Star Realm (Astral Plain).

Usually, the spirit of the vast majority of the gods is here, in a world where they seek stability about the areas under their control in each of their main material worlds (prime material planes), or where they carry out the work given to them by the superior gods.

A gigantic building built on a large island in the ocean, the source of the Okeanos River, in an area known as Extremely Rare (Elusium), in the corner of its Astral Plain (Gangankai).

The name is Sun Fortress.

A pillar of divinity lagged behind that fortress in meditation.

The name of divinity is inherently impossible to pronounce or denote, but would Payloon be reasonable if forced to write it down?

He is a superior god (Greater Daty) who presides over areas such as "Sun” and “Light” in several prime material planes.

The Paloon you are meditating on is rarely accompanied by a flesh - "vessel" - but this is merely a Paloon custom: "when you meditate, you go back to the original“ vessel, "not more or less.

- Mm-hmm. This is!?

Payloon, who was meditating, feels a slight variation due to his divine power.

As a result, the “vessel” of Payloon, which had not moved at all for a long time, trembled slightly.

- Veiol... what the hell...?

Then slowly open your eyes.

I frown only for a moment and fly to the main material world of consciousness just in case to confirm.

- That's weird. Isn't the majority of the previous ones still alive...?

Payloon had a boring twist with another divinity called Veiol a while back.

As we continue to be mediated by a divine nature called Istrus, a third party, before we can make a great distortion of it on Astral Plains, our grievances with Payloon and Veiol are rapidly sedating.

but it didn't mean that the spark had completely disappeared, and in the details they continued to harass each other.

For this reason, Veiol is also a superior god, and the dominant areas are “earth”, “life" and “abundance” in most prime material planes.

- Hmm. Ask why... I have to check.

Payloon stood up and headed to the bedroom set in the corner between the back.

Say something in your mouth with your toes as you fall asleep in bed.

and its flesh lost its vitality like a threaded puppet and it also stopped moving with Pickle.

- Oh, is that the case?

Istrus sighs inside, even as he responds to the spirit body of Paloon, which he has suddenly visited.

Even for her, I didn't forget the existence of Payloon, but I just didn't expect to be able to complain about this kind of triviality until how much Veiol was involved.

- Mm-hmm. Isn't that a breach of contract?

That is, of course, the use of the suspicious divine force of Veiol sensed earlier by Payloon.

If the sensing is correct, Veiol would have made a casual interference with a prime material plane called Aus.

However, that degree of interference is not particularly uncommon.

Sometimes you do something similar with Payloon if you feel like it, and that's the same with other gods.

What Payloon wants to say is that to that extent, the viewing of records (acacic records) is associated with more than their origins.

In particular, only a very small number of superior gods, such as Baskerv, are actually able to view more records than their origins (Acacic Records).

Of course, Veiol was originally not allowed to view Acacic Records either in Payloon or Istrus.

Istrus' mental body cruised for a very short time, but returned a spiritual wave.

- It's my downfall that I didn't tell you in advance, Lord Payloon.

- Hmm?

- That's what I asked for.

- You say?

- It's a little longer to explain, though.

- I don't mind.

- So... I reincarnated Zugtomole's child into an oath.

To Istrus' words, Payloon silenced for a while.

-... of that new American sub-god (Demi Goddam) when it comes to Zugtomole?

- Yeah.

- And I said that it would be long, but not long at all.

- Because that's what I thought would bother you to ask.

The spirit of Peyroon was as bright as a dawn.

I'm laughing.

- May I ask why? Yeah, of course, that's why I have to go back to Acacic Records.

- When I say son of Zugtomole, I'm not a child born in an oath. This is the child she was caged in before she was reincarnated by an oath.

- Hmm.

- Before she was born, she had the first (...) death caused by the example. As a result, a child who had never been born could not be reincarnated into an oath.

Camilla (Lillus), who died in her cage, qualified to be reincarnated, and was reborn into an oath after her death, but the child in the womb did not go so because she had not even been born.

- Speaking of which, did that happen?

- Zugtomole had left a strong untrained about it.

A child who was pregnant once but did not make it to childbirth.

I blame myself for pity, remorse, and failure to bear any responsibility.

Different, to be exact, but it's something close to the so-called concept of a water child.

- This is something different. If my memory were certain, Zugtomole would have begotten a child. If so......

- That was after he was reincarnated into an oath.

- That's right...

- The child born in the oath and the child who was caged in his previous life is someone else.


- As a mother, it's not like one of them should even be born... and it won't be the kind to be forgotten... and the father is different.

- That's right...

The spirit body of Payloon lets its brilliance shine.

Are you thinking or meditating on the past?

- It is the soul of a child who never lived in the world, so I asked Lord Baskerv to obtain a soul record from Acacic Records, so... I gave that record to Lord Veiol and asked him to regenerate it as a soul, and to reincarnate it.

- I see. But there's one thing I can't solve. Wouldn't that fit in a smooth vessel?

- Rarely. I also understand that Zugtomole. This time it was said that very good conditions were in place...

- Is that what you mean? No, phase. Okay. Well, it's not like I'm not interested in why I have to reincarnate Zugtomole's kid, but it doesn't seem to matter to me. Lord Istrus, I apologize for disturbing you this time. I will return to Elusium.

- No, it would have been fine if I had told you from the beginning, so don't worry...

Payloon's mental body suddenly disappeared, just as it did when it appeared.

The tower of Lils, which can be transformed into a pandemonium.

So Lils was one yakimoki.

- I haven't slept properly in over half an hour...

I wanted to tell you the name of my son, who is still trying to be reincarnated, but the man who becomes the father in the material world never sleeps with me.

