April 14, 7451

... an hour later.

The officials of the Count Lancel administration in Wingates, as well as the aristocracy residing in Wingates, were gathered together in the square in front of the administration.

Make a standing declaration on the prepared stage.

"... this land was immediately occupied and ruled by me, Count Lancel Araine Grid, by this royal decree.I hereby declare that all the plants and animals that grow in this land, and all the people that live in it, are mine! "

This is the second declaration of possession since my previous assignment to Beglitz as Count Leagle.

Well, it's not the same thing that I proclaimed right after that, that I would continue to delegate all my powers as lord to my deputy, Count Colec Beewith.

The three counties, including the Count of Lancel and the Marquis of Grid, have long been mine and have been named, and at the beginning of this year, the delegation of authority for the Midwest Dart region (Count of Lancel), Midwest Dart region (Count of Dressler) and East Dart region (Count of Erase) to me was announced (not an assignment because it is still before independence).

I originally planned to visit Wingates with Miles in a few days and make a declaration, but as things have changed, it would be easier to do it while I can.

In that sense, I don't want to make the same declaration of possession in Debucken (Earl Dressler) and Ramyoke (Earl Erase)... but you have to go back to Beglitz once.

It's not the way home.

Afterwards, we had two army horses equipped with horse tools ready, and we left Wingates behind.

In the worst case scenario, I was told that I would return to Beglitz by the 18th, but I had a wedding planned, and I never moved back as soon as possible.

A few minutes after leaving Wingates.

When I stepped into the forest from the cultivated land, I said, "Well, I'm going first."Don't push yourself," he said, accompanying two empty horses to Uranus.

It seems that Bath said something behind him, but I have an expectation about the contents, and I put a murmur in my body that I could not hear.

The two horses are of course for camouflage use.

There is no problem if you leave it in the right village on the way.

It should be about 100 kilometers from here to Beglitz, and if we work at speeds of 30 kilometers per hour or more, we will be able to arrive at the critical sunset.

In any case, it was good to have the terms and conditions for the transfer of power with the Kingdom last year.


Junkel Homeland, Mount Demakar, Fort Parks.

The commander of the fort ordered all the battle units stationed at the fort to reinforce their reconnaissance network further from tomorrow morning, following reports from the returning scouts.

The mercenaries stationed at the fort, the Iron Army, the Gordora Battle Group, and the captains of Red Weaver also nodded in silence.

But it is more obvious than looking at fire that there is a whirlpool of desire in their chests.

The last few months have been closed to snow and I have been unable to do anything.

The snowmelt has begun in the last few weeks, and the scouts have been sending in a quick sequence.

The reinforcement of the reconnaissance network meant that we could only think of actions to finally get the sorting material for the looting.

Moving from the conference rooms of the fortifications to their assigned locations, they perceive a hot fire in each other's eyes.


It's been a long time.

"Hey, don't rush. We're not ready for the show yet."

"I understand."

"If you find a good prey, report it properly."

"That's exactly what I'm going to say to my pussy."

"I don't have a monopoly."

"Keh, you look like you're going to have the most to yourself."

"Oh, no. Don't look like you're in the middle of a business."

"Hah, that's what I'm talking about!"

"Well, the prey is hidden. Don't fight."

"Sure, the rich don't fight."

"I don't know. It's time to earn money, even if we fight now."

"In the first place, the looting started around the summer, until then, we gathered information."

"If you ask me, I did."

After we scout, the Knights will scout for confirmation.

"Patience until summer."


Let it go.

The leaders of the mercenary regiment broke up on each other's shoulders.


It's finally here.

It was completely dark, but it was better than tomorrow.

Nice and busy.

A lot of people came to me when I went to Mizuchi last year, but the festival period was not great.

Well, there was a reason that I married Mizuchi a long time ago, and it was about three days in total.

This time, Mimile is married for the first time and daughter of the King.

Above all, the wedding ceremony itself is scheduled for tomorrow, and people have been gathering for about a week.

It is natural that the number of participants in the festival has increased considerably since Mizuchi's time.

Still, that's how many people got together to marry Miles and me... I'm sure it's about behaving like alcohol and cooking, but don't ask.

I had just stopped by the Knights headquarters wearing a worn robe, or I had been pulling a rope without riding a horse since before I entered the city, so I could get into the Grizzle without being noticed by the people going there.

I went straight to the Mansion, but it didn't seem that many of them noticed me, so I didn't make much noise.

I'm home ~

Because I told the guards who were holding the gate of the Mansion not to scream at my return, or because no one picked me up from the front door, but Aida, a woman, flew in and took off her shoes.

My gardener, Lucio, will be here soon to help me take off my armor.

