April 12, 7451

Al and the others were having lunch on Weathers Street with Bath and the others.

"This is the army's portable food stack?

"No, I don't think this has ever happened in the Royal Army..."

I see. Still, it looks strange, but the smell is good.Somehow it smells like I'm getting hungry. "

"I agree... look at that!

"Oh!? Meat.It's mixed with meat!

"Oh, it's not dried meat, that's..."

As Bath and the Knight of the Third Cavalry who accompanied him whispered, three new knights of low rank in the party wrapped a lot of sauce around the pasta that they had returned from the hot water.

Because the sauce uses garlic, the unique aroma of appetizing garlic spreads around.

--Unlike this sauce and pasta, the taste is quite good, but it smells... it seems to have drifted 300 meters into the woods of the Dart Plain when Giberti checked it out, and it might be good for garrisons and battlefields at this time, but it can't be eaten during an operation that requires covert operations.The dogs and werewolves are everywhere... they don't taste so good without garlic in the first place, and I think we should let Giberti develop them with a new sauce...

Al exhales as he pours a fork into the first cup of pasta and wraps around a large amount of pasta.

----The limestone (lime) is rocky like Mount Belos behind Beglitz, and you can make as much raw lime as you grind it into powder, so even if there is no wizard to warm up outdoors... after using it, you can use it as fertilizer, can I let you do it?

Open your mouth and throw in the pasta.

--Anyway, is Mile safe?If the assailants were undead, they might not have thought anything... no, vampires... oh, Death Knight... there were people who could make the same sophisticated judgment when they were alive like Wilheimer's old man, and there were sen who attacked them knowing that they were Miles if they were in the back.So what's the purpose...?

He finished chewing and swallowed it and reached for a cup of water.

--Purpose...... Purpose...... Well, it's hard to think about anything but me or the kingdom, or both.

Drink water and wrap the pasta around it to open your mouth.

--I 've been thinking about what kind of request it is... but the question is whether it's alive or not.If the purpose is for me and the kingdom, she's a hostage... and if she doesn't stay alive, the role is difficult... and if she does, there's hope.

"Oops? Bath, this is delicious!

"Wow, it's good enough even though I don't use fire!

The two of them were talking sneaky at the edge, but the Knights Leagues' field food made them shout too loud.

"Ha ha ha. Isn't that right?My Knights pride in their wild food..... "

Warrant Count Camry, who passed by with a rubber dish filled with pasta, boasted.

They had to nod.

--Otherwise, there is a possibility of resentment against her, me, or the Kingdom itself.... in that case, the hostages will be dual, and they won't be alive anymore... Hmm, if there's a relative of that vampire, it's not strange to be resented.Especially me. But how did you know I slaughtered the vampire's balls... there was a lot going on over there, and it's possible we didn't even notice the live surveillance cameras...

"There's plenty of pork, and it tastes good.It's incredibly luxurious that this is a field meal.... "

"My bacon.Give me a sip. "

"Oh, I don't mind.I really wanted to try some bacon. "

The volume of the two voices drops again suddenly because it's not a very well-behaved conversation.

--I have no idea who is holding back the kingdom anymore.I don't care if Undead has any grudges.Besides, I don't know if Mildred was buying personal grudges from Undead like me... and I don't know either... but I guess I am.

"... and pork.If you think about it, you could have eaten there.... "

"Over there? Speaking of which, Barth, you said you and Marquis Grid were old acquaintances....."

"Oh, it's Balduk.Me, too, because you were a Labyrinth Adventurer.Anyway, I'm famous, aren't I?

--But it doesn't seem like it's going to work anymore.The dead will not come back to life, nor will they return to the basin.All I can do is take the enemy... but I don't know where the undead who attacked Mile disappeared, so there's no way I'll ever meet him... oh?This... is a good excuse to keep turning down the next marriage that can be pushed...

"Oh, I've heard that before, if you ask me.It was true. "

Two people talking to Hisohiso only about the contents.

Al's men who saw it, if this is the first time they have eaten this field food, they will be surprised and can't help but talk a lot, and they will smile.

