April 12, 7451

"... and when I got back, I found Jill and Liz's bodies, but the others found no shadows or shapes.That's why I believe he's still alive. "

I see. But will Mr Flamshaft and Mr Hurney leave their bodies unattended?

"Gh... it's hard to say that.... I think there was something that could not be stopped.Anyway, before I fell into the river, to be honest, I was on the verge of total annihilation... and managed to secure the safety of those who survived... "

Al used the magic of Life Sensing (Detect Life), but lined up his horse's neck with Bath, who should know best what happened to Miles' carriage.

As far as the words spoken from Bath's mouth were concerned, it was only known that the assault on the caravan had been quite planned, and there was no sign of the Undead.

However, after hearing about the incident in Harmis village and Sekijo, which continued from the mouth of Bath, Al thought a little.

--Certainly, if Mr. Bath is right, the number of bodies doesn't suit me... and there are a lot of strange things about Sekiguchi becoming an undead nest called a drauggle...But, um... do you have an undead that adds family members other than vampires?There were stories of zombie movies from a long time ago and people who were bitten by zombies becoming zombies, but according to Mizuchi, it was only because of such movies... No, his knowledge was based on novels and games...

"So you're sure they were all undead at Sekiguchi?

"Yes, I checked the status after that.Everyone was an undead by the name of Draughl... oh, there was only one Death Knight mixed up.Well, I didn't think it was undead until the end of the day.Considering that, I also nod that the bandits who attacked the carriage might have been undead in the first place. "


--- Street blockade due to direct use of magical land for fireball.And the magic of the unknown smokescreen... this is probably fireworks (pyrotechnics) magic... plus all kinds of warhead magic.Well, if it's a vampire, it's no wonder it's nothing, but a vampire comes out in the middle of the day on a boulder.Undead that I don't know... hmm?Moving!?

It is a life reaction that has not shown any movement until now, but it turns out that it is getting closer to us than before when I used several times of magic.

Al changed the atmosphere by accident, and Bath changed his face.

"Did something happen?

He was deeply impressed by Al, who was able to detect monsters from quite a distance, even in Balduk's underground labyrinth.

"Oh, maybe it's the enemy."

At the same time, Al raised his right arm with his elbow at right angles silently.

I found something with my fist in my hand, so I said stop there.

"Left diagonal front, straight distance about 150 m.There's something here. Everyone, draw your swords!

On the signal, one of the men who pulled out the sword had only an old infantry sword (short sword), and the others set aside their spear (spear).


The appearance of Al in the street from his left hand, just 30 meters ahead of the 150m, was... a huge (oh) human form.



"Is that...?

Well, the Draughl giant?

"Is that it?

No way?

- You think that's Draughl's giant?I imagined Sadahiro Kagawa's "Asahina Island Play", the giant of Rhodes Island of the Kagawa Kunigami Tiger, or the "giant" of Francisco Goya, but I didn't think it was Kagawa Kunifu's "Mikako Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha"!

Al reached out to the giant with his right hand, forcing out the boiling discomfort.

Stone Cannon smashes into the face of some humorous giant and tries to gaze at him.

But despite being blown off the top half of his face, Al said, "Protect my back!"he cried.

Two more rounds of Stone Cannon were fired from Al's right hand.

A rock spear even thicker than a telegraph pole successfully sprays both legs of the giant and rolls the giant.


That's it!

"I did it!

... but...

Despite losing both legs, strange giants are crawling around with their remaining hands!

Hmm ~?

"Uhh... so...?

"How did you...?"

There was agitation among the knights.

It was the first time I had seen a monster still in motion, even though Al used magic and hit three hits of the top attack magic in the earth. I was quite surprised, but I was convinced at the same time.

After all, the Titans do not exist alone, they are a gathering.


With a breath of exhalation, Al uses attack magic again.

Now it's the magic of a spider's nest (webb) that made warheads powerful.

A clump like a flying white ball was made to chase and hit the rolling giant, and it bounced, quickly covering the giant like a pure white cocoon. Now it stopped moving.

--Damn it. The reaction is approaching!?

Al's face was immediately distorted with life sense (Detect Life).

I didn't do the appraisal because it was a waste of time, but Al intuitively felt that "there's no mistake in being a dragon giant that I hear rumors about."

He also predicted that it would be a great battle force for the opponent because of his agility that was not commensurate with its size.

--But the lifesigns I just discovered are approaching us....

That's when Al thought about it.

Fifty to sixty meters away, a new giant appeared with leaves from the forest on his left!

Then a few dozen meters further, and beyond...

--Ah, yes, yes.It wasn't a trump card, was it?

"No way!?"


"Hey, are you kidding me?

Al smiles slightly when he hears the words of such knights.

- Hmm. It's a small drain on combat power.

And I began to concentrate on new magic.

Earlier, it was a super turbulence cluster (Harikenic Cluster), the wind magic's top attack magic that had been abandoned because it was too close.


A huge tornado airflow mass was generated more than 100 m ahead along with the roaring sound of splitting ears.

Turbulence draws leaves from the trees.

--I don't use it very often, so it feels like a safe distance.

With his mouth distorted, Al continued to focus on magic.

And the giants who appeared on the street were drawn to the tornado without grasping the growing tree.

- Well, that's a big deal.

- I told you to shut up!

With a yell in his heart, Mimile slowly walks toward the streets as he makes Draughl and Death Knight consolidate his surroundings.

--I 'm sorry. But I felt the magic in the world.Don't be impossible.

At that time, the wind chime sounded as if a sudden storm had occurred along with the branches.

Is this magic?

Miles open their eyes to too many roars.

and saw dozens of Death Knights and Draugles wound up in the sky just 10 meters away.

