March 29, 7451


Two knights belonging to a carriage convoy in Mile head north on the Koridok Street.

They were dispatched one day in advance of the village where Miles and the others were due to stop the other day.

We are worried that the squadron will never arrive after two hours of scheduled arrival.

And running a horse for an hour.

The time is already near sunset.

The road has a Y-shaped shape, but the horse turns its neck to the right without getting lost.

We will meet again 10 km to the left, but the wide road is the quasi-street road to the right, which is open along the river.

The official Corridor Road is on the left, but due to terrain problems, the carriage was unable to reach the width of the road loosely, and only a few kilometers ago it was opened as a quasi-street road.

Although formal roads are somewhat shorter, semi-street roads are now more commonly used due to the breadth of roads and the good road surface conditions.

And a few minutes later.

The street is approaching the valley, and if you go a little further, you will hear the sound of water flowing.

"There he is!

"What, you're just late?"

A few people were seen at the end of the road illuminated by the azure color.

There is also the sound of axles and bearings that make the carriage stand, so the carriage probably continues behind it.

"Ah, I see... hmm?

"What's wrong?

"Isn't that weird?

"It's true!

I can feel the way the shadow walks along the front of the line.

"Did something happen?

"Now? Another axle...."

And when they saw them approaching, they lost their words.

The wounded armor they were wearing clearly showed up after the battle.

The leading infantry is dragging one leg.

"Hey! What the hell happened!?"

I can't wait for one to run the horse.

The other hit the belly of the horse.

And it approached a distance of about 20 meters.

"Hey! What's wrong!? Why did you reply...?

Two knights called out to the carriage, but as they got so close, they noticed a clear anomaly.

I don't see a horse.

If true, it would be strange if the riding knight who commands the leading heavily armed infantry did not continue, and above all, the carriage was made for the horse to tow.

But it was not horses that pulled the lead carriage, but unfamiliar people.

They are dragging carriages manually, putting on their shoulders horseware that looks like what the dragging horse was wearing.

Could he have lost his horse for some reason and expropriated personnel from caravans passing by instead?

Moreover, as far as we can see, everyone is fully wounded, and the surface of the armor they are wearing is only sticking to dry blood glue, and many people have serious injuries to their hands, feet and torso.

"Nah!? What is this?


The leading infantry stopped in front of the two knights who lost color.

The infantry is a well-known man who said his legs hurt the other day.

What I see on his face is a slender and vague expression, and his eyes are not looking at the knights.

At the same time, there was a large slice from the shoulder, and some of the armor was hanging.

…… ……

I think you're saying something, but I can't hear you.

"Jensen, don't move! Heal now....."

That's how one of the knights tried to get off the horse.

"Wait, this is crazy!

The other one flies the warning.

March 30, 7451

Early morning.

There was a man lying in the valley of a river that flows south of the Empire of the Kingdom of Rombert.

The lower body of the man remains submerged in the river stream, and only the upper body rises to land.

The armor worn seemed to be quite expensive, and there were metal small bills (brushes) attached to various places, but it seems to have peeled off or been damaged and worn out, and has been transformed into less than the worn out cheap leather armor.


Your consciousness is also blurred, and if you look closely, one leg and one arm are bent in an uneven direction.

He's badly injured.

A small tree branch runs down there, hitting the bent man's leg.


Awakened to pain, the man lifted his whole body from the river with one arm that looked normal with a groan.

However, he seems to have lost consciousness again, and when he puts his head on the river, he closes his eyes.

The man's name is Berlite Keltaine.

Common name is Bath.

He has been a skilled Elf warrior for over 30 years.

The leader of the Labyrinth Adventurer (Mays Raider), also known as the Green Group (Verdegli Brotherhood), has long been the country's leading advocate.

A little further upstream of the river fell into the valley during the battle the previous day.

April 1, 7451

Early morning.

Finish breakfast and head to the front door.

As usual, Mizuchi and her escort Dark Elf warrior, Karsusross, are with us today.

Beginning today, Mizuchi will return to normal work and training.

When I got to the front door, Pat from the house order was waiting for me and Mizuchi to put on their shoes.


Alson, who had been held by Ida next to Pat, said, "Ah ~" and pulled her hair.

Neither I nor Mizuchi take care of Arson from morning to evening like a normal family, so Arson misses her more than his parents do us.

I don't feel kind of lonely, but I used to be more familiar with Mun than my mother, Charles.

Of course, Mizuchi and I don't hate each other, so sometimes I can sleep with peace of mind and laugh at you if you don't mind.

