Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?
Episode XVIII: Collecting Information
June 1, 7442.
When I wake up before sunrise, I go for a quick run. Oh, it's here in the basin. I doubt it's really before sunrise. Anyway, I ran and tried to get to the hilltop road surrounding the basin. Looking east through the gaps in the trees, the sun just started showing its face. I tried climbing from the east side, so I circled half way around and then I called back.
When I got back to the inn, I wanted to take a shower, but there was no backyard like it was in the Vince Pavilion, so I gave up. But the innkeeper who saw me wet in sweat told me about the shower room. Apparently, they're storing water with water magic on the roof. Oh, my God. You don't have to buy a bucket. I took a shower in the shower room and then turned it into a hot shower. Mm-hmm. It's nice because I don't have to worry about getting a peek in this shower room.
Dry your body before leaving the shower room and put your sleeves through for a pre-prepared change. The door was closed and the red tag "in use" was flipped over and "emptied". It should be noted that the charge for the use of the shower is 100Z at a time. It's a water shower but it's expensive. Given the hassle of draining, it makes me feel subtle that pricing isn't enough to buy a bucket and bathe in my own room.
Well, do you want to go for breakfast? After that, let's say you take a walk to lunch and put a little bit of the structure of the city into your head.
After we had breakfast, we hung out and hung out in the city of Balduk. The boulevard stretches from the center towards the outer circumference from the far west along the river to the eighth clockwise. You'll be able to get used to it right away with a structure that's not going to get too lost.
The stores are weapons stores and blacksmiths, as well as prop stores that are useful in the labyrinth. Stores that do business with demon stones, stores that deal with preserved food, and so on. The farmer seems to be close to the outer perimeter. Again, I think it's an extremely labyrinthine city.
Oh, yeah. So I guess I'll go check it out at the entrance to the labyrinth as well. That's what I think. I walk towards the city centre. If you walk on the numbered boulevard with the surrounding hills on your back, you're bound to arrive. We arrived at the entrance in no time. But of course there are no holes in the ground. On the contrary, it was a splendid two-story building.
I guess there's an entrance in the building. I saw two people with guard-like spears at the entrance to the building. A radius of about 40 m is vacant around the building, with outdoor shops lined up around the vacant land. But what caught my attention more than that... are the thin adventurous people sitting around the entrance to the building each. Counting is troublesome. Dozens? According to this, there may be more than a hundred people.
What? These guys. After a short, far-sighted observation while cooling the dewstore away, I immediately understood. Not all of them accumulating in this place will be the same, but basically they seem to be trying to get us into a group of adventurers trying the labyrinth. If there's no more than ten people coming later and trying to dive the entrance to the labyrinth.
"I've been to two levels before."
"You can get to the exit wherever you go."
"Don't you need a spear man?
I can show you up to three levels.
Or he started selling himself out mouth-to-mouth. Otherwise.
"It's a threesome that can use fire magic."
"Hey, you two, aren't you willing to add?
"We are from the Knights of the Viscounts of Yorise. Why don't you come with me?"
There is also a group of people who say that. I don't know. "I'm from here." Fire extinguishers. I guess it's not a lot of strength anyway. When is a decent knight wearing such a worn ring mail? Although it seems to be more defensive than leather armor because it also uses metal parts. Is that Viscount Yorise and his crest on that crude shield? If he sees you, he'll be angry. Too crude.
Thank you. These wild adventurers seem to be divided into two main parts. One is to solicit members to explore together because I am anxious that it is simply the number of my people. This is good. The other is, I don't know, maybe wrong, but they're like little verdicts selling themselves in against a group that doesn't meet ten members because they can't pay taxes to get into the labyrinth and get them to pay taxes.
Though I described him as Little Judge, he joined a line of adventurers, not necessarily without a guy who would be quite a force for war. It wouldn't be strange to have a guy selling his own arms like a mercenary. I guess a certain amount of awesome skill will also form the business of guiding. I guess the fee doesn't just pay taxes though. Hmm, looks like we need to gather information around here, too. Nothing needs to rush into the labyrinth unprepared or uninformed.
