
It was around sixteen o'clock that we arrived at Weed Station after assuming training in casualty rescue was completed and swayed by the carriage while uttering for a while.

The station building was provided with loose wheat porridge and soup, as well as long-awaited cold water.

I am thankful for this because I was on the verge of becoming malnourished rather than dehydrated.

I really wanted to eat fat dripping meat and fish, but I'm pretty sure a good polidge for digestion is the best option for my stomach and intestines that have been completely weakened.

Thank you for just being able to eat and drink something before then.

Water first.

I can feel the cold water falling through my throat into my stomach.

I could see that my stomach was working to peristallize and started absorbing moisture.

And a sip of soup.

Swallow and at the same time poke a spoon into the polidge to carry it to your mouth.

... Oh, yummy.

The soup did not contain any utensils, but the stock was carefully removed and the vegetables as well as the beef extract were well blended in.

Besides, I can even feel a little sweet even though the polydge doesn't mean that something is mixed.

Wheat porridge is delicious.

If you've eaten before, you know, but wheat porridge made from just hot water really doesn't taste good.

But it feels so delicious that there is no more to the malnourished body.

Is hunger the biggest condiment?

I even felt that a sip of warm soup would gently stroke my stomach and a sip of polydge would refresh my thoughts that nourishment clouded around my body.

Naturally, I still have drowsiness, but I feel that I was able to calm down because I took a lot of nourishment.

When I calmed down a little, the polidge became unsavory as soon as possible.

Couldn't it have been any better?

Forgive your stomach and intestines for more beating, taste slowly and focus on eating.

He said he would leave on a special train as soon as he finished eating.

The train was connected with an example luxury passenger car, so it was shallow to think that this would finally give me a decent sleep.

I saw the paperwork stacked in the box seat.

On the expanded folding table, in addition to writing equipment, there are red waxes, candles, and sealed wax sets such as seals.

Sure, I'm an M-E training student, but before that, I forgot I was the lord of this West Dirt.

Then, the meal just now - a little less than a normal person's one meal, was in enough quantity to digest in no time - makes me wonder if this was the aim.

In retrospect, since the start of the training... maybe three weeks? He was not at all involved in the work to be carried out in the administration.

I also recall that Mizuchi is about to give birth, so he did not serve in the administration around the start of my training.

It must be accumulating... especially the report documents.

I feel laid back, and I'm sure I've got a better face and a better face.

The Knights said they were beside them too, but threw their backpacks and other luggage on the reticle and even threw up a loud sigh.

Especially since I almost totally threw away the work of the administration over training these days, I can't escape because I was the one who asked the instructors to "consult with the administration in advance about schedules and prepare the necessary documents and so on for the trains when going away with the use of the railway in supposed training, etc."

You have to make a ruling or read a report that you have to keep until you arrive at Beglitz, and you'll have to assume it's your word just to be able to utter a little between them.

Though it got somewhat better, lack of nutrition made my confused head anxious and I took a hard look at the piles of paperwork.


The report only needs to be looked at (which seems important can be turned at a later date), and a large number of petitions and such are divided between "approval" and "rejection".

I'm sure this isn't really a mix of important stuff either.

The rest is about the recently surged number of applications for the establishment of chambers of commerce, so this kind of thing would be fine with all approval without any thought on the part of the chamber of commerce of number three (there's no first thing called number two or number one on boulders, and it wouldn't be mixed in here where it was).

In a way, I supposedly only prepared something that would be okay with blind judgment.

... There is not a single thing that needs to be considered and judged.


I don't have the right head to think about things right now.

Okay, let's do it... I resent the fact that all the teachers like Claw and Marie, Value and Camry started snoring and sleeping well while I was looking through the paperwork.

... Speaking of which, it is normal for a human to have a pregnancy period of about 280 days from the last menstrual date.

I have calculated with Mizuchi before, but according to this, the due date for childbirth is around the middle of this month.

The truth is, it's not weird to be born anymore, and that's a little long.

I had to do some writing, and the carriage railroad was running at a pretty low speed of 10 km/h, so I arrived at Beglitz around 21: 00, which was completely late at night.

And I was made to run back to the Knights garrison, dragging my painful feet, and now I eat two regular polydges that aren't loose and sweat in cold well water.

I had a decent meal where I was drowsy and depressed, so I only remember rolling into the bed in the dormitory of the MYE training facility.


Late at night.

"Gather around!

Reflectively jumps up as the light demon props are lit and wears brand new underwear and armor.

At the same time, it was confirmed that it was still dark outside, visible from the open entrance.

What time is it, shit?

My heart is full of dissatisfaction.

What, today... yesterday already? just had three days of presumptive training.

I couldn't sleep busily while traveling by carriage or carriage railroad, so since I left I've been... I think I've slept for about four hours with this feeling, but not very much, but I don't have enough sleep.

