April 1, 7451


South Rombert Kingdom.

Gilzen, a city in the territory of Viscount Gasolaine.

The city of Gilzen runs along the north-south Koridok Road.

Now there was a man approaching from the north of the tillage that spread north of Gilzen.

A woman who drives a horse.

A woman is holding a toddler in one hand and manipulating the rope with a desperate figure.

From what I can see, there are also arrow wounds and knife wounds, and what I'm wearing is not armor but plain clothes.

"Hey, there."

"Hmm? Oh, Miss Christy?

A serf sowing wheat in a field speaks the name of a woman.

The woman is the first daughter of the Lord of the city of Gilzen and Associate Baron of Bairds, who left the Knights of Gasolaine nearly five years ago and put her in a village north of Gilzen.

And two and a half years ago I was giving birth to a long-awaited boy.


A woman (Christ) whipped her horse riding with a reassuring expression, while pointing her hard face at the serfs' voices and not responding.

"What is that? Looks like you were hurt.

The other day, Christ, who went home to his son's show, was always Niconico's face, and he was kind enough to call out to the serfs, laughing and responding when they called out again.

But it looks completely different now.

"Whatever you do, it's not just a matter of time."

A monster raid?

"Are you running away from me? But you didn't put them on either?

"I'm coming with your husband."

Oh, please.

"It's already time, and I'll clean it up just in case."

Monster raids are rare, but they are rare if you turn around.

Even if you live in a city with a population of more than 400, it is not uncommon for elderly serfs to have seen monsters once in their lives.

The serfs acted quickly, seeing Christ as he had never seen him before.

Christ also had his horse running toward the lord's mansion, which was his home.

An army horse with her son running through the evening streets.

The people of the city are moving forward and raising their voices to clear the way for the young lady, who always behaved as if she were loving.

Then, when the guards guarding the parents' gate noticed the army horse running with great momentum, they crossed the spear and finally stopped.


Christ said to the guards who were surprised, "Report, but what about your father!? Oniisama is fine. Are you there!? Let me through."

The face-to-face guards also held back the spear as if pushed by the momentum of Christ, and shouted at Christ's visit to his mother's house.

"Hey, isn't that Christ? What the hell is wrong with you?

It was her brother who came out of the stables at the right time to speak to Christ as he rode to his mother's house.

I am currently the captain of the city's guards, but I am a proud man who has decided to take over the remains of his father and assault him as a baroness in ten years.

"Oniisama! It's important! The village, the village was attacked!

Christ shouts at his brother.

The boy she was holding woke up and began to cry.

"What!? A monster!?"

My brother asks questions by changing his complexion, but the content is not impossible.

"Monster... yes, it must be a monster, that's it"

"What do you mean? Speak up!"

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law, Ashley, to let me and this child go.... uhh"

"You're hurt! Get off. Dean... looks safe."

When his brother received his nephew from Christ, he ordered the guards who were watching him from afar to get him off the horse.

"I'm fine with this scratch. Go to the village sooner... help Ashley!

"Leave that to me! But before we do that, let's talk about it in detail. First, the type and number of monsters that attacked the village of Cayel."

"... (Ndead) That's right, it's undead. There are over a hundred undead in the village... oh, hurry, go help them!

"Hmm!? An undead of 100 or more...!? No way..."

My brother complains about Christ's report.

It is said that some of the monsters that appear a little away from people are undead.

They are supplemented by monsters trying to break the barrier, and are said to be the culmination of those who have had a great untrained life among those killed. They are monsters that are reported to be discovered in the deep forest about once every few years.

It is hard to say that Goblins and Nor are as popular as monsters, but it is rare to get close to people, and in fact there is no record of undead attacking villages and so on in this Viscount Gasolaine territory.

Undead are broadly classified into several types.

There are several classification methods, but one common in aus is classification based on range of movement.

One thing appears, but it doesn't go too far from where it appears.

And the other thing is that unless there's some reason, it doesn't really matter where it appears.

The previous examples are living corpses (zombies), skeletons (skeletons), zombies (gourds), ghosts (ghosts), etc., which are relatively easy to give even among undead people - many things can escape if they run away - but there are naturally many exceptions.

