March 29, 7451

--Shit, did the carriage break down...? I hope the shipment is safe.

For a moment, Bath thought so, and there was a scream and a run-down sound coming from the right-hand corner of the carriage.

"The formation picks up the ginseng (temim)!"

The number of attackers will be quite large from the sound.

And the raiders started a white war before the smoke cleared completely.

In addition to fireball magic, these two facts prompted Bath to direct an immediate interception.

The former involved both magical attacks and attacks, which were not accidents or mistakes on the part of the attacker, but were completely planned attacks, and the latter meant that smoke was not poisonous to the human body.

The members of the Green Group (Verdegli Brotherhood) immediately took the form as directed by Bath and slowly began to move forward in the train.

We should meet with the rock we sent out for reconnaissance first, because I read that the wind is sometimes coming from the front, and your smoke should be much thinner or from the front if it gets thinner.

The Greens (Berdegli Brotherhood) often joined the Rock at the end of their necks, either because they began to move forward in the front of the train, because the white smoke had not yet completely cleared, or because the first carriage and the second carriage pushed into the valley were blindfolded, as the raiders appeared to be more distracted by the knights who began to resist.

"Not before. It's completely blocked. It must be magic. You can't cross the carriage."

While nodding back to Rock who reported so, Bath thought, "Then you should think the rear has been blocked."

The left hand is a deep canyon, and if you jump, you'll get hurt and make money.

From the right hand side, the raiders are attacking from the highlands like dirt, and they are already in a state of confusion.

At this point, Bath's head has no idea of escape.

Because the adventurers who defended the rear wagon hired with them were all guarded by a platoon of the Royal Knights, a squad that could be considered excessive for the defensive strength of the wagon squadron for a total of five miles, and the subjects of the guards included the daughter of the king, not to mention the bastard.

Of course, as the raiders came up to the trap in a planned manner, they knew that they had this much power, and I imagined that they would have stepped on it if they could be defeated.

However, the Greens (Verdegli Brotherhood) are the best labyrinth adventurers in Balduk, albeit with little experience in interpersonal combat.

--In addition to the Knights of the Kingdom, they are foolish to attack the carriage we guard.

Back in full membership, Bath chose to fight back.

"Jill, reservoir, let alone one shot at a time!

As he ordered, Bath snapped his chin at Bennoko.

Bennoko quickly drew on the intentions of the base and circled around the leading carriage while holding a shield.

Bath and the rest of the team started moving after them.

"Dear Miles! Stay low!

Hearing the guard knight scream, Miles shrank reflectively in the carriage seat.

At the same time, I realized that two feelings resembling anger would spring up.

- Why are you interrupting?

What the hell did I do?

He joined the Knights of the Kingdom at the behest of his father, the King, and received combat training that he was only familiar with until now.

That's good.

At that time, Miles was a young man of fourteen years of age, but it is not uncommon for nobles to join the Knights at that age.

In case she had a knight's talent, she would have made a profit, and she would have been more interested in the outside world than simply living in the back of the Mansion while being loved as a butterfly.

Moreover, he joined the Second Knights of the Kingdom, where his mother's nest and several of the servants of the Baron Faulkaine family were active members.

Taking on the front lines of defense and expatriation is our main task, and we are more likely than any other Knights of the Kingdom to take advantage of it.

Originally, the Knights would not be able to join the army unless they passed a strict admission examination, and Miles, who had only been trained once at this point, would join the army.

At that time, he was so much favored by the Father King, including his mother, that he was expected, and he raised his mood and walked through the gates of the Knights.

For the first six months or so, I practiced and trained with other attendants who were close to joining the regiment, and at the same time I received a magic solution as an adult.

But no matter what you think, Miles' talents are the same, and there's nothing more out of it.

I have lost myself sometimes because my hard work score is about the average score.

And a year after joining the army.

His eldest brother, who only knew his face and name, appeared in the Knights, along with his family's attendant, who was supposed to have been on duty in the Second Knights.

Of course, it was Richard, the second prince of the kingdom, who succeeded to the throne.

They treated him (Richard treated him about a day a week), and Mimile was able to grow up as a knight.

After all, I was glad that the growth would be different if I received direct instruction from an active regular knight.

However, one day I was summoned to the royal castle, and they pushed me into the same room as the two women who had never seen their faces, and told me to wait here.

Afraid to introduce themselves to each other, the two women turned out to be actually sisters who only knew their names.

At the same time, the two sisters belonged to the Third Knights and were under the direct guidance of Prince Richard.

Naturally, it's the first time I've seen him.

