

But I had to feed these thirty somehow, beyond consolidating my determination to rebuild the Red Army.

I talked to the adults who remained in the squad, but for a while, as an adventurer, I had to take on various chores and wait for the injured to recover while overcoming the immediate paste.

In order to claim that it was originally a mercenary regiment, I tried to ask for as many monstrous things as I could, such as demonic extermination.

We don't care how dangerous it seems to be to make money, and we've done it all.

It should also be noted that I dyed my hands in unfamiliar business as part of the money earner, but because I didn't have the business talent, I couldn't make much money, so I gave up on business exactly as a waste of time in the first instance.

Requests for dangerous demonic exorcisms, which also herd individuals such as oaks and hobgoblins, as well as fierborgs, on top of their high fighting power, are not uncommon in the kingdom of Bakulny, the countryside of the oath.

If you're touring a big city, you'll be able to meet these requests once a month or so.

He hired a man who was brave enough to go first, recruited his crew, and focused on adventurers who had applied and the children of village squire.

Whether these authentic efforts have borne fruit, it has taken five years since then, but the number of troops has finally returned to more than sixty.

The percentage of family members has decreased, and there are nearly fifty combat personnel.

By the way, the city of Gertkaus had fallen last summer while we were making a leap forward and rebuilding.

Fortunately, however, the Keiran army was also devastated, and the prisoners were not greatly gained, and the invasion west of Gertkaus has stopped.

The mercenary and defensive regiments that were defending Gertkauss had scattered and fled, and had been pillaging around, mainly those who had not returned to the army, making it a pressing issue threatening the security of the kingdom in conjunction with the invasion of Keiran.

And now, finally, the original mercenary-like request came.

It is the exorcism of the bandits who are breaking into a village called Roblun and working the wolves.

At the request of one Viscount who rules the land, the Viscount's Knights have done a great deal of damage in another village's bandit exorcism, so it is a bandit exorcism without the support of the regular army.

The number of burglars is estimated to be about 30-40, all of whom are expected to be killed or captured.

"Jeez. What do you think?

Currently, he's my right arm, and I asked the old ginseng, Jess, if I should ask him for this request.

"That's a little too many of them..." Jess said after a few thoughts.

Surely there are fewer than 50 people who can fight here, so unless it's too much to do, damage will inevitably be done.

The number of people who can't help but be prepared to die from the crew.

"But if it's not time to take these big requests..."

No more, it's been a long time since I've been financially tough in a job about exorcising demons.

"Mm... the captain is certainly right. Do you take it?"

With Jeez's consent, I decided to ask for a memorable first request from the nascent Red Army, as a mercenary regiment.


I see someone standing in front of me with a hateful look on my face and I get unspeakable anger.

At the same time, I feel the fighting noise around me suddenly turned away.

"Well, I thought he was dead, but he's still alive."

The man told me to look down at me because I was tall.

This Lion (Lios) man is Darry, an amazing mercenary who belonged to the Red Army.

Seeing as your father or mother died in battle, he was the one who stole the most golden-eyed objects and disappeared at the instigation of the likewise surviving and usable ones.

I've tried to forget that I shouldn't resent it for a while, but I still resent what I resent.

Grab the spear your mother used and pull your mouth together.

I have no more words to say to this man.

Not to mention that Darry realized that it was the spear of the product used by his brother...

Only this guy has to be killed at all costs.

"Captain of the Red Army, it's Vasco Benditz. Brother, I want my spear back!

Having learned how to use my unique skills even more in the last few years, I became more aware of [Future View (Second Site)] than I normally do.

[Futuristic (Second Site)], which is supposed to show the sight of the future a second away, but it is possible to see the future ahead by adding more magic to the inherent skill (already learning magic, I understood that using the inherent skill requires magic).

Depending on the amount of injection, you can even see a sight 10 seconds or 20 seconds away.

Especially in these one-on-one white soldier fights, it's easiest to look two to three seconds ahead.

A few meters ahead I showed up translucent and I still started fighting translucent Darry.

And suddenly our translucent position moved instantly toward this side.

He'd better set us up first!

I quickly retract and distance myself with my spear in place.

Translucent, we changed that position again.

"Don't run away. Are you afraid of me? Captain."

Taking a step, Darry told me to stop and make a small fool of herself.

Going from left or right......

Every time we try to step out slightly, translucent, we reposition and change our posture.

I see it!

I saw the sight of my mother's spear piercing Darry's chest plate, and I stepped in thoughtfully.

As I move forward, so does Darry.

"Oh no!"


Slightly hands on the spear track after reading about trying to pay off my poke.


The translucent Darry struck me translucent as he swung the spear on his brother in his hand.

No, not this!

Jump sideways and re-compartmentalize.

I'm not sure I'm on my way if I'm three seconds ahead of the boulder.

But we just need to fix it one by one.

I've repositioned myself, and I weave the feints to be aware of our translucent movements.


This time!

"No, no!"


Take a step to the right with your weight left.

I immediately corrected my posture and ran in.


Darry unleashes a divine speedy thrust with his temper.

However, with minimal weight travel, he tipped and stepped in with his mother's spear protruding.

A translucent dally overlapping reality dally spits blood.

Tell the spear and feel the response.

He instantly twisted his spear and put more effort into it.

A translucent Darry removes the spear on his translucent brother and raises his hand to grab my spear.


He poked more spears at me to put my weight on.

Translucent Darry grabs the spear with a trembling arm as he shudders.

And blood was spit out of Darry's mouth in reality.

"... red... soldier... then... flag... or so... stand up..."

Grabbing the spear with a trembling arm, Darry said.

Three more years later.

Common history 7449 years.

Focusing on the eastern part of the Bakurney kingdom, the Red Soldiers (us) turned vigorously to exorcise the bandits.

The number of people is now back to nearly 100.

Some of the bandits tasted like Darry and belonged to the Red Army.

It was not uncommon for some of them to offer to surrender and want to work in the Red Army again.

I've seen my taste buddies, and as far as I'm concerned, I can forgive them.

We can expand our power, and most importantly, we're not friends we don't know.

But I tried to shake off my sweet feelings like a child and killed them all.

There's a problem with showing the current crew, and I couldn't ignore the intentions of members of the ancient ginseng who have been licking spicy acids together, starting with Jess and her daughter Tania.

While doing so, a foreign request came to the Red Soldiers (us), who were named for banditry and demonic extermination.

The client is a man named Count Junkel, who belongs to the western Empire of Granan, and the content is his affiliation with the Knights of the Counts and his engagement in various operations such as policing.

The mercenary regiment is on the right track in the main business to take part in the war and undertake some of its operations.

I left the squad to the deputy captain, Jeez, and went to Count Junkel's territory with Tania, who became my deputy.

Of course, confirmation of the detailed conditions is natural, because it is necessary to confirm the truth more than the fluffy contents of the letter.

We met with the Count himself and promised to sign this agreement again with the team once the year had dawned and the snow had melted, filling in the fine reward terms, which were likely to be a fairly long-term contract, and we were on our way home.

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