



"... and... so... ugh!!"



"Oh Kawasaki! Don't walk! Run!!"

I can hear Lieutenant Dojima yelling.

I know.

I was just resting.


My legs are heavy.

It's Sunday, why are you doing this...

The back sac is heavy like an idiot, and 64 has a real gun-like 4.3kg in the habit of model guns.

Before that, not only on the back of my leg, but also on the sides and back of my leg, the shark peeled off cheats and complained of uneven pain.

Yeah, I'm gonna have to submit this week's report to the Squadron Leader tomorrow morning... and what the hell am I doing... getting fucked?

When you stare forward and clutter, you take a step, and step on the earth with all the strength you have exhausted on the foot you have stepped out.

And then he squeezes the power of None and takes another step.

I manage to move my feet rhythmically back and forth, but the cedar groves that I see up front are never close.

"Hmm, is that just a snap out of it?

"Are you blunt in dry weather?

One Cao Sugi and two Cao Ehara's voice got in my ear like they made a fool of me.


It's me, too!

I bite my teeth and send my temper to my legs again so I can at least increase my speed a little and look back at them.

But I don't feel any closer to Cedar Forest, rather I even feel like I was far away.

I certainly can't say the speed is fast enough to flatter you right now. It's a rush.

Rather, it wouldn't make a big difference to being walking.

Still keep moving your legs and you should be definitely getting closer step by step...... WHY!?

The moment I thought so and praised my face.

"Third crawl! Get a posture!

I don't like it or animals, this will take more time than ever before to get to Cedar Forest, or before I think about something, I fall into reflexively muddy ground.

Though Hokkaido, if you exercise hard that it is only October, it will be muddy water because it is hot on boulders, but it feels a little good.

At the same time, as he pointed his entire body to the right, as he extended his right leg and bent his left leg, he put his left forearm on the ground with his entire lower body on the left side to support his upper body, in a crawling position with its elbow as a fulcrum.

Hold the gun with only your right hand, above your right hip without touching the ground.


If you're not carrying anything, you're not in such a tight motion, but now you're carrying a back sac weighing more than 40 kg, and just making sure you don't lose your balance takes a lot of health away.

Especially if you're carrying a heavy backpack like this one, this third crawl is the toughest.

The upper body is almost entirely facing to the right, and the lower left body must be snugly attached to the ground from the hips, so you can't mislead the upper body orientation at all when traveling with cheats, because the elbows of the left arm that are the fulcrum of the movement are so painful.

The seniors understand it so well that the deception works and it is possible to attach the front of the first, second, and upper body to the ground without having to elbow to the ground, making the heavy back sac a little easier (I feel like) rarely let me do the fourth or fifth crawl.

He kicked the ground with his right foot and started to advance by trying to attract it when he sent his left elbow forward.

My face gets squeaky with the mud I dialed right away.

Real ranger training also places restrictions on water supply, so I hear you will start hydrating with muddy water during these runaways.

Fortunately, I am now voluntary to not fall off ranger training (?) This is a preview, so the dryness of the throat has not reached the point of sipping mud.


I heard a strange voice from next door, so I accidentally twisted my body and turned left.

To ease the weight of the back sac, even temporarily, by levelling the back, of course, unintentionally.

"I would have crawled on the third!

Only today were two captains Yoshiike, my buddy, getting a kick from one captain Dojima.

The moment I recognized it, Captain Dojima's kick flew up my ass, too.


I have a strange voice for so much pain.

"What are you looking at and resting on?!? Just go!


Kick your right foot again, kick your left foot, and pull your left elbow......



"Heb!... a dream. Damn."

I woke up drowning in a hot tub.

During the day, Claw and Marie kicked me in the ass, and finally the back of my cheated leg hurts.

Despite ordering them to do it, the Values could not reluctantly play the role of busy instructors, either because they were also told by Mizuchi, or because they were serious (?) He treated me up to.

I know you're being brave, but I was the one who wanted that in the first place, and I know very well that it's been a reference for the Values who were taking a serious look at how they were doing, so I just thought about letting Claw and Marie use it as a material for instruction later on when they got MYE training, and I didn't argue with one thing but giving them a crappy response.

Nevertheless... it's strange to be reminded of what happened decades ago when I was a self-defense officer as if it had happened yesterday.

Especially since I couldn't think back to it in detail until I started M-E training, I guess it's true that it's closely related to feelings and memories like tactile, olfactory, taste, etc.

At the time, all the superiors and seniors were ghosts, demons, brain muscles, and perverts, besides being extremely sadistic, but when I think about it carefully, I go out of my way to crush the holidays until I or... what the hell... oh, I seriously lose my mind about the fact that you accompanied me in training for 2nd Lieutenant Yoshiike.

