April 19, 7451

"... okay, let's go to the guest room or the showroom."

Thomas III, King of the Kingdom of Rombert and Duke of Rombert, stood up in a mood and turned to the costume room.

--Gleed?... You must have arrived in such a hurry, but didn't you arrive too soon?

Reports indicate that the forces of Debate and Marquis Grid, who attacked Mimile, were encountered seven days ago, on April 12th.

The location is on a street approximately 20 km east-east of Wingates, the territorial capital of the Midwest Dart.

A platoon of the Third Knights who had set off the same evening reunited.

The next day, just a week ago, the Knights of Lancel met.

The Marquis de Greed entrusted the Third Knights and the Knights of Lancel with the task of returning to Beglitz.

If those reports were correct (and, of course, true to the King and in fact), it would have been the evening of the next day, the late evening of the 14th of April, at the earliest the Marquis de Greed could have returned to Beglitz, and, in common sense, the evening of the 15th of April, the next day.

This is the time to consider the use of the carriage railroad, which was previously reported.

And four or five days later, at this point in the day, Marquis Grid is in Lombertia.

Although a special military order is possible, there is only about one day left on the road.

In addition, it is an ultra-fast movement that requires at least two digits of replacement horses, and it is common for both the bearer and the breath to be constant.

The King continued to be deprived of the doubt that had been raised once, while being dressed by the nearest samurai.

--Well!? His actions are confirmed only by the date and time he travelled from the local area towards Wingates... Long and long distances are necessary, and he went north directly from Wingates and towards Roberttia?

If that were the case, it would suffice if only two replacement horses could be prepared per day.

We can't afford to take a little break on the road.

Even so, it is a good place to be out of common sense for the Marquis himself, who is a superior nobleman, to conduct such a forceful army.

It would be a good inconvenience for someone to feed you.

--Well, it's useless just to say such a thing to him.

Anyway, all the preoccupations of the Marquis de Grid in the past were made by employees of the Grid Chamber of Commerce, and it was a matter of regret about a week before the scheduled visit date.

As the king went into the guest room, Marquis Grid, who was sitting on the sofa, thanked him and greeted him.

In response, the king nodded back to the marquis and sat down on the sofa set in the back of the room.

Behind the king stood Count Gendale, chief of the First Knight's Corps, silently escorting him.

"I don't know if you promised to see me, but I decided to take a special time because of this incident."

The content of the words was grand, but the tone was polite.

"Happy birthday, thank you for your sudden presence....."

The tone of the Marquis de Greed answers is flat and doesn't make you feel any emotions.



Did you think they would start talking to each other? There was silence in the guest room.



Since the King had requested a sudden visit from the Marquis, of course he thought the Marquis would speak first, and the Marquis had only thought that the King was likely to be the first to embrace him.

As a matter of fact, the King's idea is more correct and natural.

However, given the location of responsibility for the series of incidents and the position of the Marquis as the complete victim, the opposite was true only this time.

I'm not two people who don't know that.

I thought of each other's thoughts.

The king thought, "Have you come to question me, and if so, this is from me...", and the marquis said, "Should I demand this from me, or should I bullet you?While thinking about it, I can't step on it.

--What the hell are you thinking... damn it.

No matter how much you look at it, the Marquis does not move slightly, it does not distract you from the king.

--Is it correct that I can break here?

Marquis Grid.


"I feel sorry for the rest of you for this."


The Marquis answers nothing in silence to the king's words.

As always, no emotions can be read from the Iron Face Skin, which does not move a single line of expression muscle.

"What is this referring to?"


- Damn, you're not cute.

The king's left half trembled like twitching.

"Of course, about the attack on Miles."

The King has the face to say what else is there.

And now that I've said that, I think I have to honestly get inside without further deception.

"I'm sorry...."

"Please, Miss Faulkane, all blame for the attack rests with the attackers themselves."

The Marquis speaks in a quiet voice to the King who bowed his head to show his gratitude.

It would be rude to block the superiors' remarks, but the King seemed to have accepted it because of the significance of stopping the apology.

"Oh, I see!"

There was no responsibility, you were happy to hear that, the king's voice rose slightly.

"... I see..."

But soon the voice sank.

Regardless of the attack, it was not about being able to get rid of it, and the Marquis remembered that he hasn't said anything about it yet.

In addition, there are cases where the raiders are the centers of the kingdom of Debate, and how the raiders have invaded the kingdom's realm and even the realm of the realm.

If you think honestly, you can think of it as coming north from the Dart Plain, but there are a lot of territory to the scene, so it is normal to think that if you are a bit bright in geography or irregular operations, you would have taken a course that reduced the number of times you crossed the territory as much as possible.

It is also obvious that the attacker's identity and team required considerable preparation time.

The wedding was announced at the beginning of the year, but I'm sure I had information about the wedding long before that.

The divulging of wedding information is not a big problem in itself, as it is obvious in a sense at this time.

The problem is that we missed out on the messengers and contacts who carried the information.

However, this kind of information is rarely seen as very important.

If it is a wedding between foreign countries, the situation will change slightly, but this time it is just a marriage between nobles, the groom is a newcomer as a nobleman without a club, and the bride is not a formal royalty as a daughter of the king, but just one of the bastards who does not even have a formal title.

