23 Aug 7450


When Kathy sat down on the baby she held, the baby grinned.

A girl born between the Bastrals, named Miko.

My nickname is Mai.

Kathy narrowed her eyes gladly when she saw Mai laugh.

Bastral also has my cheek on his sloppily lowered face.

They say it was April of this year that this child was born.

Miko is a Japanese kind of name a while ago, but as a bastral, I guess I named him after that intent.

I don't know - I don't think it's a good name, but I don't think it's a good name for me to say anything.

My Bastral... Myco Bastral...?

Mm-hmm. I don't feel as bad about the story as I say.

Because of this, the colour of the eyes is slightly lighter than that of Bastral and Kathy, and the colour of the hair is salmon pink.

The face is... I'm an infant, so I'm not sure if there's a Japanese part or not.

Well, apart from the color of the eyes and hair, small triangular ears grow from above the head and thin tails, so no matter who you show it to as it is, there's no Japanese element anywhere on the outside.

"I'm so glad you were born satisfied with five bodies..."

Said Bastral with a seemingly gentle face.

Yeah, I really know how that feels.

I began to pray to God that I would have a child of my own and that I would be born satisfied with five bodies after a while.

Of course, we know that in almost all cases in childbirth, we are born with five bodies satisfied.

Instead of saying, it might be more appropriate to say that the case itself, which is born with a disability, was not familiar, so I never cared.

I just pinched it in my little ear, and it seems that there are really very rare examples of that, but in that case it mostly means "stillbirth".


"Oh. You look healthy and you're going to be beautiful in the future."

When I told him that, Bastral looked satisfied and nodded.

Kathy also says "... she's cute" and shakes Mai gently.

"Coming to Beglitz looks ok next spring to summer or so"

It is normal to perform a naming ritual about a year after birth if there is no particular problem.

And then, at that point, it will be able to withstand the movement of the oath general in a poorly done carriage.

The Bastral family's move to Beglitz itself was originally planned, and we are not talking about it now.

I was just late for Kathy's pregnancy.

"Right. I think we'll be fine next May or maybe later in June."

"Okay. If you want to take them from the guys who work at the factory or the ramen shop, you have to replenish the head count."

"Okay. Shall we go?"


After this, Bastral bought it for me after this year, I have to go to the naming of sixteen slaves.

All of them are Hume children, of course.

And when their naming is over, it's an interview with an employee separated from a slave.

Owners like ranches, butchers, wholesalers, wholesalers, etc. who go out with us in purchasing are asking me if I can get my children to work for us.

Of course, after my second son, other than the governor heir, but as far as they're concerned, I guess they want to fatten up their connection to the Green Chamber of Commerce, which is expanding their business well.

There's no particular reason for me to say no.

There could be a mix of turbulent waves, but I don't think I can help being too nervous anymore than I already have a big guy named Son of a Turbulent Head.

I'll hire you if you can use it for the crowd, and if it seems too bad, I'll just ask you to pick it up.

Hmm, it's time to have Reynolds and Sarah present for the interview as well as Bastral.

Next year, Bastral will be gone, too.

Well, I'll have to do the interview for the hopeful track construction that's scheduled for tomorrow.

Mount Demakar Medium on the border between the Kingdom of Romberto and the Junkel Diaspora.

"Harry, you guys go around from the left. Wico and the others are from the right. Signal my assault. Okay?"

"" Ha ""

The Fourth Knights commanded by Miloo discovered a flock of Fierborgs on the way to patrol.

There are no more than a dozen herds, and small individuals (who would be children) mixed together, so they chose to perish.

In anticipation of the timing, Miloo led several of his men into a raid on a flock of Fierborgs.

I really wanted to use bows and other flying tools first, but I can't help it because flying tools are not very useful in woody mountains.

My men fought well, and in no time did they leave a flock of Fierborgs swept away.

Fortunately, Miloo and the others only had one minor injured.

While letting the lower soldiers pick the demon stones of Fierborg, Miloo gathered Harry and Wico, the leaders of his men, as he stood sentry around.

The two of them are originally serving as platoon leaders in the Fourth Knights, but when they are on the road with First Knights like Miloo on patrol and elsewhere, they step back and take a position like squad leaders, learning to command troops from the First Knights.

It is an on-the-job training (OJT) that combines patrol duties.

Therefore, attack magic, which depends on personal qualities, will not be used unless it falls into an extra situation.

It should be noted that this incumbent training is an educational method developed independently within the First Knights and is not otherwise widespread.

Basically, it would be the Knights, but it would be the Craftsmen, but the only way to educate in the Orth is to be a brother, and no other Knights have been able to discern the true value of this education law.

Because it is the First Knights (Miloo) who are truly trained in the present.

Also, the fact that those who understood the training methods were distributed to other Knights and did similar things there did not produce very good results, either because there was a great separation in the qualities of the members in the first place.

Because the First Knights, unlike the other Knights, also hold a multitude of classes, and even the entrance exams are close to intelligence tests using simple shapes and the like, in addition to practical skills.

