
Out of the woods came a dirty dressed soldier who was being outraged by a feminine knight.

I don't know what you're going to do, a face that seems deliberately tainted with soil, grass juice, etc. applied as well as equipment, with grass mowed to the helmet, armor, and even the luggage you carried fastened with something like a thin string.

I don't care how strong I am or how I feel on the bottom.

Only his eyes emitted an unusual glow, like a giraffe and a hungry wolf.

At the same time as the soldiers reached the streets Sir and the lady knights jumped off the horses, aligned beside the soldiers and kneeling down to pay tribute, "My Count, I am Associate Baron Valmort, the Second Knight of the Kingdom," he bowed his head respectfully.

Then, "I am still asking about your business…" Sir Value continued, and the soldier replied with a ravaged voice, "Eh... meh... meh... meh... meh... meh...".

I can't even mishear Valmalto, who has had many direct conversations with him.

It is plundering and difficult to hear, but its voice undoubtedly belongs to the Earl of the League himself.

"Please drink. But no later than two glasses."

In the words of the lady knight, the Count makes his eyes even more giddy.

I removed the container that was hanging behind my hips (an unfamiliar shape but supposedly a water bottle) and turned the screw-like little lid to remove it.

When you flip that lid, it's like a cup. Tilt the container gently onto it and pour the contents carefully.

And the first cup is in one breath and the second one that follows is drinking slowly one by one.

As for Valmort, it is a sight that just twists his head while peeling his eyes off.

Apparently, that dirty-dressed soldier is like the Earl of the League, but why would a lady knight say anything to have water and just drink it?

By and large, the Count is an incomparable sorcerer.

You can magically create as much water as you want.

In the first place, why is the Count the only one on foot carrying a large, heavy looking package?

Despite this, are the two knights carrying nothing (the ride is fitted with a large saddle bag)?

If you lost your ride, one of the lower knights should walk...... no, that package does look big and heavy, but that's human standards talk.

If you're a horse, if you're a robust military horse, you've got a lot of luggage.

Not to mention Sir Valuate and others show incredibly delicate and advanced riding skills even in Valmort.

With that arm, I don't think there's much where the balance is somewhat off.

Therefore, no matter what you think, it is possible to travel fast and easily by riding two people on one side and wrapping loads on the other.

Not only does he bother to carry big bags like he only abuses one person, but he even makes them walk with a curse... I don't think he's sane shabbat.

Before that, why is the Count not only severely dehydrated, but his eyes skinny on his cheeks and even floating cheekbones so he hasn't even eaten a decent meal in days?

In contrast, there are no such signs at all for the two knights.

Will that be allowed?

Valmort's men were also distracted by the different sights, putting their swords in their sheaths without even being able to speak out in their hustle, and putting up their spears was all they could do.

Having finished drinking water in that, the Count carefully retightened the lid of the water bottle and put it back behind his hips again, exhaling small.

And "good. I ask directly," he says, continuing.

When the Value and the Female Knight replied briefly, "Ha," they stood up and consolidated their sides to protect the Count as they hung their hands on the sword pattern.

From that attitude, I don't even make you feel fine dust like you were yelling at a worn out soldier until just a little while ago.


Valmort and his men who saw it look at each other and wonder if anyone can explain the situation in a word.

"... Long time no see, Associate Baron Valmort. Excuse me for dressing like this during training."

The thickness of fatigue is so abundant that the voice can be seen, but tension is restored to the voice.

It should be noted that since it is not an official meeting, such as military relations, but also within its own territory, the Earl of the League is at the top of the list of words in this place, which corresponds to the title, unlike when speaking in the King's capital.

As Valmalto rushed off the horse, regaining his sanity as soon as possible from the sight that was too unexpected, his men alighted from the horse at the same time as they remembered.

"I am truly sorry for your sudden visit," he said on his knees.

And in his chest, he said, "Did I tell you I was in training?" The question mark was swirling.

For the Knights of the Kingdom, training refers to group field training and riding training in open places, as well as individual combat training such as type archery and assemblers, which comes to mind first, followed by infantry marches and formation conversion training, which are commonly conducted.

Rather than that, it is normal not to refer to anything else as “training”.

It's never like carrying a large load over a dirty outfit in the woods and being walked down a roadless path yelled at by a knight.

"Um. What can I do for you? If it looks like we can talk here and we're in a hurry, we can take half an hour, but if not, I want you to wait at least until tomorrow. I'll be up to Weed by the end of the night too... maybe I can get there"

The city of Weed is about an hour away from here if you're a horse.

