March 29, 7451


"Ugh! Shit!



"Who are you!? You!

"I don't know! Too much."

"All of you, protect the carriage... aah!?"

"Kihehe, I did it!


"Wow, wow, I'm hungry...!?"

"It's coming from the left!

The carriage was still covered in confusion even as the white smoke faded.

"Next, Jill, it's him!

Bath is pointing at another man who is rolling up a crossbow on his soil.

The man, the knight of the Count of Robotney, knows that his next target will be himself.

It's only natural that two of my comrades who were next to me were soon bewitched by the enemy's magic.

In addition, the Count just told me to "watch out for magic attacks."

The knight dared to crossbow as if the hoisting were over, even though the hoisting was still in progress.

Of course, the aim is not set.

He then tried to take the enemy magicians and archers who might be targeting him and pull them deeper into the earth.


The bright blue magic light gathered in Julietta's right hand and quickly scattered.

Though I haven't put magic into the speed, the distance from her to the target is only about 15 meters.

Shorter distance from pitcher plate to home base in elementary school boys' league.

Besides, we don't know who is targeting us in the middle of the current confrontation.

In addition, since it is not a baseball with visible delivery motion, there is no way to measure the timing of firing.

It would be worse to avoid it.

Slowly, crossbow archers from the front of the train to the third were buried.

"Alright, stay focused for a while!

As he yelled, Bath went to the left side of his allies, hiding behind his shield.

The distance to the next archer is 20 m or more.

With Bath's arm, it would be possible to play with a shield even if he was targeted by a crossbow (this distance cannot be taken by a boulder).

"Who are they?

The Count was slightly upset when he lost three archers in a very short time.

However, if you look closely, the front of the carriage was originally used to distribute adventurers more often than the rear, and the battle itself seems to be dominant.

Some of the opponents seem to be somewhat better off, but the number of fighters still appears to be exceeded.

Besides, even if it was the better person, "Verdegli Brotherhood", it was finally possible to proceed to the side of the second carriage, and there were still many carriages that had to be broken through to the central carriage, which was the main battlefield.

--I 'm sure it's still okay over there. More than that...

Is Princess Rombert really on that wagon?

A large, central carriage.

Perhaps the princess of interest is on that carriage, but it wasn't confirmed.

--I still have to back him up...

The Count reached out to his right hand and began setting goals.

I'd like to get rid of the Commander Class if I could.


The servant woman who was shrinking in the car in the middle of the carriage then screamed.

Because the wall just beside her made a loud noise.

An ally soldier or enemy may have hit the side of the carriage.

Or did you hit the swinging weapon?

The noise from the outside increases its intensity, and occasionally something hits the body.

These sounds are also more loud than they should be in cars where the bright ceiling and window panels are closed.

"Why is it still stopping? You're not going anywhere?

Nobody responds to Mimil's question.

A little while ago, you said, "The front is blocked! And because the voice of the lord is not heard, everyone is using some kind of imagination for the situation that is now being put in place.

I know that much about Miles who asked questions.

I know, but if I kept my mouth shut, I'd be crushed by fear.

--Master Araine....!

Miles speaking loudly in his heart, but not on the surface, connecting his lips in a straight line.

- That's right. Mr Allein is in the Labyrinth of Balduk, and on the battlefield, he must have suffered so many crises... and I am ashamed to be his wife...

"... let's open the window."

The deputy captain of the convoy, sitting in front of Mile, held the sword in one hand and slightly opened the window panel in front of the carriage, behind him, thinking he was under attack.

I was wondering if white smoke would come in again, but the smoke already seemed to have been poured into the wind, and the fairly thin smoke just came into the car.

At the same time, the bright light outside and the shouting of the captain and squad leader of the escort unit, as well as the noise raised by the soldiers, get into the car.

"Ku, shit, what the hell are these guys!?"


"I'm all alone! Get rid of it!"

"Ha, now!

Hearing the noise outside the car, the servant women shrunk even smaller and hugged each other, but only breathed and did not scream loudly.

The deputy captain, who was trying to stick to the gap between the window panels, immediately closed the window panels.

The lieutenant had only opened the window panels for a few seconds, but the soldiers could still hear clearly.

"Looks like you've been hit....."

Don! Don!

Now it sounds like the left side of the carriage has been hit.


The servant woman sitting over there screamed.

"It's okay. Trust everyone and calm down."

Mimile, who speaks to his servants, is surprised to hear a more gentle voice than he thought.

--Looks like I sat on my liver a little bit.

Take a big breath and exhale slowly.

Behind my head are the ugly oaks, hobbgoblins, zombies, and gourds that fought in the Labyrinth of Balduk.

--I 've been leading everyone and defeating monsters! As a knight, I have been officially appointed... and above all... to be your wife. What are you going to do when you're upset about this!?

Almost simultaneously with Mimile thinking so and putting his hand on the handle of the sword, the door for lifting and lowering installed on the left side also sounds loud.

The sound was as if most of the people on the carriage had put their hands on the door.

"Something just hit me... and this carriage won't break."

The Guardian Knight sitting beside the door said in a calm voice like Mile, but the dagger held in his hand was twitching to react whenever the door made a sound.

