[Collapse of the Encounter]

Utsusemi-san immediately decided to impose this trouble on me and left the room.

His judgment at such times ais top notch.

Or rather, executive meeting? He’s the type who doesn’t care about such a thing at all. I should have stopped him with all my might.

Looking back on the current troublesome situation, I decide to sort out the situation.

For the time being, what’s with this girl…?

She suddenly appeared, fainted here, and left behind mysterious words.

I try to turn the fallen white-haired girl back on her back.

She is quite light. She wears a white robe… or rather a piece of patient gown on her bare body; it is buttoned messily, leaving the pit of her stomach open.

She seems to have fainted, but the sounds of her heartbeat and breathing are normal.

She is younger than me as far as she looks.

Even though I look at her closely, I don’t recall ever seeing her in the hideout.

As expected, I should report this. To Boss or Shido-san, or someone around their status.

However, if I do that, they will find out that I was here.

…But I feel like they will find out about it eventually.

In that case, my punishment would probably be as heavy as Utsusemi-san’s.

If possible, I would like to hide it somehow…

While I’m thinking about it, I notice something.

This girl, she doesn’t have a key card…

I try to search the pocket and the inside of her patient gown. However, I don’t find a key card anywhere.

…How did she come in?

Was it ability?

*Put* Come the sound of the monitor behind me turning off. The listing of characters that was projected is painted black now.

I feel like getting out of this quiet room quickly.

This girl is also creepy anyway, and I feel like I’m being watched by the brain floating up and down behind me.


After thinking in the quiet room for a while, I decide to leave everything alone.

I will not report it, nor will I care for this strange girl.

I was just dragged in by Utsusemi-san.

Besides, they must know which one to be trusted between Utsusemi-san who has such a personality and me who have faithfully carried out the missions of the organization.

Then, I just need to wash my hands off this matter. With a mix of suitable lies, I can lay all the blames on Utsusemi-san.

I was just dragged in forcibly in the first place, so I’m not at fault.

Just that, I feel a little guilty for my self-centered thought.

Thinking that far, I leave the girl alone and leave Observer’s room.

After leaving the room while being cautious of the area so that no one could see me, I return to the floor where my room is.

Then, I walk in the crowded corridor toward my room(although it is a shared room with Roll).

Compared to the 5th basement floor, there are a lot of people on this 2nd basement floor. It seems that the number of members on duty today is quite small, as Roll said it would take some time to get permission to go out.

That’s right. I completely forgot, but I wonder if Roll has already returned to the room.

It’s just right. With this, if I immediately set out on a vacation for two weeks, the matter just now will be settled properly.

While feeling good after coming up with a good idea, I finally reach my room, and when I open the door, Roll welcomes me.

“Listen to this, Shion.”

When she starts with such words, it means she will complain. There must be something making her angry when she was getting the permission to go out.

I reply while making such a prediction, “What happened?”

“For some reason, I couldn’t get permission to go out.”

Hearing something unexpected from Roll, I reflexively stiffen. But, I recover immediately.

“Eh? For real? Why?”

“It seems that due to the traffic condition of the surface, they don’t give out permission to go out today. That’s why there are only small number of people going out on mission today.”

Dammit, why today.

I ask so that Roll doesn’t notice my inner feeling,

“How long is it?”

“It seems that we can get the permission tomorrow, but I think the office work will be crowded. There are many members who want to take vacation too after all.”

“I see. Let’s get permission in the morning.”

I don’t know if I’ll be safe today though. I want to get rid of this anxiety as soon as possible.

“…? Well, that’s fine, but you seem quite eager.”

While saying that, Roll go to the inner part of the room. I also follow after her and sit on the sofa.

“Well, that’s because I want to go on a trip with Roll as soon as possible. It’s been a long time since we have days off after all.”

“Mou,” Roll laughs shyly. It seems that she was packing travel luggage, as the room is littered with her various personal belongings.

“So where are we going?”

“Don’t you have somewhere you want to go, Shion?”

I want to go somewhere far away not here. A place where I can safely relax.

I didn’t dare to voice out such a request.

“Nothing comes to my mind.”

“Then… right. How about Deal-Bell?”

Deal-Bell, huh. It sure is not a city that left me with many good memories.

Was it exactly a year ago? The city where we failed our mission for the first time.

At that time, Roll, who was protecting me, was seriously injured, and after that, we managed to survive with the help of Tameiki-san.

However, Deal Bell is a good city. Facing the sea, it is a famous tourist destination.

And this season should be the opening of the beachgoing season. It’s a quite long way from here; going to Deal Bell may be a good idea.

“That might be good. But we’re not going to stay at Deal Bell all the time, right?”

“Obviously. It would be fun to decide the next destination at wherever we go.”

Suddenly, my phone vibrates.

I take it out and check the sender, it is from Utsusemi-san.

[What happened to ‘that’?]

I frown.

If we talk about it in email, it would leave trace, right…

No, it doesn’t matter for Utsusemi-san, huh. Everyone knows that Utsusemi-san is such a person, and he was often let off due to his nature. He even challenged General Enjoji without any plan, it’s like he doesn’t know what fear is in the first place.

When I think about it, it may be encouraging in a sense. His unquestionable persistence is suitable to make him as a target to lay blame on.

“From whom?”

Roll asks, so I answer,

“It’s from Utsusemi-san.”

“Utsusemi? If I’m not mistaken, there is an executive meeting today, right?”

It seems that he didn’t lie when he said there is an executive meeting.

“If it’s that person, he would probably play with his phone even during a meeting.”


The use of phone and the likes is prohibited during the meeting, and at worst, it may be confiscated before it starts, but Utsusemi-san does not care about such a thing.

He is the man who entered Observer’s room without permission.

The ringtone of the phone rings. It is also an email from Utsusemi-san.

“Shion, since when did you get along with him?”

“You got it wrong. It’s just that he one-sidedly getting into contact with me.”

I say with an emphasizing tone, then I reluctantly open the email.

[It seems that there will be a talk about you in today’s meeting too, so come here.]

“What’s wrong?” Roll says when she sees me frowning again.

“Well, he told me to come to the conference room.”


“I don’t know.”

Or rather, I’m on vacation right now. Why do I have to attend the meeting?

However, now that it has come to this, I have no choice but to go.

There is a possibility that Utsusemi-san is lying, but I have to go to confirm it.

“I’ll go out for a while.”

“Okay. I’ll wait for you.”

After I leave the room with Roll’s consent, I head to the conference room downstairs.

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