Oh, I remember.

Lieutenant Yoshiike.

Three years older than me, naturally at that age, two lieutenants means he is a senior in defense.

Well, it's possible that he's from general college if you only consider his age and rank, but he's a senior in defense.

The defense college had few contacts because their battalions, faculties, and alumni associations (like department activities) were different, except for one point, who was not well acquainted.

It should be noted that at the time of the troop assignment the same regiment but the squadrons to which it belonged were different, so we did not have a very deep relationship.

Anyway, at the time, I finished the Executive Primary Course (BOC) and was an executive in my first year assigned as a three lieutenant. I was chased by various things I had to remember, grasp the platoon members who became my own men, prepare for the exercise, etc., so the other squadrons just remember their faces and ranks, which is a superior category.

It would have been sufficient if I knew if I would salute you first or answer you later when there was a mistake in the camp.

I remember the faces of two captains Yoshiike at the time I completely forgot.

I feel somewhere weak and not very fit, and a little bit weak.

As a result, I was struck in the shadows by the cadets who didn't really understand him wondering why he was assigned to the general department, which was also Hokkaido (right after the collapse of the Soviet Union at the time, and the troops assigned to Hokkaido were relatively well thought out among the militia in all of land, sea and air, and priority was given to updating equipment).

Sure, I fell off that summer and that year's executive ranger course, so it was a challenge again.

So, in the regiment I belonged to, I remember that he lost two times in a row, which made it a little early for the regiment leader to be fooled by the other regiment leaders, but also take Kawasaki (you), and I will never allow him to fall off.

To be honest, although I was rather surprised because I thought the challenge to the Executive Ranger course would be early or a little further if it wasn't internal (knockout), it wasn't something that would be negative for my background, and I decided to volunteer anyway, thinking that I would still be better off while I was young and physically fit.


I put the tip of the rubber hose connected to the tank on the roof into the hot tub and unplugged it.

Hot water is still released sufficiently.

Captain Yoshiike's shooting arm was divine.

It's been famous since college, and it's half legendary that the score for lying or true or small gun shooting is always full.

I have also heard that I will go to gym school, but said that I have been assigned to the general force at my own desire.

Perhaps even Bell is no match for his arm.

Because you reassemble a completely disassembled small gun, zero in with just two shots, and then you collect 10 rounds in a radius of two centimeters, even 500m ahead with bare eyes.

It's similar, of course, even with the wind, and if he wasn't a commander, he's an arm that's been given a 64-style small gun with sniper glasses (sniper scope) and cheek patches (cheek pads) as a selection archer, and it's no stranger to be an Olympic fortifier.

Well, unlike my squadron, his squadron probably had something to do with the fact that he could have used a new (New) gun from the beginning without weird habits, because a type 89 small gun was already deployed at the time.

I don't know if that's the replacement, but my squadron mortar was a brand new British L16 license item, but his squadron was an old American M1 license item, and my small gun platoon vehicle was the newest high motor vehicle at the time, but his squadron was a jeep, commonly known as a small tiger.

I tried to drag heavy gear. One day on my way home, he asks me for shooting tips. What did he say to me...

Since the practice is not so different from the rest of the crew, I would not have said that it was "practice".

Oh, yeah.

- Computation and imagination.

It is.

Read how much the barrel heats each time you shoot, how ballistics change, the direction and strength of the wind blowing from where you shoot to your target, and all airflow, and make corrections to your calculations.

I was told that it was ideal that when I judged all of this instantaneously, or almost intuitively, and set goals through the gates and the stars, I was just supposed to pull the trigger.

I can understand and understand what you mean as Japanese, but I'm not sure what you're talking about......

Step out your left foot before your right foot sinks and step out your right foot before your left foot sinks.

If you can do this a hundred times a second, you can run on water, like they say.

The hot water in the hot tub, which was starting to cool, got hot again.

It hurts to stain the cheeks that are made on the back of both legs.

Ah, my skin is frivolous.

I think I'll have Mizuchi cut it later.

I can't help but want to hang healing witchcraft, but it is forbidden to use magic except in life-threatening emergencies during M-E training.

Thus it would be only superior to be slowly immersed in hot water.

Starting tomorrow, I can't even go home until the end of training, so I'll keep the bath for a while, and even what I eat will be limited only to what is paid for by the instructor.

I can't do it with Mizuchi, and I'm going to eat something a little yummy for today and go to bed early.

October 15, 7450.

Lombertia Castle.

Thomas Lomberto III, the castle owner and king, had received a report from Viscount Taklad Gendail, the First Knight Commander, a subordinate of the belly.