In addition, the latter examples include evil spirits (white), dead spirits (lace), ghosts (spectre), vampires (vampires), etc., which are more difficult to crusade than the former, and at the same time, there is a low tendency for multiple bodies to appear simultaneously, but this is naturally an exception, rather than an exception for the former and the latter.

"If I say strongly, I cannot say that the tendency is strong. Barely more than half."

"It's true!

"Oh, I guess it's true. Calm down."

My brother doesn't think that his sister tells boring lies.

"I'm sorry... I'm calm."

Like his brother, Christ was originally a knight of the Order of the Viscount and was also assigned to the Order of the Right Knight.

She stopped panicking with one deep breath.

"... so what's the type of undead?

"That's... maybe a zombie. I think it's a zombie, but I've never seen it before, so I don't know."

My brother was slightly relieved by his sister's answer.

Zombies are slow and have less head than goblins.

Somewhat tough, but fairly easy to defeat, because it is the easiest monster in the undead to defeat.

Even if the number is more than 100, if the zombies are as taught in the Knights, he will be able to do it if the guard team he leads totals 30.

"Okay. There's no one else, is there?

My brother's voice has a dark colour of desire.

But of course.

"... I'm here. Someone was manipulating the zombies."

"What is it!? People are undead!?"

Undead depends on the type, but basically every Knights teaches that they hate every life.

"Yes, and I was ordering the zombies to speak up. I didn't have a scratchy body like a zombie, I wore a dress, and that's why I'm alive..."

"What do you mean?

His brother was slightly harsh at Christ's words, and his tone seemed to blame him.

"I'm sorry, but it's really hard to say."

"That's why I'm asking. You even know him....."



"Not a month... a month and a half? It was about two months ago. Remember Prince Duncan told you to go to the West Dart and you were on your way?

"Yeah, but what's wrong with that? Something's going on....."

"Your Highness said the princess Mimile was on her way to the Marquis de Greed in the West Dart."

"I know that. I can't believe you...!

"That's right. The man who was manipulating the zombie was a woman, Miles... I wonder what his family name said... but he said he wanted to see the Marquis de Greed."


My brother did not inherit the word of Christ, but soon afterwards he restored himself.

"If that's true, it's a big problem. Tell me more. Depending on what happens, I need Lord Gasoline to protest to the royal family."

My brother's words are taken for granted as nobles.

Now a nobleman who says nothing is not a nobleman.

"It's okay. Tell your father that. I'll put together a guard immediately and make my way to Kayle Village."

While returning his nephew to his sister, his brother smiled with a gentle face.

And as soon as he retightens his expression, he tells the guards, "Gather all the guards in half an hour, fully armed! Let's go save the village of Kayle, which was attacked by the undead! I ordered him to do so.

In less than an hour, Warrant Baron Bills discovered what was going on, and a message of three advanced against Count Gasolaine.


The residence of the Lord of Beglitz.

Half a month later, after a wedding meeting with Mimil, Al and Mizchi returned with their escorts.

"Welcome home."

When they were about to go home to Pat, who greets them to the front door.

"I'm sorry. Mr. Alson is injured....."

Before Pat said everything, Al and Mizchi rushed into the house without taking off their shoes.

The Dark Elf's first warrior on the guard, Karsusross, was too impatient to react.


They go to the living room screaming their son's name.

They're supposed to be in the living room, according to the [troop formation (party)] deployed in their brains.

In the living room, Maid Ida stood up by Arson's sleeping cradle.

You must have been surprised by the sound of the two shouting and running around the house.

The Dark Elf warrior, who was attached to Arson's escort, also sat down with his hands on the handle of the sword.

Ah ~

Arson was laughing joyfully, reaching for the rattlesnake that Sastole had.

"Are you hurt!?"

The two men, who jumped into the living room changing their blood phase, rushed to their son simultaneously screaming.

According to Sastole, who was pushed by the momentum of the two and reported wandering around, Alson, who was crawling in the living room just 30 minutes ago, hit his head on the leg of his desk.

There was a small scratch on Arson's forehead that I couldn't tell from a closer look.

"I'm glad it wasn't a big deal...."

They stroked their chests down and returned with their shoes off while being scolded by the family order.

Sophie, the maid, was chasing after them while cleaning.

