April 15, 7451

When I solicited the candidacy of a messenger to the Kingdom of Debate, many raised their hands, but many had to reject it for various reasons.

And the only remaining candidates were Carm, the jazz of Tris, Vince, Lorick, Ginger, and the knights of Kevin, Rocco, Kim, Gel, Hiss, Sanno, Lutz, and Fio from the Knights.

Zenom just looked at everyone's faces and didn't raise his hand.

Everyone wanted it, so Zenom, the only baron in the territory, didn't have to move himself.

Well, that's fine.

I don't want Zenom to do this kind of work.

It is also possible to place Zenom under him for the convenience of making Value the head of the mission.

But... hmm, what's the matter?

I also feel like we should all go and threaten each other.

Anyway, Debbs (over there) would deny his involvement and refuse without hesitation.

It's the only way they can get past Miles, as long as it's clear he's not holding them.

The result is identical to a declaration of war.

Well, I'm the only one who knows that while I'm here.

I don't think we will respond by killing all the missions that officially visit the boulders, but honestly, there is no guarantee that we will not do so, and I am also sure that we want to increase our combat power as much as possible.

When that happens, I want to mix either me or Mizuchi.

Bell... no, it's too protective.

If you can't get through with that kind of plight, your own strength and talent, you can't go any further.

Making the head of the mission a value is also a handicap to the fact that he has no experience as a killer (Slaughters).


"Sir Karm, Sir Vince and Sir Ginger.Three of them shall be deputy commanders.I will consult well with Sir Valt, the leader of the regiment, to assist him.Ser Valt also counts on the help of these three men, and he should be tolerated. "

The four people who gave me their names, including Kalm, answered, and when they stood up, they broke their hips towards me.

"Then I appoint Kevin (Fire Starter), Gel (Ramirez), Sanno (Kumir), Lutz (Samuelger), and you to accompany me.Follow the commander and deputy commander well and help them. "

The four people who were called by the name imitated first, and when they answered together, they stood up and bowed their heads to me.

You should be given an equal opportunity to take advantage of it.

In that sense, Kim and Hiss need a little patience.

In their case, Yakata-sama has become deputy commander, so we have to put them behind us.

Well, I'll prioritize it for the next time, so give me a break this time.

"Value. Choose two, no, one attendant from the righteous knights apart from them by tomorrow morning.I will choose the other one from the executive office.The departure is scheduled for four days.In four days, each of you will be equipped and assembled in Gal's village. "

I noticed a failure.

I had forgotten to include the reincarnated in this mission.

I would like to include reincarnated people who can see things from a wide perspective because they are going to a corner foreign country.

Ideally, Guinness and one more.

But Guinness is in training, and he can't.

This is a valuable opportunity to remember geography accurately, but no.

Regardless of whether it is about two days a day, two months must be foreseen for round trips.

Removing her from training for such a long time is only harmful to her in the future.

And then... around Fio, he's out of the way to investigate the distribution of coal, and since coal is more important than the war with Debate, I can't take it off without a successor.

Ah hey. Even though you're pregnant, if Belle and Meece were here, it wouldn't be a problem running the village on Gal, would it, Tris?

... Tris... I guess I'm going to take everything.

In that sense, Lorick is not qualified, but I don't know how to move Sanno and Lutz...

Then... caningham.

I've just joined the Knights, and even now... I don't really understand her myself...

Mizuchi and Klau will be in trouble here, but I'm sure Marie will.

It is convenient and easy to move because it is a straight knight.

The combat power itself is not so high, but it is not a problem as many members of the former Killer (Slaughters) accompany them, and it is also malleable in detail.

Should I tell the value later?

Late at night.

Mizuchi and the two of them were relaxed in the living room of the mansion.

Alson left it to the maid, and now it's in his dreams.

Originally, Mizuchi and the three of them, including Mimile, would have participated in the banquet together with the invitees and everyone, but the absence of the bride herself was very bad, so I only showed my face at the beginning of the banquet.

I hear noisy noises and lousy songs when I get drunk on the wind at night.

"That's why I decided to go to Daybus with Marie.The hornbear hunt will only have Klu's main power.... "

"Nh. You're okay.Never mind. "

Hornbear is a powerful monster, but Mizuchi's most powerful weapon, [Roaring], won't even be able to neglect Claw.

Even if there was such a high level of hornbearer, we could kill it.

All you have to do is give up catching him alive, so Mizuchi doesn't have a problem.

"Attach one or two full knights and about three squires from the Knights. And...."

