April 13, 7451

The Bachenkos, the best city in the West in the Kingdom of Bacony.

Near the neighboring kingdom of Rombert, several men and women held their foreheads together in one of the lodging rooms in the city.

"... so I think we should aim for Granan."

"I think that's appropriate, too.What do you think? "

"If the Gospel and His Holiness the Archbishop agree, we will only follow it."

Yes, that's settled.

"Ah, let's leave for Granan as soon as we're ready... Jackson"


"I'm sorry, but I need you to contact Giggs."

I was afraid.

"I'll let Killun know when we're ready.Until then, I'm going to have a hard time with you..... "

Don't worry about me.

"Mm-hmm. Here. Giggs will want it soon."

A man called Archbishop gave Jackson a leather bag.

The Archbishop looked around at the faces of the people in the room and bowed his head politely as he saw Jackson leaving the room with a leather bag.

"I am very patient and very sorry for Nigiwana's grace.But it's been a while.If only we had reached a place beyond the reach of those who were under the control of Winkibirau..... "

That said, the Archbishop looked around the believers with his dark eyes.

The drugs they had on their escape so far were only about half as much as they could initially carry.

I haven't always acted luxuriously, but I have to cut it down and distribute it from now on.

Still at this rate....

But, worried about him elsewhere, the believers only looked back at him with hot eyes.

--In the worst case scenario, I have to think about mouthlessness...

The two eyes of the wise man also had a tired smile.

― ― We still need to set up a base and plant mustard seeds (opium) as soon as possible.There's still plenty of money, and enough land in the countryside of Emperor Granan....No, not in the country.It's good to be next to a city of that size. This time...

The Archbishop looked at the Enlightened with a slightly gentle eye, but the Enlightened once again saw the flame of ambition in his eyes.

April 14, 7451

In the mountains of Demakar, where there is still snow everywhere.

Several soldiers are walking in it as they step on the snow.

They are scouts sent from a fortress built close to the summit of Mount Demakar.

Along with the snow melting, it is the task to check the state of the Lombard-side settlement dotted on the southern slope of the mountain.

At this time of year, soil began to appear everywhere on the mountain skin, and the snow that had accumulated deep began to become fairly thin, making it easier to walk.

"Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen... nineteen"

Count the far-sighted settlement buildings and make sure there are no new ones from last autumn's scouting.

"... I can't see the soldiers."

"It's true. You were still there last month, right?"

The soldiers were whispering to each other.

"Ah, I don't think he's home yet...."

"Horses... military horses. Four confirmed."

The settlement they are scouting is called Carlos, a settlement where char-grillers from the village of Midacombe, a little further down, move only during the winter.

Looks like it's about time.

Banquets thought to have been made from straw were spread out or piled up all over the settlement.

You can also see some charcoal tied around the feast.

You can see that the coal made during the winter is ready to go down to the village.

"I see. If that happens, we'll be back in the village by the end of the week."

"All right, that's enough for now. Let's go back."

More than a dozen reconnaissance units like them are leaving the fort at the same time, scouting the southern side of Mount Demakar.

In order to carry out the assigned task, we must return to the fort and make a report.

It was after noon that Al and the others arrived in Wingates, the capital of Count Lancel.

When Al went to Count Beauwitz, who was acting as Count Lancel's deputy at his feet, he told him the whole story about Mile.

Count Bewiz, who listens to Al, is a mid-40s grand fine (elf) woman, but was quite surprised to receive a cheap report a few days ago.

Of course, because Al himself was directly opposed to Miles, it didn't settle down, but rather because it turned out that one of the ministers of the Kingdom of Debate not only infiltrated directly into the realm of the kingdom, but also launched a raid to capture Miles.

"Nevertheless, my lord, the fact that Miss Fawkane has disappeared... well..."

"Can't you believe it?"

"Yes, I am truly afraid of the Marquis... but for Russia..."

"But are you sure it's gone like smoke in front of us?"

"No, I didn't suspect it.However, I've never heard of the magic of disappearing... and I'm not mistaken... "

"Oh, is that so? That wasn't a mistake.Except that we all made mistakes at the same time. "

"... yes, I made an imitation that raises doubts about your story.Please forgive me. "

Al did not seem to care about Count Beauwitz's apology and accepted it.

"And, my lord, the disappearance of Miss Fawkane and the assault on her are quite separate...."

"Hmm. Count. Look at this."

That's how Al took it out of his pocket and put it on the table, a magic stone that he took out of the Robotney Count, who didn't say anything.

"Status open... indeed Death Knight... My lord, this is a huge problem."


While hammering, Al retrieved Robotny's Magic Stone.

"The point of attack was said to be heaven, right?"


"I have to say that there was a problem with the Baron Faulkain and with the Kingdom's security system.On behalf of His Majesty, who appointed me Count Lancel's deputy, I would like to begin by apologizing to His Excellency. "

"Oh, I see. But I can't blame myself for what happened to her."

Al replied quietly.

The responsibility for the raid itself rests with the raider and not with the guards.

The problem with the guards is they couldn't get back on the raid.

If we were to hold the guards accountable, it would mean that the attackers could not provide security with enough prestige to abandon the raid....

Regardless of whether it is royalty or not, even though the daughter-in-law is officially recognized as a mere bastard, he is only a person who is connected to the Baron's House, and his son-in-law is not realistic to be married to a person who is equal to those without family status even though he is an up-and-coming marquise.

Anyway, I just forgave the raid, and only one adventurer hired by the Baroness escaped the scene.

This is also the result of the adventurer's companions taking extraordinary measures to inform the outside world of the danger.

The problem is that no matter how powerful an undead the attacker was, he just couldn't protect his subjects, and even the reports of being attacked weren't from a regular escort unit.

Al briefly explained this and changed the count's perception.

"... Your Excellency?"


"I'm not angry?"

Until now, Al hasn't shown any anger or sadness with his emotions out.

"I'm still pretty angry about this.Does it look like you're not angry? "

"... that's how you look... because you look so calm..."

"Does it look calm... if so, it's a result of my efforts.The storm is really blowing in my heart..... "

That said, Al told me that Mimile was blessed by a god named Lighteye.

It seems that all the changes in her appearance, the creation of an undead, and the ability to freely manipulate magic that she has never heard of are due to the protection of the light eye.

"... um, does Your Excellency believe all of that?Creating an undead and giving it to my servants.... "

"I think it's true about that part.Anyway, Death Knight is an undead that only appears in fairy tales such as draugles.They all moved as she said, and died as she was commanded, for it is strange that they perished themselves in no time.But I have to say that.Wouldn't slaves be able to do that? "


"The Count of Robotny was the chief court sorcerer who served as the Imperial Minister of the Kingdom of Debate.You were using that kind of big guy as Death Knight?Besides, they were leading the raiders directly.God bless you during the raid and make it an undead, Death Knight.Can this stay surprised? "


"At the end of it, it disappeared right in front of me.No, you might be right to say you ran away. "


"My fiancée didn't pretend to be anything like that until just a few months ago, but when her eyes turned black and golden, she started talking nonsense, and she was acting with a lot of undead!"


"I wasn't angry or sad.I'm still screaming loudly and desperately trying to keep it from spreading around! "

Al lowered his eyes to ashamed of the slightly stronger rhetoric.

As for Al, I was acting with some calculation, but I had a lot of reflection on how real emotions seeped out along the way.

And then you change your expression to cut something off.

"Gather as many nobles as you can in the Midwest Dart in an hour.Make a declaration of possession. "

At the same time that Al declares his possession, Count Beawitz will be Al's proxy, not the King's.

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