Looking at it for a while, I got a better idea. A strong guide (?) They are not sitting beside the entrance, but sitting a little far apart without any particular voice, or standing with their arms together. At least I don't seem to be doing anything to proactively voice myself from them. Either that or a group of several adventurers look around a little after they come into this square and find a guide that seems to be familiar to them and call them out. Maybe it's just a rendezvous.
About half an hour passed when things came to light around here, and those around the entrance also dived the entrance into the labyrinth, and those who did not, splattered with disconnects, and began to idle. I don't know what kind of meat I bought at the dewstore. I looked around, fucking biting the skewers of unidentified muscle meat. I want to talk to someone who seems to know more if I can. But those who were already as light and well-armed as adventurers disappeared, and now the general public seemed to have begun to cross paths, and they could not find someone who could listen. Hmm. Nothing. No.
We approach the guards guarding the building, which is the entrance to the labyrinth, to speak up. Yeah, skewers don't taste very good, and I don't think they're that bad. I called out when I approached a middle-aged guard who I thought was older.
"Hello, thank you for your service. I just want to talk to you for a second, okay?
The guard opened his mouth when he looked at me from the top of his head to the tip of his nails.
"What is it?
She said it without even dust, but the tone feels slightly soft.
"I'm sorry to keep you busy. My name is Greed and I am on the margins of the Marquis of Webdos. I'm afraid you're a rural man who doesn't know the world, but could you tell me about this place?"
When I said that and showed the plate, the attitude of the guard changed only slightly, but I guess I'm somewhat used to these questions,
"Oh, if you're talking about the labyrinth, you should go to the administration. You should be able to tell me more there."
and was answered. Well, it seems like the usual means of gathering information in the administration.
"Really, thank you for your kindness. May I ask your name?
The guard gave an unexpected look, and then...
"I'm Johnston Church. But why did you give me your name?
I've been asking. I say with a smile.
"No, we can't go without asking for the names of those who have been kind to you. I'm going to be in trouble when I say thank you in the administration."
When I said that, I lowered my head and turned. I pulled back to the right. This is fine as a forward gesture.
I went to the store yesterday when I murdered my time while walking elsewhere until noon. Xenom and Ralpha have already arrived, and they've secured the table and waited for me to come. I ordered lunch with an apology for keeping me waiting, and when I gave him my salary for this month with one gold joo and 15 silver coins, we had lunch together and headed to the administration.
The administration was a large three-story building slightly northwest of the center of the city. Something like a bulletin board caught my eye when I walked into the not-so-wide lobby. The bulletin board contains information for residents such as tax desks. There is no guide or anything written for adventurers anywhere. Is there no bulletin board for adventurers in this city? We went back in doubt and were told as soon as we approached the right point of contact and spoke.
Posting for adventurers seems to be the back door. The point is, I just got the wrong entrance. I had no choice but to write that down. I was able to turn to the back door and find the message board safely. Like Keel's administration, there is also a receptionist. I look at the bulletin board for a moment, but what it says doesn't look very different from Keel's administration. But there seems to be a lot of baggage delivery. There are quite a few deliveries to various parts of the country. Looks like the craftsmen in this city are smart.
Speak to the receptionist with that in mind. Naturally, it's about the labyrinth. It makes no sense to have a futile conversation here, so quickly, when I asked him to take out the Marquis Webdos plate and introduce me to someone who knows more about the labyrinth, he introduced me to the Knights. I wonder if there is a Knights here as a matter of course, but I was immediately convinced. Naturally. Speaking of direct king jurisdiction, is it governed by a deputy or a relative of the king, or is there no garrison of troops to maintain security? The Knights are badly described. It would be more appropriate to have the same thing as the police and security forces, and also to have an outpost or an expedition for defense between each mission.
In Japan, it's like the militia (military) police force (gendarmerie) is also exercising police powers over the civilian population. When it comes to the Knights, they are armed with swords and spears on horseback, and the image of bravely storming them in times of war precedes them because they have lived for 14 years in the oath, but they can't get out of it. It's odd to say that there are so many avenues of meaning to the Knights, but even in old Japan military men like samurai had police powers. It was during the Edo period that Okami was concentric. Because whatever the octopus, concentricity was one of the positions of samurai, a military man. Worldwide, this was the right flow. There were often times when military personnel were basically also officials, except senior special officials, and an army with police powers should have been mainstream as a matter of course.