Anyway, he was even malnourished until he ate wheat porridge at Weed Station.

Is that the next exercise in that state...

Wouldn't you at least be in the morning, eating a decent meal with meat and vegetables, and then not hitting a bee?

Em, I really want to stop training.

My lord and countess, the dragon slayer finally has to do something like this!?

One person whispers poison while fastening his belt under his armor, but realizes he is too hungry to speak well.

Oh, this is normal thinking... I haven't been able to.

Yes, all I'm thinking about right now is none! Over!

If you don't get more support than that, you'll get an extra arm's length.

But I really only wanted you to give me a break this evening...

I rushed out as fast as I could.

And the carriage was stopped.

That's a carriage I built with suspension, too.

The palace is also equipped with two large lanterns that glow brilliantly, and of course four horses are connected.

Yes, yes, I'll go anywhere.

Anyway, I can be ordered to "get your armor on" right away.

I have washed the whole water droplets since I left, but it is regrettable that the band was about to cut one spot because I left it trying to fix it after I woke up tomorrow.

Definitely an arm's length project.

But this carriage won't even be able to sleep on the move.

... Is that it?

There is only one instructor role.

This is Associate Duke Barson, who wasn't in presumptive training until yesterday.

Well, no. Everyone else is already on the ground, right?

Yes, sir, sir. Thank you for your hard work.

Running up to the front of the Associate Duke for a small run and not being upright...... oh right?

My lord, I just got word from your mansion.

Brigadier General Barson said as he knelt down to me to thank his subordinates.

I can't follow my head.

"He said his wife was given birth. Please take this carriage back to your mansion."


I can't do this!

Carriage? It's faster to run... isn't that your current strength?

The mansion was lit with lights everywhere, and women and younger men were bulky.

The face I don't know would be a midwife or a doctor or something like that.

"Oh, welcome back"

My youngest son Guaire notices me as soon as possible.

"Oh, what do you say?

I also ask how bad it is to take off my shoes.

"More to me...... Ah, Master Pat, the stall is back!

Bartolome, a family order with a pile of white cloth in the bathroom, passed through.

I guess someone went to get her because she's not living in it.

"Well, well, the stall. Welcome back, we're just starting to have labor pains."

"But are you going to be born yet?

"I don't know about that, but if it's normal, it shouldn't take long."

With that said, they said that the length of labor pain is short for a few minutes, and that it lasts longer than a day.

"Is it okay if I go to Mizuchi's?

"I'll check"

I went to the delivery room with Bartolome, who answered that.

Mizuchi is roaring from the inside.

One moment, please.

Bartolome opened the door with one hand, and as soon as he entered, he closed the door.

I just saw it. The lights inside seem to be fully secured.

I didn't see Mizuchi.

Soon a grandmother opens the door and peeks into her face.

"You're a stall, right?


I know this old lady is a midwife, but she inexplicably looked from the ceiling of her head to her nail tip and then said, "I heard you were in field training at the Knights, so I thought it was dirtier..." and invited me into the delivery room.

I wonder what this bitch thinks of the army?

I don't know anything else, but at least I'm not allowed to go to bed in my army without a shower and a clean outfit.

Well, you must have mistaken me for running around Yamano until now.

I don't know, it's more productive than that...?

Is that it?

You're still sleeping in a futon.


He spoke a word and lowered his back to the chair he had placed on the pillow of his bed.

"Uh-oh. Welcome back..."

"Oh. What do you say?

"Ouch. But not too much to put up with."

That's right.

"Hey, I'm still wearing the futon, okay?

"Mm-hmm. Until there's a shorter interval between labor pains, I'll be fine."

You know what?

"You're the one who's okay? You haven't slept much in training for three days until yesterday, have you?

"I could use a little sleep, so I'm fine."

"Did you have dinner?

"Oh. Just polidge and soup, but I ate. Why don't I just hold your hand or something?

There was someone else around, but I pushed embarrassment and asked.

I hope Mizuchi can give birth safely.

"Huh? It's not like it's started yet, okay?"


Was it me who wanted to hold your hand?

Pull in the hand you almost put out and peek into Mizuchi's face.

There was a sweat erupting on my forehead, and I tried to wipe it off but I didn't have anything.

You noticed me like that, my earlier midwife wiped me with a lightly wet towel and handed me a new towel.

"If this looks like it's going to take a little longer, why don't you get some sleep? Why don't you tell me you slept?

"No, it's okay"

And I said, "You don't look okay. You look tired," she said.

Sure, the birth hasn't started yet, so I might get annoyed if I was lowering this shitty face by my side.

To be honest, I'm still getting drowsy when I hear it's okay.

That's sweet of you to say. You should get some sleep.

