November 9, 7450.

"Mm...... chu ♡"

"Ku... ha... ha... Mizuchi..."

Rough exhalation woods the dark bedroom.

"Oh... ♡ Kakano... or Kakano... ♡ Ah... ♡ So much no..."

"Gu! Ku Ha...! Mizuchi…… ♡"

"Hey, so much, so much... Kew... ma... so... ♡"

"Huh... Huh... and... oh, duh... ku"

"Ahem ♡ Me too...... nhmm ♡"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"No more... ah ♡ 'Cause... they're different lengths... ah, ah ♡"

"Phew... hey... too... eh ♡"

"Han ♡ Ah ♡ Ugh, ah ♡"

That's when it felt good.

"Buaaahhh! Ahhh!!"

Crying echoed into the mansion to tear the silence of the night apart.

The voice even penetrates the thick bedroom door to reach the eardrums of the two.

"Oh, Alson!? Hey, sorry, maybe I'm hungry..."

"Huh? Two bottles of breastfeeding, right? There's Sastore and Tefracolin, and I'll take care of it."

"But... yeah ♡ ah ♡"

"Huh, what do you have a girl for? Here..."

"Oh, yeah... ah ♡... but ahem ♡"

"Huh? It's okay because... chu, ham ♡"

"Oh, don't suck ♡"

"Chiu ♡"

"That girl's... I have to give it to her..."

"Nfu, chu ♡"

I said, "All right, you said it, right? Because I'm going to milk you. Here, get out of the way."


"Get out of the way, look. And take the gown."


"I'll be back as soon as I give him a drink. Right?"


"Just a little while, so bear with me. Even I..."

"Mmm, right...... sorry"

Lights lit the magic props of the lights, and the woman left her bedroom early when she quickly hooked her gown.

"... I hired you at the residence so that this wouldn't happen... you should have thought of soundproofing more, oh... we need to do something about it"

Only a man's blurry voice sounds vain in the bedroom.

10 Nov 7450

Landgries, capital of the Kingdom of Dabus.

One magnificent man had been invited to the guest room of the King's Capital Mansion of the Duke of Dantes, which was to be built on that corner.

The man's name is Earl Robotney.

He is the head of the court magicians known as the Golden Cup of the Kingdom.

It is characterised by a muscular disappointing shape with a moustache commonly known as "zorro” and an average height that puts a gap in the middle of a thin pencil-shaped moustache.

"So I guess we're progressing on securing numbers?

The Lord of the Mansion, the Duke of Dantes, asked in a dignified tone.

"Ha. Twelve parties already, from a total of 104 confirmed attendance…"


"Of course, after washing everyone's backs, we are choosing someone with a strong mouth to speak to. Therefore, even Benkerish has only the lowest level of strength inside, provided that at least he has more than one person who can use attack magic, and he says that he will pay the bounty for every one he kills, so it will not end at all useless."

The Earl said, looking like he was going to catch the edge of one mouth.

A distorted moustache adds the impression that he ran bitterly for his age.

"Hmm? You mean the other half is more powerful than the inside?

The Duke turned out to be a slightly unexpected face and voice.

"Yeah. A lot of people don't get overwhelmed with money..."

"... are you trustworthy?

"Trust? There's no way I can do that."

"What do you mean?

A duke with a wrinkle between his eyebrows and an even more puzzling face.

Apparently, the Duke is not of very deep quality about the meaning of words.

"I can't trust you, but I can put down a certain amount of credibility"

"Those with more than some strength fished for something more valuable than gold."

"More than gold...?

"I also said I would let you serve me after this job..."

"I see."

The Duke was satisfied that it was the servant's mouth that it was worth more than gold.

"... so few of them were overwhelmed."

"Was it less?

"Yeah. But, well, this was what I expected,"

In response to the Duke, who raised his voice to his surprise, the Count replied with his shoulders flaunted in an unfortunate manner.

As Duke, I thought that if I were to serve as a soldier, or an official, of the Royal Army, it would certainly be worth more than gold, but apparently it wasn't.

"If so, how the hell is the majority of the rest...?

"But, hey. If I made a more appealing suggestion, I would have eaten all of Benkelish's top notches."

"... you say?

"It's magic. I used magic as bait."

"What? You think it's magic?

"Yes, for adventurers diving into the labyrinth, there are several magic tricks that are considered useful, but they see it as a lifeline, especially about the magic of the healing system"


Healing magic, which allows the healing of injuries, is said to be of paramount importance to labyrinth adventurers in general.

Of course, it is important to be able to create attack magic and water, but there are things that are never replenished when lost while exploring.

It's power.

The most important thing for adventurers who value maintaining their power is healing magic that allows the injured to return to the front.

