
"E ~ muy! Eh, muy! E ~ muy!"

One man is making a strange jump with a weird hanging voice in front of a dedicated facility built at the end of the Knights of the League garrison.

He is the leader of this Knights regiment and Allain Gried, who governs the land.

Put your hands behind your head and put one foot forward, the other pulling back.

He then switched the front and rear of his left and right legs as he bent over and then jumped.

It is commonly referred to as a bending leap.

Besides, he was doing that with a rubber protector on.

"Hey, my chin's up!


Even though he replied well, he very slightly broke his mouth thinking, "Has the instructor always followed the board?"

He was then carried away with a large back sac after being held a weight bound with a long sword and ran away to be driven away.

Today is supposed to be a mountain infiltration training day using Mount Velos, which can be found south of Beglitz.

Same day, morning.

Rooms at the castle of Lombertia.

"Mm-hmm. Two squadrons from the nine squadrons stationed on the Dart Plains, and a squadron from the Fourth Knights pull through one of the five. If you go with your bare hands, it won't be acceptable."

The king, swept back to the throne, said looking down at the fearful lean subordinate (Tigerman) in front of him.


Associate Baron Dougard Valmort, who has grown from a liberal people in the first place to the Second Knights of the Kingdom, is "naturally," but even in awe.

At the same time as the adults, he enlisted in the Fourth Knights of the Kingdom to appear on the headlines and was recommended by his superiors for transfer to the First Knights.

Then, when he emerged to the Squadron Commander of the First Knights by the arms and steadfast command of the dreaded Knife (Grave), he became the First Great Captain of the Second Knights, the kingdom's main force, and in due course ascended to the Knights Commander.

Yesterday, when the decision was made to send troops to Junkel Hokuriku, Associate Baron Valmort was playing to the King that "without some sort of handicraft, it would not be negotiable".

"And I can say to the boulder about the bargaining conditions that my country's hosts are, but I can also nod that it was too much in my hands"


I understand that there is no reason to pull through the King and, rather, the soldiers who are garrisoning on the Dart Plains for free - a number that also exceeds 20% of the total garrison strength.

However, it was just impossible to determine the terms of the exchange within yesterday on the boulder.

Anyway, we didn't decide to extract troops from the Dart Plains from the beginning.

"So I decided to put on an advisor."

"What? Advisor......?

Associate Baron Valmort was disappointed that he was unlikely to be able to throw round the negotiating responsibilities, but he did receive his own life in yesterday's military conference to negotiate directly with the Earl of the League.

"Mm-hmm. Talk to your advisor on the road, too, to determine negotiating materials and conditions. The advisor will already be waiting in the stables of the Second Knights. Go."

Associate Baron Valmort immediately withdrew from the chamber of sight after laying low.

As king, I had to let the Second Knight Commander gain experience in political and military negotiations, a core force of engagement with foreign countries.

And if possible, that opportunity is ideal for someone who would be less painful even if they failed.

In other words, it is the nobility of the country and so on.

In the Kingdom of Lomberto, which is about to emerge from the feudal system ahead of the nations, it is becoming impossible to confront a king (the Duke of Lomberto family), arguably the biggest nobleman in the country, unless the non-kings are united.

And because there is no way that we can fully unify the thoughts, interests, etc. of the noblemen, we can cut it off from the realm of dreams such as the unity of the princes.

In addition, Count Riegle, the counterpart to this negotiation, still has a huge difference in territorial power, even though he is gaining strength to the point of ascending to the Marquis.

At last, there were times when the royal family and leading aristocrats feared their military might, and even if it were possible to offer some favorable conditions to the Count, they wanted to cut that force.

Of course, it makes no sense if we don't leave enough force to resist the Kingdom of Davis, but according to the information we've gathered so far, even if we pulled out three squadrons, it was estimated that the Count himself would defend us without major problems first if he was even located.


"E ~ muy! Eh, muy! E ~ muy!"

One man is crossing a rope, along with a strange hanging, stretched out in a dedicated facility built at the end of the Knights of the League garrison.

He is the leader of this Knights regiment and Allain Gried, who governs the land.

Hanging his hands and the back of his legs on the rope, he looks like a catfish.

But unlike catfish, it moves to cross the rope, so this is a mundane monkey.

- Uh, too, my hand hurts... damn.

Even with that in mind, he is moving his hands and feet rhythmically with a tremendous buzz and moving forward steadily.

The handler's instructor curses at nothing and goes back and forth.

He was then carried away with a large back sac after being held a weight bound with a long sword and ran away to be driven somewhere.

Today is the day for solo march and position building training to Mount Bashkel, which runs north of Zondir.

Same day, late at night.

In a dedicated facility built at the end of the Knights of the Leagues garrison.

One man slept wrapped around a thin blanket in a bed that just laid straw on a large empty box.