"Looks like a situation where…"

"Right. If so, you'll be sure to set it up from the other side within four to five years at the latest if you leave it alone"

"Yes, but four to five years is the best estimate, so I was wondering if it would actually be sooner..."

When the king took his gaze off Viscount Gendail, he put his hand on his chin and thought in.

And after a moment of thought, he turned his gaze to Viscount Gendail again.

"What's the force we're deploying around there right now?

"Ha. Almost all the third squadron of the First Knights, about 30, as a command and assault force, as well as the fourth heavy squadron of the First Knights, are in charge of supplying from Wang Du to Flakis, of which around ten are stationed in Flakis. Also, there are 350 two squadrons of the Fourth Knights, 170 squadrons of the Supply Squad, and about 50 platoons of the Second Knights."

"... about 600 people. It's a delicate number, but given the replenishment, we can't do it..."

The King turns his attention to Associate Baron Dougard Valmort, Second Knights Commander.

"Valmalt. Can you turn two squadrons north?

"There's nothing you can't do if you can't... it's tough"

Hearing a reluctant response, he now turned his attention to Viscount Harrison Bowen, head of the Fourth Knights.

"Bowen. Can you turn three squadrons north from there?

Since the number of people making up the troops varies in each Knights organization, the King demanded three squadrons from the Fourth Knights.

"Ha. There are three squadrons whose retraining has not been completed. One of these has no experience as a replenishment unit, but has no problems as an infantry combat unit. The retraining of this squadron is almost over, so it's possible to move it now, but if you're thinking about replenishing it, wait for the snowmelt."


"It is possible to develop three squadrons next spring. But I was wondering if it would be better if you thought that one of the squadrons would specialise in replenishment."


So the king turned his attention to the Third Knight Commander, Duchess Mireille Iturin, as he remembered.

The Third Knights are the Knights whose main task is policing the territory, such as the police, and there are many so-called "village stationers” who are stationed scattered around stations and villages and cities throughout the heavens, which are considered to be relatively important among the border lines, according to the entity.

The number of people stationed in one location is about twenty, except in particularly large cities such as Wang Du.

Some of them are less than a dozen.

At best, fighting will also focus on the exorcism of small bandits and demonic exorcisms that threaten the safety of the streets, so more than 70% of people have little or no experience in large-scale group combat training.

Conversely, it can also be said that less than 30% have such training experience, but unlike the other Knights, the Third Knights do not conduct large-scale combat training such that one side has from hundreds to more than a thousand.

In one way or another, 30% of the experience is occupied by people who have been bought arms such as criminal investigations or who, as professional soldiers and combatants, have moved from other Knights because of their older age, and feel like so-called veteran soldiers.

The vast majority are young people who have no experience in other Knights.

Therefore, there is nothing to make the Third Knights stand on the arrow side of the war, and if so, it can be said that it is on the verge of losing.

"From the 1st Battalion stationed in Wangdu, we can move about 240 troops a squadron. But I know that security in Lombertia will decrease slightly until they return. Of course, this squadron needs to be regrouped and retrained, so I know that progress from Wang Capital will be as early as next summer..."

When he heard the Duchess Iturin's reply, the king nodded and thought of something again.

"Bowen, move those three squadrons to Flakis next April. Keep Iturin's Third Knights on guard. However, create a dedicated security unit of about 100 personnel to ensure the safety of the supply route to Flakis. There's no such thing as damage to the supply unit in a demonic raid, or slowing down until there's no damage."

Viscount Bowen and Duchess Iturin will all respond with acknowledgement.

"And Valmort. Talk to Count Riegle and pull at least one squadron of arms from the Dart Plains, two if you want, to arrive in Flakis by the end of next year. At the same time, bring at least one squadron of the Fourth Knights responsible for supplying that squadron. Hehe... hey, he's a thousand dragon slayers. They will try to do something about pulling out one or two squadrons. First of all, it's only then that I said to my head this year that Dabus was hit hard by a dragon raid, and that the troops in the Dart Plains are not about to invade this place."

All the Knights chiefs who were on the spot in too much rhetoric end up.

The number of one squadron of the Second Knights is roughly around 300, and if we were to pull through two of them, there would be 600 combat personnel alone.

If the 4th Knights supply squadron is combined, it will be about 140-150 plus.

Once that many people are pulled out at once, two or three whole development villages in the Dart Plains will become round hips.

Count of the boulder league will not obey the promises either, no, he will not obey.

It would seem impossible to see him as the ruler of the land.

A sympathetic gaze was poured on Associate Baron Valmort, who was entrusted with difficult negotiations.

"Next year, no, we'll activate an example operation at the same time as next year's snowmelt! Cover them before they move! Bring that Marquis Junkel's neck before the prep!

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