Seniors and superiors are not accompanied in this patrol assignment because the current Miloo is near the final stage of his education course as platoon leader.

After returning, he will write a large number of reports and receive questioning hells in the name of debriefing by squadrons and platoon leaders of the First Knights, his superiors.

"Harry's assault was good. The timing was perfect."

"Ha. Thank you"

Harry is a Thirty Way Tiger Nation (Tigerman), but he replied with pleasure to several younger Miloos.

"Wico, too. But you should pay a little more attention to your men. Is that a cyral? If I hadn't covered for you, you'd be in danger."


Wico is a mid twenties werewolf (Wolfwer) of the same age as Miloo.

I'm a little dissatisfied because I wasn't satisfied with the attention I received.

It should be noted that Syral is the only one injured in this battle.

"What? If you have an opinion, you can say it."

"Ha. Okay. When I say I pay attention to how my men are doing, during raids and riots..."

"You say you can't?

"No, I'm not saying I can't, but it's hard."

"I know it's hard. But still do it. If you don't want to kill your men."

"Ha... but"

Miru can understand what Wico has to say.

Because when I first became a squire or a knight with her, I was told these things and I was trained.

There is also a sense that this moment is also in the midst of a trial: command of troops and education of subordinates as platoon leaders.

"But what?

"No, the..."

"Whatever you say, I won't be mad. Just say it."

"... my eyes are just two in front of my head. I can't even see how my men are following me from behind."

"Yes. I don't think I or Harry's eye position is very different from yours, either?

Miru said, clapping his shoulders.

At the same time, he said, "Are those splendid ears decorative? I thought so, but I didn't say it.

"Ha... that's... yes"

"I noticed the crisis in Syral. Besides, I was in my detachment at the Maria crisis. Harry was covering for Janet, wasn't he?

"I guess it would have been if the captain had said so. But to me..."

"You say you can't?


Wico clogged the words.

Harry's is watching the two of them interact in a clear way.

"If you can't, you have no choice. Report to you that the squad leader is heavily loaded..."

"No, it's not impossible! I said it's hard!

"Right. Something that I or Harry can do. I don't think you can do it either."


"As I said earlier, I know it's hard. But if I'm going to keep my men as platoon leaders, I have to be able to, and I have to be able to. It's the minimum qualities that our captain needs to be able to do in our army."

"... Yes"

Wico dripped with an indelible expression.

But as a reality, platoon leader Miloo was also attentive to all the crisis in his own detachment, Maria, or how Wico and Harry detachments were doing.

He said he was covering for his men, even for his colleague Harry.

Wico cursed himself incompetent compared to Harry, but he can't, no, it's true he hasn't.

"Imagine the trick of paying attention to your men."

"Imagine, is it?

"Yes. You remember the placement before the assault was on the boulder, right?


"When you run a few steps to pick up your enemies, always think and imagine what form your men are in and what their positions are, what their movements will be against them, and how their movements will be. There will be a lot of mistakes at first, but if you get used to it, that mistake will decrease, and I think you'll be able to grasp the trend of mistakes. Then I'm just going to modify my imagination to match it. And don't be relieved when you were perfectly imaginary. It's important to think about why you did what you imagined."

When Miloo said that much, the outpost announced the proximity of the demon.

Sounds like a bunch of knolls.

"Sa. You should try it fast...... everyone, prepare for battle!

"You've seen a lot of those guys in black armor lately"

One of the young men in the Red Army told Vasco as he narrowed his eyes and created a shelter with his hands.

He is very eye-catching and surprisingly farsighted, so he cannot be removed from the scourge.

"Oh... the black-armed guys look like commanders, but do they even pay commanders for dedicated armor?

Vasco also replies with a peek at the handmade monoculars.

Even when it comes to monoculars, there are only convex lenses from the labyrinth (concave lenses and prisms are not technically capable and cannot be created). Since only so-called Kepler-type telescopes can be made in oaths, what Vasco is peeking at also only obtains inverted statues, but there are no major practical problems.

This monocular was also bought by Vasco, who found out about the presence of convex lenses, ready to jump off the fresh water stage and made it himself.

"Come on...... I've asked Jeez before, but Jeez said he doesn't know either"

"Right. But I guess we're rich enough to make matching metal armor (plate mails)"

"I guess. As much as I envy you, how physically fit are you to put it in the mountains with a cheerful face while wearing plate mails?

"Not at all. And so is that black armor, but I've never even seen him get a hand wound when I deal with Fierborg. He seems a lot shorter than the guy I saw before, but is she a woman?

"Mm-hmm. It's too far from the boulder for me to know. Are you a woman? Not a dwarf or something?

"I don't know for sure until the race, but if they weren't all dwarves, gnomes, halflings... Besides, he doesn't seem to have a tail, and he wouldn't be a Cat People or a Tigerman. From the design of the armor chest, it doesn't look like a dog or a wolf. I think she's an elf or a woman of fumes."

