Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 247: Information to Read from Cooking

4 Nov 7450

Going to the living room, Mizuchi was enjoying his tea slowly on the couch.

The dark elves of the escort stand one by the glass door facing outside and one behind Mizuchi, slowly rocking the rocking cage where Alson sleeps as the maid Sastore sings her lullaby in a small voice.

By the way, this rocking cage was made by Thor looking at his spare time, and still looking at his spare time, he produces a nanny.

"Heh! That's cool. You look great."

Mizuchi gave me a reputation for his new armor.

I'm very happy with the performance, not to mention whether I like it personally.

The design itself is neither good nor bad, but it doesn't feel difficult….

"Hmm, but isn't black plain?


It's not exactly black like a rubber protector because it has blue scales of blue dragons in its stronghold, but it's mostly black, so can it create an atmosphere that looks harsh? Though I think so, there is also a strong impression that it is plain.

"Really? But for scaled armor (Skyle Mail), it's full body armor, and I think it would feel quite a bit more expensive and that luxurious than plain if you saw it..."

"Oh? Really?

I see you didn't have that point of view.

That's what makes me feel satisfied if you say so.

He smiled and looked around again at his hands, feet and shoulders and immediately spun in front of Mizuchi.

Ordinary scaly metal pieces are sewn onto leather armor, so the design as armor is somewhat more plain than this armor, and as Mizuchi puts it, even the finest Skyle Mail in the first place is a superior category if it is around the torso and at best around the waist.

The neck, shoulders, and arms will be chained if they wear clasps (chainmails) underneath, or normal clothes or bare skin if they are not, as will the legs.

Then, just walk slowly and the scaly pieces of metal bump into each other, making a rather unpleasant noise called kachakacha.

However, the original material is not a piece of metal, but a real scale, and it is made as full-body armor.

Not as much as I walked (maybe to the point where I ran lightly) makes very little noise.

Even in Wang Du, Carlim, who rang with superior armor blacksmiths, was able to stretch his chest that it was his greatest masterpiece, and if he saw it, the hardships of armorers would be healed.

But I don't... I don't want the tannins that people who see can tell.

As far as I'm concerned, even if an elephant like a miscellaneous soldier sees it, he wanted luxury that he could see with one eye.

For example, if you're going to take a gravure photo and complain about Belle's charm, more people in the Maldives and Fiji's private beaches will know about Belle's healthy charm than the pool of examples you know... I'm not sure what you're talking about...

But, well, okay.

If you've been working for some time as an army or labyrinth adventurer, you can see that it sticks out of Skyle Mail's common sense... you have to look close...

"That's right. First of all, even if it's black, it's the scale of the dragon that you're using. Isn't it beautiful?

Mizchi told the escort he was holding back to ask for his consent.

"Yes. My lord. As his wife says, he finds the brilliance to be a very glamorous thing not to think of as armor. I thought I had to be like your armor."

The escort looks carefully at the armor, in tune with a slightly enviable tone.

Hmmm...... the surface of the shadow dragon scale used does have a brilliance as if it were coated with glass.

Even though it is processed, because it is a material of biological origin that is not an industrial product, or because the surface of the scale has slight irregularities like the annulus rather than the complete plane, it reflects it indiscriminately when there is a light source.

Does it sparkle and stand out often during the day, in the light of the sun?

"Right. Gorgeous..."

Um, I thought the color was plain, but if it looks gorgeous, okay?

"Then I'll get dinner when I get dressed. You might be late, so don't wake up and go to sleep first."

How many minutes does it take to take this off?

When I make a toast with wine, I pound my tongue on an appetizer flavoured with Hollandaise sauce by softening the fine raw ham with warm vegetables centered on stemmed vegetables similar to asparagus called appetizer hemokart.

I don't know what kind of red vegetable powder I added to the dish as out of portion (Selfielle) also pleases my eyes.

"Well, this is..."

Both His Royal Highness the Regent and Associate Baron Valmort, who would have eaten so many luxurious dishes so far, have their eyes rounded on their flavors.

I just want to compliment you that boulders are only the best restaurants in Camran and Beglitz, but cooks are different.

Today, Giberti stands in Camran's kitchen.

The last night of the original discussion, I was going to screw your highnesses, so I was forced to screw Giberti into Camran's kitchen.

