Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?
Lesson XVII: The City of the Basin
May 13, 7442.
Last night I succeeded in hiring both of them by saying Ralpha and Xenom. I was a little surprised that Ralpha suddenly came along on the way saying, "If it's a contract, let's pack the contents," but the interpretation is at the high school level. I still would have been if I had made a good deal or something. Roughly.
1. I'll advance them both a total of 400,000 Z a month at the beginning of the month
2. Employment for a minimum period of one year
3. Discuss and consider the remuneration for the new year when renewing or renewing the contract every year
4. The two follow orders other than those that involve the lives of the two
5. Consider and pay attention to each other's health
6. I teach Ralpha to learn magic
7. The previous paragraph can continue until Ralpha can use healing magic
8. No remuneration for service only this month (but if you ever get money, divide it by mountains)
9. Mine for money (including rewards) and goods earned in the course of an adventure during the employment period
10. When camping, watch distributes time fairly
settled on the content. It's a little too late. There's no sincerity clause, and to say the extreme, I can't refuse if I say, "Ralpha, sell me some body and make some money," "Ralpha, let me test the performance of the new hygiene products," "Ralpha, sell your stuff and make some money," etc. The only right of veto is a life-threatening order. I don't know how to do that, but if I get cornered, I'm gonna tease you.
Lopros and Poseidon. Is it something that doesn't have a Rodem candidate?
Isn't it because it's not free?
Anyway, on the road to Balduk, when we got to the village or city where we seemed to be able to make a contract, we settled down by drawing up a contract and holding each other. At least until then, I'm not going to say anything unscrupulous. Especially if you say something unscrupulous, even if you can handle it then, the contract will be cut for at least a year afterwards, so if you say it, that's only when you're cornered.
Well, that doesn't mean much ultimately. In this world, there would be no penalty for breach of contract between individuals.
With that in mind, he was running beside my military horse with Xenom and Ralpha on board. Two hours a day, running as much as you can is essential. You can earn travel distance, too. But the street outside on the boulder is hard to run. It's just a little faster than you're always letting the horses walk because you can't be that fast when you run carelessly to avoid hurting your legs? That's about the pace. If I run for two hours at the beginning of the day, I put in an hour's rest. Horses don't rest for two hours, either. All I have to do is take about 10 minutes off every hour except at lunch. I'm also riding horses and walking down, so it's huge that I can now disperse all my fatigue. Is that it? I feel like I'm the only one who's losing it... well, okay. It's not a good idea that I've just been rocked on the back of a horse since I was young.
Along the way, I went for a full two days off in a city of some size, and it took me nearly three weeks to finally arrive in Balduk on the 30th of May. Yeah, I made a contract. I said I would write the paper and the pen, and they said, "I need to get the contract right" and they couldn't explain why it wasn't right, and they created it in a place like a bookstore. I don't know why, but they took 100,000 Z. Shit.
May 30, 7442.
It was after noon that we arrived in the city of Balduk. It's like a basin city at the bottom of a soaking bowl surrounded by a large, sleek, circumferential hill about 6-7 km in diameter. I was listening, is something like farmland a bit on the slopes around the city? It seems that the bottom of the basin is a plain about 3-4 km in diameter, with the famous Labyrinth of Balduk around its center. Eight paths are stretched in a distorted radial fashion around its entrance, connecting it to a path that rounds around the top of the surrounding hills of the basin. Eight paths seem to be connected by narrow paths, and it may be appropriate to say that they feel like a spider's nest.
As we progressed towards Balduk from the south, we hit a crossroads around the top as we climbed a tree-covered hill about 5m away. Naturally, if you go straight, you'll go to the city of Balduk, and if you're left or right, you'll go the road that surrounds the basin. Hmm, isn't this circular path good for a running course? He looked at the city densely in the basin under his eyes, thinking that there were no benefits, etc. The sound of "corn, corn" being axed into the tree from somewhere is ringing.
Xenom and Ralpha were also watching the city from the top of the hill because they seemed to be new to Balduk. Ralpha said, "This is like a volcanic crater or something..." True, I thought you were right. Maybe not, especially since the volcanic craters and the surroundings of the craters won't be so snug. But if it's been a long time, maybe it can get so snug from being exposed to windstorms and collapsing.