I thought about how we narrowed the distance between each other, and whether we should build a spiritual wall to distance ourselves, but my top sister showed me a grown-up place and opened her chest.

Although all three are officially recognized, they are bastards and not official royalties.

There is no formal right of succession to the throne, so there will be no marriage of primary importance to the kingdom in the future.

That means that the person you marry is neither a nobleman high enough to be a major town in the kingdom, nor a royal family in a neighboring country.

At best, a second-class aristocrat or a militarily powerful knight should be the wedding partner, and I don't want any more.

In some cases, it's not even unlikely to penetrate a single person's life.

Therefore, the three bastards and sisters are very unlikely to become political enemies with each other, and they can be said to be suitable for those who mourn each other and comfort each other's boredom.

There were three people who quickly got along, but the late king said, "Of those three, one wants to be married to a man."

The man from the kingdom's countryside is now just a Labyrinth Adventurer (Mays Raider), but he has been on the top team for only two years.

It also seems that there are special circumstances that we cannot talk about yet, and it is possible to leave one of the territories to us in the future - in short, to become a superior aristocrat.

Although it is unclear which territory to grant, wherever the territory may be, monster extermination will inevitably be carried out in order to show power and presence to the people and the nobles with roots. It was also revealed that there was a test of whether the three were allowed to join the Knights' Order in a special way or whether they could help in doing so.

In this way, each of the three becomes a rival.

That night, two sisters and three women, who had just met, stayed in the same room and talked until late.

It was also a big thing that the King asked the three of us to set the rules if we were going to aim for the seat of the adventurer's wife, but it was absolutely necessary (because there were many things to consider, such as dark clashes in the labyrinth) because the opponent was an adventurer who entered the labyrinth on a daily basis.

And after the years had passed, Mimil managed to stop the man's wife's seat.

Of course, I didn't take any improper measures to get rid of the two sisters, and I didn't do anything shameful.

We fought fairly and won.

At least everyone in Mimile and the surroundings thought so.

"Then please take care of the princess."

That's what the deputy captain of the convoy on the carriage said when he stood up and tried to check the surroundings by opening the window panels a little.

"The enemy was on the right! Let's go! Let's go!

"The carriage was going all the way!!"

The squad leader in charge of the Mile wagon in the escort unit and the squad leader in charge of the escort outside echoed, and the wagon started moving.

- Master Allain!

Shortly after the deputy captain rushed back to his seat, the carriage stopped again, surrounded by more soldiers screaming and yelling.

All right, all right!

The Count of Robotney smiled at his men who ran down one after another and attacked the convoy.

The raid started with a complete ambush, with many knights as the opponent's commanders being attacked for the first time.

Each time, there is a creepy, elusive feeling of the unknown, but that is probably because we are approaching our goal step by step.

So far it has been a great success.

However, the raid has only just begun, and it will be a hassle for the Daybus side to continue to take advantage of it.

After all, it would be helpful if you could reduce the number of adventurers on our side who participated in the raid to a modest level, as they all have to be dealt with in order to save money and seal their mouths eventually.

--But it's a valuable force until it's done its job.

The knights who serve the Earl's House have brought in some of them in hiding, but for now they've only shot a crossbow from the ground.

Of course, unlike the adventurers, I don't want to crush them.

It is also the Count's personal escort, and we need to see how the battle is going, and if we have the advantage, we need you to shoot through the back of our adventurer moderately.

It's about time the white smoke used in the trap became considerably thinner.

Located at the forefront, the area of the carriage that first crushed the horse with the magic of the Count is already thin enough to be able to discern the face.

- Mmm, what's that?

I found a group circling the leading carriage.

From the equipment and outfits of individual towns, it can be seen that they would have been accompanied by the escort of the leading carriage.

Naturally, everyone doesn't know the face, but I've just seen it, so there's no mistake.

Those with shields are at the forefront, and those with axes and spears on their sides are hardened, and those with bows and long-handed weapons continue.

However, the speed is slow because it is asking about the surroundings.

---... isn't that movement a regular Knights?

An adventurer hired by the escort.

A trained soldier who tries to eliminate his enemies as soon as possible will try to intervene in battle at full speed, focusing on those with long-lasting weapons.

Assault with a spear or other long-handed weapon is the most effective way to break the opponent's line, even if you are not riding it.

In addition, regardless of the weapons they had (Crave), they also saw weapons such as battle axes that the Rombert army would not use first.

The Count of Robotney, who identified the group at first glance as the escort adventurer, began to wane interest in them and move towards his left hand.

I think Rombert's princess is on board, observing the battle that is starting near the fine carriage in the middle of the train, and if it seems too unfavourable, we have to release the attack magic of support.