So you're telling me I haven't been completely made into a human being living in Aus yet? Aware that a hard, thin laugh like self-derision would stick to his face, he heard the location of the Knights, and Zenom, Ralpha and the three of us went for the Knights' Garrison.
The Knights' Garrison was outside the east of the city. I feel sweat gushing out in the early summer sun as I walk that far as it comes. Is it partly because it's just a basin and the wind doesn't blow very hard? In the coming season, he finally reached the garrison while putting the topic on the edge of his mouth, which may be quite hot, and explained that he showed the marquis plate to the porter's attendant and was introduced in the administration.
After the squire told him to stay put and wait for a while, he pulled into the back, wondering if it was to confirm the whereabouts of the knight he had been introduced to. We were killing time waving a topic that didn't matter how hot it would be in the summer to the gatekeepers who left us wiping sweat with our hands.
When I waited as it was for about 10 minutes, the squire came back. The knight of purpose seems to have given me permission to see him. We were guided by our squire and were able to sit in the reception room inside the building. It was difficult to feel somewhat cool just being blocked from the sun.
After a few minutes of waiting, one knight came into the room with an earlier squire. Looks like the squire was merely accompanied by a tea maker. As soon as I finished distributing the tea, I left the room. The introduced knight seems to be a captain-class executive. As soon as I was polite enough to thank you for taking the time, I decided to get down to business. I guess there is also the glory of the Marquis of Webdos, who has a fertile and vast territory, not to mention a regional nobility, the knight answered the question quite politely.
-Barduck is the king's direct jurisdiction in the real sense alongside Lombertia, and has been handed down from generation to generation. (There are a number of other cities within the direct jurisdiction of the King, but they usually let relatives and deputies rule)
-The reason is supposedly because it is the land that laid the foundation for the founding of the first Romberto I, but the actual reason is that right next door is the Wang Capital, and that the tax revenues are high because there are many well-armed craftsmen and Wang Capital adventurers, as well as many civilians and free people. Simply put, big golden crawl. Earnings such as demon stones, which adventurers redeem in this city, also contribute significantly here.
-In the labyrinth it is indeed possible to grab a thousand gold. Defeat the monster and you will get the Demon Stone, and the monster will most likely not show interest in the money the adventurer has, so if you can collect it, it will be a good income. Also, some human-shaped monsters wear magical weapons that are extremely hidden, but cannot be reproduced in any way, and can naturally be obtained if defeated. If it were to be sold, it would be worth more than just white gold coins.
-The limit to entering the labyrinth is about a dozen troops (this is often referred to as a party, apparently), but a lot of parties go in less than that because of the size of the aisle, etc. Some also make guides like mercenaries into a business. You should see him when you go to the entrance early in the morning.
-The labyrinth hierarchy is said to be eight layers just because it is known, but in the last few decades only up to five layers have been reached. Only those men who accompanied the first Romberto I were able to reach the eighth level.
Each layer of the labyrinth can only come and go with crystals of metastasis. This little room with crystals is all over the labyrinth. However, only the crystal of the metastasis touched just before can be moved. Only the crystals of the metastasis, said to be in the center of the labyrinth, are special and transferable to the exit room (next to the room where the first crystal is located) and to some crystal in the lower layer.
· There is not necessarily a path leading from the crystal to the destination to the central chamber where there is a transferable crystal to the lower tier. In that case, we have to go back and start over. (Seems some of the adventurers like Little Jubilee I saw in the morning were lying)
· It is completely unclear who is repairing the traps that are being set up in the labyrinth, but most of them are starting to work again after a day. There are exceptions, of course. A smart monster is seen performing the restoration.
One layer of the labyrinth is a cavernous cave. Caves connect several small rooms.
-The second layer seems to have a puddle where fairies live, but this has only been confirmed by the story of the first Lomberto I. Also, there is something like a fountain spraying out of a snake.
