April 19, 7451

"... this summer we will move two squadrons and one squadron of the Fourth Cavalry northward from the Second Cavalry, which will be stationed in the Midwest and Middle Darts."

"Hmm.... I see. That's a schedule I can afford..."

In Al's words, the king meets quietly with Count Gendale, who stands behind him.

Moreover, it seemed that it was merely a confirmation rather than a meeting, and the king's gaze was immediately returned to Al.

"As for the security fee, it will be half of the tax revenue as agreed the other day, but as for the payment, is it okay to send the surplus to King's Landing at the beginning of the year after making cash payments for food supplies to the garrisoned Royal Knights and salaries of the officers?"

"Oh, that's good."

The king nodded haughtily and agreed to Al's proposal.

"Now, I would like to explain the change in the front of the Southern General Army.In the course of last year, we will build several defensive bases on the Dart Plain and push up the front, but I would like to propose a plan..... "

Al takes a map of the Dart Plain from his pocket and spreads it to the table.

The map is a simple one that Al obtained when he was sealed by the West Dart, and the actual terrain and the location of strategic bases such as towns and villages are also different from their original location.

"As an outline, as I just mentioned, we have a policy of building some defensive positions south of the provisional border to serve as a receptacle for enemy attacks.The first is located south of the eastern Dart (Earl of Erath), a village called Muse close to the eastern tip of the Dart Plains. "

"Mm, you've heard of it...."

In response to the murmuring king's words, Count Gendale pointed to a point on the map spread out on the table.

It has a small village mark on it.

That would be the location of the village of Muse.

"This village of Muse...."

Al opened his mouth.

"... was occupied by our army six years ago and has already been incorporated into the Earl of Erath territory.Since a significant number of colonies are already underway, I will fortify this village first.... "

Located at the eastern end of the Dart Plain, the village of Muse is a gatekeeper to the Kingdom of Daybus.

It would be a good place to say the point.

To the east and south of the village is already the kingdom of Daybus, which is just right for you to gaze at.

"Next, we will build a fortress near the villages of Tancool, Denan and Kinkade in the Central Dart, which we were able to get last year.This is the westernmost village of Denan, because of its location, but we are going to take a step further south to capture the village of Gimari and fortify it. "


Oh, my God!

King and Count Gendale unintentionally raise their voices against Al's plan.

The village of Gimari is located so close to the south-east of the Dart Plain that, if the occupation of this village were to materialize, it would be difficult for the 10 villages belonging to the Daybus kingdom between the western part of the previous village of Muse and the village of Gimari to interact with their own country.

The southeastern edge of the Dart Plain is home to a small mountain range, known as the Raster Peak, which forms the perfect lid from the Kingdom of Debate to the southeastern part of the Dart Plain.

For ten villages, there is no traffic between the village of Muse and the Rasta mountains, and it is difficult for the Kingdom of Daybus to send reinforcements for defense.

The likelihood of choosing to cross the mountain is not zero.

Therefore, I can't say that we can't send in an unexpected force.

However, it is not hard to imagine that more monsters inhabit the Dart Plains than ordinary mountains, as the Raster Range is adjacent to the Dart Plains.

In addition, it may be said that there is almost no possibility that the hill-crossing route that has never been necessary has been cut.

It is absolutely impossible to carry out such a large amount of construction in secret.

As a result, depending on the negotiations, it is even possible that 10 villages in Debate, in the south-east of the Dart Plain, will give up resistance and descend into the Japanese military gate.

It occurred to them that they raised their voices.


"... you can concentrate your defenses on the eastern dart (Earl of Erase) and the central dart (Earl of Dressler) by building a fortress in these two places."

Both of you notice as Al continues to speak.

"Hold on a second. Whatever the village of Muse, Gimari is still the land of Daybus.As long as Tancool, Denan, and Kincaid are fortified, it may mean resisting it, and we will garrison quite a few troops... It will be more obvious to them than seeing the fire if we take them here to Gimari Village.Even as we restructure our forces, this village of Gimari will be filled with the best, and there will be plenty of them.If you think it's as defensive as Tan Kul or Den Nang Village, you can't stand it. "

The King advises.

Al smiled faintly and just said, "It's within expectations."


"Tancool, Denan, and Kincaid are being fortified?"

Al says with enough acting smell.

"It looks like your report is incorrect.Those three villages were covered with earthen walls as a matter of urgency, far from fortifications. "



Once again, the two mutually confirmed each other's faces with their mouths shut at Al's words, which they said was crazy.

― ― What is it that the land is not a fortress and is covered by a 10 m tall, 5 m thick earth wall with only one entrance and exit?

That's what it says on your tall face.

"Such a thing is a child fool on the spot.There's only one platoon in each village at the moment, and the evacuation is at the discretion of the field commander. "

The earthen walls built in three villages below the village of Tancool are so strong that they are comparable to the so-called permanent fortress in the Kingdom of Lomberto.

That's why Al, who calls it a child delusion, chilled his heart.

--I didn't confirm it with my own eyes, but if the report is correct, it should be a fortress.If that's the right thing to do, what kind of fortress is this guy talking about...?

It's not impossible to think so.

"In any case, the village of Gimari will be occupied resolutely and the site will be fortified.The same goes for the village of Muse. "

"I see...."

The king replied with a crushing voice.

"... so you're going to build a fortress in these two places?"

In Al's draft, the aim is to make the defense of the territory suitable even if the defense force is small.Build defensive bases as a countermeasure to the enemy's attacks.

Naturally, it is necessary to examine the places where the defensive bases built at the corner are constructed so that they are not ignored or bypassed and do not enter the depths of the territory.

