
The baby is crying out loud before I hold him.

Depending on the crying additions and subtractions, the squeaky monkey face becomes even more distorted. Nanja, this guy will have such a face, but even that feels lovely and adorable.

But I want you to stop crying because this kid will also be losing strength by being born... not quite!

In my experience, babies are crying because of the pain of having their umbilical cords removed.

Sure... maybe.

... Wasn't it?

I don't care if it was different.

I'm pretty sure I have a cut in my stomach.

"Hey, can I hang up some healing magic already?

I called out to the midwife who was wiping Mizuchi's groin.

"Yes, first on your child's stomach, then on your wife, too"

When I gently return the baby to Mizuchi, I carefully peel off the towel that was wrapping its body and peel out its umbilical cord.

Bleeding continues to seep thinly from the marks of the amputated umbilical cord.

The customer touched the affected area directly, so she put her fingertips on the side of the umbilical cord and shot the cure all three times.

Then I stopped crying perfectly even though I was crying now.

That? I had a stomachache, why?

It feels like.

Hmm. I cured you.

"The only baby wound is the umbilicus, right?

I'll check with the midwife just in case.

"Yes, it should be. But just in case, hang up a few times..."

"If it was just one place, it would be enough to hang the cure-all three times. I'd like to call my wife next time, okay?

"Huh? Three more times? If you're still okay, please."


I will hang just a towel on the baby and touch Mizuchi's hand holding it.

I'm so high right now, I can keep hanging up until my magic runs out.

I'll keep hanging the cure-all till Mizuchi says enough is enough.


At the time of hanging the first cure-all, Mizuchi shook his body with a strange voice.

I know this because I was going through it when my sister-in-law Shani.

Because the sudden contraction of the uterus, which was inflated by healing magic, at a rate exceeding its natural healing power, gave it a strong sense of discomfort.

Of course, he had one hand on the child's back so that it was okay to remove my child at that time, but Mizuchi did not have the kind of hema to remove the child.


The next would be because the detached placental trace was repaired in childbirth.

Or because the birth canal contracted?

Sister-in-law Shani said she was ticklish and laughed.

"............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Thanks."

Mizuchi smiled at me because he hung up on me many times and the pain caught him.

I smile back, too, wiping the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand.

Dress him up. Whatever. I'll hang healing magic on him. I didn't mean to... Shit on the boulder, this.

It was only moments before we tangled our gaze, and we both immediately turned to the baby.

The baby slept easily in Mizuchi's hands.

Wounds from childbirth (?) can't recover to health, even though it has healed.

For that reason, Mizuchi and his son were only in contact for a few minutes, and the midwives and maids kicked him out of the room.

And Bartolome also made the Guaraire and La Serna's youngest boys run to contact Zulu and Ghiberti.

It's the extreme of hatred that I didn't make a bed like a stretcher that I could carry Mizuchi and the baby to bed, but I originally heard from Bartolome and others that if I slept overnight, I would be able to travel on my own, and then I decided I wouldn't even have to bother to make it.

When I realized it was dawn at night, and the sun was already peeking into my face.

I'm not as tired as Mizuchi, but I tried to sleep well today, but I wasn't going to sleep for a while.

Plus, I'm hungry.

I've only put about soup in my belly since yesterday in the polidge, and I'm somewhat asleep, so it'll be okay to eat something solid by now.

That said, I had my first child.

There is no taste in eating alone in the corner.

I turned to the room where they were waiting to grab a snack in the living room with the dark elves that were attached to Mizuchi's escort.

Giberti will be here soon, and at any rate, you can ask him as much as you like.

"Mr. Calsathros, do you have a minute?

Knocking with a voice, the door opened immediately.

In the room were two young third-place warriors named Marina Calsathros, the captain of the escort, and Lizzie Tansulien.

The two female warriors are just dressed in a perfectly fitted leather corset armor so that the lines of their bodies can emerge, fully armed with swords on their hips.

"This, my Count. It looks like you were born safely and we congratulate you."

That's what he said and smiled at me.

"Thank you"

I smile back, too.

"So, what about your child? Which was it?

I know this is asking about gender, but didn't any of our humans teach and do it yet?

"It seems that thanks to you, my wife and I came to give birth in peace, and my son was born satisfied and healthy with five bodies. Thank you both and everyone else for escorting us."

Reporting that he was my son, Mr. Calsathros smiled as happily as I did.

"So, um... I was going to raise my toast, but the family is all stuck on my wife and son, and I was wondering if we could hang out for a moment..."

"Well, thank you very much for inviting me, but we must escort your wife..."

There are maids and midwives wandering around the delivery room, so I couldn't say I didn't need an escort.

But the way you are sincerely congratulating me on the birth of my son has been conveyed.

That's how Giberti came running in.

"Whoa, congratulations, sir!

