December 20, 7450


There was one cloth that was packed in the nostrils, leaving the feeling of being lukewarm and falling.

I wanted to reach out and take it before it fell to the floor, but my hands were just now holding an iron plate I glazed, so the cloth containing plenty of nosebleeds would fall in the middle of both legs that were spreading.

At the same time, the blood begins to drip as the cloth swells through his nostrils.


Carefully give Reynolds the glass plate in his hand even as he punches his tongue.

Later he rounded up the cloth cuts available beside my sitting couch and stuck them in his nose.

"Dear Al, don't push me too hard..."

Reynolds told me as he carefully tucked the glass plates he had received into the box.

I've heard it many times since the other day, even if Reynolds told me it was one of the reasons I held so many orders that I had to.

"I'm still fine"

I answer with a smile that springs naturally.

Anyway, this is a million-Z profit, so I don't need to drool my nosebleeds.

For this reason, it's been a week since I started glazing iron plates in Wang Du.

Early on in their arrival, Bastral and Kathy were surprised to begin to squirm with the momentum of the dugout.

But when asked about the translation, he said that he wore a second cage, so he was convinced that he suddenly put in an apology without a human eye.

Naturally, I was angry, but it's a happy story that I had a child, and it should be a heartfelt happy event if I tried it on them.

Even as I tried and smiled, "So, what are you going to do?," he asked.

From next year onwards, my question is natural, as it was planned to pursue a new commercial policy, with a focus on Bastral, and to set up businesses in all parts of the Dart Plains.

In contrast, Bastral has returned that he "intends to move ahead on his own".

I heard that, and I said, "What the fuck is this guy? Though I thought," on the spot I only said "think a little" without answering his suggestion, and returned them.

Since then, I've been caged in the backyard of the Chamber of Commerce for breaks, even though I continue to use the magic of metal glazing (glass steel) to this day.

The truth is, I also wanted to tell everyone that Alson was born, but he came all the way to today in a snort.

I couldn't tell you because I felt like excluding only the Bastrals I returned on the first day...

Because of this, Bastrals and I haven't looked at each other since our first day of apology.

There was a risk (presumably) that if I saw his face, Bastral might say something unpleasant to Kathy anyway, and most importantly, I didn't like to water them who would be in a very happy mood.

And then there's the fact that I thought it would be better if I didn't see them for a while until I or they felt a little calmed down.

But it's time to face each other properly and talk about the future.

Of course, at the break for the future, I naturally kept thinking even in the midst of using magic, but this is it! The proposal did not come to mind.

To be honest, it was a plan that we could move forward with the big premise that the Bastrals would move to Beglitz together in the early summer of next year, and if that premise breaks down, there's nothing like it.

Getting only one bastral to migrate halfway is a lower measure.

Anyway, maybe it's because the kids in Miko's or Kathy's belly who are left behind aren't just children of his men.

He is a child who draws the blood of the reborn.

Probably no different from the average child, but it is undeniable that he has inherited some of the reincarnated traits.

For example, it would be possible to think of a little more abilities to rise when leveling up, rather than two.

If Bastral, a former slayer (Slaughters) member, is not around before then, some of them may plan to do something good.

Specifically with the king?

Enough to send a spy to my chamber of commerce.

Well, if you're going to do that, you'll be doing it a long time ago, so I don't think this line will be the first, but you need to be careful.

I'm still lending you valuable magic items for that.

That said, on the evening of the day they put in the apology, my mind was almost solidified about the modification of the plan.

Nothing more than making a decision on whether to roll back the appointment for another year.

And if we don't repeat it, we're just going to talk about whether there's someone to replace Bastral or Kathy.

Those who are able to replace them will not go as far as to say enough if they are reincarnated, with the exception of some, but I don't think they will produce quite enough results.

But then there's the problem.

If you are a Knights training squire, such as Grace or Cunningham, there will be blanks in the training period, and nobility, such as Tris and Rolic, is out of the question.

In that sense, some sen. says to ask Bell, but I don't want to give her an extra job right now than the other day, when Tris was bluffing me about the possibility of next year's pregnancy.

Fio, who ran the company in the past, also feels appropriate, but since the investigation of coal is more important than commercial policy and new businesses, he will not go to remove it.

When that happens, he'll be the only one.

Hmm? It's Jabba, Jabba.

The development of commercial policy and the operation of the big city that took place this year is going to be a delight to work on, and the food and beverage industry has a track record of building a whorehouse from zero to first-rate in one generation, so I can't say anything because I don't think it's a different field than the same water business, but it would be considerably better than an amateur at all.

Besides, I was hoping for him, the Chief Cashier, for the time being.

As for cashier, if he's strong on numbers, he doesn't need creative ideas or anything, so he can train someone else to make amends.

Samuto, for example?

Jabba doesn't fit that face, he's a man who can make advanced ideas, and I think he's quite likely to do it in that sense.

If you can't, you won't, you'll even fatten yourself up with a failed experience.

And now the way the Bastrals shake themselves a year later... how many?

I'm not going to let the boulders stay in the Wang capital, so I'm not going to keep doing this, but there are jobs and other mountains in the Dart region after next year.

"I'm going to take a break...... call me Bastral"

When I said that, I left my back behind for my back.

Less than half an hour later came Bastral and Kathy.

Kathy is holding Miko.

I bowed my head to apologize. I said to them, "That's enough," and I stood up.

This backyard doesn't have a couch, so it's to move the place inside the store.

I look around the store feeling the gaze of Bastral and Kathy following me as I shrink in awe.

There were several guests in the bright store thanks to the glass fitted drawer and they were making payments to Yoturen.

You can't have a store...

It's Reynolds' wife Sarah who counts dozens of gold coins, and Anna, Yoturen's eldest daughter, who receives gold coins from her and holds them in a box.

