April 30, 7451

A week after arriving in the village of Muse.

Somehow, I was able to serve as a fortress for the village.

The exterior and interior walls are all made of stone, and stone drops are made on top of all the walls.

The outer wall is perfectly 10 meters tall, and a tower about 20 meters in diameter and 15 meters tall is built as a tower with a command area function for perimeter surveillance and defense at 25 locations.

Only this tower can enter the interior, and stairs and rest areas for climbing on the exterior wall, as well as narrow spaces (also called gunshots) are made to release bows and guns from the interior to the exterior.

Ah, speaking of stone muku, I don't forget to create a dedicated depression on the inner part of the wall so that in the future the tower and the tower can be connected by a voice tube.

I don't think that battery-free phones will be needed in the future, but the voice tube is excellent in terms of cost and simplicity.

In addition, the inner wall is a wall with a height of 20 m of the inner four-layer structure rather than a mud.

The defense that I saw as purely armor the wall because I put it inside would be inferior to the outer wall, but I think the overall defense is higher because of the large number of narrow spaces.

Nine towers about 25 m high were erected on the inner wall (two on either side of the west gate, which serves as the entrance and exit, and one in each of the other seven directions).

Of course, the outer surface of the outer wall, the inner wall and the tower part are simply walls with subtle overhangs, and there is no scaffolding except for the narrow spaces provided between the inner wall and each part of the tower.

In many places, the towers on the outer and inner walls are made of only the lower structure so that they can be increased later.

Well, there was a limit to what a boulder could do in a week, and I didn't let it go.

The entire area of the village is about 200 ha, combining cultivated land and a place of residence.

This was covered with an outer wall 10 m thick.

The area of our residence area is about 12.5 ha?

This is also covered with an inner wall with a thickness of 10 m.

The total extension of the outer wall is about 5 km, and the inner wall also has an extension distance of 1.2 km or more.

Both the outer and inner walls are slightly distorted rather than perfectly circular in shape from above, but it may be said that they are roughly circular, so this is how they are calculated.

Yeah, that's pretty good.

I think it's more than the famous fortress city of Carcassonne, just the inner walls of the settlement... is that too much for a boulder?

Because it's on the hill, the walls I saw from the ground should be about 15 meters.

But the thickness is not Carcassonne's eyes.

Even the Great Wall does not extend to my stone walls.

However, even though it is a stone muck wall, it is 10 m tall and 10 m thick.

Max-level magic can create 100 meters of stone walls at a time.

The entrance and exit of the river was a bit complicated considering the subsequent improvements, and it was a little hassle with the towers, inner walls, entrances, and some gimmicks attached to them.

It is a work of art because it is the first fortress I have built.

The gates aren't locked yet.

But I'm sure Ors will be quite defensive.

"If a full-scale attack is envisaged, the outer wall will be packed with about 10,000 defense personnel.The inner wall must be about half that. "

While the fortress was ready, he began talking to Warrant Baron Kehuse and Sir Garson, whose eyes were black-and-white, and the captain of Squadron 233, who had originally been stationed in the village.

"But the army that surrounds this muse is not 50,000 or 60,000.At least a hundred thousand will be needed.If such a number moves, it can always be detected beforehand.So you won't be ambushed. "

Especially if you're a magician like Bell, I think it's possible for you to sneak into the outer wall by making a ramp or staircase by magic.

Well, even if I could do that, I would probably use a lot of magic, and then what would I do?

They're also superhuman ninjas that appear in cartoons and novels, and while they're dealing with one guard at a time, it's only fair that the night breaks out and the intrusion is revealed.

"It's usually enough to have two people at each tower on the outer wall and ten at the main gate on the west side.As a defense force, including shifts, breaks, and training, one squadron brings change. "

For the time being, I think it is sufficient to use flag signals to ensure simple communication between the outer and inner walls.

I can't afford the number of telescopes, so for a while, I would simply wave a colored flag or fly it to Sekiyama, but it's much better than nothing.

"Take turns from Warrant Baron Kehuse to the Knights of Erath, and let me pack ten to twenty. Bye."

I left the village of Muse behind.


We've arrived in Dasmog.

Tap on the gate of Countess Andersen's mansion with Dennick, who had accompanied me from Beglitz.

She hasn't come to the wedding because she learned that Mimile was attacked and disappeared.

"Sorry about the night, Countess."

"No, feel free to drop by anytime.Our gates will not be closed to you. "

"Well, that makes me feel better."

"Yes, this time...."

"Oh, I was just sent back from King's Landing.I was going to be in trouble tonight..... "

I apologized for the sudden visit and asked for an overnight stay.

Andersen said he'd be happy to stay and that he'd have a room for me and Dennick.

The story then proceeded and told him that he intended to confront the Kingdom of Debate as Marquis de Greed.

"How likely are you to win?"

"... that depends on where we set the purpose of the war."

"My lord, how far do you want me?"

"Speaking of lust, the southern coastline... I want to cut everything west of Landberger, but I think it's just lust for boulders.Well, at least this time, the entire Dart Plains. "

Andersen stared at me calmly.

I look back on my confident face.

"... how long do you expect to stay calm on the Dart Plains?"

Andersen asked, meditating for a moment and exhaling loudly.

"A year and a half to two."


My answer silenced me in surprise. [M]

You think this is impossible, don't you?

A brief silence persists.


"You have reason to believe that you can stabilize the Dart Plains within that period of time?"


I was thinking while fortifying the village of Muse.

I don't want to do much, but along with the attack on Gimari village, I threatened King Debat's people on the Dart Plains and forced them into the umbrella in the middle of the day.

"You can tell me about it now... no, thank you.As a minister, I will only obey Your Excellency's knowledge. "

Andersen looks at the earthen walls when he attacked Tancool, Denan, and Kincaid.

Looks like you stepped on it with that in mind.

No, rather, it feels like you've finally set your foot on it, and you've made up your mind.

A bitter smile comes to mind.

"I see. It would be helpful if you said so."

Phew, I answered with a breath.

"Me and my minister will serve you in shattered pieces.But the dart plains are wide.When and where will you start? "

"I'm going to sink into Gimari Village by the end of the week.Build a fortress on the site. "

"Was it this week?So, which unit do you think the offensive force is? "

She may be asking which unit of the Knights of the Kingdom she intends to accompany in the Central Dart (Earl of Dressler)....

"Black Yellow (Black Toe).... In addition to your strength, you have about fifteen knights from the Knights of Dressler...."

The answer seemed unconvincing, with wrinkles between the eyebrows.

Well, even when we captured the village of Tancool, we covered almost unmanned villages with earthen walls.

I didn't get it by developing an offensive strategy.

"... of course, I intend to succeed 235 Squadron in Zend Village as a backpack, but they are the guards who will clean up the attack and maintain the fortress.I don't have any mobility. "

"So, you think you will be attacked by the village of Gimari with just a few dozen people....?"


"Just kidding! Didn't you know that the village of Gimari now has between 300 and 400 troops in addition to its original inhabitants...?"

"Of course I do. I've received a report."

"Then why...!?"

"Nh ~, the attack itself is enough for me.I'll show you the essence of magic. "

Even if it's the essence, I'm only using elemental magic on a large scale.

However, as for me, I think elemental magic is the essence of magic because it creates existence from nothing.

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