Even if you walk, a normal serf would say it's just over an hour, and it shouldn't last two hours first, even if it's long.

Whatever the distance, the cultivated land that extends south of Weed is already visible at the end of the street.

So I didn't know what Count Riegle meant by "maybe" or "midnight".

That's how it still looks......

"No, I'm not in a hurry, and let me talk to you calmly, so... um, I know our touch had arrived at Weed yesterday morning...?

Ask Valmalto if he hasn't heard from the touch, even though he's careful not to dislike it.

Especially since I really can't help but get close to loathing.

"Right. Sorry, I've been out of contact with the outside world for a while. Forgive my disrespect."

"No, no..."

"Then tomorrow at Weed. Sorry for the inconvenience, but let Weed have the room for the meeting again... No, Sir Barson"

The female knight replies sharply "ha" to the Count's call.

"Damn it, hurry up to Weed. Explain it to Baron Firefrid and ask him to prepare a room for the meeting and a bedroom for your line."

"Ha. But forgive me for consulting with the vice president about where we'll meet later."

"Forgive me, but hurry."

The lady knight starts a whisper consultation when Sir Value and I expand what looks like a map.

"Associate Baron Valmort. That's why I'll talk to you tomorrow at Weed."

With that said, the Count tried to walk out as if ignoring a line that had left the two knights "moving on" and watching how things were going.

"Or, my lord, wait! I'd like to introduce you..."

Count Riegle turns his eyes to Valmolt, who speaks like a hack.

"Sorry. As you can see, I'm not turning my head at all right now. I don't know who you are, but I've just introduced you, and I'm sure you'll forget your face in another half hour. Could you do it tomorrow?

"But the carriage..."

"Associate Baron Valmort. As I said, I'm in training right now. I am not saying that I will not meet you or receive an introduction. But first of all, I think training for the territory, or national defense, which is the duty of the kingdom, is a top priority over being appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Army?

Though Count Riegle's words were rather disastrous just to say that he hadn't turned his head himself, they were sword-soaked eyes like Valmalt had never seen before.

The weak-minded won't even be able to look at each other.

However, it does not seem possible to take on the heavy responsibility of the Second Knight Commander of the Kingdom in order to retreat to that extent.

Valmort sits on his liver and speaks low.

"I am speaking for Your Excellency. Training will be important. But training is training. It's not a real fight, so it's not like fighting for a few minutes."

That was so low and small that only the two of us could hear it.


Count Riegle looked at Valmolt as he clasped his shoulders, then sent his gaze toward the carriage.

Typically, in the case of a two-tiered carriage, you often ride the one in front.

Valmort only whispers "thank you for your servant" and proceeds straight to the side of the carriage, knocking on the door.

Count Riegle said, "You think it's a courtesy of your men?" Though he looked surprised for only a moment, he himself knelt on the spot when he ordered his men, who were still in consultation, to "kneel".

As if to imitate their movements, the knights who had accompanied them to the carriage also knelt simultaneously.

Coming out of the carriage for a while is one old man with an impressive sharp eye that seems harsh.

Her hair and mustache were completely bright white, but her ankles still didn't seem weak, and she went down to the ground ignoring Valmort's escort, who reached out to assist her in getting off.

"I am Edward II, the twentieth Regent of the Kingdom of Lomberto and former Duke of Lomberto"

Valmort's voice opened the eyes of Count Riegle, who was dropping his gaze on the earth.

Of course, Count Riegle has neglected conversations, greetings, and never looked at each other.

But I knew the name.

He is now the father of His Majesty and the eldest son of his predecessor.

Although now dressed as retired to the countryside, the position of Regent itself is formal because it has not been solved, the Earl of the League and his men only made their eyes black and white at the appearance of what could be termed the number two in the Kingdom of Romberto.

"That was Uncle Riegle. Raise your face."

Hard to say I'm young for my age... but it's a surprisingly tense voice.

The Earl of the League slowly raised his face and looked to the Regent.

"I am truly afraid of what you saw first. My name is Alain Gried, Earl of the League. I was in military training, and I know this kind of greeting in a nasty and painful outfit is disgraceful, but I hope you will forgive me."

Count Riegle answers in awe.

"Good. I don't suffer because I suddenly met him in a place like this."

The Regent replies in good faith.

"Ha. Thank you. Happy, Su? Hey, what is it?

but the Count couldn't hide his doubts because the Regent looked seriously at Count Riegle's face.

Even though we look at the boulders as if we were observing them, we are all close to the extreme of disrespect.