In that regard, it is certain that the villages of Muse and Gimli are in a good position.

The result was to push up the defensive battle, but it was only an extraordinary positioning with the achievement of the goal.

"No, I'm going to build two more strongholds apart from them.The place is... around here, around here... "

Al pointed to a point about 10 km southwest of Lake Cervone and about 10 km south-east of Comin Village.

Neither side has a mark such as a village.

"This is tentatively called A (A)."

That means it's closer to Lake Cervone.

"This is tentative name B (vier)."

I pointed to the one closer to the village of Comin.

If both sides can build a fortress in that place, it is a suitable place to concentrate the defensive forces of the territory.

"So, where are you going to start in four places?"

"The village of Muse is going to finish building a fortress on its way back to Beglitz, but the village of Gimli... by the summer of this year."

Al's response seeps a feeling that he will use his strength to provide combat power to the north of the Kingdom.

They both said nothing about it because it was within the discretion of General Al, Commander of the South. No, they doubted my ears by hearing too hasty an appointment before that.

Of course, I had received reports of the time it took to fortify the village of Tancool after the occupation.....

"For the remaining two locations, we intend to select a location at the latest by the end of this year and start the land development."

In Al's words, they thought, "When that happens, it will be seen from abroad that our country is focused on the Dart Plains."

At the same time, I also feel that it is necessary to summarize the policy for the near future of the Northern Front as soon as possible.

Whether or not they know what they're thinking, Al said, "This will increase the territory more or less, and the security costs will increase with it.The minister is also delighted to contribute to the Kingdom. "

"Okay, I'll take care of it."

Reflecting on the reception sofa of the Greed Chamber of Commerce, he told Bastral.

I'm tired of the boulders, and I want to go home in about two days... at least until tomorrow I want to rest in King's Landing and get rid of my tiredness.

I would really like to go to the Baroness Faulkaine's house and meet him, but this tired face on the boulder.

"Okay, by the way, how about dinner?"

Bastral says it's time.

Anyway, is that it?

It's a new menu, right?


I'd like to avoid junk foods like ramen and hamburgers where Uranus keeps shaking his back, but honestly, it tastes less than the family of the previous life, so I can tell you both.

I can't help it. I'm not eating all the time, okay?

After asking, he said that he had finished the oily soba menu.

Although edible oil is quite expensive, unlike ramen and tsukemen noodles, there is no need to use soup, so the profit margin is high as a result.

Regardless of the pork bone, which is the ingredient of the soup, seaweed, halibut, root vegetables, and vanilla used to fetch dashi are quite expensive, and the cost of fuel (magic stone) used to cook them accounts for a significant proportion of the cost.

If you think about it, oil soba noodles that don't have to use a lot of soup may be a messianic menu for ramen shops.

I should eat it and make sure it tastes good.

April 25, 7451

We arrived at the village of Muse.

Along the way, he stayed overnight in Ramyoke, the territorial capital of Earl Ellers, and at the same time made a declaration of possession, leading several captains or fewer from the Earl's Knights.

With a population of 500 people, it is a fairly historic village (a village developed from the early days because it is at the tip of the Dart Plain), and boasts a considerable area under cultivation, including fields under fallow cultivation.

The area of the settlement is also quite large, and according to Sir Garson, who ruled the village, it should have had a larger population during the peak period when it was the territory of Daybus.

If that's the case, even if we expect a little more population, we can make the area around the edge of the forest an outer wall.

Although there were some suggestions to fortify the village, it was a place I had never actually seen before, and I didn't decide on my way back from King's Landing, but I finally managed to narrow down my image.

It is natural to build an outer wall around the village, and the residence area is covered with walls.

Of course, considering the appearance, the walls covering the residence area are made higher than the outer walls, and yakura is also made around the outer and inner walls.

Then, close to the outside of the settlement, unused houses are demolished and replaced, and barracks and horse barracks are built.

Of course, I intend to build a building that will become the headquarters.

"Let's start around here."

I told Sir Garson and Warrant Baron Kehuse, who served as Captain of the Knights of Elars, in a room of the lord's mansion.

In front of us is a simplified map of the village, which depicts not only cropland and habitation, but also the Rasta River, which traverses the village east-west.

"From above the river?"

Sir Garson, the ruler of the village, says worriedly, because he thinks of the possibility of stopping the river.

"Don't worry, the river won't stop the weir."

I'm farming, and I can't stop the river from weighing.

Of course, we don't have much time to build the gate, so this time we'll just cover the river.

A cage-like stone fence is also embedded in the water with a feeling of about 10 cm to prevent intrusion from the river.

There is no denying the possibility that driftwood and garbage will clog up and eventually weir the river, but such things should be cleaned regularly.

In the future, the area where the Raster River flows into the village (fortress) may be completely underground.


So now you don't have to bury a stone fence or make it so complicated.

Keep a few surveillance soldiers at the entrance and exit of the river across the fortress for now.

Then the construction period will be shortened considerably.

I do not intend to make it as simple as Tancool Village in anticipation of a test case in the future.

Considerable time (about a week?) Even if it takes a long time, I am hungry enough.


I'll build a tough fortress of total stone so that everyone I've seen in just six days will give up their strategy.

Six days is too much?

However, it will also be a standard in the future, and I am not going to relax to shorten the time.

Ah, it's just the entrance and exit of the river.

I want to spend more time there carefully.

For now, apart from the entrance and exit of the fortress, there's only a hole in the wall... hmm?There is also a hand to dig a borehole around the outer wall and let the river flow along the outer wall... No, there is a water intake problem, and it should be resolved with a fortress to be built later.

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