"... even though she's a woman, she's not just gonna walk the mountain in plate mail, she's gonna fight Fierborg... haunt you?


"In any case, it seems pretty skillful, doesn't it? Damn, I'm gonna put on some heavy plate mails in the first place, 'cause I'm gonna make that move. Hey... Hmm?

"What's up?

"... well... what is it? Goblins, I guess? Looks like they got eyes on a bunch of goblins or something."


"Over there."

Unlike bare eyes, the viewing angle of the telescope is narrow, even if it is not a great magnification.

Basco pointed a telescope at you as the young man ascertained the direction he was pointing his finger in.

He just rocked a little but seems to have discovered the herd immediately, shifting the cylinder at hand of the monocular glasses and focusing.

"That's a knoll... there's over thirty of them"

"Yeah, you look like a pretty big herd... oh, I think they noticed that too"

"Well...... and if it's just you. Oh, do you use magic?

"What do you think? Because I didn't seem to use magic when I defeated Fierborg earlier."

"Oh. Have you noticed the magical light, too? I thought you didn't have a wizard?

"Mm-hmm, it's noon, and it's possible that you noticed, but if you noticed your head too... you both said you wouldn't notice. Otherwise, I don't think you used magic."

While doing so, fighting began between Lomberto's patrol unit and Knoll.

Lombert's patrol force is less than twenty men, much less than Knoll's, but it would be unlikely to lose considering the handiwork that defeated a group of earlier Fierborgs.

"It's just right to know how they fight, and look closely."

"Don't overlook the magic, either, right?

"Oh, you're right"

The two watched the game in silence for a while, but as expected, Lomberto's patrol unit quickly slammed down more than half of the knolls and the remaining knolls fled somewhere to scatter the spider child.


"What's up?

"No, I was thinking about the difference with the guys I saw yesterday..."

"Oh, was it a unit that didn't have black armor"

"That's right. Soldiers move very differently. Wasn't that hardly harmful?

"Sort of..."

"Black armor is still a commander. When they're around, they move differently."

"Around next week, when the yom I was putting out to see is back? I might be purchasing information about some black armor..."

"I hope so..."

The Junkel Berg, where they were hired, is planning an invasion of the Kingdom of Lomberto in the near future, but now the Non-War Agreement is functioning between the Empire of Granan and the Kingdom of Lomberto, to which the Berg belongs.

Vasco, the captain of the Red Army, continued his enthusiastic reconnaissance for the analysis of his opponent's tactics and power, as the Red Army was to assume one wing if the various ends of the battle were opened.

29 Aug 7450

I managed to get back to Beglitz on schedule.

Regardless of the interview with the employees of the Chamber of Commerce, there were more prospects for the construction husband than expected, so he was framed to continue to soak up the horses on his way home.

To tell you the truth, I wanted to worship Master Mira's face for a long time, but tomorrow my son Baron Webdos is supposed to come to Beglitz with a list of migrants as the name of the Marquis of Webdos.

I can't go without seeing him face to face with the boulder. Even though I was able to twist the corner time, I had to give up crying about greeting my master.

Even though it's still a long day, it's pretty dim if it's even close to 7pm on the boulder.

He broke up with Associate Sir Camry and Associate Sir Barson in the square in front of the administration and headed for the mansion with his feet.

I heard Mizuchi had just come home from the Knights who were the janitors of the administration.

When I arrived at the mansion, the guards shouted for my return, so did the living men and maids.

"Welcome home, Mr. Yakuza."

Enter the front door of the mansion with Lucio from the stables following with a saddlebag removed from Uranus right behind him.

"Welcome home."

"Oh, I'm home"

Mizuchi greets me waiting in the front door.

I haven't changed my clothes as usual yet.

Stepping back from Mizuchi, family order Patricia Bartolomé is glaring at Mizuchi in case she falls off.

Mm-hmm, barely or even bigger?

I heard you started feeling fetal movement about the end of last month, but I've never been in touch with that moment yet.

Today is what I want to touch.

"Prepare the bath, I haven't. I'm sorry."

I'm sorry. Mizuchi just left and hasn't changed, so there's no way I can prepare a bath.

"Mm-hmm. I'll get it. Besides, it's time for me to prepare all the baths. In high places because it is dangerous…"

"You don't have to worry so much. You're still okay."

"No, I say so, but sometimes I'm worried, just in case. See?"

I asked Patricia for her consent.

It's simply about her paying attention to Mizuchi, who's even pregnant when she welcomes me.

You will definitely take my side.

"Right. But don't worry, we always accompany Sergio when his wife prepares her bath, because she's only six months pregnant..."

The ladies (maids) who heard me and Patricia laugh funny too.

Are you completely flattered by Mizuchi?

Shit, traitors.

... It's also evidence that Mizuchi holds the reins firmly, and weirdly enough more than being followed by me?

That night.

When I was indulging in the supper I made Giberti make, I was finally felt a baby kicking Mizuchi's stomach.

I was so happy to jump to such joy.

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