The hill is 150 m high with a physical feel. Is it as high as 170-180 m? The slopes of the circumferential hills would be around 10% gradient from what I've seen climbing slopes so far and downhills stretching under my eyes. Other than the sloping road inside the basin, the trees and meadows are spread out and the view is good, unlike the outside. I didn't think the slopes would be inclined relative to the slopes because of this degree of gradient, but regardless of the outside of the basin, the slopes in the basin were slightly inclined. Oh, is that what you're doing to bring water to a sloping farmland a little around the city?
Some of the cities that extend into the heart of the basin can be seen as little ponds or springs on the east side, like puddles. I can't call it a lake very much. It will be about three times the area of the Intolerance Pond in Ueno. From there the river flows west. The river is shredding the western hills and pouring into the sea, which stretches a few kilometres away. Maybe only the western hills cut it down for that. I can see both sides of the river becoming like steep cliffs. There are no bridges connecting the cliffs, so running will have to climb along the river and circle the hills surrounding the basin, down the hills on the other side of the river. I guess that pond has quite a bit of water gushing out in the spring when you see the river pouring into the sea, and the bottom of the basin is somewhat higher than the ground around it.
From what I've seen, the city buildings seem to be mixed with something new and somewhat old. The new building has solid lacquered and hardened walls, as it was in the streets of Keel, and the ground floor and foundations are like stone. I didn't realize it, but maybe it's something of a stone cutter somewhere on the hill. The height is only enough to count to three stories, but there are even four stories of buildings. Is the new building stretched up to make the most of the land because the land is limited? The old building is wooden, two floors at best. It is no different from the buildings in Aus general. Except for the roofs of tiles and non-thatched boards, it also feels more like an Edo-era Japanese house. Of course there are no luxuriously tiled roof buildings.
I went into the first diner I noticed to have lunch. Therefore, we will briefly discuss the future. First, we have to decide on an inn to calm down. We tried to get the right place to stay for a while, but we broke our opinion with the Zenoms here. They say it's plenty of junior lodging from 2000Z to 3000Z per person per night, but I was thinking about a 5000Z per night lodging in the Vince Pavilion class where I was staying in Keel. Speaking of which, did you not complain because there were only about 5000Z of empty inns in the city where you rested for two days on your way here?
But you don't have to worry about your luggage when you're vacating the room, and taking care of your horse is a must. It would naturally come with a fee. Not only that, but there are a lot of menu of services, and I haven't had a seat saying that cleanliness matters, but still they seem to choose to stay in a cheap inn after all. I was anxious to not be able to get in touch with him immediately when something happened, but I convinced myself that I had no choice but to break up with the inn because I was not willing to lower this condition.
There is no way to force the contract to be convinced by the shield, but it is not a card that can be used so lightly. Besides, it doesn't make any sense to force me to do this. I guess you can't even understand a guy who doesn't have a fortune-like fortune, either. Poverty is not a bad thing in itself, but the spirituality that makes it, or better with it, is evil. There is also the word "clean poverty" in the world, but I have long thought of it as self-deception. Nothing, I'm not going to recommend luxury at all, but even if you cut down on the expenses you need, that's just a bummer. Spirituality also gets poorer. If you don't have money, you can't help it, but if you don't, you just have to make money. Well, there's something about each way of thinking and values around here, so I can't help but restrain myself too much. I'm not even gonna push my mind. There are some inconveniences in contacting you, but if that's even acceptable, it's not like we have another problem as long as we can make sure that each other's lodgings calm down.
I thought so and relaxed as I fell asleep in a fine bed there. If we get some more rest, we'll go to a restaurant we've decided on in advance and talk about what we're going to do. Oh, yeah, you want to buy me a big bucket later? Even if I can't take a bath, I want to take a slow bath without worrying about people's eyes. I fell asleep shallow thinking so.
Nearly evening, woken by the little magic of awakening (Cantrip's), I went to the diner where I put on my boots as I normally wear them and promised to meet them. They hadn't come yet, so I picked a table in the place where I could tell as soon as I walked in through the entrance and ordered a beer. Sometimes it's still close to evening, and the seats are just buried sparsely. Observing the few guests on the other guest seats, I didn't see any physical guys, even if they were adventurous. Maybe the inhabitants of this town are just coming for a little early meal.