"... hey, didn't you believe it was true?

"Unbelievable, normal.I thought it would be convenient to dress the royal relatives.Not to mention the fact that in such a short period of time, the General Commander of the South would be overlapped by the Lord Ascending to the Marquis.Do you think most of my troops are the same idea as me?

--Well, if he was alive, where would he be now?If Miles jumped out of the raid... it would be normal to think so, given the number and quality of the guards, but according to Mr Barth, it's quite unlikely.It's probably not as low as it could possibly be...

"No, even when you became Count, you were publicly announced, whether in King's Landing, Barduk, or for a reason.Wasn't it around there?

"Of course you did.But not many people like to believe everything you say is true.I don't know Barduk very well in the first place.Even the King's Capital has only gone once after asking him to train at the headquarters to take on the knighthood.The Knights of the Kingdoms were great, but the Third Knights were recruited locally in the countryside. "

"Isn't that right?But even if it's locally recruited, it's not a big deal to be a knight. "

As Bath said, this knight was excellent, so he was suitable for the knight's assignment, and he was able to undergo HQ training, and he was one of the men in the base who was asked for the future.

Let's say that this level of loyalty to the kingdom is impossible given the cultural level around the ninth to tenth centuries.

However, as with this knight, he is counted as one of the elite locally and in the army.

I am well educated and knowledgeable because I became an elite soldier.

A talented adventurer, but an adventurer after all.

I think it's ridiculous to destroy the Wyvern with just a few fighters, and I'm thinking about the circumstances behind it.

--However unlikely, if you jumped out of the raid or managed to escape safely, you would be aiming for the West Dart, Beglitz, and I'm sure you're getting close... but the boulders are already in the Dart region, right?... but it's going to take me a day or two to meet you, and then you can come back in time for your wedding.I don't know, but I don't know...

Al's dishes are almost empty, and it's time to pull up the excess equipment with a fork and scratch it.

--Even if you think about this right now.Should I go if I take another break... or should I tell them that I'm not going to make it?

Al looked around as he finished eating the leftover utensils after putting his mouth on the corner of an ill-gotten rectangular dish.

Everyone is still eating.

"Ah, Knight Kibunal.Can I have a word with you after dinner?

Al drank water when he summoned Warrant Baron Kibunal.

I am once again satisfied with the fact that it is made of rubber and almost does not smell of rubber.

Soon afterwards, Brigadier General Kibunal stood before Al.

"I'm sorry, but you keep heading for Beglitz.Tell Miz, his wife or the Baroness of Insenga that it will be difficult to make it in time for the 15th.Even worse, I'll be back on the 18th. "

"I understand."

"And the two people who are supposed to be in Raoul's village, the residents, and beyond, are already under my control.If you don't see us anymore, you can go full speed. "

Yes, then.

Hmm, I asked for it.

After seeing the back of Warrant Count Kibunal, who had returned with acne, and taking a short post-meal break, Al and the others began to move on.

Then, about an hour passed by the village of Sakor on the way.

Already deep in the Dart Plains, the tree shadows have grown correspondingly thick.

This area is a place where development has progressed considerably, but it still enters a place where a small caravan may be attacked by monsters about once a month.

In addition to being alert to the surroundings, Al uses the magic of life sensing (Detect Life) every few minutes, knowing that there are huge holes in the magic waste and surveillance network.

While this is obviously accompanied by the practice of magic, the significance of the investigation in the Dart Plains is also significant.

Al's standard life-sensing (Detect Life) magic has a radius of about 200 m, but in order to understand with his skin how many monsters are caught by magic between the streets, and if so, how close they are to attack and escape.

He was doing some research in the western darts that he owned, and although he had some traits, there were some predictions that they were not the only monsters that were dozens of kilometers away.

--Nh, is there a reaction?Let's try it again when we get to that tree.

Thus, Al often used magic to predict the reaction of monsters.

But the monsters are also a hunting ground and dangerous place next to the street.

There are few cases of people staying within 100 meters of the street.

