
The village of Larryl, Duke of Stoles, Kingdom of Dabus.

Count Robotney, the leading court magician with the title of the Golden Cup, got off the carriage in large measure when he came to the front of the Lords' Hall, built close to the heart of the village.

The first touch tells us many days ago that the Count will arrive at this hour of the day.

Take it, there were many waiting for his arrival near the gates of the Lords' Hall.

The Count wears beautifully laundered clothes underneath the fine leather coat there, but those materials and designs are so crude that he does not think that the wearer is the heavy town of the kingdom, the minister of the palace.

It is not to be said that the boulder is very impressive, but at best it was the quality of the rural aristocracy's travel.

Before the Earl, who got off the carriage, the Associate Baron ruling the village of Larryl and his son, the Sergeant, who was chief squire, advanced in and knelt.

Their outfits, unlike those of the Count, are a little more superior than they deserve, conveying the feeling of a full reckoning for the day.

"Count, I am ruling this village of Larryl. My name is Eugene Coroyl."

"My name is Turkud Corroil, and I'm a squire chief. See you later."

In response to the two drooling heads, the Count replies to Eagle Deep.

"I have already been contacted by His Excellency the Duke of Stoles regarding the details of the commission. The village square is kept campable by more than two hundred people. However, if you would like to stay at home..."

"No, Associate Baron. Thank you very much for your generosity... I'm sorry, but I'd like to refrain from doing this."

The Count answered the Associate Baron, who offered to stay on his knees, with a face and voice that seemed sorry from the bottom of his heart.

It is generally believed that nobles of high rank, not just the kingdom of Dabus, will be staying in their homes.

For that reason, it was a word of apology for trying to unhinder the invitation.


"I'm going to put up a tent in the square like everyone else, too. We want to interact well with each other as we go together. I apologize for turning down the courtesies of the Associate Barons, but we don't have much time until the scheduled departure date. Please forgive me."

The Earl whispered carefully, mindful not to become hypertensive.

In the words, the two kneeling before the Count softly entangled their gaze.

Even subtle movements, with long ears over the head, make it clear to whoever sees these things with some attention.

"... you know, Countess. With all due respect, no one has arrived yet but Your Excellency..."

Count Robotney peeled into the words of the young Sir, who reluctantly offered, either as a result of the discussion in his gaze.

"What? What...? Huh? Not one?

Both the Associate Baron and the Jazz nod at the Count, who speaks out in a very half-assed manner of surprise.

"My Larryl is still a developing land, and it's not that big of a scale. It's easy to understand the village."

As the Associate Baron put it, the size of the land called Larryl is not so great.

A little bigger than a normal village, but not on a scale that can be called a very city.

History is also ancient in this neighboring land, so the lord was just a village on the status of associate baron.

"I mean, nobody's here yet but me, no mercenaries?

"Yes, you're right."

In response to the Associate Baron, the Count did not say two words.

Anyway, the scheduled departure date is the fifth of next month, ten days later.

Of course, the rally date is today.

The Adventurer, to whom the Count spoke and expressed his participation in the operation, went up to twelve parties, a total of 104, but it was beyond imagination that one of them had not yet come to the village of Larryl.

For once, it was accompanied by two knights serving the Count's family as escorts and sidekicks until departure, and there are only ten small carriages for carrying cargo, and a few knights for their role, as well as a few liaison officers for the Count's children, so there is no reason to be alone...

"Oh well. Then I'd like to receive the compliments of Associate Baron Coloyll tonight."

That said the Count bowed his head.

December 3, 7450

Count Robotney had a previous meeting with the warriors of the Dark Elves (Dark Elves), who had brought information such as raid points in a tent strewn in the square of the village of Larryl.

Of course, the details of the operation are in the minds of only the Count, and the adventurers who hired them as mercenaries have only told the nobles who rule the neglected village of Larryl that it is also a "backward disturbance mission against the Kingdom of Lomberto".

And now the arrival of a new group of adventurers has just been announced with a reluctant voice by the knight of the escort from outside the tent.

- Are you finally here?

When the Earl heard that, he rose up and apologized to the Dark Elf warrior for the interruption, he stepped out of the tent.

In the last few days the Count had a fairly accurate picture of the habits of the adventurers, especially those who were together called labyrinth adventurers.

What stands out in particular is that it is unthinkable from the average adventurer to be loose about the dates.

Because the average adventurer feeds his life by asking for some sort of request, he tries to keep quite a few things on the schedule aside from the time.

Otherwise, the escort could leave, because if it's a request with a deadline, it's even a matter of zero income from a request failure.

In addition, if you repeat such things, your reputation will naturally be lost, and you may be hindered when receiving requests from the executive branch and others.

By contrast, labyrinth adventurers seldom ask for someone else.

In some cases, it is not uncommon for a person to have never asked for a formal request.

Even when diving into the labyrinth, it is basically a superior category if you tell someone you know that you plan to return in ○ days, even when diving into the labyrinth, because it just keeps dawning into exploration in the labyrinth until it becomes difficult to maintain your strength, such as when you run out of food and other supplies or someone suffers major injuries.

And that plan is also very outrageous, and if we can discover a promising mineral vein or something like that at the end of the day, we will try to stay in the labyrinth for a little longer by extending the food and so on to the limit.

Therefore, few labyrinth adventurers are aware of calendars or the like.

Even the adventurer party, which is considered top notch this time, says, "I don't care what you plan to get together. In the end, we just have to get together by departure day, right?" I had a glimpse of the awareness, and when it was terrible, I asked for a separate escort request from Benkerish to Larryl, and because of that, I didn't make it to the scheduled gathering date, but it was the end of a grand saying that I hadn't heard of a penalty if I didn't make it to the scheduled gathering date in the first place.

