14 Nov 7450

I even went out to a shrine outside the town of Beglitz in the morning.

Because even in the middle of winter, it rarely falls below 10°C, the shrub named Zamahar, with its pink blossoms like Southern Kazanka, grows like a hedge, and the tree is wrapped around a pepper crawl with red ripe fruit.

Whether at the foot of the hedge is planted a flower called Cartry like a seal or grown on its own like pepper, it entertains my eyes anyway.

It's child naming day.

Yeah, even when I say kids, I don't mean Alson.

I'm talking about the child of a slave born in Grits last month.

There were a total of one or two children born in Glitz this month last year.

Nine of them were born to my slaves.

And whether the effects of intensive care have appeared. Not a single person has died by today.

I am the owner of the naming of these nine babies, and if my family is not present, I will not have them executed.

It won't take me a total of fifteen minutes to get out of the shrine, and I'm making sure I'm present at the naming ceremony as long as it's convenient.

I've only asked Mizuchi twice before.

"Status open. Named as the surrogate of God in heaven, named (Named), Amr…. Now we're all done. Your Excellency, please confirm."

I touched the last baby in Chief Birmin's words to check his status and make sure he was properly named.

"Uhm. It's well named"

"We will now add these nine new people to our separate books"

"Oh, nice to meet you"

Naming costs for nine people while saying so (?) But I gave up 135,000 Z.

Take the sloths and the slaves out of the shrine grounds.

And I looked back a little further as I went all the way to Zulu and Ruby, where I was waiting.

The gaze of a couple with children gathers on me.

"Now he has an official name. To further encourage you to listen well to what the slave-head has to say in the future. Then dissolve."

It's a very simple lesson, but it's always like this.

Every month, we do many names of slave children.

Honestly, I don't want to devote too much time to this.

You don't want to hear about me that slaves don't usually see my face, and if that's enough to eat time, it's better to watch even the baby's face, so this is fine.

When the Dwarf-like couple who were in front of me - whose daughter-in-law's chest holds a baby that has just been named - moves to avoid one step aside, the couple all bows their heads to me.

The couple seem a little younger than me, but naturally the daughter-in-law is also a mustache moja.

"Thank you, sir"


"Ah, oh. That was a milt. I hope you grow up well."

"Yes, I know that touching your husband will make you a sturdy child..."


The Dwarf couple are about to pass by me again, carefully bowing their heads.

"Thank you, sir"


Another couple with babies bows their heads to me.

All the couples who participated in this naming have bowed their heads to me to see if these two couples have become the calling water.

This has never happened before.

Apparently, their point is that I touched the baby, but that's not what I always do with naming confirmations, so it's not special this time either.

I asked Zulu and Ruby after they all greeted me.

"As a matter of fact, since the story of the Blue Dragon in the example spread, your husband, the Dragon Slayer, grew up fine..."

Zulu says the slaves are grateful that they have been talking about it since about the spring of this year and that they can always touch me when naming them.

It's like a Mighty Man or something.

"And then there's Das. I've been giving pregnant women cloth for disinfection since about summer..."

The parents of the children now named have not benefited from that, but they still feel grateful for those acts.

I didn't mean to be thankful, but I don't feel bad about being thankful for what I did.

Note that when I proudly told Mizuchi at dinner this day, I realized that Zulu was the source of the story that it would be profitable for him to touch me, and I don't know, I felt like it.

That's what I want you to come out naturally anyway, but is the legend of the brave still created by those nearby?

I don't know, Zulu bastard, I feel like I want to know what the hell you said, but I don't hear it here, but it must be a flower.

November 15, 7450.

North of the Kingdom of Romberto.

Flakis, the second city of the Duke of Bertus, bordering the realm with the Empire of Granan.

The snow, which began to fall late last night, was painting everything in the world white now that it had dawned overnight.

This is an authentic snowfall since we started this year.

The snow itself has been intermittent since last month, but not enough to accumulate.

Even near the summit of Mount Demakar, which stretches north of Flakis, is not buoyant until yesterday.

It was sunshine time and the snow, which was still falling in large numbers, was like the sound of a bell ringing to announce the arrival of a full winter.