And when I ran for about 20 to 30 steps while hiding in the dirt.


Close to the carriage near the beginning, the knight who was supposed to be the crossbow archer screamed.

A man who had been next to the Count a while ago and was rolling up a crossbow to reload it.

Looking back unexpectedly.

On the hill, the knight nearly fell on his back.

A magic warhead is growing on his face.

And it blinked and soon vanished so as to be clear.

An eye-opening Count.

If Javelin class attacking magic came to his face, he would die instantly.

If you die instantly, you can't help the Counts who have the title of Golden Grail.

--Stone Javelin!? That adventurer had a magician? That's a quick focus, huh?

I'm sure none of the adventurers you've just seen have begun to concentrate.

If the magician was a Benkerish adventurer who participated in the raid, it would have taken the earliest of them nearly five seconds to activate Javelin-class magic.

The Count had less time to concentrate, but he was still 50 paces away, and he was even impressed that the boulders were at dawn in the Labyrinth.

Comparable or faster than the magician.

― ― However, no matter how fast the concentration time is, it is the adventurer after all. Efficient targeting is difficult in a battle with this number of people... efficient targeting?

Under the chills of crawling up his hips (...) or (...) spine, the Count bows further.

At the moment, what is troubling to the defenses is a crossbow attack.

Only one shot has been made in time, but its power is not diminished by the ease with which even knights with heavy armor can be defeated.

The only way to defeat that archer is to overtake the adventurers who attack from the dirt and run up the dirt, or a projectile such as a bow similar to a crossbow.

Or it's attack magic.

- Did you judge it instantly?... well, the smoke around there was pretty thin. Ah, there's also the possibility of being blamed for seeing his shadow... no, if there's someone over there who can do it...

The Count thought so, but he turned to the knights on the ground and said, "Watch out for magic attacks!" and he kept on moving.

The most important thing is not to reduce the damage, but to achieve the goal.


Bennoko took a sword from a Daybus adventurer with a shield and exhaled.


Renbal's spear pierced the adventurer's side, slightly disoriented by the attack.


Not missing an adventurer pierced by a spear shouting down his flank, Bennoko rushed to another adventurer with his shield on.

An arrow of rock was thrown through Bennoko's side to cover it, and stood in the back of the adventurer's thigh.


The adventurer raised his painful voice and reached for the stabbed arrow.

You were distracted by that voice, and you said to the adventurer who distorted his face while holding his shield, "Hmm!" and Renbal's battle axe was shaken.

An adventurer who managed to thwart the attack, Jill's arrow fell on his shoulder because he was disoriented.

The Balduk Labyrinth, the Quad Hand Apes nesting on its six floors, and the Green Groups (Verdegli Brotherhood) fighting Augusta on its seven floors were the only opponents that could be defeated if they didn't get out of their minds for as long as they didn't open.

"You're still doing too much!

Bath, who is in the rear of the party and sends instructions to his members, should already be able to get a good view, but he keeps moving forward slightly as the smoke clears, making it harder to get sniped.

And when they advanced to the side of the second carriage.

"Liz, get him!

At Bath's behest, reservoir, who had been holding a bow until then, turned her right hand to the man who was wrapping a crossbow on the soil.

There are seven crossbow archers that Bath has identified, but it seems that there are still archers in the rear.

Turning around the lead vehicle, we immediately defeated one archer to Julietta, and now we're about to defeat the second.

In just a few moments, reseala's concentration ended, and a stone javelin similar to Julietta's was released from her right hand.

The Count of Robotney arrived next to a carriage in the middle.


Now it looks like a complete confusion.

And the white smoke, which is still not clear, does not lead to a complete confirmation, but it seems that not only Lomberto's soldiers have fallen to the ground.

--Ah, there must have been one more avant-garde at their party... well, it can't be undamaged.

The Daybus adventurer also appeared to be exposing several bodies.

Anyway, it's probably magic but it's a crossbow, but if you try to shoot badly, it's likely to hit your allies.


Another one raised the scream of the demon, and the adventurer was taken away.

But originally there were many adventurers.

The Count saw that although there was confusion, it still seemed that the Debate side was advantageous.

After a while, the crossbow will also fire a second shot.


A strange sensation makes the Count raise a strange voice, but no one will notice it in this situation.

--What is this that comes up all the time?

The Count also feels abnormal in the boulder, but now is the time to be mindful and not involved in a waste.

If the Count had been a little more interested in this sensation and used his magic of magic sensing (Detect Magic), he would have seen the magic flowing down his waist from the dead whenever there were dead on his enemy side.

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