19 Nov 7450

"I don't care why you say..."

The value in my questioning was stuttering.

but getting my gaze keeps me talking.

"Those two were brilliant at the time of joining the group, so yes, it's hard to stretch."

The non-valet knights seem to agree and snort.

As far as I'm concerned, I can't forbid a reluctant face that the answer came back as expected.

Because I was discouraged not to take a single step out of the range of my expectations, and my heart became so irritated.

I thought you created an evaluation system that took those things into account.

Push dissatisfaction to kill and keep calm, "Any other opinions?" I asked.

Hey, these guys, I told you to think first, let me think, and you haven't thought about anything since, have you?


Unfortunately, everyone, including Claw and Marie, is making it as if they were watching each other.

... Ha, what's wrong?

I don't think I'm going to hit a bee with at least one guy being responsible...

It makes me vain what I made you think for... well, would it have been somewhat different if I had been there?

"You're not, are you? Because you didn't teach them to be satisfied with their grades and stretch them, did you? I mean, then it's your responsibility."

They all looked hazy in my statement.

"Then you're right, they did excel as squire when they joined the group. Especially if you think about the age of joining the Knights, you're better than the average squire... and you can also praise the squire Whiteflame and the squire Bilburn for being better than them because they're older than them."

All of them, they're snorting.

"The squire Whiteflame and the others are over thirty years old, and if they're not good, it doesn't make sense to let them join the army."

It is true that they were joined not because they excel as knights and squires, but because they are used as a force of war, but there it is.

Well, it won't be a big deal to grow up because the years are old.

"That's the same with the squire firefrid and the squire acdham, but they're my age. You're still young enough, so tap it and it stretches..."

Many people look like they were convinced, but none look like they were completely convinced.

It doesn't seem to work as well when I say straight away that this is the minute.

Even if you feel like you understand then, it doesn't make sense unless you understand it from the bottom of your mind.

Whatever, lord of the land, it's like I'm supposed to be the absolute one who says, "Think," but only then, and then it's over.

Let's hear from Marie.

"... there it is. Knight Marissa."


"You only thought about it when I told you, and then you stopped thinking about it? Be honest with me."

"... Yes"

"Why did you stop? As I said again earlier, I said it wasn't enough then."

"It's, uh..."

Marie feels cramped about responding.

"I'll tell you. 'Cause I forgot while I was being chased by my daily business."

"... Yes"

Marie looked pitiful and nodded.

But I could see that feeling hidden beneath his face.

I just said it because it seems convincing to say this.

Don't fool yourself.

"That's right. Knight Balladik"


"How are you? You'd only have thought about it when I told you, and then stopped thinking about it, wouldn't you?

"Ha... well, I was also oblivious to my daily work. I'm sorry."

Indeed, the two hold regular duties as knights in addition to the general accounting duties of the Knights, as well as even mentoring roles for their squire. He also serves as an adjunct to Orc's interrogation and my M-E mentoring, which he caught recently.

Convince me as a superficial excuse, no, complain too, because it stinks of trouble to argue. That's fine... who's here?

"That's right. Knight Camry"


"What about you?

"Ugh... I'm sorry, Captain. I've lost my mind, too."

His work is not as diverse as Claw's and Marie's, but he still has a good amount just at the core.

He leads everyone as another leader in implementation, especially with regard to the tax he collects from all over the territory alongside the Value and the practice of supplying the Knights of the Kingdom.

But I didn't say, being chased by my daily business.


"That's right. Knight Barson."


"How are you?

"I'm sorry. Well... I've lost track of it too"

She also has quite a lot of work to do, as does Camry.

She is primarily responsible for the training plans and development of veteran squires who have been full knights and a few years after joining the group, and who are leading the way in the field.

He has also become the ultimate administrator of equipment for the entire Knights, including simulated arming for training purposes.

She's like that, but she also seems to be just jumping on the idea that this is a good excuse to look at from the look on her face, etc.

"That's right. Knight Value"


"How are you?

"I'm ashamed to say that I've also... lost track of it. It is for one thing that I shall be immoral to have lost my mind despite the immediate orders of the Commander. I am truly sorry."

Inevitably, the workload is higher than anyone else's because you need to keep an eye on almost all the work within the Knights when you are also vice president.

Anyway, the most important and troublesome thing to do is to report it to me.

But hey......

Thus I asked each and every one of them, but needless to say the rest.

"Then you're all set and you're lying. I guess the truth is because then again, you didn't ask me, did you? I guess it's because you assumed it was done, huh? If you're not, say you're not."


They all looked a lot more pitiful and dropped out than Marie just now.

It's only natural that you haven't been able to carry out your immediate orders, Captain, as the Bullshit Value says.

"I won't say anything more about that now. But don't forget I told you that I expected to be a true knight to everyone."

It's obvious that the Horseman told me that it's only for one person.

"Knight Value. Explain the definition of a true knight."