On the table is a box with glass plates.

The guests appear to be nobles or their family ordinances, old men dressed in tailored clothes, and his slaves or servants stand in a good position in front of the store.

I went outside while sending my guests a meeting.

Outside the store were not only those who could see from the inside, but also several more groups of guests waiting.

He said that he was coming on foot, not in a carriage, because he was afraid that the glass would break due to the impact.

Apparently no customers have broken it while it was still being transported, but the Reynolds seemed to have taught at the time of sale that it was the way glass products were carried at the hands of people after strictly packing them.

Well, say it's maintained. There's quite a bit of irregularity on the road, and the carriage is under-performing, so I think that's the right thing to do in case you think about it because it rocks pretty rattled.

I also sent them a meeting and walked out towards the inn.

There is a reception set in the room I took to the inn.

Letting Bastral and Kathy sit there, Limby brewed me some tea.


The Bastrals come to apologize with their mouths together.

"I told you already. It's going to be important."

Both Bastral and Kathy have known a long time ago that they seem to be already fully reflecting.


Kathy's holding Miko reached out for fun and touched Kathy's face.

"You look like you're growing up well. Best of all."

"Yeah... thanks to you"

I answer with Bastral looking sorry.

Well, you won't be able to do anything else with your expression.

"You're coming to Beglitz, next year will do."

When I said that, Bastral and Kathy bowed their heads in alignment.

"But there's a delay..."

I control the bastral with one hand, and I say, "You, don't say that you still have dairy drinkers and that your weighty daughter-in-law is going to be lightly single."

I went on to say, "You can't help what you've done. It's better to take care of your wife than that," he extended, clapping his shoulders.

"That's it."

Miko speaks up, and I move my gaze to her.

Small cat ears grow at the top of the head and look good.

Alson is no longer a shitty monkey face like he was when he was born anymore, and even though he thinks "Alson is cuter" in his heart, he just looks at Miko and smiles at me.

... Bastral and I have been dating for over a few years now.

Neither is Kathy.

It would certainly not be in my own hands that they were able to create an environment in which to marry, have children and raise them.

But I think you can be proud to have been a major factor in that.

I have to make whoever follows me happy.

That's not just a reborn like Bastral.

So that everyone living in my territory can make a better living, have children in peace, and raise them.

Look up, look ahead, there's no kiri, but this is my immediate goal.

I raised my unintelligible voice as I drooled and looked at Miko reaching out to Kathy and thought again.

It's not even lethal. How about a year late?

... No, that's tough.

The development of commerce is important.

Broadening the economic base of the Dart region will improve people's living standards.

But I can take my father away from Miko in front of me... because he's known me for a long time... and that's how much I put up with him... yes, there are nearly 200,000 people living in the Dart region in total.

Thinking about them, it's obvious enough to put up with the Bastrals...?

Some parts of my mind manage to whisper, "That's natural as a land ruling exchanger" or "Small to take advantage of the big".

But as I looked at Miko in front of me, there was also a part of me that synchronized with thoughts like "I can't even protect the happiness in front of me." or "It's accidental, it's my land, and I like it" or a devil or angel whisper.

I guess there's no right answer to these things.

If I insist, I feel like I'm close to getting Bastral to do his single assignment.

There was just so much happiness in the territory that Alson was born that there was no more for me.

If the world is the world, it's no surprise that even criminals are subject to amnesty or something.

Besides, he initially said he wanted to go to Beglitz with me. He had just forced Lombertier to stay in disregard of Bastral's intentions, and he took care of the Chamber of Commerce, and Barkud's squires, of course, even educated my slaves.

This much help...... good work? Well, look... reward... isn't that a little different?

Anyway, yeah, no.

And again, I appraised Miko, who was held by Kathy's arm without any care.

[F/18/4/7450 · Cat Race · Bastral Family eldest daughter]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 0]

[Level: 1]

[HP: 1 (1) MP: 1 (1)]

[Muscle Strength: 0]

[Jun Min: 0]

[Dexterity: 0]

[Endurance: 0]

[Experience: 0 (2500)]

I saw this. I was devastated.

So much so that Kathy caged her second child and flew somewhere that the various plans she had planned were about to collapse.

Both Miko and Alson were newborns, and I thought the difference was about the fact that both parents were reincarnated and whether or not their species...

Alson's level is still zero about two months after he was born.

And there is zero magic...

Anyway, there's something different about Miko.

No, is Alson normal and Miko crazy?

I can't say anything because I don't remember anything but baby status or Alson busily......

My eyes really go to Miko, even as I look at something else in a hurry to try to fix it.

I have no choice but to meditate my eyes and try to think of Alson's status.

"What's wrong?

I would have felt something strange about how I was doing. The Bastral voice seems to be heard from somewhere far away too.

The heart beats like an early bell, and the heart also feels dazzled.

As a parent, I'm worried, and even if Alson is normal, then I'm more worried about Miko this time.

"No... a bit of sorcery... are you tired... my eyesight..."

"Are you okay!?

"My complexion...!

"Your husband!

Kathy and Limby seem to be saying something too.

I meditated hard on my eyes and slowly opened my eyes when I shook my head.

It's okay now, I think.

"I'm sorry, but I want to take a break. Will you leave me alone?

That's what I say. When I get up off the couch, I turn my foot to the bed.

Yeah, I really think I'm okay now, but I want to put myself in a calm environment and think about it.

That said, I also feel like I can't think of anything.

But it would be an impossible consultation to use other heads in the current state for boulders.

Yeah, so the Bastrals didn't even tell the Reynolds about Alson's birth.

I told the Bastrals about it today, and then I told the Reynolds that we were all going to go out for dinner...

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