I heard that the city of Balduk had a labyrinth and that the adventurers were gathering around for a thousand bucks, so I was clapping it out. But you will sometimes stay in the labyrinth for a long time to try the labyrinth and aim for a thousand bucks, and at this hour you will still work (?) I thought it might be time to stay. Thought I'd also gather information because it's a dangerous labyrinth where a lot of adventurers lose their lives, but that sounds like another opportunity would be better. Sipping a little warm beer, picking the stewed beans. This bean stew is everywhere. I was eating at home, and it was Dorrit and Keel. I've eaten a lot on the road so far.
Somehow I thought it was something to say in Japan, even if it's Shinka or Nato or the soul food of the Romberto Kingdom like that, but there's no ingredient to deny it, and I'm sure it is. I don't hate it, and I get used to eating it all the time for over a decade.
When Xenom and Ralpha came, they asked for the same thing. They also eat beans sipping a warm beer. When the meal was also a paragraph away, several men came into the store when they exchanged information on the inn and finally tried to work out a plan from tomorrow. A sweaty body odor that is somewhat dirty dressed, behaves somewhat rough, and rises slightly. I don't know which dialect you speak, but some of it is somewhat nasty. An adventurer. I guess these guys are diving into the labyrinth. To what extent is the power of war? When I subtly appraised them, they were all level 7. There are also some that can use magic, but the skill level is low at 2 or 3. Or is this normal?
Apparently, he met a bunch of knolls in one layer of the labyrinth. Knoll seems to be a demon, nasty, monster of more than Kobold and about less than oak. They still show up in groups and attack this one. They use weapons and protective equipment with hyena-like monsters. Xenom still taught me that there was enough wisdom to retreat while covering my people when I hurt some of them. That's Xenom, you know everything.
Anyway, I don't care about the low-powered adventurer who got run over by Knoll. But you're saying that the first level of Balduk's labyrinth can be enough to bring you back alive even with this level of strength? With that in mind, I listened to the lecture of Xenom's labyrinth, which I had already heard many times. It's a little long, but you're welcome. Well, listen.
· I don't know what happens in the labyrinth. Always stay alert.
-Tax of 10000Z per head is required to enter the labyrinth.
· Some information will be explained to me if I go to the administrative office in Balduk.
-The hierarchy that has ever been broken is the eighth level. That was hundreds of years ago, too. The trespasser is the first Romberto I. He laid the foundations of the Kingdom of Romberto with the treasures he gained then.
· Up to ten troops can be put in the labyrinth at the same time. Any more troops need to be separated. The reason is that down the entrance to the labyrinth, it's in the basement, and there's a crystal stick. Because you need to grasp it and cast a spell that one of us grasps transfers inside the labyrinth. The spell is floating on the surface of the crystal before gripping. However, it is not necessary to remember that each time it is used for metastasis. The good thing about the limit on the length of the crystal is that ten people are the limit.
-The destination must always be somewhere in the first layer of the labyrinth.
-The destination is a similar crystal, which can be transferred to the room beside the crystal room at the entrance by casting a spell as well. However, this crystal can only be seen or touched by those who have moved to this location.
-There are similar crystals in what appears to be the center of the first layer. The room beside the crystal at the entrance or transferred to the next hierarchy by casting a spell holding it, just like when entering. The spell when returning is constant and "put us back".
· I sometimes meet other adventurers' troops inside the labyrinth. However, because it is too wide, and I don't know where it will be transferred, it is impossible to meet for a purpose. It is not impossible, he said, to decide where to meet each other if the strength of both sides is quite high... but I cannot do it first.
-The size of each hierarchy is immensely large. According to what is conveyed, the area of this city is spare. They sell maps, but they can't be complete.
-The layers are even different, each hierarchy is distinctive. One layer is the cave. Grounds and walls are dirt, or rocks. Nothing is so powerful about monsters either. Traps are no big deal either.
I can't believe this is the place. There are other layers of information after that, but I can't help it now, so I'll tell you later, when I need to. Even Xenom once told me that he was suspicious of how far it was true because he had only asked people about it. Maybe you should think about it as much as brow spit, except for the first three items.
We decided to have lunch at this store again tomorrow, and then we split up this evening to gather information again at the administration.
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