"Yeah. I'm hungry, so make me something. I like meat. Make it the one you can do faster."

In a few minutes Balducki came out so I pour it in with the wine.

I remember getting sleepy in no time.

"No… Dear… Dear Mr./Mrs. Roomshade, please do not wake up"

I was woken up by tefracolin in my womanhood.

I'm used to seeing you, but the first thing I see when I wake up in a bedroom with my armor closed and dimmed is the face of Dwarf, the woman with the mustache... thanks just because her voice is an old woman.

"What's up...?

What time is it?

Put some more sleep...... something happened to Mizuchi or my son!?

I jumped.

It remained under the armor I wore last night when I woke up in the Knights.

"Ah. Your wife is here for you"

Jump out of the bedroom before Tefracolin finishes saying it.

Mizuchi was milking his son when he rushed into the delivery room.

"Ah, good morning."

Mizuchi says with a laugh.

"Mm-hmm. It's not time for good morning anymore. What's the matter with you? Is that healing magic?

"That's okay. I was wondering if you'd like to see her face because she's awake."

"Oh, well. Let me hold you..."

"I'm drinking my tits right now, so just give me a second."


I can't hold him, but he'll be fine enough to stroke him.

He reached for the head of his son, who was sucking on Mizuchi's chest, and gently stroked him.

My son's head is burnt brown and has thin hair like bristles.


"What color are your eyes?

It's not open yet.


When I get out on the bed and look at my son's face, he looks the same monkey face, because of the color of his skin, and his blood color looks bad.



For a while, the two of us watched my son suck milk.



"This kid's name. Have you made up your mind?


The two of us have been discussing the name since it was discovered that Mizuchi was pregnant.

"Alson," "Kylan," "Minato" if it's a boy.

"Areya," "Sofia," "Mio" if it's a girl.

As far as I know, middle names are not common in oaths.

In part, he has never been there but remains in a very small minority.

"It's my kid, after all. I made up my mind for Alson. From today on, you're Alson. It's Alson Gried."

That's what I said. I gently stroked my son's head again.

"Yes. Good for you. I got your name, Alson."

Alson puffed at Mizuchi's clap holding Alson back, and his milk overflowed from his mouth.

"Oh, is my stomach full? Hmm?"

Mizuchi, laughing at Alson in his arms, is already totally in his mother's face.

I also smiled and gently wiped around Alson's mouth with the towel that was beside him.

White milk still appears from Mizuchi's nipples to stain them.


Swallow accidentally.

That's right.

I want to try the milk once or so.

I think a lot of people have thought so.

... Sure, my mother's milk feels like ugly milk and I don't think it was ever delicious, but I don't remember it very well anymore.

"What's going on?

He stopped moving. He looked at me and Mizuchi asked strangely.

"Oh, no. I still have milk...... what should I do?

"Oh. Give me a towel."

When he hands the towel to Mizuchi, who reaches out as he is told, Mizuchi closes the front of the kimono with the towel against his chest when he cleverly folds it with one hand.

Somehow, I really felt something - crumbs but little untrained.

Speaking of which, from the time I got pregnant with Alson and my stomach grew, the color of Mizuchi's nipples was slightly darker and the wheel was a little bigger, I feel.

When was it, you said in the bath, "I feel like I'm getting ready to have a baby every time I'm getting bigger and bigger" or something?

That's right. That's not something I can monopolize anymore...

Besides, what if I lose Alson's share by mouthing Mizuchi's milk...


Alson cries and mumbles.

"Oh, all right... did you get sleepy?

Mizuchi rocked a little as he pounded Alson's back.

"Oh, speaking of which"


"I don't think she understands Ragdarios or Japanese."


Suddenly what?

"No, look, it's a child born between us, and I asked you to look at it, but I didn't think I would confirm it..."

Mizuchi said lightly.

Speaking of which, if the child born was a reincarnator before, we have discussed it jokingly.

I heard from Lils that "no new reincarnators will be born until all the reincarnates die now," and for once I thought I could believe it (for some reason because I have an appraisal that allows me to see the inherent skills, and because they didn't think it made much sense where I lied), so it's really like a joke.

In the first place, I really want my kid to stop an old man like me or something.

No, I may be young, but I don't like that.

At the time, I thought about it again and felt sorry for my parents.

Especially to my father.

I don't know my own woman's breasts with anyone anywhere, because she was being sucked by an old man who was older than me at the time, so I can't say anything other than I'm really sorry.

At last, he even talked about what happened to the spirit of the real Alain Gried and what could not be done about it.

Especially about this: "Didn't you just reincarnate a child with overlapping births and stillbirths?" Mizuchi said, "so I decided to think so too.

Well, I just found out how the truth was. That's really all I can do.

"Right. But to be honest, it's a trivial question of whether or not you're a reincarnator. Whether you're a 'reincarnator' or a normal child who isn't, I'm... just glad you were born safe"

I answered with a serious look on my face as I was talking.

