April 15, 7451


Inside the Beglitz government building.

Miles have not arrived.

Therefore, it is impossible to perform a marriage ceremony.

It was only possible to deceive him by explaining that it had become impossible to show to the people, including the invitees, that "Miss Mimile Fawkane, the bride, was missing because she was attacked by the Kingdom of Daybus while traveling to Beglitz".

The majority of the residents, not the guests, not the nobles, not the military, seemed convinced by the explanation, and there was no particular fuss about it....

It doesn't matter if my marriage as lord was in the first place, because most people simply wanted to participate in the festival where alcohol and cooking were free.

I think it was big because it released alcohol and food as planned, and did not place any restrictions on the supply of alcohol and food materials to outdoor merchants, street entertainers, restaurants and beverages that were delivered in advance.

Incidentally, the people who eat and drink in the city say, "I'm sorry to hear that my wife is missing, but we'll find her eventually, and then the festival will be held again?"They whisper... I can only think of a bitter smile.

Even this time alone, it will cost more than 30 million Zs.

"... that's why I feel compelled to pursue the responsibility of the Royal Family for the defects in security, as well as the Kingdom of Debate."

I talked about the future while making excuses to the guests who were stuck in a meeting room that was only about the classroom of the school.

"Specifically, it would require the Kingdom of Debate to return the identity of Miss Fawkane, who is believed to have been abducted, or indeed to have been abducted, and compensated...."

It's disgraceful to be kidnapped by the bride I was about to marry, but there can't be anyone who would dispute my words as the new Marquis.

"Sometimes the place that was attacked is inside the Empire, and the Royal Family... will be held responsible for this.Yes, I assure you, I will decline to take responsibility in the form of preparing someone other than Miss Faulkane as a new spouse.I don't think it's necessary to say it here. "

The invitees and the nobles started guessing at him for “reasons” in their faces.

As a result, you will be satisfied with about half as much as you think.

A turbulent wave, the King's Cabal.

They're not limited to my territory, and sooner or later, whatever they're talking about here will definitely leak.

It turns out that there could be a turbulent wave of people lurking among the guests.

Then you should pretend to be an innocent groom who is heartbroken by your wife's disappearance.

If you think I'm really hurting because I don't know where Miles is anymore, that's fine.

I wouldn't try to fill up with other sisters instead of her.

If you can see that I'm pretending to be heartbreaking, that's fine.

Because they make assumptions about why I pretended to do so and what I was aiming for.

Well, I can't wipe out the possibility of pressing that my will doesn't matter, but you'll need to be prepared to do something against my will.

Now, since it's unlikely that you'll ever repeat my feelings, perhaps you'll push me, but right now, I've just spoken my mind, and a lot of people are listening to it.

Regardless of the personal feelings and feelings of the nobles who govern the southern part of the kingdom, who are invited guests, what do you think about the fact that the King tried to fill another wife against my will?

Some would think, "Do you intend to have a kinship with the Marquis de Greed so far?", and some would say, "Can the Marquis de Greed's intentions be reconciled?"Though we have recently grown our forces and given up hostages, Marquis Grid is no big deal if we make it a powerful kingdom. "

Or "His Majesty the King is the greatest aristocracy in the land."

No matter how you think about it, I'll keep it the way it is, even worse.

Anyway, it's obvious that I'm not responsible for Mimile's assault or her disappearance.

Bad news, but somehow I was able to apologize for not being able to perform the wedding ceremony and showcase with Miles as planned, and decline the festive money brought by the invitees.

Well, since the opening of the meeting was also caused by the boulders, the luncheon at the square in front of the administrative office went as originally planned.

The neighborhood lords dominate the streets of Mile, but many used the carriage railroad from Weed to Beglitz.

There are quite a few people who didn't use it, but many people saw a carriage train on the journey to Beglitz and learned about it after arriving in Beglitz.

As a result, a number of people asked about the performance of the carriage railway and the construction costs.

They reign in the boulders.

Some people are expecting a logistics revolution, not just "convenient."

It became quite a struggle not to take word for it, but eventually it was almost crushed by calls to open new routes for their territory.

Well, if you give me money and people, I hope so.