When I'm hungry, I suck on Mizuchi's boobs, drink Mizuchi's boobs cheerfully with a bottle from my hand, and if I hold him, I'll stick my finger in the hole of my nose, pull my lips, and cause a brawl.

Well, when it comes to the really painful part of child-rearing, we can press on to the housemaid, and say that we only taste the delicious part.

However, this is the right choice because there is no possibility that Mizuchi and I will get emotionally unstable due to stress and frustration from childcare fatigue.

By the way, the other midwife, Sophie, has had a terrible night cry from Alson last night and has had a terrible face since morning, so she is on holiday this morning.

I'll be snoring in my room by now.

Alson burst into tears.

Reaching out to Mizuchi.

Mizuchi also rushed over and touched Arson's cheek, saying, "Sorry, I'll be back for lunch, so just hang in there."

... it's always been a good time for Mizuchi to move to another room or leave Alson to the maid to take care of him when he sleeps at night (he sleeps separately at night about three months old).

I guess you're instinctively reluctant to feel a goodbye to your mother.

By the way, there is nothing like this when I leave Mizuchi alone to go out.

"What's wrong!?"

The dark elf of the guard who had been holding it in the back of the Mansion flew in, but he looked at the scene and said, "I'm sorry."

I think you were worried about whether you were injured or not.

They have been escorting me for 24 hours, but I think they are under a lot of stress because they are involved in childcare to some extent.

However, if Mizuchi's physical condition is completely restored in a little while, we will move from the previous two-in-four shift system to a slightly looser system, and we will be able to take a full day off on some days in shifts, so I can get a little peace of mind on that point.

"Ah, yes."

Mizuchi is looking into Arson's face and doing something.

Looks like he was on [Troop Formation (Party)].

Can you hang on to the baby?

I tried it many times around two or three days after I was born, but I couldn't.

At that time, my eyes were open or not, and I was comforted that the relationship of trust was equal to zero.

But I couldn't do it after a week, two weeks, or a month.

Well, Mizuchi was also at home and stuck to Alson, and there were always guards and maids beside him, so it wasn't dangerous, so I gave up that Mizuchi and I couldn't do it for the time being.

Now you're building a relationship of trust... for six months or so, huh?


Did you hear Alson's happy voice...?

"Oh, ma'am, Alson is delighted! What the hell are you doing?

"Ufufu, a little treat."

Oops, let me have that hoax too...



Alson feels familiar.

And of course, if you turn your attention to [troop formation (partitioning)], you can sense existence and location.

"Oh, Alson. It's Daddy!


Alson laughs with his voice held by Aida and reaches out to Mizuchi.

I'll give you a rough snort, but Alson grabbed Mizuchi's finger with a small hand and smiled while drooling.

As always, the skin color is light blue and has a bad blood tone, but the eyes are bright with vitality.


I don't want to go to work!

I've become Marquis, and even if I skip for a day today... it's hard not to go.

"Let's go."

Mizuchi prompted me to leave the house behind.

On the way to the administrative office, the truth leaks.

"Alson's guy will definitely reach out to you... not me."

I tried to say that, but no matter what you think, the baby needs a mother, not a father, so Alson's behavior is natural.

"What? Yakimoto?

Mizuchi laughed and said.

I'm sorry to hear that, but I could only return "yes."

"My lord, you are busy, so I have less time to contact Mr. Alson. Besides, babies love their mothers more than their fathers. I don't know what to do...."

Carlos will be comforting, but if nothing happens, we'll spend about four to five hours together every day.

But I'm sure it's not as bad as Mizuchi, the maids, and the dark elves on the guard.

Besides, even though we're spending time together, about a third of them are just looking at Alson's sleeping face...

Nothing cuts, but I'll have to cut it until it gets a little bigger.


The northern side of Countess Gasolaine's territory, bordering the kingdom of Rombert.

The Corridor Road, which passes through it, has gates across the border.

The Third Knights of the Kingdom are on the Emperor's side, while the Viscount's side is packed with members of the Viscount Gasoline, except for a gloomy forest with lush trees.

A squad of five Third Knights packed at the Emperor's Sekimo was waiting for supplies now.

If it was true, the replacement personnel arrived with the supply unit yesterday, and by now they should be in a slightly larger village about 15 kilometers north of here, and they would have been able to take a vacation from today.

"Hancho, are you still here?

Oh, it's late.

"How much is it too late?

"Oh, that's it. Did the monsters kill you on the way?

"Hey, don't say so many things."

But come on, come on.

The Knights complain individually.

The squad leader doesn't even try to embarrass him, as if he were dissatisfied.

And then...

A rattling and carriage sounded from the back of the forest.

"You're finally here..."


The joy of the knights rose.

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