December 20, 7450

I fell asleep in bed and meditated my eyes.

"Master, can I bring you some water too?

The fearful Limby asks if you took into account my suddenly changed condition.

"... no, fine. Go back to your room, too."

But your face is bright blue.

"That's okay. I'm just a little tired, let me sleep quietly."


There was a sound of Limby leaving the room.

There's a guy in the corner of my consciousness who's going to say, "Rest or leave it locked," but I'm also going to say, "Anyway, Linby would be joining Marr, who was on guard by the door, and we'd be standing together," and eventually I decided to follow the latter's opinion.


Big sigh leaks.

I breathed slowly and tried to open my eyes, but for some reason I was scared and couldn't.

Yeah, I fully understand it's not like I've decided to have any obstacles.

But when I find out there's a clear difference with the other kids...

Cover your face with your hands as you fall asleep on your back.

He even seemed to scratch a ton of sweat before he knew it, and his palms got wet.

I feel my eyes turn.

It's the biggest mental shock of my life.



As soon as I saw Alson's face for the first time, I appraised him and was relieved that he was listed as [good] in the status section.

I'm glad and happy that you were born with five bodies of satisfaction, and I remember so well that I couldn't help but take off my M-E training and go see him.

It would be nothing to say for yourself but impossible.

You're my first child.

I have already fully remembered the contents of my son's status because I had always evaluated it as morning and evening on the day I was able to meet him face-to-face since birth.

No matter how many times I think back, Alson's level is zero.

And zero magic.

I'm pretty sure this is because I keep keeping it in Alson's growth log, which I keep hiding from Mizuchi as well.

Somehow that growth record is still in the saddlebags in the corner of the room, because one person was still looking at it this morning and enjoying it.

He sighed loudly again, and when he rose out of bed cursorily, he opened his saddlebag and retrieved the log.

The last page was December 12, 7450.

"I've been laughing a lot since morning. I drink a lot of boobs and I'm in a good mood. I felt a little heavier holding it before I left the house. Realize growth.

"I should have stopped by the house when I left for King's Capital. I miss not seeing my son's face until the end of the year.

It says, in the dedicated column, the status I saw that morning.

[M/22/10/7450 · Pu · Count Riegle's eldest son]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 0]

[Level: 0]

[HP: 1 (1) MP: 0 (0)]

[Muscle Strength: 0]

[Jun Min: 0]

[Dexterity: 0]

[Endurance: 0]

[Experience: 0 (1)]

The contents are not different from the contents written on the first page of the log.

Sure, I wrote it down in the proper slate in the M-E training barracks at first later on.

So this status is definitely something right after birth......

"... ugh"

Sit back on the bed and scratch up your hair with both hands with a log on your lap.

Slightly wet with sweat.

I wiped my wet hands with my shirt and dropped my eyes on the log again.

I meditate on my eyes and still think of my new Miko status in my memory.

Her level was one, and her magic was one.

The required experience to the next level was only one Alson, while Miko would need as much as 2500.

Why didn't you notice first?

No, you didn't notice.

I remember appraising my nephew's niece (because of her) Zed and Becky less than ten minutes after she was born, just like Alson, but I've completely forgotten about the content.

I have no recollection of how the level or magic was at birth.

Somehow all I remember is that I had reviewed and checked over and over again about Zed and Becky, who were born twins, to see if there were any differences other than gender and affiliation notation.

It wasn't until a few months after I was born that I appraised Martz, but its contents are already beyond my memory.

I feel like that if you asked me if the level was zero, or if I was asked if I had magic, it wasn't zero.

Again, I remember feeling very relieved that there was nothing strange about Alson's appraisal.

Anyway, the status field is the first one to check, and there was [good]...

Disgusting expression, but I even think that Alson is normal and Miko might be the weirder one at this moment, no, I wish, I have a bastard.

Almost February after Alson was born.

I had a chance to see other babies in the meantime if I wanted to.

Like naming the slave child.

But even then, I never stopped doing appraisals.

Previously I kept appraising myself to see the moment when I could be named, but only because I got tired of it and had trouble with it.

I've just normally looked at the status for the past year or so to make sure they were named.

No, assuming from what I've seen, at the time of the naming ritual, it's not like a newborn because it's been a year or so since I was born... Ru?

Don't even feel like we're together.


Lay down in bed with pity.

I heard the journal fall to the floor, but my mind is not that close.

When I think about it, zero level is... an organism that, as far as I know, has no experience.