Some lords may scream with joy that they also need to trade slaves skilled in construction.


Once again, the conference room of the executive branch.

It brings together officials from the executive branch, former Knights of the Regle, and a class of Squadron Leaders who are stationed outside the front lines of the Royal Southern Army.

They must be given a little more detail than what they told the invitee at noon.

"... I met Miss Mimile Fawkane on a horse from Garance east of Weiss Street in this spot, Midwest Dart... about three hours ago."

Converts to the speed of a horse without a magic hoof and indicates the location.

I have no questions.

"She looked like a dead man with black white eyes and golden eyes...."

Most people frown, but it wouldn't be impossible.

"And she was accompanied by an undead named Draughl, who spanned dozens of Death Knights."

Almost everyone breathes.

"I fought and defeated the Death Knight leader."

For the first time here, someone raised their hand.

My deputy commander, Sir Valt.

"Um, what about the Magic Stone? Have you picked the Magic Stone?"

The question is as expected.

If he hadn't said it, Claude would have been asking Marie a question.

"Of course, there's a unique name left.Count Robotney. Count Abel Robotney. This is the court magic chief who serves as the Imperial Minister of the Kingdom of Debate... this is the magic stone. "

That's why I handed over the demon stone of the Robotney Count, which I barely took out, to the nearest Knights.

If we look at the status, there is no doubt that it belongs to the Count himself (and there is no Count of the same name) unless he is someone else of the same name, and the noisy notation of Death Knight is also a solid piece of immovable evidence.

"This is six people with me.I'm ashamed to say that there was nothing I could do about Miss Mimile Fawkane at this headcount.... "

Everyone sends a sympathetic gaze.

There must be something different in their minds.

For example, me reaching out to Mile who cries and screams.

"Oh, if that's the case. Release your shoulders because you can't touch them to atrophy."

What I said was to Count Lancel, Count Dressler, and Squadron Leaders who were stationed south of Count Joom, the Emperor of the Empire, where Mimile's party was said to have been attacked.

They thought that if the Count of Robotney had crossed the border, he would have broken into the Dart Plains closest to the raid site.

Well, the border is not even busy, so it's in the Dart Plains with almost zero people's streets, and I'm sure it's easy to break in.

But this time, I've got testimony from the Count of Robotney himself that he's coming from the border between Count Rhodale and Duke Stols on the Daybus side, further east than the Dart Plains.

The reason is that if you enter the Kingdom of Lomberto, you will only have to cross the border to the raid site - the Earl of Rhodale and the Earl of Farelgers, and the Earl of Farelgers and the Empire.

If you are going north from the Dart Plains, you must cross at least six borders to reach the raid site.

It's so easy to see, and crossing the Dart Plains in the first place puts you in danger of being attacked by monsters.

Even if the roads were carved and used fairly frequently, the risk would be many times higher than outside the Dart Plains.

Above all, I wanted to reduce the number of break-ins as much as possible because I had the desire from the outset to kidnap Miles and turn them into a trump card for negotiations with me.

I'll explain those things to reassure them.

Speaking of which, I heard that the Dark Elves were the ones who guided the Raiders, Counts Robotney, but did they avoid the land associated with me in case something should happen?

Well, not now.

Even if I had the opportunity to complain directly, I couldn't help it.

It was also my fault that I was relieved that I was on my side or close to it because of the rubbish, the fact that I married Mizuchi, a minister, and the mercenary and the escort.

"I will send a messenger to the Kingdom of Daybus soon.If that doesn't work out, be prepared for the war. "

... that?

I was expecting a more serious face.

Anyway, what I have just declared is not a war between the Kingdom of Lomberto and the Kingdom of Debate, but the Marquis de Greed... that I may be alone in a war with the Kingdom of Debate.

If I were them, I'd say, "Think again!How much are you saying?

There are a lot of neat faces for that.

If it gets worse, it looks like it'll be fun or even someone with a rough face.


I shut up without succeeding anything with a body that was taken away from me.

You sure about that?

I would like to ask, but I am a great aristocrat named Marquis, and there is no point in saying such a thing in my position.

"Well, it depends on the negotiations....."