Today is the day a mock battle was planned between the First and Fourth Knights outposts to be garrisoned in the land.

"Ugh... you saved me the cold but not very windy"

Sir Maribel Lardock, commander of the Third Squadron of the First Knights of the Kingdom, commanding the Northern Army of the Kingdom, muttered as he jumped up the window panels in the office to see what was going on outside.

"Right. Besides... if this snowfall is bad vision, I was wondering if it would be a good idea to test the ability of the trump card."

The deputy, who sighted the view outside similarly from her side, said with a slightly colder look.

"... right. The bones will break at the end of the day, but it's better to make sure."


"I'll leave today's mock battle to you. I'll act differently from the trump card (Miloo), but come back around noon to help me finish."


The windows were closed and the office was once again only lit by demonic props.

Meanwhile, the entrance and exit were causing traffic in barracks reserved for the First Knights.

"Ugh, cold...... This is the snow..."

Miloo, who managed to scratch the crowd and came out of the barracks, nibbled in the cold.

Is the depth of snow accumulated about 10 cm?

"Wow. You don't even look like a lookout."

The Knights of the First Knights, dressed in black rubber protectors as well as Miloo, are surprised by the snow pouring around.

"Oh? My footprints... this is a little hard to walk"

"Mm... it's true"

"This is ice, isn't it?

"That's what I hear... Is this what snow looks like..."

It's a natural snowfall in this part of the season, but there are quite a few who experience it for the first time.

I try to walk on the ground loaded with snow with a rare face, or get snow in the palm of my hand.

Most people look happy and entertained when they see that they can clearly stand out in their footsteps.

"Look, you guys, don't accumulate in there. Just go."

"It's already snowing, I don't know if it's going to build up today."

"Not at all. We're going to be compassionate."

"I was starting to chill out last week..."

By contrast, those who seem to have had previous experience with snow do not look particularly unusual.

The unpleasant look stands out in one way or another.

Numerous figures can already be seen in the garrison stretching by the garrison, but it is obviously harder than usual to discern by being interrupted by the snow that keeps falling.

Knights on their way to the garrison.

"Oh, hey, this armor, it's not very cold"

"Oh, really. Glad you bought it."

"Leather armor isn't bad either, but when it gets cold, it gets hard."

I have some reaction to someone's voice.

Sheet metal armor (platemails), metal belt armor (banded mails), and overlay armor (sprint mails) are useless in the snow.

Of course, clasps (chainmails) are no exception.

In addition to being weighty, the surface temperature also drops considerably, because it only takes away the wearer's health.

There are a few, knights who don't have rubber protectors just look envious.

Naturally, the surface temperature of the rubber protector drops considerably, but it is not as brittle as metal, and even when it snows, it is not at a level of several dozen degrees below zero, so it doesn't get brittle enough to care.

That's how they all arrived at the squad yard.

There are about 500 Fourth Knights lined up on each platoon in the squad.

There were about forty Knights added to it.

Horses seem to have about half of the Knights I's pulled out, and not all of them are yet in place, but we can see that they are being pulled out of the stables even during snowfall with poor vision.

It will be aligned soon.

In the cold, all trembling and waiting, Sir Lardock and his deputy, the commander, also came, and a quick pre-training lesson was given.

According to that, both the First and Fourth Knights rarely split up today in half each for an honest mock fight using only inside the squad yard.

Normally, it is common to go out to forests, hills, forests, etc. a few kilometers from Flakis without using a squad yard, etc., before carrying out defensive battles and assault battles centered on cavalry versus infantry, but for some people unfamiliar with snow, riding battles in the snow. It also meant getting used to itself, which seems to have been an honest training that eliminated the difference in force between them, like the Red and White battles.

"Knight Milhaia Gried"


Miloo, called by name at the end of the lesson, replies sharply.

"You're the only one on a special menu. Follow me."

"What? Yes!

Taking him by Sir Lardock, Miloo moved to the riverbed, a short distance from the garrison.

Unlike Wangdu's riverbed, which is precisely created over a wide area, the width of this riverbed is less than 10 m to the river.