Ida lowers her head and apologizes to the two of them back in the living room, but they say, "It's no big deal, don't worry. Rather, I'm sorry to surprise you." On the contrary, I'm holding up Arson and stroking him.

Al was ripped off by Mizuchi, cheeking and crying by my child who held him in his arms, "Also ~ n, Dad ~".

"Oh, my father's beard hurt. All right, all right."

Even with the same cheeks, Alson seems to prefer Mizuchi to Al, and soon he feels better.

Al smiled at Alson's face as he rubbed his cheeks, saying, "It's already evening... but it hurts so much."

"My baby's skin is sensitive....."

With that said, Mizuchi sat down on the sofa holding Arson and began to concentrate on healing magic.

It would be unacceptable even to have a scratch as strong as a hairline.

The same was true of Al, who held his right hand with the magical light.

"It hurt. But I can't stand it anymore ~"

With that, Mizuchi stares at his son's face.

Alson is also watching Mizuchi.

Alson, look at my dad too.

Al talks with a slutty voice, but they keep staring at each other.

"Hmm? What's wrong?

Al asks Mizuchi with a slightly serious voice.

[Troop Generation (Party)] was cancelled.

"Nh, nothing... Alson is still cute today. Do you want some boobs?

"Well then, I'll take a bath...."

With a bitter smile, Al left the living room.

Late at night.

Cayelle Village, Countess Gasolaine.

"Fufu. It's convenient to think of a body that doesn't sleep at all...."

The magical lights that were moved from the carriage lit up, and Miles relaxed while sharpening his nails in the living room of the lord's mansion.

The skin has lost its mood of blood and is as white as a wax.

But it hasn't left the realm of fumes yet.

At first glance, it looks like someone whose skin is as white as it is pathological.

"I'm not hungry, and this is it...."

On the face with a faint smile, the golden discolored eyes were shining, but the area of the sclera (white eye) of the eye was becoming red and black or congested.

"Ah, Mr. Allein. It's been a while. Miles has gained enough power to defeat even monsters nesting in the Dart Plains. It will definitely help....."

At that time, there was a bang on the door to the Gongon and living room.


Don't look at the door and answer with your nails on the light of the magical lights.


It seems to have been answered with a very small voice.

Well, that's fine. Come in. "

It was the carriage guard captain who stepped into the living room with forgiveness.

There are knife wounds everywhere, dry blood sticks to your body, and scratches and dirt are noticeable on your armor.


The captain is kneeling beside Miles and reporting something.

Phew. He's still alive. Bring him in... okay, I'll go. "

Mildred stood up from the chair and gracefully walked behind him in the living room.

Outside the building, a wounded man is kneeling with his arms restrained by another wounded soldier.

The man was Christ's brother, who had taken the lead in liberating the village of Kayle from the undead.

"Gu... but hello, Mile-san?


"Oh, my God! Miles, what the hell is going on here!?"

"What is it?

"Ugh... these are the widows (undead), right?

Sounds like it.


I wonder if it's God's will.


"You're so loud."

That said, Mimil grabbed the man's hair with her left hand and fixed it, pointing her right index finger at the temple of the man.

It's an eye-catching early shift, not long before a man protests.

Fingers barely resist diving into a man's temples.

"Ah, ah, ah... ah!

Every time Mimile moves her right fingertip, her voice leaks out of the man's mouth.

"What's your name?

"Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh he

"I hear a strange voice... this is really hard..."

Miles moves his fingers around the man's head.

Every time a man leaks his voice...

"... nh, is this it?

Mimil changed his expression because he felt something different.

"Status open... nh, it fits. Sir... you're a nobleman."

"Do you have a family?

"... one wife and one son..."

"Is that all?"

"My parents... and one sister who was married to me."

"Hmm. So, how many people, including you, came here?

"... three or four people..."

After hearing that, Miles asked the captain how many fellow men had attacked him in the evening.

Three or four people smile satisfactorily at the answer.

"Fufu. It's so much easier living....."

While saying that, Mimile pulled his finger out of the man's head with a frustrating smile.

The man is convulsing as he leaks his voice, "Ahhh... heh..."

"I have to get the information... bring the robots."

There are several holes in Baron Robotney's side of the head that appeared a few minutes later, but there seems to be no large amount of blood, and the stains are not noticeable on the clothes he is wearing.

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