[Collapse of Flower]

The room where the Observer was deployed was at the left side of the end of the passage, as Utsusemi-san said.

Its security is only a card reader.

I wonder if the protection is only this much because we are trusted.

No, perhaps it’s because there’s no meaning in using most kinds of security.

There are various ability users in the organization. Since there are ability users with absurd ability like Getsuri-san who can open and close anything, they might consider it meaningless to have pointlessly large amount of security.

“Ah~, I’m looking forward to it~.”

I look sideways at Utsusemi-san, whose eyes are shining. As he slowly swipes through the card reader, the door makes a pushing sound and slides sideways.

What unfolds before us is a pitch-black space. However, the lights of the lamps and electrical powers are blinking in here and there. And an unusually cold air leaks out of the room.

“Then, I’ll be waiting here,” Feeling the somewhat dangerous air, I say so and lean back on the wall.

However, Utsusemi-san grabs my collar and I’m dragged into the room just like that.

After I’m dragged in, the door of the room closes automatically and is locked again with a pushing sound, “What are you doing…!”

“Don’t be afraid. I’m an executive, y’know?”

Why was such a person appointed as an executive?

While grabbing my collar, Utsusemi-san steps forward. Then, the lights in the room turns on automatically.

For the time being, what enter my eyes is a large monitor in front of the entrance. Then the many equipment that surrounds us.

“It sure is unusual.”

“Is Observer really here? Did you mistake the room?”

At least it doesn’t feel like there are people here. Heartbeat sound, breathing sound, and those sounds that you should be able to hear from a human can’t be heard from inside this room.

Utsusemi-san, who currently stocks Sound Control, seems to get that, as he lifts one of his eyebrows and looks around.

Meanwhile, I find a protruding acrylic glass shaped like a capsule among the equipment that completely cover the walls except the part where the monitor is.

A strange object connected to dozens of electrodes is in it, and it is gently moving up and down in a mysterious liquid.

“Utsusemi-san, what is this?” After approaching it, I look back at Utsusemi-san and ask.

Utsusemi-san stands behind me, sticks his hand and face on the acrylic glass and looks at it seriously.

“This is, a brain, isn’t it? Its shape is veeery distorted though.”

Now that he said it, it does seem like a brain. But it’s too distorted and it feels like it’s very incoherent.

However, this is certainly a brain. After I concentrate on listening to the sound inside the acrylic glass, I’m immediately convinced.

“Why is a brain in such a place?”

“Let’s try break the glass and touch it.”


I move up and stop Utsusemi-san who is raising his hand.

Seriously, what the heck is this guy thinking?

“What do you think of doing? This is obviously something important.”

“Haha. ‘course, I know that. I just tried to scare you.”

…This person sure is annoying.

“But this is quite interesting. This brain, it is alive.”

I’m aware of that too. Or rather, I’m surprised that Utsusemi-san noticed that.

But this person, does he already become able to hear the faint brain waves? Moreover, it’s through acrylic glass.

This is bad.

“Maybe this brain is the Observer, hahaha.”

Utsusemi-san laughs and says that, but he seems to be rather convinced of it.

Perhaps he wasn’t joking when he said that.

Until now, I thought that Observer was a person, but because it was spoken of like it was an object, I felt a little doubtful. I somehow felt that my doubt about Observer had cleared up.

“Isn’t this thing dangerous?”

“It’s fine, it’s fine. Instead, it’s not dangerous at all.

The truly dangerous thing isn’t this easily noticeable after all, right?”

No, I think that’s not the case.

This brain, is it a human brain? Or is it artificially created?

In any case, this brain is alive and active.

I’m feeling a little scared now. I think this is the part of Anonymous that I don’t really want to get involved with.

This information is too much for an ordinary member like me.

“But, what a disappointment,” He says so and straddle the deliberately protruded acrylic glass.

Then suddenly, the monitor lit.

“Hm?” Raising his head Utsusemi-san turns his gaze toward the monitor.

I also look at the monitor. To be honest, I want to get away from this place, but for some reason I get stuck there.

On the lit monitor, the eye beam cursor is blinking quietly at the left edge.

In the silence, I look at it for a while, then mysterious character strings are listed from the cursor at the left edge. When the characters spread to fill the screen, the listing stop there.

I’m familiar with this scene. I had seen it in the monitor room during the attack on Nursery Rhymes. It looks exactly like the character strings at that time.

“Isn’t that the Observer’s communication? Oi Shion, read it.”

“There’s no way I can read it, right?”

The only ones who are able to decipher this should be Boss, Shikkou-san, and Kemuri-san.

At that time, I hear a pushing sound and the door of the room open.

It’s bad. With that in mind, I try to hide myself, but there is no place to hide.

It is Utsusemi-san who carries me such me. He jumps to the ceiling while holding me and clings to it.

“Be grateful, okay?” Utsusemi-san send a voice only to me.

Now that I think about it, I shouldn’t have to hide. I was just dragged by this person.

Well, I’m aware that I did something wrong, that was why I tried to hide in a hurry.

“Let’s guess who will come in. There are three choices,” There is a sound of the door sliding. And Utsusemi-san says such a thing leisurely.

We, who are clinging to the ceiling with a height of about 5 to 6m, are just in a place where we can’t see the entrance area because the pillars and equipment are in the way.

The people who can enter here are Boss, Kemuri-san, and Shido-san. It is safe if anyone other than Boss comes in. If it’s Boss, even if the sound is silenced, I feel like we will be found by our presences, so it’s out.

Since there are traces of us, that is the character strings displayed on the screen of the monitor, either way, we have to escape from here somehow though.

When I thought so, hiding was a correct answer. If it is exposed that I got strange information, I’m sure my position will also be jeopardized. I don’t think I will be executed, but it will probably be difficult to maintain the status quo.

“I think it’s Kemuri-san,” the key card was stolen from Kemuri-san after all.

“It would be interesting if Hyde is the one coming in.”

“Can’t you stop joking.”

*Push* There is a sound of the room door closing.

The footsteps coming straight from the entrance slowly. The person who is emerging from behind a pillar is a person that is not among the options.

It is a girl with pure white hair wearing robe-like clothes.

She goes to the middle of the room, then she turns this way and says,

“Ur… gent. There is no… time.”

Then she collapses on the spot.

Seeing that, Utsusemi-san who is holding me takes his hand off the ceiling and lands on the floor.

“…What’s with this girl?”

“…I’ve never seen her before.”

Is she a member of the organization?

Utsusemi-san also seems confused as expected, and he remains silent for a while.

Eventually he takes out a phone of his pocket and stares at it, then he says,


I glance at him. He doesn’t seem to be troubled at all.

“What happened?”

“It’s about time for the executive meeting. Shion, sorry, but please to clean up after this…”

You wanna die?

He leaves the room while I’m wondering whether to say those words.

This has become troublesome.

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