If you are injured in the labyrinth and cannot heal, your life is in danger, and that adventure line means an end on the spot.

However, if healing is possible even if it takes some time, it is possible to move forward.

Also, even if you give up healing on the spot and retreat, the interval to retry is dramatically shorter compared to those who cannot use healing magic.

This is why healing magic is of paramount importance.

The Earl explained those things and made the Duke understand.

"I look like this and I'm pretty good at healing magic. As you know, it is quite well known that you can use complete healing (cure-all)."

In the battlefield he has marched on in the past, the Count has saved several lives with the magic of complete healing (cure-all).

Of course, it was limited to the aristocracy that a big man like him deserved valuable and massive magic infusion.

However, the magical technique of healing rather severe injured patients to the point where they can somehow recover to the point where they can walk on their own is a very advanced magical technique close to a miracle that can only be used by a limited number of powerful people.

Even if it takes some time to activate, if you can use the magic of complete healing (cure-all), you can deal with almost all wounds except the Immediate Death Class.

It is not too much to say no to the magical knowledge that almost all adventurers want, with the exception of a really small part of the supernatant.

It is natural for healers to blindfold the scene of use with blankets and the like when using healing magic that is more than fatal healing (cure-critical), and it is a rice seed that is important enough to demand blindfolded earplugs from disciples as well.

"I used fatal healing (cure-critical) and complete healing (cure-all), as well as demonstrations and instruction in various barista class attack magic. As I thought, I caught it pretty easy. You could have said," Eat in. "

Regardless of all this magic demonstration, it could be taken for granted in a way that most adventurers would be caught if they were set up to teach.

It is also significant that the central figures of the country themselves, whose name is known to everyone as adventurers, have spoken directly and promised rewards.

All the adventurers who listened recognized that it was "such an important task for the country" and convinced them that "that is why it is highly rewarding".

Naturally, advanced healing magic is not kept a secret or anything, and there are no restrictions on the dissemination of knowledge, etc.

However, it was also certain that there was no such thing as a favorite as teaching without a proper thank you.

If you have demonstrated and shown or coached in the first place and your magic special skill is below the required level......

Not at all, but it makes little sense.

It can be said, however, that its value is daunting if the special skill of magic has reached the required level or is close to being reached.

Exactly as much as a top-notch adventurer would get his hands out of his throat.

"... well. So you got your head count, huh?


"How are you getting ready for that?

"You can always go."

"Okay. Then gather the adventurers and go to the assembly area. This is the pass to the Duke of Stoles."

"Ha. Thank you"

"Mm-hmm. Follow orders and guides to the assembly area. Until then, it should also be properly coordinated training."

"Okay. Bye."

"Oh, I hope so."

"I'll take care of this golden cup"

The Count left behind the Duke's mansion with a distracting grace.

"... both Dark Elves have said they can report tomorrow and the day after, and it's going pretty well"

The Duke muttered in a small voice as he moved to the office.


You heard a whisper of blubbering, the duke's side service raises the question.


Replying to his cold reply, the Duke chuckled, "If we can successfully carry this matter, we may not even go with the ministerial rank, but if we are at the deputy ministerial level, we will replace about one with someone who will take us to our Dantes family".


After lunch at the mansion, he was enjoying his tea with Mizuchi, who was doing boobs to Alson.

"Oh, speaking of which"

Mizuchi voiced as he suddenly remembered something as he changed Alson from his right chest to his left.


"How long have I been back in strength?

'Oh...... hmm? Jun Min is back for a point. Now it's all negative two. "

I appraise and confirm every night for once, but immediately after the birth, each talent level that was depressed by about half returned to about three-quarters in the first week or so, and all recovered from their original values to about three to four lower in the following week.

After that, I kept coming back a little bit, and by the time I checked last night, Jun Min was the only one who had recovered to minus three of the original values, and then all of them to minus two.

Because of this, it seems that the timing of the recovery of the arm strength, Jun Min, etc. is mostly in sleep, but I'm not sure exactly how it would have been in the middle of the day in the beginning, even when I was awake.

Compared to your sister and sister-in-law Shani, the recovery rate of health lost in childbirth is much faster in Mizuchi.

I don't think they worked out quite as well from time to time, but they didn't even do 20 kilos of running and all kinds of gymnastics every day, and even the mock wars Mizuchi was dealing with me, so they worked out differently, you know?

Or because you're a reincarnator?

As many of my relatives and company women, if I recall, looked normal working about two weeks after giving birth...... that was the same for the Aus.

This may also have the restorative effect of the versatile ring Utility Ring.

That may not be the case, but in any case, I'm simply delighted that you recovered so many times faster than other expectant mothers.

I guess that's why the full night life could have come back to life.