It is usually a riverbed that does not become a cultivated land or a training ground because it is covered in river gravel, but Miloo also passes beside it many times because of its proximity to the garrison.

There should be no river width or 10m, but the riverbed on the opposite bank only looks sumptuous if the snow foot has intensified.

"Okay, Greed. Get off the horse."


The commander ordered, and Miloo immediately disembarked.

Rubber bottom boots bury deeper than ankles.

I deposited my horse's reins with the commander who offered me my hand.

"Over there, where I think the limit is critical, try to make a soil base five meters wide, one meter high and thick. Don't extend your range."

Miloo was also ordered to swallow the meaning of another action out of mock warfare.

I guess I'll measure my magical abilities during snowfall.


As Miloo moved a few steps, he immediately turned his body in the direction ordered by the commander and opened his right hand over it.

From a height even higher than Miloo's palm stretched toward the sky, soil gushes out with the sound of bruising and begins to shape the sphere.

Miloo, who produced a large earth sphere in just a few moments, quickly took a plastic surgery.

In the meantime, the earth sphere is stretched laterally and deformed into a bar made of elongated soil.

"It's always a brilliant move," said Sir Lardock, looking at it.

Anyway, in just about ten seconds, a platoon of infantry will be able to protect as many people as possible, so it won't be impossible.


At the end of the plastic surgery, Miloo began to wave down his hand, which had been stretched up, facing forward.

At the same time as that motion, the earth bases that were floating in the universe advance without sound.

"... eh"

Sooo much ground base that started flying, but gradually its speed slowed down.

With that, sweat from concentration erupts on Miloo's face, but he doesn't look like a Sir because he's a good fit with his back to Sir Lardock.

but I noticed that my arm, which was shaking down, shivered fine as if it were even cramping.

It is understandable that even an unwieldy Sir has entered an area where Miloo's concentration requires more extreme concentration than usual.

Would the earth wall have advanced by about 20 m?

The snow continues to pour, but the full contents of the dirt walls are still visible.

Given the scenery of the practice field, it would be possible to recognize it even if it was about 50-60m away.

However, it is certain that the snow pouring between the dirt wall and Miloo is obstructing Miloo's vision, and even though the shape of the dirt wall is still fully recognizable, Miloo's magic is much worse off the streets than usual.

- Huh... why? At that distance...... Ugh......

Miloo continued to focus while eating up his teeth, but was in a hurry not to fly the dirt wall successfully.

Almost at the same time, Don! and made a noise and the earth wall fell to the ground.

- Did you lose focus in a hurry...

"Shh, excuse me, squadron leader...... Something's not working."

Looking back at the Sir, Miloo uttered a word of apology.

"No, that's good... that's right, you wouldn't be using magic to extend your range, would you?


While responding to Miloo, the Ser was at his best to hide his inner consternation.

You have to keep checking your abilities with a normal face here.

"... and call me commander, not squadron leader"

"Ah, yes. Commander, let me do it again."


Off to the side a few meters, Miloo flew when he created the same dirt wall again.

Now I was able to fly farther than earlier because I was ready for a feeling of impatience, but still at the plus five m, Miloo was greatly discouraged by this result.

The experiment was then repeated several times by decreasing or increasing the size of the dirt wall, but there was no significant difference in the results.

"That's funny... I don't think it really matters that it's hard to see..."

Speaking of which, you were just as usual at night.

"And even if it rains, it's quite..."

"What do you think is the problem?

"Isn't it because it's snow, after all?

In the snow, it is known in part that the flying distance of the unleashed attack magic falls.

The same is true of flying shorter distances if elements such as soil are flown, as in Miloo this time.

However, it was also known that there were individual differences.

We also know that it depends greatly on how the snow falls.

Snowfall is a fairly high category today, but on average in this extent, it is normal for magical flight distances to fall below the original 10%.

Normally in sunny weather with no snow, the original distance of flight, which does not instill magic in the extension of the range, is about 160 m, if you simply fly the dirt wall.

However, the dirt wall that Miloo had just flown in front of Sir was eventually flying to a distance of nearly 50 m.

It is more than triple the flight distance of an ordinary person.

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