"Ha. He who can always discipline himself and act with upliftment, who is concerned about the course of conduct and who can continue to show allegiance to the regiment. In addition to that, specifically, as a Force Commander, I am above my level of capability…"


I was still in the middle of a value conversation, but I blocked it because it was going to be long and enough so far.

"Now, as Knight Value said, a knight must always be one who can act with discipline and upliftment. And the squire should be encouraged to take up his reign as a knight as soon as possible. Because there are many things in the squire, the reality is usually described as such by the Knight of the Kingdom… Even then, I think that I naturally know and understand that I have been appointed as a righteous knight"

I'm not saying it to one valet, I say it as I look around everyone's face.

"There is no one here who has carried out my reign as a knight..."

With the exception of Claw and Marie, who were recited in the Knights of Webdos, everyone else has my predecessor, Baron Gossi, performing the recital as a knight.

"… but I believe that everyone is able to discipline themselves and act with upliftment"

I believed you......

I believed you. No!

You're satisfied with the texture, aren't you?

"The servants of today must likewise discipline themselves and raise them up to be able to act with upliftment. Otherwise they won't be knights..."

For the first time I've said this so far, some people nodded remorsefully.

Remember that feeling.

"It's natural, and important, to raise those who are below standard. Educate them and equip them with the strength they deserve... Of course, some of them may work hard but not grow to standards. But it's very important to keep reaching out to those people and guiding them through teaching."

Except for those who are in a slightly special position like the heirs of the nobility, those who come into the Knights as cavalier-candidate squire, or so-called training squire, are about fifteen to sixteen years old.

There are exceptions, but anyone who wants to be a knight in the future will join the army as a knight candidate at this age.

And for a few years - on average, around four to five years of hard work, many who thought they were unlikely to be very knights in the future give up becoming knights.

Of course, those who are likely to work harder will work harder afterwards, but there are quite a few who either leave the group around here or wish to transfer to the infantry unit as tenure volunteers.

It was not suitable for commanding knights, but as an infantry, I still have sufficient power, and if I say it in a slightly less caring way, I am a territorial official, so life itself is stable.

Neither the infantry nor the training staff will change their salaries in and of themselves, but they will also not be able to ignore the aspect that tenure volunteers are often paid some bonuses depending on their length of service.

Because a tenure volunteer squire who works as an infantry is paid about an annual bonus for every three-year tenure, and depending on the size of the Knights, they are allowed to take turns and stay out, so it's not a dream to get married and have a family.

It should be noted that, with the exception of the First Knights of the Kingdom, which is a super elite group, there are no rules in other Knights equal to the term of office of a training clerk, which can be termed unserviceable, so there are quite a few who continue to remain in the position of a training clerk.

I guess it's because I can't cut off my untrained to knights.

Even such a person rarely stretches out, and there is no zero person at all who can receive a knight's reign.

Anyway, it's not a good idea to abandon anyone who stays in the training squire.

If you're really not going to be a knight, you'll need to show him another path, such as tenure squire.

"And stretching the best more at the time of joining is just as important, no, from the point of view of developing the talent responsible for the future Knights"

He's a good guy who can't be surprised if he gets knightly duty right now, so you can leave him alone.

"Those with good grades need to stretch them out more. Especially if you've excelled since joining the group. Expand what you can do. That's why we need to put more and more load on it right now and stress it out..."

Looks like it's time for most knights to come to the education I was aiming for.

So, should I give you an example?

"Suppose there was such a good graded Terry here that he was likely to be a knight even as he was with John, who didn't do well. It is only natural that those who lead the training squire should somehow pull John's power up and raise him to a fine knight. Sometimes they will shudder, yell, and sometimes punish for it. I'm pretty sure at dawn when I took the knight's reign any way I could, John's power is growing bigger than it was at the beginning of the regiment..."

The rest of us here finally made a face that we understood.

"... but don't let Terry out of your education again. I have excellent qualities in the corners. You have to stretch him out more. Terry's pathetic, isn't he? John could have been so stretched out and knighted. Terry could have been a knight too, but that ability wasn't much different from when he joined the group, was it?

Will it be easy after that?

"You see why I said," Never mind if it was unfair ”?


Some guys haven't figured it out yet. Right.

"Give Terry a more advanced assignment and let him train for survival, too, if he orders John to have special residual training that is less than standard. If you want John, who is always unfamiliar, to stand up as a punishment, let Terry stand up in obfuscation too, though it would be irrational but unreasonable. What's the injustice? That would be a good thing if the squire would grow up fine. All right? Then the job isn't just to tailor all the training squire to knights. Do that and think it's the lowest line! If you have a squire with good qualities, you have to stretch them out more."

You seem to understand me by the boulders.

I've said nearly half of it, but I think we can think of anyone later if we put it this far.

"It's in my job to be hated by my servants... Dismissed"

Glittering eyes, or... really fucking lines, but I miss you.

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