"... you'd better escape with a carriage that only the princess can move..."

The Guardian Knight sitting on the right suggested, but the deputy captain cut and threw away "until the outside settled down a little more", and now he took off the latch (lock) and opened the ceiling.

"Ahh, it hurts!

"Whoa, come out without hiding!

"Damn, you guys!



The hustle and bustle reverberated in the car again, but the deputy captain did not close it immediately this time, and looked around while holding the ceiling with half his head out.

And then he groaned, "Such an enemy... bad...", but shortly afterwards.


The voice of the Lieutenant or someone else.

Or did Mimile himself send it?

The lieutenant fell as if he had been shot.

At the same time, the butterfly and the ceiling are closed, and the interior of the car gets dark again.

And then, the sound of dust resounded.

Shortly before dark, the last sight I saw was a magic warhead hitting the side of the lieutenant's head, half out of the ceiling.


As the Guardian Knight to the right of Mile stood up, he reached out to the deputy captain, who he had seen earlier.

"Shit, magic!

The other Guardian Knight quickly re-locks the ceiling when he gets up.

I felt the Lieutenant staring at us from the floor, even though Mimile didn't look busy in the car where he recovered his darkness.

Then he shook his head as if to shake off the idea, and hugged himself with a sword.

When he saw a man peeking into his face from inside the carriage, Count Robotney cast attack magic at the moment he turned to his side.

The magic warhead struck brilliantly, but I can't confirm the results now.

The Count scolds the soldiers with a loud voice and turns his right hand to the knight who is still in command.

That knight must be the key to this convoy.


Immediately after starting to concentrate, one of our adventurers was attacked by the target knight.

However, seeing the sight, the Count's mental concentration did not waver and he developed his magic.


Releases a magic warhead at the knight while restarting the stopped breath.


Unfortunately, the target's emergency was removed, but the magic warhead shot through the knight's right shoulder.

This is no longer a battle force.

Even if I were to direct my men, I would never be able to raise my voice.

Guard morale will definitely follow the descent line.

Looking at the side, the archers gradually finished winding up the crossbow and stood on their knees again.

Perhaps the surviving knights will be cleared with this simultaneous shooting.

Soon after the Count thought so, the crossbows were released one after the other.



As expected, the slightest remaining knight was also seen to have fallen.

Ooh. Then focus on the runners!

That's what the Count ordered.


Another crossbow archer knight screamed.

He is still close to the leading carriage.

It seems that he was shot with a bow instead of attacking magic, and an arrow grew out of his chest.

--Hmm, did you run out of magic? But we have to deal with those who seem to be in trouble first.

The Count rewore his feathered hat and looked toward the front of the carriage.

Don't do it.

Fighting around here should have been advantageous to us a short while ago.

But now, rather than being antagonistic, it only seems to be in a somewhat unfavourable situation.

Another adventurer fell screaming while the Count was looking at you trying to determine the state of the war.

The opponent who defeated him was also an adventurer, holding a reverse triangle shield (kite shield) with a wide blue and blue stripe pattern, shouting his dagger and slashing it in quick steps.

The man beats down another adventurer with a brilliant body.

A woman holding a bow to follow him throws a bow at close range, stabbing the fallen adventurer, and immediately flies her gaze around.

Their combination is familiar.

I've only kept an eye on the movements of the adventurers who were raiding until the other day, making them more sophisticated.

--A more skilled adventurer than this.

The moment he said so, the Count's gaze staggered with the woman with the bow.

Reflexively, the Count flew sideways to get another surviving ally archer with the woman.

The bowstrings didn't ring, and the archer kept winding up the crossbow in confusion without getting hurt.

--My thoughts... but...

The Count gently sends his gaze to the area where the woman was hiding from the archer on his side.

The woman seemed to be aiming at one of the adventurers underneath holding her bow.

--It was a steady stone to reduce the number of flying gear holders.

The Count gently reached out his right hand and began to concentrate.


The reservoir screamed and the bath was about to turn around.

But now that we have enemies in front of us, we can't leave her alone.



He shook the kite shield out of his left arm as he raised his voice and shook the dagger out of his right arm as he put it back.

The aim strikes brilliantly and the tip of the dagger pierces the belly protected by leather armor.


Use your strength to take a step forward and accidentally kick the person trying to reach into their belly.

"Birthday! Liz is down!

Bath frowned at Renbur's screams.

"Jill, please!

She ordered Julietta to heal, and Bath shook the sword that had just been pulled out.

I have buried many more enemies since the counterattack began, but now that the white smoke is almost clear, the sight in Bath's eyes is a disadvantage to his allies.

The carriage in which Miles is riding has thin enemies.

Guard knights and soldiers seem to be struggling to defeat thousands of enemies, but many are powerless and will quickly pass the disadvantage when the ratio of enemy allies exceeds a certain threshold.

"I'm not going to pull it now!

Barking with the support of Bennoko, Bath struck the enemy with each sabre he sat down with.


Bennoko took a dagger into his belly and kicked his bloody enemy, and the Greens (Verdegli Brotherhood) expanded their territory one step further.