"... I did... Are you sure you're the Earl of the League? Show me your status."

He looked at the Count with surprise, and as he approached him one step closer, the Regent ordered the Count to lay his hands on him.

"What? Ha"

When the Earl gently removes his gloves, he offers the forehead and the back of his right hand.

"Status open...... Hmm. Apparently, it's true. No, this was rude. I heard you had black eyes. Forgive me."

"Ha. No..."

Count Riegle has something to pin on.

Once...... yes, decades ago.

When he was young when he was living his previous life.

Immediately after completing Ranger training, the eyes fade from extreme malnutrition, and few change from their original black to brown hues.

Still, quite a few people later rested and renourished their eyes to restore their color, but were they in physical condition, and no one returned halfway or stayed put.

- Are my eyes like those people now...

Drawn behind his brain are the colors of some of his subordinates and superiors on the day of his presence.

The owners of the light brown or burnt brown eyes had ranger badges and winter amusement badges.

- Well, if you're not going back, I'm not going back, okay?

The Count somehow also got the unpleasant feeling of a lack of physical integrity, but gave up early.

"Count. You said you were in training, didn't you?


"Can I take that as meaning you can't go with me as far as Weed as this is?

"... no. If Your Highness wishes, it is possible to discontinue training at this time and to accompany you to Weed. However, I would still like to have it after tomorrow for the formal talks..."

"Hmm. You can't do that."

"Ha. I'm sincerely afraid..."

"When will the training be over?

"Ha... even in the middle of the night if things go well. In that case, we'll still be able to meet at Weed around noon tomorrow."

"Okay. But you don't have to bother talking on the weed. I guess I haven't even spoken to Weed's eunuchs yet. In the first place, we were going to talk about it in Beglitz."

"Ha. Then, after tomorrow, in Beglitz..."

"The day after tomorrow? Wouldn't it be quick?

Count Riegle felt anxious inside, although it was the expression that didn't move him.

From Weed to Beglitz, unless you're in such a hurry, it's natural for a carriage to travel in a hurry to stay overnight on the way, and if you're on it, it's not strange for you to stay two nights on the way.

Also, the day after tomorrow, the Regent will schedule a meeting on the day the line arrives in Beglitz, and on the boulder it is only sudden against you.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I made the expression" after ”the day after tomorrow that you might be in a hurry. Forgive my discretionary judgment."

"Fine. So, here's the discussion..."


"It will be about the movement of troops around the Second Knights stationed on the Dart Plains. Of course not, so rest assured there."

"What?... is that your first ear?

"Mm-hmm. I'll explain the situation again later, but the meeting with Sora will be held by Valmolt, the Second Knight Commander. I have been ordered by His Majesty to be an adviser (observer), so I am not going to speak directly about the content of the negotiations, although I am there."

"Ha... Roger that"

Then go back to training.

With that said, the Regent went back to the carriage.

Valmolt hangs the order to leave and the carriage starts moving towards Weed.

The Earl, who dropped him off on his knees, called out to his men again, "It seems to be going ahead with Weed, and leave it to Baron Firefrid for accommodation and meals. Then I ordered him to even replace the instructor as usual," and just walked out across the street toward the woods.

... Your Highness the Regent!?

Besides, the movement of troops stationed on the Dart Plains?

You're supposed to promise to stay the same for 20 years, what the hell is this all about?

I desperately spin my confused head while walking, but my thoughts don't come together well.

Damn it! What a time!

Um, we just ended our assumption a few hours ago that we stormed an enemy supply depot and turned it into wood dust with a bomb, and now we're retreating... right?

So this is the end of the hypothetical training... the end, right?

Well, fine.

"Value, Barson. Temporary training interruption. Come by my side."

The two of them came right to me.

"I haven't turned my head. Your Majesty's father, His Royal Highness the Regent, fits in with the perception that you are here now?


"The reason His Highness has come so far is to talk about moving the troops stationed on the Dart Plains somewhere..."

See if your perception fits with their perception.

By the way, there were some things I didn't seem to remember and I got the fix as appropriate, but my response didn't seem to be a problem for the most part.

But the advisor I put on Associate Baron Valmort is the Regent. Hey.

I guess that means it's a good understanding of His Majesty the King's (old man's) plenipotentiary representation.

"Oh, yeah. Have you changed the color of my eyes?

I have to ask you this.

"It is indeed browning"

"Why not?

Valt and Barson looked into my face (eyes) and were surprised as if they'd just noticed.