Hmm? Of course I was curious about that because Mizuchi invited me.

You're not gonna get your hands on me or anything on a boulder.

"Well, I guess I'll be back in training next month or so."

I don't know, maybe, but I'm sorry I can't do this, right?

I remember my cousin crying that she was admitted to the hospital with a major illness before and after giving birth, and that she was no longer able to breastfeed her child with it, about a year after giving birth.

I don't want you to do anything you can't do in a hurry.

According to Bartolome's words in the family order, on average, breastfeeding is common until about six months of age.

According to Marie and Grace, it's normal to breastfeed them from about a year and a half to about two years old when they're Japanese average.

In my case, she was able to milk her before she turned one year old, but Marie and Grace told me that it was simply because her mother's diet was not nutritious.

Although it is true that nobility, the usual diet was dominated by oatmeal (oatmeal) wheat porridge (polidge), to the point where there was a bit of meat mixed together, so if you ask me, I think you're right.

As Bartolome says it is a citizen of Shirai, the majority of people milk themselves at about six months of age.

He says the baby wants tits and cries, but the mother won't be able to get them out.

I don't want my own wife to think that, and Mizuchi's meal should be assembled with more care than ever before.

Dairy cows are also being raised on Imulek's ranch, and manufacturing of small amounts but real cheese has begun this spring because they bought dozens of goats.

Well, I buy the majority of the cheeses manufactured... hmm? I used to eat a lot of cheese and drink milk.

I also ate yogurt once every three days.

Maybe dairy products are one of the causes of Mizuchi's recovery.

Well, it could be my destiny to have eaten beans and other things fairly well balanced for meat, seafood, eggs and vegetables.

Is it possible that in order to become pregnant and caged in the house, you have invested in reproducing and arranging menus during your lifetime, and rarely received ingredients or menus in a short period of time?

After all, meals are important.


Adjacent to Gumroy, the royal castle of the Kingdom of Dabus, Darlings Palace.

One of the rooms had assembled the highest executives of the kingdom.

The convenor is the Duke of Jules Dantes, Minister of Ozo.

"There was a report from Lyle"

A few hours ago there were several reports from the Kingdom of Lyle at the Duke of Dantes.

Suitable locations for raids, maps of their surroundings, and candidates for suitable assembly points.

Of course, no specific location or map itself is presented for them.



The King, the Duke of Agenor Belgrid, and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Duke of Lormott Stoles, remain silent as if to encourage continuation.

"In addition, Count Robotney has already assembled the adventurers who will be members of the Raid Squad and is now on his way to the village of Larryl, a domestic assembly point"

The Duke of Stoles nods silently at the words.

Because the village of Laraille was in his territory and had issued a pass to the territory leading there, so there were expectations about the status quo.

"According to the Loribathlal Foreign Minister, we will continue to investigate the composition of the number of people in the house and the route, and will contact the Count of Robotney as soon as we find out, but the current raid candidate will be 80% suitable."

Two people nodding at the words of the Duke of Dantes.

"Now, as planned, let the raid take place. Are you sure?



The Duke of Dantes, who obtained the words of recognition, carries on the words even further.

"As for, we would like to borrow a (...) re (...) in order to improve the success rate of the raid and to obliterate the evidence after the raid. Of course, I will only give the Count of Robotney the right to administer it, and I will also tell him that it is a last resort. Instead of letting others touch one finger, let them even hide it until they use it. Well, if the Count used a (...) le (...), it would be Lombert's queue, but it would be Benkelish's adventurer, but the end should be easy..."

Upon hearing the words, the eyes of the king and the Duke of Stoles were gradually opened.

"A (...) le (...)? What if..."

"No way, a (...) re (...) is anti-soul...?

The Duke of Dantes warped his face evilly before the two men who were going out of line.

"Yes, as you can imagine, I'd like to borrow a Seoul Reverser."

In contrast, the two looked painful.

Seoul Riverser is a sacred relic (relic) found from the nest of evil green dragons that were exorcised in the Dart Plains back then.

It is a very powerful piece of magic that has sucked the lives of several magicians without knowing how to use it.

It is said that more than a certain amount of magic is required for use, once used, it sucks away the life force of those present around the user and causes them to die instantly.

but let it be undead to be exact.

Of course, it has not been determined to what extent the circumference is due to the lack of accurate records, but it is presumed to be up to 200 m.

And it is said that users gain magic proportionally to the number of undead people.

In fact, all those who survived using it had increased their magic power.

However, the flesh has become frail, vulnerable and has since died as early as a few months.

"Count Robotney is a golden cup with sufficient magic. In particular, I understand your feeling that you two are really anxious. Actually, I'm worried the same way."

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