"The Knights of the Marquis of Webdos and your brother-in-law will work together, so there's no problem."

That's right.

As long as you're not completely ambushed, such as being attacked in bed.

Conversely, it can be said to be a companion to prevent such a situation.

Moreover, my brother has more magic (MP) than Mizuchi, and even if he is barked by a bear above the level, the stiffness time is very small.

"I've done more of my extra work, and I'm sorry I can't go with you."

In addition, I couldn't accompany the hornbear hunt because I was supposed to make a declaration of territory in the Dart Plains with Miles from tomorrow.

Mimile has also disappeared, and only the neighboring Midwestern Dart (Earl Dressler Territory) is ahead of the declaration of possession.

This time, we have completed the declaration in the remaining two territories, and have changed plans to travel to King's Landing at his feet to report on the Mile incident.

Although there is nothing else I can do, it is difficult not to go to King's Capital because I also need to ask the King (old man) for a reasonable apology and compensation.

I think we should get it over with if we can.

"Nfu. Don't apologize... but if you think so, you can apologize even more."

Yeah, I'm drinking gubby liquor, but I can't drink it myself, so you're stubborn.

"All right, all right, I'm sorry."

That's how Mizuchi sticks out his liquor cup and says, "Nh."All right," he laughed and poured me wine.

Today's dish is smoked with Iwena and cheese (genuine) that Zenom said he made with his soul.

As always, the colors are the same, but there is no problem with the evening meal.

"By the way, it was Ryan who guided the neighbors... uhh, this dark genie..."

Mizuchi murmured with a bitter expression.

It would be frustrating for her to say that the kingdom of Lyle had cooperated with Daybus without saying no to her.

Also, when speaking in Japanese, I avoid natural nouns that are not understood even if someone asks me.

Don't say that. Your Majesty said so.The kingdom won't say no unless my enemies have asked me to assassinate them, if they've been paid properly.Besides, it's not my assassination this time, and it's close to being just a guide.If you give them a chance, they won't have a reason to say no. "

A sip of fine wine.

Then roast the smoked cheese.

It's just that Zenom made it with so much passion that it's almost delicious...

That said, the cheese producer, Imlake, also apologized to me for complaining that he was only able to buy ordinary quality cheese when he said "Sir Fire Fried told me to send him only the finest cheese."

Well, since the maturation period is about six months, it's not really the finest product, but I don't think it's much to take away only high-quality products from the initial production.

That may be true, but I don't mind a word with you.

Well, don't be so crunchy.

"Yes, I will. If this story leaks, I think some people will see that I baked it and told them to."

Oh, yes, if you ask me.

I am familiar with Mizuchi's personality, and I don't think so just because we have been discussing it for years, but it is no wonder that there is someone who thinks so.

Is he here?

But Mizuchi won't be convinced by my thoughts, and you'd better forgive me here.

Of course I'm here! Even though I've already admitted it... moooo "

Can't you check with your country?Who was the client? "

I can hear you, but when I hear you, you'll never answer me.Because client information is absolutely confidential.The moment I answer, the assassination operation won't work. "

Oh, yeah. Because you're a close associate or a big business partner, who hires you to work for an organization that leaks secrets so easily?

Mizuchi is right about this.


"That's right... but, Mima... even if I knew if it would lead to her assassination, I could see if she asked me to show her the way without knowing..."

Mizuchi shakes his head when he hears my words.

I knew it was no good.

Well, that's right.

It's like an absolute condition to get an assassination job without even divulging relevant information.

... hmm?

"Wait a minute. You just said you could say a few words to me.Isn't that a leak?

Mizuchi was also impressed with Zenom's smoked cheese.

"Ah, what I said is that even if you check my intentions before you take on the job, you won't hit the bee.You don't have to be stupid to tell me anything about this, but I suppose you can pull out as many ideas as you want by lying down on the information that there was a request depending on how you heard it. "

Delicious, isn't it?

All of them, I'll smoke Iwena... oh, this is so beautiful!

I was surprised by the cheese, but the aroma, the texture, the texture and, above all, the taste.

Everything is wonderful...

I've eaten a lot of Iwena's smoke so far, but this one's different!

I can't help it, I have to leave Beglitz alone today... and Mizuchi and I have to leave tomorrow.

Eat it all... No, no, the smoked food was originally preserved.I think it will be fine for a few days, so I can take it with me.

... that's right.

Combined with the expensive wine poured in after swallowing the smoked wine, it gives off a sigh.

Why don't you ask Carlos?Tomorrow, huh? Or should I call you now?