Renbal penetrates the battle axe (Battle Axe) and his position (position) is immediately filled by the lock.


Rock's fired arrows pierced the neck of the adventurer, who was fighting the guard a little further away than he intended.



Jill's painful screams echoed.

Now Bath turned around.

The noise that resounds from outside the carriage does not always seem to subside.

Of course, only a minute has passed since the raid began.

"Lieutenant, are you all right!?"

In the darkness, one of the guard knights keeps asking the fallen deputy captain if he's okay, but he hasn't responded.


Mimile called out to the guard knight who had finished locking the ceiling.

"What is this?

The Guard Knight answers in a low voice.

"The fact that we haven't won or lost yet means we're still fighting, right?

"Yes, of course it is...."

"Then shouldn't we come out for backup?

As Miles, we expected each other to be either antagonistic or slightly disadvantaged as the battle continued.

And, of course, I think it would be the raider's side that is disadvantaged because it has that many guards.

Then I thought it would be better to increase our combat power and reduce the damage.

"No, I'm not going to admit it. Just in case, Mimil-sama..."

That's when the Guard Knight answered.

The sound of knocking on the door echoed in the car.

The two guard knights stand up and pull out the sheath of the dagger that they were trying to hold Mile.

"Sister, are you okay? Drop the carriage and run!

The Lord of Voices belongs to Mimile's belly mistaken brother.

"The Squad Leader was killed and picked up at the behest of the seriously wounded Captain!

The guard knight in front of the door unlocked the door and opened it.

My brother, whose right shoulder strap on the leather armor fell off, stood with his spear on his back.

The light illuminates the carriage.

"No, no, ahhhh!


The servants saw the Lieutenant's body and raised their voices.

But the guard knights did not look at them, and they jumped out of the carriage holding a mile from both sides.

"Which one?

The guard knight asked his brother.

"Forward! The situation is still better over there....."

Before his brother answers, the two guard knights try to run away with a mile between them.

"Please wait! Hey, come on out!

My brother called out to his servants who were shrinking behind the carriage.

At the same time, he gazed at the guard knight of Mimile.

Get out of here! You want to die? I'll run away with you!

The servants came out of the carriage one after the other.

When the adventurers who attacked the rear of the carriage team finished the escort at some sacrifice and began to participate in the battle in the central area, the escort of the carriage in the central area, which had been held up until now, was attacked by one person and another.

- Hmm. Everything all right? Now is the time to reduce the number of heads.

The Count of Robotney, who dealt with two of the enemy's skilled adventurers who cast attack magic, turned his gaze to the rear of the train.

Those who move there are only a few who move to moan with injuries, including the carriage owner, and are incapable of fighting.

And the Daybus adventurers are beginning to kill in the middle of the carriage.

At this moment, we'll be able to shoot them from behind.

Of course, the Count has no intention of using magic objects (magic items) in his waist compartment.

"Decrease by two."

Order the knights to hold the crossbow that has been wound up three times.

The knights quickly finished their gaze and decided on the archer.

When the two archers pulled the crossbow trigger, a thick arrow (quarrel) pierced the pond of the outermost adventurer who was attacking the carriage escort.

He died instantly before he could raise the demon.

After shivering through the strange sensations that had already begun to get used to, the Count then turned his gaze back to the front of the carriage.

Surprisingly, the skilled adventurers are pushing the front with the surviving Lomberto heavy infantry.

Naturally, Daybus adventurers gather near the carriage in the middle, and there is a fierce battle going on.

--Hmm. Could you just leave it there for a while... hmm? What's that?

The countess saw a woman heading forward from the other side of the carriage in the middle.

I wrap around clothes that look luxurious and wear one on my head, so I don't even know the clothes or face that I would have worn.

"Then there's the princess! Get him!"

The two knights who were ordered to hold the crossbow, pulled the sword out of their hips and ran out of the ground.

At the same time, the Count thinks of the possibility that the woman is a crocodile.

As a result, I kept watching if anyone else was trying to get away from the carriage in the middle.

The adventurers are not on the other side of the carriage, as some of the guards are still alive in the boulders.

--Hmm, that's still a pigeon.

It took about 10 seconds to delay to the woman running toward the front, and a group of men and women were seen running backwards on the opposite side.

Perhaps the Adventurers on our side were targeting a gap in the fight against the Guards.

This woman is hiding herself so that she wraps clothes around her body that look as expensive as the other woman.

"Little one. Go after them too!

This time I ordered three knights.

Now there are only two knights left to stand by the Count.

My lord, look at that!

One of the remaining knights speaks up.

He points to the front of the train.

When the Count looked at you, he saw a figure rushing into the second carriage.

This is also a pair of men and women.

I noticed the edges of the flipping cloth.

--Now, which one is the real deal? Well, either way.

"Go! If you have trouble catching him, you can kill him!

The moment the Count ordered it, another group of men and women ran backwards.


Without knowing, the Count bites his teeth.

Women and men fled in front of the carriage.

Two men and two women fled backwards.

--There are no survivors out there. There are a lot of them, and the back (over there) is appropriate...? Or are they still here?

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