Of course, some of them arrived on the day the Count arrived, but it was only two parties and the majority arrived a few days late.

"Ah, this is Count Robotney, my lord. Sorry I'm late."

In front of the Count, he said that the last group that joined him was no worse.

The Earl, who is learning that nothing sounds where he said or reprimanded his disgust, said, "Good luck. Then don't just neglect combat training until your departure date," he said, turning again to the tent.

In the tent, the dark elves mouthed the tea with a face of jealousy.

And this evening.

One package arrived to the Count from the King's Capital.

The luggage escorted by a platoon of troops, knights on which all rode, was strictly sealed and accompanied by a single letter.

The Lord of the Letter is the Duke of Dantes himself, the home of the Count.

The Earl, who looked through the letter by himself, had an expression of excitement or a roar with his arms together, but when he finally gently unpacked his luggage, he took the contents and looked at them to clear the lantern's light.

"This is the example…"

“It” is a crystal sphere about the fist of a child, and only falls in love with a surface that is smooth enough to even imagine how it was polished and with a shape that is just confusing as to whether it is a true sphere.

"Huh... I see..."

I understand that it is indeed a magical object in the usage flowing into my brain, and at the same time have a slight fear of the quality of magic I feel from the crystal sphere.

But the Earl is also such a sorcerer that he is called to be in the kingdom of Dabus.

"Ma. As inherited, it seems to be a noisy substitute, but it is definitely a precious object. It would be a last resort, as Your Excellency has said, this is..."

I squealed like that and stared at the crystal sphere again.

He also has knowledge of how past users have come to an end.

For a while the Earl stared at the crystal sphere, but was tired or originally wrapped in the crystal sphere. Returned with careful hand to a small wipe bag made of fine cloth, like velvet, and stored in a locker that was always attached to his waist.

"... we have to let the first team leave the day after tomorrow. Now, from which party should I send you at first..."

Cheeked at that fist as he poked a single elbow at the small desk, the Count spoke to himself.

- Again, at first it will be both those with relatively low strength...... I don't think so because I will be accompanied by the dark elves of the guide, but if captured by the Lombert side, it will lead to loss of power to the disciples. It is not known whether the travel route presented is really safe or not.

Keep your cheeks on your fists and reach your opposite hand into a cup of tea.

- To make sure of that, we should do it with both those who don't hurt to lose it at first.... Hmm, they would be the right ones.

What the Count has in mind is this party of the best young adventurers he has ever convened.

As for the carriage of cargo to accompany him, he also decided to choose the least powerful of those who had brought him (he had hidden from the adventurers that he was a knight of the Count, and had him rewrite it to a status disguised as a civilian in the countryside).

It should be noted that there are a few others to accompany them, all of whom are liaisons serving the Count's house.

They break up with the first team when crossing the border or crossing points that serve as checkpoints, and are tasked with communicating route safety.

Same day.


Al enjoyed tea after dinner with Mizuchi and Alson and others in the mansion's living room.

"Hmm, if you think you're better, why don't you? I have no objection. Surely that guy is... brilliant."

Mizuchi said as he gave up Alson.

"Right. He looks like that, but he's still good..."

The person they are talking about is Haritide, who became an official of the administration at the end of last year.

In the past year or so, his excellence was perfectly known within the administration.

Naturally, the accounting and taxation that had been entrusted to him had not only raised his voice to the Chamber of Commerce of some or more sizes based in each of the surrounding territories about the large city that had held Al as the organizer, but he had also vigorously gathered participants by skillfully using even the pedestrian, a zero chamber of commerce that did not have its own shop, to sprinkle the billas well.

Thanks to this, the big city ended in a big day, and the merchants who participated seemed to understand that the larger the size of the city, the more opportunities there would be.

Naturally, the city has never stood in or around the Dart region, the periphery of the Kingdom of Lomberto.

However, in addition to the city's chambers of commerce, which were all held in the form of only a few other territorial chambers of commerce, basically the chambers of commerce that participated in the city did not leave the joint sales area, mainly selling handheld goods to residents who became consumers of the city and surrounding areas.

Of course, there were some merchants who made purchases in the city, but given the overall percentage of customers, they were a minority.

Although it is common in truly populous large cities, such as Wang Capital, where large cities with merchants accounting for the majority of sales are held on a regular basis, they have not yet penetrated the peripheral lands.

There was also the fact that it was difficult to hold large cities and other tax problems by gathering leading merchants from all around the area, but Halitide was trying to solve them by demonstrating the lightness that was not suitable for her body and moving around and working everywhere involved.

Al was also surprised that he had accounted for a considerable negative budget at the outset, but at the same time Halitide had a good understanding of the concept of investing for the future, and he had given permission to hold it because he had been persuaded that a black deficit was definitely expected next year.

It was the first major city in the region, but Haritide was also running it without delay as the chief operating officer.

This is not to say a local whorehouse, but it is also proof that his arms as a merchant who grew into a big store in his generation were genuine.

As for Al, the Greater City was still scheduled to be held after the railway line, which was only open in the land of West Dart, was extended to other territories, but it was also due to his great enthusiasm that he allowed it to be held upfront.

"It would be interesting to leave the land to you... for now, you know, a political jazz without territory"

"Right. Honestly, isn't that about as good as Secretary Insenga being able to hang out with him in the present administration?


Al thought of giving Halitide a formal title even tomorrow.

It should be noted that nobility may be a political nobility, but it is natural and obligatory to have a family crest.

Al was completely oblivious to it, so he never cautioned himself (to place an order).

Naturally, Haritide makes Al look bitter by making the mark of the Haritide family, the newborn Sergeant's family, an object that once again leaped through his whorehouse when growth was the overhead, but that's another story.

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