I don't know if I'm a slave to the lord from the kitchen, but he refused to like accepting a man I don't even know very well or anything, but when I called the owner and said, "If you want to buy my discomfort, don't hesitate," he promised me he'd sweat hard and keep the kitchen at bay at all.

I know Giberti looked disgusted behind it (naturally, it wouldn't be easy to do the job if you said that and screwed it), but if you were in a slave or a bad mood or something, you shouldn't do it, nobleman.

The next one that came out was also a sauce with a tall stemmed vegetable called Tikkol, like a relative of Asparagus, wrapped around it like a bamboo wheel.

There are only two pieces that cut it into rounds about a centimeter thick for one person, but I was a little surprised when I tried it.

Balducki's dough was slightly mixed with diced tikkor and sissy-like vanilla, adding a refreshing fragrance to the wild pork to make it what an elegant delicacy it was.

Hmmm...... that bastard, you have quite an arm up.

At least once a week here, did the effect show that you were cooking with me and Mizuchi and feeding them dinner?

"It tastes great..."

"This, Balducky......? No, it's not because it doesn't have skin on it? And classy..."

Both His Royal Highness and Associate Baron Valmort are roaring.

Now, just a few appetizers came out, but I also found out how the Giberti guy was quite careful about the intervals between serving dishes.

Then the pace of the conversation also......

"... thank you again. Thank you very much for listening to me."

The next dish came out and lowered his head by putting the wine glass back on the table at a time to be exchanged for an empty dish.

"No, Count, you don't have to worry so much..."

His Highness says in a slightly far-fetched voice.

As far as I'm concerned, it's true that I appreciate you enough to even lick your shoes and do it.

Whatever, you drank all those terms.

"No. I have come to know the measure of kingdom and the depth of nostalgia in this matter. I will continue to devote myself to the kingdom."

Slowly lifting his head and holding a thin grin, he glances at the expression of His Highness the Regent.

My cheeks moved piquely as I pretended to be faceless.

"That's a delightful word. Your Majesty will be delighted."

His Highness smiled and replied, but I also have the impression that I can't do anything about it.

Well, they drank that condition, so that wouldn't be impossible either.

"I'm glad you said so."

Indeed, it is hard to be pulled through as many as three squadrons at the moment as I did not expect until the other day.

But you get enough for that, so now it's okay.

"Your Highness, and your Excellency, talk about the example around..."

Associate Baron Valmort has stabbed the nail so that I and His Royal Highness the Regent won't go into any more detail.

That's a particular opinion.

It's hard to imagine that conversations held at upscale restaurants renting out on boulders will leak outside, but it's not even the kind of story that makes the restaurant boys listen.

"You're right. This is a canape, isn't it? On top of this is our famous Iwayne smoked and oyster smoked oil pickled from the left, and cream cheese tofu... soothed the smoked radish (oh yeah). All smoked materials vary, so please taste it."

That's a good menu for asking Xenom to send me a smoked one that I think is best done right now.

Finally, the crackers used in canapés were taught when making military dry bread, mixed with heavy cadets (soda) in the dough and cooked thinly.

A crisp light palate would surprise me if I were to experience it for the first time.

In the kitchen, the head chef and cooks of Camran had been ordered to assist Giberti.

They clearly rebelled against the high-pressure orders by the owners, but reluctantly stood by the word that they would also have the opportunity to know the menu made by the exclusive cook of the great nobility.

However, there is a strong sense that they have been invaded in their field of work, and the fact that they cannot be entrusted with the cooking of important recipes seriously hurts their pride.


"Egg yolks and butter with lemon (wheel) juice..."

"You were adding pepper."

"Creamy yet smooth and refreshing…"

Suddenly I was impressed with the sauce they didn't know and its flavor, and the cooks were swarming around Giberti.

Butter and lemon are luxury items.

It is expensive to the extent that even eggs are used for prototyping by Camran cooks, who are luxury stores.

Using those luxury ingredients is not something you can do overnight, such as a new sauce, even if you are convinced of it in itself.

It was obvious that it was a frontier to reach the fruits of trials and errors, such as the proportion to be mixed, and that it was hung with gold that would be distracting considering the amount consumed by the time it was completed.

"What the hell don't you use all the melted butter...?

The head chef asks a question to Giberti, who is working on his next dish.