Horses, pigs, fish.

... I knew Miko was normal and Alson has a barrier!?

Face distorted.

The back teeth make a sound.

Calm down.

Even so, it's Alson that's hard, not me.

but damn.

If it's something you can replace, I want to replace it!

Oh, Alson......!

Light purple eyes like gemstones as a trickle chase for moving things, and when they bring the ragged with sound closer, they smile and rejoice in a proper voice.

I thought it wouldn't hurt to put it in my eyes.

Well, I'm not sure because I'm going to cry or crave tits or get tired of sleeping right away, but from my eyes (even from the eyes of Mizuchi or Bartolome, a midwife) I just look like a very normal, common baby.

This is a really honest feeling, but Zed and Becky were like that too.

Damn, I really can't remember Zed or Becky's status right after they were born.

Maybe two months after I was born, I have zero levels and magic, like Alson, and after three to four months, I get one level, and with that I could have more MP......

This is going to be nothing out of the ordinary for Miko, Martz, and Alson, and they're all happy... so what if that's such a weird specification? You don't forget anything...... damn......


I forgot about that part because of the side effects of Lils' magic (report)!?

It could be!

I burned in hope and opened my eyes.

Wake up your torso and then pick up the log that was falling on the floor.

Ugh, heh.

That's right.

You must be!

... idiot, I am.

Then I'd still be more convinced to say that Mizuchi and I were born from the parents of the reincarnated, so we were born a little unusual, but shit.


That sort of thing, it could be, could it?

In the course of my previous education as a senior nobleman, I was briefed on genetic matters...

Indeed, it was a reflection on inheritance from parents and ancestors about the special skills and amount of magic.

I remember taking notes for once, but concluding that "the more magical skills parents have, the easier it is for children to acquire many magic skills" and "the higher the magic power of parents, the easier it is for children to acquire magic skills."

At the same time, it was explained that the aristocratic roster in the Royal Palace (with general status details such as names, dates of birth, magic skills, etc.) was a retrospective study for generations, so it was thrown into the knowledge shelf in me that "the grounds are too weak to be said to be credible at all".

I didn't think they mentioned legality in any way, because I thought it was just something that wasn't out of the realm of statistics.

Will the traits of the reincarnated person (such as inherent skills or increased talent when leveling) be inherited?

I can't say enough until I never will, but I guess I won't do it first.

It seems certain that there were reincarnates in the past, but not all of them did not have children.

Some of them, like Romberto I, have descendants to this day.

If the traits of the reincarnated - even if you think only of the [inherent skill] that is easy to understand - are hereditary... because more than 200 generations have passed since Romberto I, it should be possible for a royal family or a child born into its involvement to be born with the inherent skill.

Not to mention that the descendants have become aristocrats in good proportion, so they would have more children than the average person in bigamy and such.

I think that the inherent skill can be described as superinferior genetic or expressed in separate generations.

I can't say anything because I may have been hiding it.

Oh, I don't care if you escape reality......

I got up from the bed I was sitting on, and dropped my eyes on the street when I stopped by the window I was letting go.

Just one carriage is passing through the road.

[F/4/11/7441 · Horse]

[Status: Fatigue]

[Age: 9]

[Level: 0]

[HP: 152 (169) MP: 0 (0)]

[Muscle Strength: 22 (25)]

[Jun Min: 18 (20)]

[Dexterity: 6 (7)]

[Endurance: 20 (22)]

It's a luggage horse that feels like it's everywhere.

Nothing has changed.

The difference with Alson is that, like many of these demons and animals, there is no EXP section.

No, many have monsters or level notations but do not have EXP fields, or most monsters or animals do not have EXP fields.

Was there a guy?

I don't remember very well.

What does this mean?

The part where the level is zero seems kind of unpleasant because my child has joined the livestock.

When I fall asleep in bed again, I think of something else.

As for Magic Power (MP).

Zero is... I think that's what I've only seen in animals and plants that aren't called monsters, like cowhorses and fish...

Can't we hope to grow MP?

I recall a long time ago when I interpreted magic as like self-control.

Does that mean Alson doesn't have magic until he's at some age, he doesn't have equal-self-control?

Words like mental disorder, autism and hyperactivity fly around my head, but I don't want to check about those symptoms one by one at the moment, I argue.

In any case, I have never seen any such innate obstacles in the appraisal, so I know that I lack even a denial basis, but there is nothing I can do about this.

Secondly, it is not necessarily an obstacle as was known in Japan prior to such reincarnation.