He is the leader of this Knights regiment and Allain Gried, who governs the land.

A few shadows approaching there.

One of them opens the doors of the facility rampantly in the starlight.

"Gather around!

When the man who was wrapped around the blanket jumped reflexively, he quickly wore his socks and armor and jumped out of the building to roll wearing a rubber protector at an alarming rate of speed.

"Okay, six minutes. It's over a minute. Arms up, ten! Stand up!"




"Do an M-E inspection...... what's that sleeping habit? Always mind your familiarity with knightly things! Arms up, ten! Stand up!"




"Do you have a loose band? Band defective! Ten arms up! Stand up!"




It wasn't until more than an hour had passed since he was able to dive into bed again.


"E ~ muy! Eh, muy! E ~ muy!"

One man is crossing a rope, along with a strange hanging, stretched out in a dedicated facility built at the end of the Knights of the League garrison.

He is the leader of this Knights regiment and Allain Gried, who governs the land.

He is only advancing with the force of his arm as he hangs only the back of his hands and right foot on the rope and his left foot is draped down.

It's commonly known as sailor crossing.

"Ooh, it's getting late! Already!?"


- Huh, to this extent... you can still go.

Though he thinks about it, he moves his hands forcefully as he opens his pitch-black eyes and looks forward, steadily advancing, with a tremendous hanging voice.

He was then carried away with a large back sac after being held a weight bound with a long sword and ran away to be driven somewhere.

Today is supposed to be an undercover landing training day using a rubber boat on Dunbar Lake west of Beglitz.

Same day, late at night.

In a dedicated facility built at the end of the Knights of the Leagues garrison.

One man slept wrapped around a thin blanket in a bed that just laid straw on a large empty box.

He is the leader of this Knights regiment and Allain Gried, who governs the land.

A few shadows approaching there.

One of them opens the doors of the facility rampantly in the starlight.

"Gather around!

When the man who was wrapped around the blanket jumped reflexively, he quickly wore his socks and armor and jumped out of the building to roll wearing a rubber protector at an alarming rate of speed.

"Let's reward you for working hard every day tonight. It's a fun excursion now. Get ready!


The man began to prepare his back sac while dressed in rubber protectors.

In addition to personal luggage such as underwear, skin clothing, or under replacement armor, he even packs it in his back sac like a heavily swollen earthbag.

The total weight is likely to reach as much as 40 kg.

Several military horses had just been brought in when a man carrying a large, swollen backpack and even baggage with a long sword bound went out of the facility again.

"Okay, you ready?


The man's response echoes the garrison at night.

"Head to the destination written on this map and make contact with operatives infiltrated on the ground. After receiving the information, leave. Return."


A crude map was given to the man's hand.



I hear someone lit me up. Relies on the magical light of the lights to view the map.

There was some writing on the map.

It is written with simple illustrations, such as rocks and trees with characteristics that seem to be on the route to destination.

According to the map, the destination looks like a hut built near the foothills east of Mount Belos, beside Lake Graz, southwest of the village of Zorge.

- Shit, I don't know. A place like this. Damn......

I spit evil in my mind, but I just have to head to a designated place anyway.

I was taken from the side where I carefully tried to fold the map.

"Become, Muay?

I look to whoever took up the map in surprise.

Marie distorted her mouth to a strange shape and flickered the map, "Because if the enemy takes you along the way, it's a cot. Beat him in the head in five minutes," he said and returned the map.

- Ahbu. Did you miss my reply now......

Al makes his eyes look like a plate and desperately remembers the contents of the map.

They say the operative can wait on the ground until dawn.

- Looking at it this way, it's hard to be a teacher or an assistant teacher... We have to go out until midnight, and we even have to accompany the training students for their safety and identification.... it's an experience, and I don't have to worry about it.

October 20, 7450.

Armor workshop on the outskirts of Beglitz.


Winston Carlim, the main and well-armed armor blacksmith in this workshop, held his head down and exhaled heavily.

Almost finished the armor entrusted to me by Al, my lord.

He turns and relaxes his stiff shoulders in a fine task just before completion.

This armor is very luxurious with plenty of dragon scales, a precious material, and it is also the first to be handled by Carlim, who has operated armor blacksmiths in Wangdu for many years.

Of course the scales, the armored material, were also made from blue dragon skin to sew it on (only the head and small scales were carried to the ground with the skin of the shadow dragon, and the sturdy parts that could be used as the base of the armor had been lost), and I had a feeling that Carlim himself, would be his greatest masterpiece.

"Status O......"

I accidentally check my status, but I manage to keep it in mind.

If it had been done so far, it could be said to be almost complete as armor, so the status should no longer look as material but as scaled armor (Skyle Mail).

And I also have a feeling it's not just Skyle Mail, it's got some kind of unique mark on it.

"No, no, patience"

I'd like to see it done anyway.