On the contrary, he hasn't even had a decent sleep for a while here.

Sometimes you let go of consciousness, but it's also very little time, and there's no gap in dreaming.

Speaking of sub-gods, it was impossible to strike a boulder with this.

In Lillus, who is still only a sub-god as a position of divinity, we can only rely on witchcraft, not divine power, to know how the oath is while in Astral Plain.

Though Istrus, her god of hindsight, told me to "move forward to work (for real) without strange distractions," it was not appropriate for her to take a lot of time to prepare herself, and to refrain from reincarnating my son, who could not be forgotten even if she became a sub-god, and to calm her feelings.

-... what the hell are you doing!?

It's frustrating but there's nothing she can do about it.

I have no choice but to look at the memory of my mother, or try to connect consciousness if possible, but this one is supposed to be midnight in the oath, but I haven't slept yet, and I didn't accept the magic.

- Are you in labor yet?

I could calm down here.

That's right.

Indeed, the child that is about to be born is the child that Lils was able to bear.

But at the same time, it's those two kids.

- It's not what I say... it's not.

Isn't that why Istrus has also waved a mountainous amount of work?

It would have been well visible to the god of hindsight (Istrus).

Lils was ashamed.

I'm ashamed, but I want to fix the environment for my child in the future.

- Then...

It's early morning already when I check the time in the Kingdom of Lyle.

The people will all be awake and active by now.

Use witchcraft.

Target audience is….

“My name is Lils Zugtomore. Be King of the Kingdom of Lyle and Mother of the Nation. My children, kneel down."

The elders of the kingdom of Lyle.

The elders, who were about to begin their work in their respective clerks' offices within the administration of Elle Hay, knelt down to sit in the direction of the Royal Palace as they all jumped off their chairs.

“Listen to me. The Wangdao Rakudo construction plan is about to embark on its third phase”

The senators were all like, "When?," he opened his eyes in amazement as he sat down.

I can't seem to show you the appearance this time, but I close my eyes consciously knowing that I will not listen to a word of the voice that sounds straight into my forehead so that it is stained in my mind.

“Chiztunolol, who ordered a special mission, is conceiving a child, but it is the third stage until the child is long."

Everyone understood that, of course, that meant the third phase of the Wangdao Rakudo construction plan.

“Until then, it will be rare to hold hands. But afterwards, it will be very helpful. If I have to, I don't want to dissolve and close this kingdom of Lyle."

Everyone who heard that said, "What?" I raise my voice.

It's not impossible for them because they were told so much shocking content.

“Chizu tuna lol...... no, was it a gried already? From now on, Gried, his husband, and the child born in between will lead him to Paradise..."

What the hell does that mean?

The words of His Majesty Lils continue elsewhere with the seniors who are heartily stunned.

“Deputy Director of Yolette Food is craving manpower. I'll send you a few.”

With that said, Yolette, who was the previous Warrior General, had been ordered to study the artificial cultivation of pine mushrooms (Decrudge) in Mount Mayle in the Kingdom of Densville that it was in the south of the continent.

Because Yolette is also still a member of the Elder, he kneels at the moment when His Majesty Lils' voice echoes in his head behind a horizontal hole in the dark mountains.

“Look, don't force yourself into this Elle Hay. I don't even need to be bound by the name of Lyle. A concubine breaks her heart is a new life born (without) beneath the grid. If you ask me, I can help you, but basically leave it to that couple."

meaning contained in this word.

What about the Kingdom of Lyle and its people?

The elders shook their bodies unknowingly.

“The Wangdao Rakudo construction plan refers to the construction of a land that will become a paradise where living at the bottom of the earth will allow you to live abundantly on the ground by waving the major players. Begin preparing for that. Plan to relocate an artificial plant for fungi and manufacturing facilities for all kinds of secret medicines and secure the necessary personnel for them. The first destination and timing are… open to Gried's husband”

Oh, my God!

About half of the time I was listening to His Majesty, I was relieved that I was close to what I had expected, and I realized that the other half felt sorry for me.

I felt sorry for myself because I missed my expectation that I would abandon my hometown and abandon my sacred name, Lyle, and that I would go out to earth to discuss it.

“I'm sorry to hear that. This is never a bad thing for you."

Those who could not forbid carelessness until earlier, to the words that followed, immediately ashamed themselves of their ignorance.

After all, His Majesty did not abandon us.

“Although some parts of the plan itself have been modified slightly, it can be said that the plan is generally progressing as originally planned. Then this oath inherits my... concubine's... Lyle's spirit most energetically. Communicating it to the ground and spreading it means building paradise...... Remember Lyle's spirit, and tell future generations it's your mission.”

What is the spirit of Lyle that His Majesty says?

Sophisticated cultures of all kinds?

A centuries-old tradition?

or the ideals held by Her Majesty the Queen to be venerated?

“But then again, it is certain that we need the guidance of that couple..."

Whatever the warrior of Dark Elves, the First Lady of the Earl of Gried, his husband, the Earl himself, is a heterogeneous fume.

It has been quite a while since His Majesty seems to have placed quite a lot of trust in that fume...... why not a dark elf from this kingdom? You couldn't?

“And of the concubine...... well. First, support those two, help them, and earn their trust. In the process, we may have to give advice, direct words, and sometimes disagree."

Having said that, would there be a measure that could accommodate Hume, a great nobleman of a great power called the Kingdom of Romberto?

It would not be normal.

In particular, it may be because His Majesty says so.

Otherwise His Majesty will not bother to ask.

"... Then don't forget the effort. The King's Road Paradise Construction Plan is that only our Dark Elves enjoy Paradise. And that we are still far from completing the plan..."

Looks like that's where Her Majesty's words ended.

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