I really think about negative things and I can't stop them.

Regular people have a little more magic at about six.

Will Alson have more magic when he turns six?

I don't know.

Oh, I feel like my thoughts have entered the trail...

... hmm?

All but HP have zero talent for Alson with zero levels.

Miko with the best level has only one HP and one MP and all that is left is zero.

When Alson's level rises, if he's the same as a normal person, he should gain two abilities...?

Oh, I knew it was Alson who was weird.

Yeah, I knew.

I knew it from the beginning, Chickshaw...

But having an EXP field up to the next level means leveling itself up... right? You will, won't you?

And only one experience is needed to increase the level.

Let the right monster scratch a little, and then I'll smash that monster to the point of experience.

That's the slightest figure that even Large Reach, the first monster I've killed in my life, will get enough change.

It's not a bad idea to let them do it, is it?

If this raises my magic, it's a profit, and even if it doesn't, another talent will rise.

If anything but clever goes up, it'll catch me and my HP will go up, so that's it. Hooray for the trilogy.

... but even if I let you do it, well, you can't.

Alson is still unwilling in two months of his life.

For the first time, the act of gaining experience consists of a clear sense of hostility, harmfulness, and a sense of elevation that encourages archaeology.

Openings and field work are also more or less purposeful.

Once upon a time, when I hadn't called myself a killer (Slaters), I know because I experimented quite a bit, for example, that sleepwalkers unconsciously kill goblins don't gain experience.

If you fail to sit back on a mountain, roll down a stone without malice or harm, and it kills a monster, you will not gain experience.

At best let Large Reach kill like he's about two years old and slaps a bug to death?

You can try it, but whatever it is, it won't start until you explain it to Mizuchi.

What can I say?

He'd be shocked too......

It's hard to say.

Totally hard to say......

But Mizuchi might come up with a better idea than me about Alson's experience.

Yeah, I want to go home right now.

but it is the passing of the floating world that doesn't go either......

I ended up spending this day doing nothing like this.

I may be inclined to waste precious time in Wang Du, but I don't think so.

'Cause it's not useless to think about my son.


The next day.

When I ran my routine, I packed it into the store without taking a break.

'Cause yesterday afternoon's minute was getting messy.

Reynolds and Bastrals were worried about me, but when I took a half-day off, I was completely recovered, so I was deluded to say no worries.

but there can be no delusion in how this disrupts my concentration on witchcraft.

It's a metal-glazed (glass steel) spell that's been activated in about a few seconds, but today it takes nearly a minute for it to start concentrating and then it gets worse until the spell activates.

"Phew, I'm gonna take a break"

"That's good, Master Al. Rest upstairs if you like."

Sweet for Reynolds' words, he tried to head upstairs but went down the stairs on the way.

"No, I'm going to get some outside air for a cup of tea. I'm sorry."

So I left the store alone and walked out.

Marl and Limby will follow... but I told you I'd be free this morning.

Walk a few blocks (blocks) and enter a diner facing the back street of Lombertier.

I sat Marr and Limby at the table next to me and I started watching the passers-by all by myself.



That's not very tasty, this bean tea.

Yeah with that said...... you hadn't told the Reynolds and Bastrals yet that Alson was born......

But he might have a problem.

I don't think so, but there is also the question of whether you can grow up properly, beyond the fact that there are different parts to other children.

Reynolds, also a Barkud squire in particular, will be happy to let go of Alson's birth.

... or joy, because it's weird, but it disappoints me a few years later... no, it's not decided yet.

Sometimes, as lords, you have to think of yourself as a great nobleman who has to be responsible for a large number of people.

... When this happens, it will also be necessary to acknowledge the validity of the part of marrying Mimile, the common son, as Second Lady.

I need to think a little more about her than getting married and having kids.

But do you really create feelings of affection or something like that about a woman who has no interest whatsoever?

He won't love me.

"... Shit"

I accidentally pound my tongue.

Live with me...... at least I want to think love shifts.

I won't be going anytime soon.

I kind of hate it when you seem to think about the machines you really give birth to.

I'm not a maintenance guy.

It's much more constructive and good to try to make kids with Mizuchi again than that.

No, no, you suck, even though Alson hasn't decided to have a mental handicap.

It would be normal to want a second child!

Damn, I'm all this weird thinking because I'm confused without work...... damn.

A woman with a newborn is not going to show up conveniently either (I don't even see a baby) and get back to work......

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