If anything, except for a very small exception as to whether there is one once a year, it is definitely a scout to attack caravans and other caravans passing by, such as orcs and hobbgoblins, who live in groups and have considerable wisdom.

In that case, the main clan squad is often solidified and standby about 50 to 100 meters from a place where it is possible to see down to the street.

--Hard to catch.Even so, sometimes it's not bad to go slowly like this.

I wonder if Al, who is shaking on the back of the horse, is free, but he is biting to death.

And I plugged into a place.

It's like there's another curve a few hundred meters ahead of a slightly steep curve.

Both curves are followed by straight streets for a while, and even those straight streets can be crossed without being seen.

In particular, it is still a high time for merchants and servicemen with assignments (often in a hurry) to interact randomly.

Dozens of people can cross without being blamed by anyone, but unless the total number of people crossing is four digits, it's not even midnight... such a place.

- Oh? It's been a long time.But it's a little weird.

Al's loose face tightens.

Of course, there was only one life reaction to Al's magic.

--One rather than more...

This doesn't mean much.

Monsters such as herbivores and goblins and oaks that have strayed from the herd.

It's very unlikely, but I'm relieved in this case.

Because if a carnivore attacked you and injured you, and you can't move a herbivore, or you can't move a monster with some kind of problem, even if you can feel this sign, you can assure me that there is no chance of an attack.

The scary thing is that they were large predators and powerful monsters wandering the Dart Plains without creating a herd.

There have long been many powerful monsters, such as Staglino and Manticore, who live alone or in numbers.

Examples of such monsters attacking caravans are certainly rare, but certainly rare.

No matter what Al may be, there will be no hesitation in being attacked by such powerful monsters with literally complete surprises.

Besides, since most of these monsters have a large body that can reach a few meters, it would be impossible to do anything other than hit Al completely unexpectedly...

Some large and powerful monsters can sneak up on their prey, such as the Metastasizer Beast (who can temporarily move to another plane and return to this Prime Material plane, which is already the representative of a terrible monster, but Mizuchi doesn't know anything about Al), but no living creature has been confirmed in the last hundred years because it has been transformed into a legend in the middle.

Anyway, I have to tell you that Al has discovered a potentially dangerous presence.

But I'm sure it won't be too late after we get close.

I decided to use Vital Sense (Detect Life) magic every few seconds.

--Someone watched.

- Huh?

--That's why they saw me...

- When did they see you?

- Just now.... this magic has been around for a long time.I thought it had already been lost...

- Lost magic?

- What do you mean?

--meaning that the user is gone or the magic is extremely reduced?

- I'm not listening to words!

--What kind of magic...

--The Devil who finds his reaction in close range, he's watching again!This would be a mistake to see as a fairly skilled user.

- You mean they found us?

- That's right.

- What's the distance?

--I don't know.But that magic shouldn't have a much wider effect.

- You can't fool me?

--I 'm sure they can't find it anymore.

- Do you know how many people you're dealing with?

--I don't think I'm the only one using it for boulders... but isn't it wonderful to have someone with me?

- That's right. Just to be clear, aren't you using the Dart Plains monster?

--I don't know.If it were a monster, it would be quite powerful.

- Can you do it for my men?

--If the opponent gives up resistance or can't resist forcibly... it will be possible to use that ability.

By the way, will I be able to use that lost magic?

--If that user can tell me something, I'll be able to use it.They're watching again.

- I know you saw it. Can't you use it?

--I didn't have to.I suppose you do, too?

- What are you talking about?That's what I am...

- I told you.

- I didn't teach you!All right, I'll catch you and tell you directly!

- Whatever. But I'm sure he's a rare magician.Be careful...

- Shut up already! Shut up until I call!


On the sofa set in the cage, Mimile opened her eyes and checked the time with the clock on the desk next to her.

"It's only been so long... it's not daytime yet"

When you get up slowly, look around your body again to see if there is any disturbance in your clothes.


Then he ordered Death Knight, who was waiting outside, to open the cage door.

Miles takes a step forward in a leaky day.

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