But at the end of the day, I think I got a little look on my face.

Yeah. He's the one who pulled Mizuchi's blood with me.

Healthy and satisfied with five bodies.

I can't be happier.

"Right. I'm glad too..."

That said, when Mizuchi held Alson a little harder, Alson raised a small voice and moved his arm, "Uh-huh..."

My little hand held my finger as I stretched my finger into my palm.

Feels a little wet. Feels gripped with little hands.

I'm sure you won't be able to forget it for the rest of your life.


A disgusting voice lowered while I was yanking.



What now?

"It's past lunch."


What's wrong with that?

Are you hungry?

"Do you have a request for something to eat? Say something to Giberti..."

"Yeah. I had dinner earlier, so now I'm good"

"Oh, yeah."

"Still presumptive training, two left, right?


Oh, no...?

"Back to training. Look at me and this kid's face. I gave him a name, and there's nothing more you can do."

"... what?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Besides, he's my oldest son and heir!?

Not if you're doing M-E training or anything...

"I slept because of you, but don't make me shout in front of the baby"

Mizuchi made a declaration too unselfish for me now with a gentle voice.


"Good luck, Dad"


I guess that's what they say.

Stand up cursorily.

"Okay, sweetheart."

I expected an armrest that the reply wasn't MYE, but that kind of time buying seemed promising.

I followed the mansion with the thought of getting my hair pulled back.

All right, Dad, for a second, we're gonna do our best!


"Ha... do it or something"

Valmort groaned on the military horse.

The troops he commanded had come this far in a considerable hurry, but they were gradually able to enter the West Dart and now they were able to reach the farmlands of Weed in the distance.

The original task entrusted to him was to negotiate for the Count of the League to assign a garrison.

But even if you do, it's good for that unit to arrive in a city called Flakis in the north of the kingdom at the end of next year.

I didn't have to rush on the super express.

Well, it was accompanied by a negotiating adviser who was pressed by the king, and given the identity of that adviser, he still hurried to the fullest.


There was some noise from behind the woods that grew on both sides of the street.

- Mm-hmm. What's that...?

Though the place is a short distance from the dangerous Dart Plains, caution against raids such as demons, including oaks and hobgoblins, is imperative.

At the same time, he also wondered whether the troop should increase its speed of progression and shake it off for the sake of its un-bound lightness.

But the carriage will rock considerably if we get any faster on this street.

Given the advisor aboard the carriage, I was told that it would rock the carriage any further.

With cultivated land already visible, it's a distance to the city of Weed.

By the end of yesterday, you will have arrived, and Weed's squad of squadrons will be picking you up.

"All perimeter defense!

With all that happening, Valmolt decided to be ready and ordered the cavalry to protect the two carriages at the center of the unit.

At the same time, Valmort told them that moving to the side of one or both carriages could be a demonic raid and in some cases would drive the carriage at full speed.

In case it's a more dangerous demonic raid than an oak, hobgoblin, etc., you just need to make the carriage ahead of you knowing it will shake.

If you're buying that much time, there's no problem with Valmort, the second knight captain of the kingdom, and his direct knight.

... Unless you're also an unscrupulous demon like a dragon.

A few minutes after I started alerting my surroundings.

"... Shh!... Shit!

Apparently, the Lord of the Voice is human.

Power fell off the shoulders of the knights, including Valmort.

It's a less promising forest, but if it's about a few hundred meters, we can see what kind of people have approached without going completely.

Approaching were two knight-like men dressed in rubber protectors and riding with one soldier carrying a large load.

The two knights also wear rubber protectors similar to soldiers.

The knights are cursing loudly at soldiers who travel down a roadless path.


"Come on?"

"A criminal?

"If you don't mind..."

Two knights who were making me curse while doing so also seemed to notice this way, and one came running.

The horse's posture doesn't brace at all, despite the seemingly bad ground of scaffolding where the sesame grass and others are growing in the pupa.

The knight seems to have a hell of a lot of advanced riding skills.

"... there it is. Is that Lord Value?

I saw the face of an approaching knight, Associate Baron Valmort, but I can't hide my surprise.

His knowledge of Sir Valt's riding skills should not have been so exceptional.

Is it the guidance or training gift of Count Riegle?

"This, my lord Valmort?

Values out on the street also look surprised while riding.

Haven't we heard about our arrival from the beginning?

"Oh, oh."

Valuate looks back faster than he hears Valmort's reply.


"Captain! I'm Associate Baron Valmort, Second Knight of the Kingdom. Hurry up!

And I rang.

Hearing his voice, the knight said to the soldier walking side by side, "Hurry!," he yelled.

The knight's voice sounded like a woman to Valmort, and he wondered.

- Thought that knight was Count Riegle? No way......?

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