When he got lighter, he stormed the living room where Mizuchi and Alson were.

"Arso, Daddy's home!"

Alson was asleep in Mizuchi's arms.

"Welcome home, thank you very much.I just fell asleep.... "

"I see....."

"Alone? Where's Mimile?"

Speaking of which, I didn't know anything about Miles' case yet.

We have to keep talking about everything here in order.

Maybe Mizuchi can make some predictions.

Did you create an undead and use it...


Mizuchi and I were talking about dinner in a fully paid dining room.

Arson is taken care of by a young lady, Sofronia, and a guarded Dark Elf.

"My eyes are also black, my eyes are golden... and my skin is not bloodthirsty..."


My favorite sea bream sashimi doesn't taste very good either.

But there's nothing wrong with my status...


That's it.

If there was anything unusual in the status column, it would be refreshing.

No, it's refreshing in the sense that you're satisfied with the abnormal state.

Regardless of the status, it's natural to think that I've become a high-ranking undead like Rich or Demirich....

That's Rich, isn't it?It looks like a skeleton, doesn't it?

"Nh, basically, it's true, but it's not an exaggeration to say that people like me have been out in games for hundreds of years since I got rich.That's why I should say that my body has become so remnants that it looks like my dry, shrunken skin is sticking to my bones.... "

I see. Miles are slow, so the flesh stays intact?

I can't deny that possibility.

Is Demirich inferior to Rich?

I tend to think so because of the Demi, but it's much more powerful than Rich.To put it another way, Rich has become more powerful and "like Rich".In this case, "Demi" doesn't mean "just half," as used by subgods and subhumans, but "Demi" means "not just half."


"Most of the time, the body is completely weathered and only the skull remains.It seems that the body is like a phantom, and it's often gone. "

What the hell... you look like a monster who flies around with his head alone.

Some of them are undead.Not far from Rich's feet.Rich has a few other variations.Drakolic, Baernon... and even the worst kind of Alhoon... well, I don't think they have much to do with Mimile-san's fume. "

There are a lot of them.

Well, Rich is the strongest undead, right?You're stronger than that vampire, right?

Generally speaking, yes.But vampires are certainly very powerful undead, and some vampires are so powerful that they can't beat Rich there. "

There you go... Rich, there's an undead hanging there.

I always think that Mizuchi is alive at times like this.

Anyway, Miles was originally eight levels.Looking at the status, it hasn't changed.What do you think of this?

One is that, as you were worried about, you could have stayed alive.Well, I think this is the most likely one. "

That's right.

Another possibility is that your Appraisal also used magic or special skills to deceive you.


I certainly didn't think about it.

But that's a very unlikely thing.

The magic level remained low.

But that low probability was the result of an attack on him...

Miles disappeared....

Probably, but it's magic.Teleports and stuff like that. "

Teleportation is a word I know, and I understand it somehow.

Exactly magic.

Even if it wasn't magic... some monsters had similar abilities, like Brink Dawg.

[Momentary movement] I see.

Teleport... I'd love to be able to use it if I had such a useful magic trick.


Face to face and sigh.

By the way, it's Mimile.


Rich, I can't deny the possibility that this has happened.....


There's something a little strange about that.

Strange place?

It's all weird, right?

Rich can't be defeated with magic, magic, or magic weapons.


Yes, I can temporarily destroy it by attacking it with powerful magic and magic swords, but it will be revived in a few days at most.


Don't be so invincible.

But there are weaknesses. A magical item called filament... it's usually a small box, but it holds my vitality there, and if I destroy it, I can destroy it. "

Where's Demirich?

That's where Demirich is with us.


"So, if she really got rich when she was attacked... I think she had the filament herself.Unless I hid it somewhere along the way. "

"You mean she kept it in her dress pocket or something?"

Yeah, I can't deny it, but... you're unnatural.

What do you mean?

Philadelphia is a magical item, but she doesn't have defensive powers.Nothing serious? That's why if you're wrapped in fire, it'll break easily, even if it's not magical, and it's about the right height... a table?It is so fragile that it will break even if it has a stronger shock than the one it dropped from.Isn't it scary enough to carry something like that with you? "

"Sure... you can't even lay it on the floor when you're jerked off, right?"

That's right.

-That's a weakness. -That doesn't change anything.

If it is removable, it is natural to keep it in a safe place.

Mizuchi is right, Mimil's behavior is strange.


On the teleport, that philanthropy? Maybe he went to the place where he was hiding it.There was a cage filled with luggage about 100 meters from the scene.... "

Oh, yes, there's a chance I teleported again with the filament.

The story was not exhausting.

Because of this, I fell asleep without discussing how to finish tomorrow's wedding or celebration, and the next day was a lot of trouble.

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