"Okay. Then I'll just give you a break... and good luck with that."

"Yeah. Get some rest."

I wiped the sweat off my forehead and took a seat.

I tried the last appraisal, but nothing particularly unusual happened.

I was woken up in the morning.

Apparently, it finally broke water and the birth became a second reading.

To be honest, my consciousness awakens quickly if I hear that I still wanted to sleep but broke water.

I immediately changed and ran out to the delivery room.

The women seem to be boiling water.

She said it was because I would create as much as I wanted, but she said she would confirm the adjustment of the temperature directly by hand.

In the delivery room, Mizuchi was much louder than at night.

"Mizuchi, are you okay?!?"

Unexpectedly rush over and speak up.


Mizuchi was in close proximity to crawling on all fours on the bed and had his hands on a lower headboard.

I can't even hold your hand with this.

What am I supposed to do?

What can I do?

"Oh, man."

I spoke to one of the midwives and asked her what to do, but she said there was only so much I could do to call her.

"What about healing magic?

"You don't need it until it's all over"

Having said that, I had heard...

'Ugh, it hurts. It hurts.'

Mizuchi is roaring like he doesn't even realize I'm beside him.

He shouts in Japanese and shakes his head with his eyes tightly closed and his face distorted.

"Ma'am, yes, breathe."

But you seem to be responding to the mother's voice.

I breathe and vomit according to what the midwife says.

Kuh, shit.

I want to do something, but I can't do anything.

I can't even hold my hand.

I used to paint the delivery table that Mizuchi and I knew and ask the midwife, but I regret being cut and dumped in a nutshell saying, "I can't be that squeaky," and I gave up.

I could have held his hand about that shape.

"Mizuchi, Mizuchi, come on!

There's only so much I can do to really speak to you.

Speaking up a few times like that, Mizuchi finally realized I was beside him.

"Ugh... you're here"

"Oh, of course."

I'll give it back in Japanese, too.

Mizuchi scratches his sweat with surprise and his thin skin clothes are clear.

'Thanks...... Ouch!

I warped my face in pain.

"Do you want to get hungry?

Mizuchi's tummy on all fours is about to get to bed, but she hasn't.

You can get your hands on it and rub it.

"Daiji... Bu... Ugh!

Mizuchi shouted barking against his back against the bow.

"Ugh! Ouch! Ahhhhh! Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!

"Does it hurt? Come on! '

"Ugh! Yikes! Yes, yes, yes, yes!

'That's right, Mizuchi, it's hi-hi-hoo! Hi-hi-hoo!'

I have heard that you should exhale several times during childbirth.

We should split it into three parts with Hihihifu.

Lamars, is that law?

"Fluffy... Ouch... Ouch... Ha... I want to!

It's not what I'm saying. You don't listen to me at all.

But hi-hi-hoo's important.

"Mizuchi, when you exhale, hi-hi-hoo..."


"Ma'am, it's all open now, so Iki is fine!

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!

"It's hi-hi-hoo!

"Iki, put some effort into your legs."

Mizuchi's screaming and multiple maternal voices, and whoever's saying what in my voice won't be sure.

"Wow! Oh, there he is!

"Yes, Iki, please!

"Breathe separately and vomit! Hi-hi-hoo! '

"Uuuuuu! You don't give a shit in your ear!


Mizuchi yells at me and takes it away.

It hurts! It's gonna crack my pelvis!

"Ah, oh."

Do something about this pain!

'... (sorry. I can't do that)'

"It hurts, it hurts!

"So hi-hi-hoo......"

"I've already opened my uterus, I'm done with hihihi-hi-hoo and stuff! Shut the fuck up! Go away!

I slipped away.

They would not understand Japanese for the midwives and women, but they guessed what interaction there was from the momentum and atmosphere of the words.

My gaze hurts.

but compared to Mizuchi, who is fighting the pain of reality......

"Breathe, puke, suck, yes, Iki!

"Huh! Ouch! Ouch!

Do you mean to hold a sweat in your hand?

"Come on! Mizuchi, come on!

All I can do is cheer.

I'll fight with you, Mizuchi!

"Yes, suck it again, puke it, suck it, puke it, suck it, suck it, yes iki!

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

Yeah, I can't look at it, but I can't even look away.

"Come on! Mizuchi, come on!

"Somebody knock that lousy shit out!


"Stuck that idiot out! Shut up!"

Oh, no...

"Oh, Mr. Yakuza, please wait in the separate room"

Tefracolin in the woman has turned a hard eye.

Unlike usual, it hasn't gone too far.


Dropped his shoulder and this time he came disappointed and headed to the living room... not standing in the hallway.

The gardener Lacerna and the stables Guaire also stand shabby.

"Dear Yakuza, a man is useless in childbirth..."