Senpai is Karsusross, who is the escort captain of Mizuchi and Arson.

Mizuchi is still called Senpai because he was the first to educate Mizuchi, who was the newest warrior.

I'm sure it won't work. Besides, senpai probably doesn't know anything. "

Ah, no, not that way...

She came around May or June last year.

Given that, I don't think he was involved in this raid.

I wonder if you don't even know that there was such a request.

"... if there is a request related to us, can you tell your country that you want to confirm our intention to keep the information lying down?"

"... um, just tell me for yourself, but maybe you don't care what I mean."

"Ah, yeah, that's right...."

It's none of their business if Mizuchi and I don't think it's funny.

To be precise, it is directly linked to how important I and Mizti are to the Kingdom of Lyle.

I don't know Mizuchi, the elder minister, but I'm just a little fed up and hiring mercenaries.

In any case, it would be better to treat it than the edge of the wood.

According to opinions such as Mizuchi and Karsaslos, Mizuchi's spouse's position, in addition to supplying insecure animal protein and employing mercenaries on a regular basis, is quite important... but it's not as simple as believing it in your head.

But after all, Mizuchi himself wrote to the Senate to complain.

April 19, 7451

Rombert Kingdom, King's Capital Rombertia.

In the office of this large high-rise structure, which is not at the level of civilization, Thomas III, the Duke of King Lomberto, the castle lord named Lombertia Castle, held his head.

It's a metaphor, of course.

- Shit! Oh, my God!

Earlier, a telegram came back from the Dart Plains, reporting an attack on the Mile.

The content is that it is likely that the location of the raid, the disappearance of Mile, and the raid itself were in the hands of the Kingdom of Debate.

It has been reported for a long time that the raid site will be within the realm, but as a result of the investigation, it has been confirmed.

In other words, the security chief at the scene is the King himself, the Count of Yom, who governs his land.

Mimile's disappearance itself was similarly reported earlier this month.

However, according to reports received this time, it is literally a disappearance, not a disappearance that escaped hardship.

And information about the unscrupulous assailants who were so despised.

Count Abel Robotney, the current Minister of the Imperial Palace in the Kingdom of Debate.

Initially, the raid was thought to be a large-scale bandit or bandit.

Although it was difficult to convince Russia to wear a proper escort, not only was it completely ambushed, but there were many defenceless people, not only the escort and the Miles themselves, but also the gifts, so I was forced to convince them that it was no wonder they turned around avoiding the battle on the scene.

But the story will change if the raiders become active ministers of the foreign kingdom of Debate.

It is unlikely to extend to the Marquis of Darline in the kingdom, but if the court sorcerer himself, who is famous for his skill in magic and rumours, comes out, the people who followed him will also be quite skilled.

It is not hard to imagine how difficult it was to escort a platoon plus alpha.

Although the reason why the escort could not play its role was unexpected, we now have to consider a diplomatic response.

It's not much of a war to raise a nation, but it's a case to ask for apology and compensation.

However, there are no prisoners, and the evidence suggests that Count Robotney's Magic Stone was taken by Marquis Grid, who captured a group of raiders en route back to the Kingdom of Debate.

The Kingdom of Rombert is a good laugh for the neighboring countries if you're going to ask for an apology and compensation.

Or they are seen as outlaws who threaten their neighbors with unspeakable difficulties against the background of national power.

--If you think it's one of them, you'd better be scared than laughed at.

Being impatient, angry, and slightly frightened, you're about to immerse yourself in thoughtless ideas.

--Anyway, he won't shut up...Me too....

Reports have been received from the northern border that troops from the Junkel (Bat) Household have been moving in a stinky manner since about a month ago.

The creepy move is a quick response to the increase in our Northern forces, but it's too soon.

As previously reported, it is likely that the Household of Junkel has increased its armaments for the south.

--To fill him with another daughter, he would be too greedy to deal with Daybus alone...

We have just begun to deploy our forces to the northern border.

To that end, I just calmed down Marquis Grid, who was disgusted by the Southern General Army, and promised to extract some strength until I heard some impossibility.

I don't even want to hold demonstration talks with the Kingdom of Debate in this situation.

Originally, it would be a case of gathering physical evidence or fabricating it, and then gathering large troops at the border to come to the negotiation.

The knight of the escort entered to the King, who was looking at him with all his heart.

Vladimir Taklad Gendale, the leader of the First Knights Corps, who is also the military King's deputy.

"Your Majesty, the guests have arrived."

"I often think about it now.I don't want to see anyone. "

"That's what I'm saying. You are the Marquis de Greed himself."


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