"Yeah. Sometimes this happens when you keep acting without eating a satisfactory meal. If you get well nourished and rest later, most of it will go back to normal."

"Is that what it is"

Is that why the oath has less black eyes?

I think so, but I also remembered that Claw and Tor, who would not have been eating anything busy, were now solid black eyes, and at the same time I decided to forget about it because I didn't think that mattered.

"Well, after the next shift, when I get back to Weed, do the rest. Then tomorrow on the best regular train I will return to Beglitz. If you couldn't seem to move, force me to load it up. The Regent may want to take the special train, so keep it waiting."

"" Yes ""

"And if it's possible, one of you can go back to Beglitz tonight and tell Insenga and Mizuchi about this."

"" Yes ""

"Okay. Resume training."

I put up with the pain in my luggage eating into my shoulders and stepped out.

Well, the setting that I used explosives should definitely make it easier because I'm losing a lot of weight, but why don't I feel a little lighter?

Oh, so to speak......

[Alain Greed/14/4/7448 Alain Greed/8/4/7448]

[M/14/2/7428 - Principal of the House of the Pu Nation and Count of Riegle]

[Condition: Disorder]

[Age: 22]

[Level: 40]

[HP: 36 (36) (80) (145) (223) (297) MP: 7491 (7492)]

[Muscle Strength: 8 (43)]

[Jun Min: 10 (60)]

[Dexterity: 6 (39)]

[Endurance: 11 (59)]

[Unique Skill: Appraisal (MAX)]

[Unique Skill: Amazing Talent (MAX)]

[Special Skill: Earth Magic (MAX)]

[Special Skill: Water Magic (MAX)]

[Special Skill: Fire Magic (MAX)]

[Special Skill: Wind Magic (MAX)]

[Special Skill: No Magic (MAX)]

[Experience: 6123260 (6400000)]

Whoa... I'm getting weak. Well...

October 30, 7450

I even returned to the Knights' garrison.

There's no pick-up line at all, but this is the end of the M-E training.

Originally, after this, the badge award ceremony had to be executed, but I omitted it because I was supposed to be the awarding party, even though the badge had not yet been made.

Most importantly, I'm exhausted, so I just want to put down some heavy gear and get back to the mansion as soon as possible.

On the way to the barracks of the training facility, a training squad came running from behind.

"Ichi (ahi), Ichi (ahi), Ichini (ahi)! Soo Ra! Ichi (ahi), Ichi (ahi), Ichini (ahi)! Which way ~ n (ahiga ~ n)"

That voice would be Ralpha.


Walk in a firm foothold while wearing out but refraining from tied training swords and holding them with guns.

I was able to get a good rest on the boulder last night and this morning after eating an adequate meal, so my health is showing considerable recovery.

but it's far from complete.

"Today! (Even today!) Fun! (Nasty!) Run! (Run!) I will! (I will!

I still have less than half my original ability to test myself.

That's why I've been able to recover so far, so now it's okay.

"Even today! (Even today! We!) Run! (Run!) How many km!? (10 km!

I've only taught Claw a little bit about continuous gait (like a song he puts out when he rhythms and runs around with a few people) before, but Claw was teaching it to his training squire.

I don't usually care, but I get eclampsia when I'm not feeling well like this.

"Today's! (Today's!) Classes! (Classes!) Now! (Now! Shit! Not yet! (Not yet! Not yet! Not yet! (Not yet! Not yet!

"Right (Light), right (Light), right left (Light Left)! Damn! Right (light), right (light), right left (light left)! Mi-Ji!"

Really loud.

I'm the guy, I guess I built an M-E training facility at that end.

Oh, I usually told you not to get in the way of training......

"Ichi (ahi), Ichi (ahi), Ichini (ahi)! Sooooo (aura)! Ichi (ahi), Ichi (ahi), Ichini (ahi)! Haba ~ n (chigga ~ n)!"

Now it's a different one from Ralpha.

Ghine...... it doesn't seem to be.

"We! (Us!) The squire! (The squire!) Strength! (Strength!) Aim! (Aim!

Ha, still quite like that.

"Even today! (Even today!) Run! (Run!) How far! (How far!) Run! (Run!

You don't have to bother raising your voice out loud because you're beside me.


Get to the other side of the period.

While I was doing that, I finally arrived at MYE's barracks.

Throw your back sac at the bed...... carefully lower it to the floor and remove the contents.

Well, let's get dressed and go home quickly.

I want to see Alson's face today and make him go watery too.

And eat something delicious and get some rest.

Anyway, it's going to be a tough negotiation tomorrow.

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