"We just have to wait and see"


That's what I said, but I walked around the same place with my arms around me.

Occasionally, I bite my fingertips, try to strain my cheeks and take a deep breath trying to feel a little pain just like Mizuchi.

Thank you. I'm not comfortable.

It's not frustrating, but if you're not in a hurry, there's no reason to calm down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, shall I bring you a chair?

La Serna spoke to me with such a look at me.

"No, fine. I can't sit here."

As always, I hear Mizuchi roaring and screaming from the delivery room.

I can't sit still in that situation.

I also try to start flexion exercises for no reason, but I shrug my ears, not if I'm doing this right away.

During the birth of my sister-in-law Shani, I remembered that my father and brother were of no use at all.

Occasionally, Baltic Lomé, a lady with a toilet and a family order, came out, changing the hot water.

I tried to peek inside the room at that time, but both Guailee and Lacerna had just turned their backs on the door so I could calm down too.

- Oh, God! May Mizuchi give birth safely......!

- Kids are satisfied with five bodies... please...!

- Whatever happens to me...!

- If Mizuchi and the kid are safe, nothing else...!

- If you can even be born safe, I can do M-E training and many times...!

- I don't mind giving you everything. God Buddha, please help us both......!

- Nan Wu Fa Lian Hua Sutra, Nan Wu Amitabha Buddha, Amen, Saumen, Hyasso... No, Allah Hu Akbar... Please...!

Similar thoughts circle around your head, around for a few seconds until you circle around and get back to the beginning.

I don't know how many times I've been around already.

That's how some hours went by.

Seven to eight minutes ago, a female Sastore walked into the delivery room with new hot water.

"Yes, I see it! Iki!"

"Uhhhhh!! I'm too tatty - -!!"

"Keep it up! Don't speak up, put your strength into your feet!

The three of us listen to the door.

How many times now?

"Yes! Keep it up! Keep it up!"


"Yes, well done! Congratulations!


"You, get some hot water!

"Yes, right now!


A whimpering voice leaked out of my mouth.

I hung my hand on the handle to open the door, but another hand overlapped in that hand.

It's Guailette's hand.

Unexpectedly looking at its face, Guailee slowly shakes her head to the left and right.

And I said, "Dear stall, please still bear with me".

Mm, you sure do.

I didn't have permission to come in.

I'm stuck.

"Your wife won't remember that you're in labor either, but she'll be aware of it already. I think the first is the key. Please say a warm word."

La Serna's words give me a sense of inclusiveness, but clearly, it's horseshoe style for me right now.

Consciousness continues to concentrate in the room.

"... ahhh!

This voice!?


That's the baby voice!


Whimpering leaks again.

A new life was indeed born just ahead of us, separated by one door.

That drew my blood, too.

"Thank you for waiting."

Bartolome jumped in at the same time as he opened the door.


Mizuchi lays a cushion over the bed and wakes up half of her body, holding the baby.

"He's a healthy boy! Congratulations to the stall!

"" Congratulations ""

Right, boys.

Mizuchi was smiling on the bed holding my child twisted in a towel like the one she was wearing.


Mizuchi looked at me with an overflowing grin.

Fatigue made me sweaty and my hair sweaty and wet, but Mizuchi, who became a mother, was beautiful.

"Well done! That was great! Really......!

Wordless thoughts clog my throat.

Gently look at the baby Mizuchi holds.

He's an unusually bloody, shitty monkey-like baby.

With that said, both Zed and Becky were born to look like monkeys.

"The status was fine, but how's it going?

Mizuchi called out feeling terrified.

Speaking of which, you were flying somewhere for an appraisal.

[M/22/10/7450 · Pu · Count Riegle's eldest son]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 0]

[Level: 0]

[HP: 1 (1) MP: 0 (0)]

[Muscle Strength: 0]

[Jun Min: 0]

[Dexterity: 0]

[Endurance: 0]

[Experience: 0 (1)]

"Status open...... yeah, there's no abnormality. I'm fine, and thanks for giving birth to five satisfied bodies."

You're not a reborn like us, so there's no way you have any inherent skills.

He's a very normal baby.

Except for the colour of the udder blue skin.

Perhaps because the skin color also draws the blood of Mizuchi.

While doing so, one of the midwives applied ink to the baby's ear and pressed the paper.

The baby cries out as the fire arrives, but this is a natural act in the oath, and picking ear prints shortly after birth is taken for granted in the aristocratic class.

To prove my blood ties to my father, check against my ear prints, which I picked before.

The dirty head was quickly wiped off with a wet towel and returned to Mizuchi's arms again.

"Let me hold you too..."

Receive my child carefully and look closely at his face, as if dealing with even broken goods.

I'm crying without love, but I can't stop the love smell that springs up.

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