When I managed to pull it out, a man stood up.

Will you stop? No, you won't?

And I was an idiot who had hoped for a moment.

"If that happens, I'll leave you to my 432 Squadron!I am thrilled to see the breakthrough power, bravery and prestige of the Fourth Knights of the Kingdom! "

Following him, the conference room was noisy with my voice and mine, and it was a little hard to forgive.

When I heard the story, it seemed to me that my magic would be an easy victory, as it was when I fell into the village of Tancool before.

But, of course, I'm alone, so I can't face every front.

Well, you don't have to say it now.


Conference room of the Tertiary Executive Office.

What we are gathered for is the face of the Slaughter, who came to celebrate, and the Lord of Values.

Value, Claw, and Marie will be throwing consecutive ballots in the evening.

There are members of your weight, such as Bell and Meath, so make it quick.

"Miss Miles Faulkane's status has been confirmed by Bath, but there was nothing particularly suspicious.But I'm feeling really fuzzy. "

I explain to them what I've pushed into more than ever.

"I was just trying to make a living opponent an undead, Death Knight, or a complete servant.This kind of consultation is absolutely impossible for ordinary people. "

I was forced out of alcohol by magic, so it was saved to listen carefully.

"Speaking of which, do any of you know anything about God?"

I have to ask you something.

"Right eye (light eye)?"

"What is that?"

Rocco and Kevin laugh.

"Is that your name?"

Ralph was just saying it was a joke.

I agree.

"Ah, yes. He said he was the Almighty God who reached out to her for salvation after being attacked and trapped."

Speaking of which, I heard the phrase "Almighty God" for a very long time.

"Almighty... ahaha"

"Is there such a thing?"

Vince and Hiss laughed a little strangely.

Well, he's not here.

Shinto Kusai, the religious view of aus.

If that's the case, one pillar will suffice. I don't need eight million.

"Well, is it true that God showed up and helped her?Besides, what if you just named yourself Almighty God and left a large number of guards on your own, or made them undead? "

For my part, I can't deny that possibility.

Anyway, I've met God, I've even spoken to him.


The reincarnated people also remembered their own experiences, and they all turned into delicate faces.

The face of the Slaughters who saw it also evokes a subtle expression that recalls the truth of the reincarnated that they have heard in the past.

Because there is no material with me that can be totally denied.

I think the inhabitants of the world where God's thunder exists are also big.

"But if it is true that I gave you the ability to create an undead, then I can only think that God is evil... such as Winkibirau and Izu..."

Several people, including Mizuchi, agreed to Thor's reluctant words.

Speaking of which, such a god was also told by Makoshiya.

"Regardless of creating an undead and subordinating it to a servant, it is true that we ordered 4,000 or hundreds of undeads to commit suicide at once.Ah, leave aside if suicide is the right word.At that time, I felt like I was saying something unbearable, but I couldn't spare it because I could make as many as I wanted. "

My spine gets cold when I say it myself.

What the hell is that?

It's the same as saying you can build an immortal army indefinitely.

Well, I don't know if it's really infinite, but I'm sure it's a lot more than that.Unless you were bluffing.


Everyone looks a little anxious.

It's a little funny that Meath leaned on Gel.

"... you got it. It's just that there's nothing I can do for now...."

Zenom said with a reluctant face.

Everyone else nodded.

"So, what about the minister, the court sorcerer, the kingdom of Debate?"

Lorick nodded at Kalm's words.

"Oh, I can't leave you alone.I want to send an envoy soon. "

"You'll need that."

Tris agreed with me.

"So, who's going?"

Guyne asks, but that's the problem, right?

"I'm thinking of a platoon from my Knights and a few others... is there a candidate?"

Mizuchi, Claw, and Marie need to go to Burkud, so no.

You can't make a lord's spouse such a messenger in the first place.

Thor, Zulu, and the fighting slaves are also slaves, and not for the purpose of fighting.

Ralph, Guinness, Grace and Canningham are in training, so no.

And Belle and Meece are pregnant, so no.

I'm probably fine with the rest... but what do we do?

Ah, only the Deputy Knight's values are certain.

I need to be the head of the mission, and I'm sure he's qualified.

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