I looked at their fate in astonishment... and now I'm stunned.

There were many things dancing in the sky that could be seen from the rifts of the swaying trees.

Naturally, the stones like dead leaves, dead branches, and gravel that had fallen, starting with the draugles and death nights that had just been rolled up to be seized, even the aggregated and giant scourge draugles danced in the sky, colliding with each other.


Unexpectedly speaking, Miles is taken away by his family, who are manipulated by powerful turbulence.

- Was there a tornado?

- Yeah, yeah. But why... why can't I see it?

--I can imagine the magic flow.The distance to magic is a lot... it's a little over 100 meters.

--That's right... is there a user there?

--I don't know.Hmm, don't look at me while that goes on...

- How much longer?

--It won't last forever.When the tornado heals, it's better to put in the remaining combat power at once and snap it up...

- You can't teach me that!I told you to shut up!

---... whatever you want. But that's all you have to do, be careful...

- Shut up!

"Robotney, Rembal!

Two men stepped forward from Death Knight, who was consolidating their surroundings on Mimile's call.

"I want to get the magician.I'm going down the street now, but you take your men and locate the user.You can find it, but don't do anything until I tell you something. "

Each of them took a few Death Knights and disappeared into the woods.

The storm seems to have healed in the meantime.

"Well, shall I go too?I can't believe this is the only magic that's going on. It's just a hypocrisy on a large scale. "

Mimil started walking again with a faint smile.

"It's not over yet.Don't be alarmed. "

Bath and the Knights retighten their minds to Al's words.

It's also possible to see people bending their bodies down the street and still being stupid while being damaged by falls.

Al's life-sensing (Detect Life) is still used every few seconds, and once it stops moving, it tells us that the reaction is approaching again.

Because it was a safe enough area, giants and legs rolling down the streets like worms could not be wound up in the air.

But anyway, the body of the giant that was wrapped in the gun, the legs showed a disgusting sight.

The dragoons that make up the legs are crawling towards the main body little by little without solving the merger.

Dragoons, who were hugging each other tightly, were cleverly using their free hands and feet to kick the ground and scratch the dirt.

--I wonder.I don't want to see much of this.

When Al sighed small.

"Beno, Beno!Ren! I knew you guys were alive...!

The voice of Happy Bath echoes.

Al caught him and unexpectedly looked back to the left.

There were men standing like ghosts with no traces of blood from the gap in their armor.

At the heart of this is a skilled San warrior, Rembal Flame Shaft.

His stacked bill armor (sprint mail) feels better than Bath's, looks worn out even in the eyes, and marks of blood glue are also noticeable.

Next to him is the Rabbit Wizard (Healer) and Spearman (Attacker), Renbur Colemane.

There are large scars on the face like a sword swallowed up, and there are no signs of treatment.

There are holes in the leather armor and spears everywhere, and there are marks of bleeding.

On the other side of him is Bennoko Hurney, a famous Popular warrior (Hume) who enters his five-finger position as a shield (shield holder) in Balduk, with a dark expression.

He also seems to have wounds all over his body.

And it is Rockwell Malostaron, a sperm (elf) sorcerer (blast back), who is holding the bow a little further away from them.

The leather armor he was wearing had an undisputed hole in its belly, and there was a lot of blood on it.

Everyone's face is bloodthirsty, and their hair is not taken care of at all, even if it is solidified by dry blood.

Al quickly [appraises] them.

One thing to note is the "Status" column.

[Status: Death Knight]

"Bath! They're all undead, Death Knight!

The Knights had been holding up the fight before Al's warning, but Bath was about to get off his horse.

"Bath, don't get off the horse!

The Knights of the Third Cavalry, who came here with Bath, also felt something strange in the Greens (Verdegli Brotherhood) and flew warnings, while stretching the spear they had between Bath and the Greens (Verdegli Brotherhood).

Looking at the knight and Al, Bath twisted his face and sat back on the horse again.

"You guys, answer me!

Bath calls with a crying voice.

But the Greens (Verdegli Brotherhood) just stood up and didn't respond, and they didn't react.

As a matter of fact, their mouths were moving small, but it was terrible to say that they noticed the baths a few meters away.

"Are you really... are you guys really undead?You don't even know me anymore!? "

Barth screams like blood.

Turning back from him, Al said, "It's still undead who attacked Mile's carriage, and he's the one who can mass produce Death Knight... that's troublesome.But the lifesigns are approaching... and Miles may still be safe. "

As for Al, it is natural to assume that Miles was taken hostage to sue for something.


- Hmm. Do you know I'm here to make the request?

and doubts continue to be maintained.

--As I've seen, the Dragoon Titans are quite powerful monsters.I mean... I got rid of a total of seven of them in no time, so even if I don't know who they're dealing with... oops, it's dangerous to run ahead.

Just a little worried after thinking about it, Al uses the magic of life sensing (Detect Life) again.

--There is a reaction. This way, no, are you going out on the street?They haven't grabbed our position yet?

"Hey, Benno! Thanks for kicking me off, but I'm one more step away from dying!Say something! "

The cries of Bath echoed only vaguely in the Dart Plains.

Miles ahead of the road were a few drauggles, and if there were any dangerous scaffolding, they would lie facedown on top of it, turning themselves into a mile passage.

"Yes, I understand.You're with the Lembers.You were the leader?I think I can use it.And then... hmm, six knights.Excuse me!? I'll be right there!

Mimile, who was walking, suddenly shouted loudly, and with agile behavior, he dragged the draugglers and jumped into the street.

And without hesitation, on the right side - Al turned away and rejoiced.

Master Araine! It's me!Miles! Did you come to pick me up!? "

With that said, he ran towards Al with his hands open.

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