Not to mention, the number of bastards was officially recognized, and there were only three women.

Given her age and rank in the army to which she belonged, her political and military abilities are unknown, and she is one of the most common women in the aristocratic class with a slightly more beautiful appearance.

Simply foil the groom, no more or less.

Only in the heart of the kingdom is the marriage known to offer bastards to the Marquis as complete hostages.

Considering them, it would be more effective after marriage if the Kingdom of Debate attacked maliciously, and the best would be post-marital kidnapping.

The Marquis, who was taken hostage from the kingdom, is forced to drink most things if requested to do so by the Kingdom of Debate.

Once or twice, it's not strange enough to play a loser in a border dispute, and you'll have to pay a huge ransom.

Therefore, as for the Debate kingdom, which is supposed to be jumping to rebuilding the army deployed on the Dart Plains, it is better after marriage or at least after the Miles have entered the West Dart lands if they are going to raid anyway.

In particular, it is not difficult to imagine how difficult it would be to kill or abduct a woman under the protection of the prestigious Marquis of Dragon Slayer, so would it be realistic to raid the Marquis's territory in the Dart Plains as a compromise in the future (at present, but in the past)?

Against this background, as a kingdom, it is not worthwhile to withhold information about Miles' descent.

The same is true of the Marquis, which is said to be more foiled if it is announced broadly and the number of spectators in the bride queue is increased.

In other words, neither the King nor the Marquis is particularly responsible for the leakage of information.

But perhaps it was more important not to grasp that there was a raid in the Kingdom of Daybus.

In that sense, I would say that the Kingdom of Lomberto, and thus the King, was responsible for worshipping the dust of the Kingdom of Daybus in the information battle.

In any case, it was defeated in the information battle and did not provide sufficient security to repel the raid, even though the raid site was nominally inside the king-ruled territory.

Though the responsibility for the raid itself rests with the raiders themselves, the rest rests with the King.

To put it bluntly, the part that can be said to have a sufficient number of guards in general would be a disclaimer.

In that way, it was only a short while ago that the King himself learned that the Daybus kingdom had carried out the raid, and since the Marquis had come to represent him almost simultaneously, he had no time to wrap up his thoughts.

"... but apart from the raid itself, I couldn't get Miles to Beglitz.And I couldn't predict an attack.Especially I can't open a complaint about the failure to deliver Miles.I want to apologize. I'm sorry. "

This time, the Marquis did not intervene on the way, but listened silently.

"Very well, Your Majesty's gratitude is well conveyed to the minister, and I will take it that the minister is done on this matter."

The king was relieved by the Marquis's remarks.

I wanted to avoid being pursued by my son-in-law and shouting his blame out loud.

"Even if you say so....."


Once again, the guestroom was ruled by silence, but now the Marquis is more at liberty.

"... that's all I've done..."

Are you blaming me here?And the king hardens his body.

For the moment, Miss Faulkane is missing.

The continued words of the Marquis were not what the King had expected.

Therefore, I am thinking of making a proposal for a new spouse using this as a freak.

Hmm, I have a suggestion for you.

"... what is it?"

The Marquis de Greed opened his eyes for the first time here.

"I'm truly sorry about this, but why don't you think Mimil and you might have had a weak connection?"


Emotions disappeared again from the Marquis's face, and he became noble.

"I don't think you have an untrained mile....."

When the king said so, the Marquis meditated.

The King is also aware that he is making recommendations that are disrespectful to his superiors, but not as disrespectful as that.

"Your Majesty, please do not disappoint your minister any longer."

The king murmured at the Marquis's words.

Not much to say to the king of a nation, but the guard, Viscount Gendale, seemed to feel the same way as the Marquis, and did not warn the Marquis.

"As I mentioned earlier, Miss Fawkane is missing.-I wasn't stricken. "

The same is true of the Marquis's statement that he does not intend to marry another bastard than Mimil.


And even though the King is a thin bastard, he choked the death of his daughter, who split the blood (although not exactly).

"Sometimes, to what extent have you been informed of the end of the raid?"

After a little silence, the Marquis speaks as he recalls.

Originally, we should rub against each other's information immediately after the rubbing.

Remember that, the Marquis' voice contained slightly embarrassing ingredients.

"Hmm. The raid took place on the 29th of March..."

Resting assured that an atmosphere could be broken, the King began to answer the Marquis's questions.

The Marquis will supplement and amend the King's speech as appropriate.

"I see, such an out-of-phase....."

"As far as I'm concerned, Miss Faulkane herself seems to have liked it...."

"Draughl merged with each other to make a giant... exactly like the legend says."

"Yes, I cooled my liver to that size."

"Did you really take Undead for a servant?"

"Yes, not only did he say that, but in fact, in front of us all at once...."

Oh, my God!

"Only one person I was able to talk to at that time, Count Robotney, who has become Death Knight... this is in his Magic Stone..."

"Mm-hmm. Open status... definitely Death Knight"

"... but then..."

"Yes, I think it's more likely that Dabas will wipe his mouth...."

"Yes, I will escape blame for what the Count, who became Death Knight, the King of Dabas, did on his own."

"Yes, but you should be punished."

"That's true... well, that's fine. Whatever you want."

As a result, there was little difference in the amount of information between them, except for the part where the Marquis deliberately lay down.

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