Almost complete, though, it goes against his fashion to see it on the way.

Well, this armor was made by him alone from one to ten.

Only simple processes, such as scaling and skinning, bore the hands of the disciples.

When the sturdy thread made from the tendon of the Blue Dragon is passed through the Adamantite needle and the needle is placed on the neck of the armor hung on a special armor coating, this is also beaten in with a hammer with an Adamantite surface.

It's a very nerve-wracking task, but it'll be over by the month at the latest.


Before noon.

Mount Weed.

"Don't sleep!!"

Anger flies in the middle of the mountain.


Yelling Al stepped out as he shook his head and aroused consciousness.

Apparently, for more than a second, they thought it was sleeping that I meditated on my eyes.

... It's true that I fell asleep while walking.

Anyway, I haven't slept for the last three or five hours, and I only have a piece of dry bread in my mouth.

The water is also only a very small amount taken from the surface of the wet armor and grass leaves in the morning dew during the break.

It is clear that we are already suffering from malnutrition.

Though a flimsy foothold, when Al ascertained his time with the clock magic prop he was carrying, he lowered the backpack and other things he was in charge of to the roots of a large tree, and himself took a wooden climbing tool called a handclaw out of his backpack and put it on, and began to climb the tree.

Somehow, climb from the ground to a few meters high and sit on the branches.

All the baggage was also recovered on the tree with the rope that was tied to the baggage.

Claw, who was an instructor here, mentioned "1" in the section "Ensuring safety through life lines, etc. during tree climbing" in the notebook.

I guess it's a loss of thinking that I forgot I was able to do until an hour ago when I climbed a tree.

In particular, this is the first reduction since the start of MEE training and it does not appear to have any impact on the discipline.

A few minutes later.

Red smoke rose a little further away.

The smoke just stood up for about a minute and quickly subsides.

That is the destination.

Al hurried out of the tree when he unloaded his stuff and walked out with his back sac and all that again.

We arrived at our destination in no time.

At the destination, one man sat back on the stump and waited.

Sir Value, an ally wounded, is the rescue target of this supposed training.

In the storage on his hips, a bottle of medicine he used for wolf smoke is housed along with a clock demon prop.

Sir lies on the ground beside him when he admits to the appearance of Al and the instructors.

- Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock?

Even as he thinks about it with tears in his eyes as he sees the great stature of the Value, Al approaches without forgetting his caution about the trap.

Al, who exchanges predetermined euphemisms with Valet, the target audience, takes off the armor the Valet was wearing when he lowers the back sac he was carrying and applies a hand on his thigh that he is injured.

Namely, a damp cloth, bandage rolls, etc. caused by the washing of the wound by shochu and medicinal herbs that have a hemostatic effect.

- Should I be allowed to carry about recovery drugs (healing potions)......? It's also unnatural that the rescue team won't bring it... no, if we assume that we lost it on the way or broke the bottle... can we just hand over the bottle with the contents watered?

When he finishes the injury allowance, he restarts his back sac in front of his body and bears the value on his back.

An allied carriage is standing by about five miles from here.

You have to arrive within half a day, even though you've been added heavy baggage

Late that same night.

Sleeping in Beglitz's mansion, Mizuchi woke up with the discomfort he felt in his lower abdomen.

- This... broken water?

No major pain yet.

The broken water situation is not flashy either, it feels like it's close to urinating.

Reach for the bell immediately placed on the pillow.

One of the mansion's rooms has been under inspection for about a month and has become a delivery room.

A few footsteps were immediately heard and the bedroom door opened.

Normally, there will always be a cry for permission to enter the room, but such an act has been omitted in view of the possibility of an emergency because it is in the second trimester.

"Ma'am! Are you calling?

Two of the expectant midwives chased through and rushed over to bed beside the maid Aida, who works at the mansion, asking with a lamp.

"Could have broken water..."

Mizuchi explains to the midwife with a bitter laugh.

"Excuse me, sir."

One of the midwives pulls off the futon.

The other immediately pulled down Mizuchi's pajamas.

It is a brilliant combination.

"... it's not broken water, is it? It's a sign. But in a little while, you're going to have water breaks or labor pains."

"Yes. Are you okay?

"I'm sure you're still okay, but just in case, please move your bedroom."

"Okay. You okay to wake up?

"Yeah. If you don't have any pain, you'll be fine."

Mizuchi moved to the bedroom provided next to the delivery room, accompanied by one of the midwives.

The remaining midwife told Aida while stripping away the dirty sheets: "Normally, labor pains will start tonight by about noon tomorrow. As early as dawn today. Contact His Excellency the Count. Then I ordered you to get your wife dressed."

When Aida told her colleague, Sofronia, to let Lucio or Sergio go and contact the Knights, she herself jumped into a costume room that would take her from her bedroom.

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