"I use only supernatant oil to reduce clutter. Especially since it's butter from Mr. Imulek's place."

Giberti also answers politely as he puts a knife in the ingredients.

"What do you mean while you warm it in hot water without putting it on fire...?

"Oh, is that hot water?"


"It's the name of a technique that cooks while warming in hot water. It clouds and bubbles when butter is directly on fire, and eggs harden when they get above a constant temperature, too. We will not set it on fire directly to keep the temperature in front of it. Otherwise, the yellow body of the wheel juice and eggs won't mix well."

"I see..."

"I really should add a little salt, but today I also use raw ham, so salt makes up for it with raw ham"

"That's it...?

Beside Giberti, who answers as he throws the cut ingredients into the pan, the chef was craving a note from the bottom of his heart.

However, I was desperate to remember because I was able to record the recipes I had heard from Giberti in front of my cooks.

"Oh, that's not the way to cut it...... do this"

Giberti takes the stock, but doesn't serve it to a young cook who was cutting ingredients on the side.

"Huh? But we always do this... right? Chef?"

The cook gazed at the dreaded chef's complexion.

"... do as he says"

"Yes, sir"

The cook listens to the chef too unexpectedly and rounds his eyes.

It's quite different from the way he's been cutting ingredients for the soup he's been planted, and I don't know what it means to cut it with your hands like dropping corners of chopped vegetables.

I just use it to get stock anyway.

"Taking surfaces like this makes it harder to chip or collapse when ingredients collide with each other in the pan. It is a technique that can also be used for simmering eaten as ingredients, but also when taking stock (broads). If I had a good cloth towel, I could do that, but I don't think I have a cloth towel for cooking here..."

It is common for the stock taken to be mixed with the cusp of ingredients used to collect the stock.

Even with monkeys, there are limits.

I can understand the theory that cloth should be used, but it was out of common sense to use a rather expensive cloth to the extent of making stock.

At a time when only a handful of people can wear new clothes, cloth cannot be produced in large quantities.

"Um, can you please handle it under this guy?

What Giberti offered was a tongue flat eye (Tanvilm) to the extent of more than 20 cm.

"Yes. Is there anything to be aware of?

"Skin should be carefully peeled (mu) with scales on. I know you can easily peel it off if you peel (ha) from the head, but only use a knife to carefully skin it. Because your husband is in a bad mood without the fat on the border between the skin and the meat... and I also think the fat between the skin and the body is delicious. If you peel it off with your hands, it's gone with you."


The chef rounds his eyes when he hears a treatment he has never cared about before.

I didn't know that...... it's the chef's honest thoughts.

"In the meantime I will make the sauce…"

The sauce ingredients prepared by Ghiberti were very similar to the Hollandaise (egg yolk, butter and) sauce (lemon juice) that I had just made, but it was somehow a milky white liquid, not butter.

"Is that...?

Chef who unintentionally asks questions.

It's a valuable opportunity for him to touch a recipe for a totally unknowledgeable sauce with fancy ingredients.

"It's raw cream. It's the one before I made butter out of milk. This one suits the fish muniel better than the sauce just now. I really can't even make a better sauce, but I'm not getting enough ingredients, so I'm going with this one."

Even the chef knew about Muniel, but he didn't have the idea of hanging sauces on it.

Thus Giberti went rapidly to consolidate the stride in the kitchen.

- Hmm, what a stunning flavor.

Edward II, the former Duke of Lomberto, the twentieth Regent of the Kingdom of Lomberto, was perfectly captivated by the cuisine served from next to next.

- I thought Balducki and ramen were delicious too... but I didn't know you had a cook who could cook this much.

The Second Knight Commander of the Kingdom, Associate Baron Dougard Valmort, has also forgotten to even have a conversation and pounded his tongue on the dish.

Of course, they also imagined the amount of ingredients spent to complete these dishes.

Anyway, Count Riegle is happy to explain the ingredients and explain the cooking methods.

I'm sure he's an skilled cook, but there's little doubt he would have wasted a significant amount of ingredients by the time he finished this menu.

- But it may have been slightly premature to accept that condition that money could be spent so far in the cannibalism... but the information that Count Riegle seems weak for mountain sea delicacies may be important.

There is no one who makes the difference between His Royal Highness the Regent and the Associate Baron.

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