-Three layers are a stone labyrinth, and some rooms have strange apparatus as if they were torture rooms.
-The four layers form a nest of monsters of the lineage called undead.
-The five layers are confirmed to be like moving stone statues and altars where black flames burn.
-The six layers talk about this and the first Lomberto I, but they have monsters like pigs trekking in maze places where metastases are repeated even though there is no crystal.
-The Seven Layers is a labyrinth protected by a powerful Great Ghost Nation (Auga).
-The eight layers are a collection of large caves that, according to the words of the first Lomberto I, are made "I just think there are overlapping places". The adventure of Lomberto I, who has earned a great treasure here, is over.
-There is little to worry about the lights because the walls are strangely emitting some light, at least up to five layers. Most of them mean that there are places where you will need them.
-There are incomplete but somewhat detailed maps for sale up to three levels. The place of sale is all over the adventurer's prop shop, etc., but it is better to think that the details are different because each content is not well checked. In addition, there should be many places where you can buy information, maps, etc. of untouched parts at high prices.
-The maps must have never been sold so far because only the powerful people of one grip can go after the four layers. But they seem to be making their own maps.
These things are new. Finally I asked if the Knights would not go to the labyrinth. 'Cause I thought you might try your arm or try it as part of your training. Then he said, "The Knights don't know anything about the inside of the labyrinth. Sometimes you lose so much life as a trained knight, and then you lose a skilled knight or squire for no reason. Not at all if the monster is anything like coming out of the labyrinth, but there is no example (occasionally) of a labyrinth monster coming out, so it has not been viewed as a problem". Is that true? Fighting monster opponents doesn't make your army stronger. Because the Knights just need to be able to keep Balduk's city safe and take part in outings and defensive wars when needed.
It is not known that saving experience will level you up and make you a little stronger. Just because you have a high level doesn't mean your fighting power will jump. With increased muscle strength and agility, you can't say that you will have more HP and overall strength, but controlling them is a little bit more with the daily pile of archaeology, but surely stacked and cultivated moves and real combat experience.
Unless you know it beforehand and have a feeling about it, you won't notice it first. If the value of muscle strength rises by 1, something that has never been heavier will not be lifted lightly. Perhaps the value of each ability is somewhat proportional to the value up to about 10 or so, but I don't feel proportional to the value after that. A man in his 30s with a value of nearly double the muscle strength of a man as young as 15 who grew up healthy is probably not twice as powerful. The higher the value of the ability and the actual ability to draw the curve, the lower the difference (value) by one point seems to be. If expressed in graphs, is it something close to the inverse parabola, like steep at first from the quasi-line and gradually moving away from it? Otherwise there are too many inconveniences.
You can get to levels 10 or 20 just by working hard and smashing Giant Reach, but even if there was such a guy, a few levels of squire properly trained and served would be able to twist without bitterness. You can't beat Jung-min, endurance, etc. because it wouldn't be normal for a boulder to exceed 100 levels, but you know that's not what I'm saying, right?
Conversely, if it is a similar arm, the differences in the values of the various abilities due to level differences and age differences appear clearly different. If the difference in arms is also slight, depending on the value of the various abilities, it will also be possible to cover it. It would be different again if the ability value was at a level of 100 or 200. I don't really think I can get that far thinking normally.
Anyway, it's a pleasure to have new information. Whoa, I almost forgot. I gave the name of Johnston Church, the guard I met before noon, and I left the Knights to thank him for being kind to me.
With Zenom and Ralpha, we headed to the entrance to the labyrinth again, but Johnston Church was not there. I guess I took turns. I explained once again to the two of them that there was a guard who seemed to be familiar with the guide to arms, and I broke up tomorrow afternoon, promising to have lunch with them again.
Is the time now about 4pm? I strolled to keep the geography of the city in mind until evening and appropriately ate dinner and went into bed. After entering the bed, I realized. I hear this city is full of adventurers. So, isn't it natural? But it's already night, and I've been drinking, and I've had a shower, and can we do it tomorrow? I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
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