[Collapse of Fade]

The B3F, where the conference room is located, is also crowded with people, and it took me some time to reach it.

I use the inside call button in front of the room to notify my arrival in the room.

Then the door that is locked from inside is unlocked and the door opens.

It is Tameiki-san who opened the door.

“You’ve come.”


From the way she spoke, it seems true that I was called. If possible, I wished it was just Utsusemi-san’s prank though.

When I look into the conference room, executive members are sitting around the round table at irregular space.

“Get inside.”

Being told so, I go inside. And after I look around the round table again, I notice that Boss and Shido-san isn’t there.

Utsusemi-san and Byakurei-san are sitting on the round table facing each other, and Kemuri-san and Chiyaku-san are both sitting near the entrance.

An indescribable atmosphere floats in the room.

“Yo, Shion.”

I ignore Utsusemi’s who seems to be intentionally raising his hand.

“Tameiki-san, where is Boss and Shido-san?”

“They haven’t come yet, so the meeting is delayed.”


“Well, sit down.”

After giving a bow to each executive except Utsusemi-san, I take a seat in the back.

Tameiki-san sits next to me, so Utsusemi, who is at the edge of my line of sight, disappears from my view.

After that, the conference room becomes quiet.

It must be the silence before the meeting starts. Even before, I think it was like this until Boss talked.

Why was I called, I wonder? I want to ask Tameiki-san who is sitting next to me but I hesitate to open my mouth because everyone is silent.


“Oi Shion, what happened to ‘that’?”

Because Utsusemi-san said such words, I blank out. I notice that everyone’s eyes moved this way.

I decide to ignore it, but Utsusemi-san launch a sound so that only I can hear it.

[Come to think of it, we can talk like this, huh.]

If this is the case, even if we are having a conversation, we will not get caught.

Honestly, I don’t want to talk, but I decide to reply to Utsusemi-san.

Looking at me who don’t say anything, all executives pull back their gazes. Seeing that, I send a sound to Utsusemi-san.

[What are you thinking? Kemuri-san might find out you stole his key card, you know.]

Maybe he already knew?

Is that why he trying to get me involved?

No, if that is the case, he won’t have to speak in this way.

[That kind of thing will be found out eventually, so it’s okay. So, what happened to that woman?]

The hell it’s okay, you bastard. You were trying to tattle on me earlier, aren’t you?

No, this guy is so messed up that I don’t know he’s thinking about.

[I don’t want to get involved, so I left her as she was. I didn’t see anything, nor did I hear anything. I mean, I wasn’t there. So, please leave me out of it, okay?]

[Oi, oi, you left her as she was? Then it would put me on the spot, y’know that, right?]

[It was your responsibility in the first place.]

[Haa? Are you looking down on me?]

[You’re the one who is looking down on me. Anyway, I’ll feign ignorance, okay?]

[OK, OK. Let’s do it this way. Luckily, thanks to the meeting, our mischief hasn’t been exposed yet.

So, when this is over, let’s go handle ‘that’ together, else we’ll be in trouble. Even if they find out about the trespass, it’s okay, but that woman must be rid of.”
What’s with that ‘our’ mischief?

[Utsusemi-san should be able to take care of it somehow, right? You’re an executive, so there should nothing you need to be afraid of.]

[Tsk, what a hassle. Aight, I just have to do it alone, right?]


I didn’t convey that word to Utsusemi-san.

About 10 minutes have passed since the true silence came to the conference room again.

“No matter how you think about it, isn’t this too long? There’s nooo way they would be late for nearly 30 minutes.”

Getting tired of waiting, Byakurei-san opens his mouth.

“Byakurei, huh. Wait a little longer.”

Kemuri-san rebukes at Byakurei-san, but I also think they are too late. There’s no way Boss and Shido-san would be this late, right?

“Well, they’re certainly late. Can I go to the restroom?”

With that said, Utsusemi stands up and leaves the room before anyone gives permission.

The silence returned to the room again. Byakurei starts fidgeting.

Kemuri-san is sitting deep in the chair and waiting, and Chiyaku-san is putting her elbow on the desk and staring at the air dazedly.

When I turn my gaze to Tameiki-san next to her, she is hanging her hands down languidly, resting her head on the chair and turning her face to the ceiling.

The tension at the beginning has disappear, and the atmosphere turns into one where you can talk.

I lightly nudge Tameiki-san’s arm and call her, “Tameiki-san.”


“Why was I called?”

“At today’s meeting, there is also the topic of whether to make you an executive.”

“You’re joking, right…?”

I don’t want to be an executiveee… No matter how you think about it, I’m not suited to be one, right?

…Or rather, such a topic isn’t something you decide in front of the person himself, isn’t it?

“It’s true. It’s great, right?”

“It’s not great at all, you know,” After I said that, Tameiki-san laughs a little and returns to her previous position.

No, I wasn’t being humble.

However, it sure has become troublesome… I appreciate it that they consider promoting me to become an executive, but I have to turn it down this time.

When I think so, a *pon* sound of a call appears in the room.

According to the position, I should be the one going huh.

After I stand up and unlock the automatic door, the door of the room opens.

“Oi, she’s gone,” Utsusemi-san, who appears from the other side of the door, whispers to me.

“What are you talking about…?”

“That woman.”

[You’re kidding, right?]

Understanding the meaning of the talk, I limit the destination of the sound.

I return to my seat with a nonchalant look.

I see, Utsusemi-san didn’t go to the restroom.

[You, have you actually dealt with it?] Utsusemi-san, who is also seated, asks.

[No, I haven’t.]

[She was unconscious, isn’t she?]

[Yes. It’s bad, isn’t it?]

That means she woke up in the last few tens of minutes and disappeared somewhere.

In other words, she is the only witness who knows that Utsusemi-san and I were in that room.

[So, it’s to erase or to forbid her from speaking, huh.]

[But I think that girl is probably not someone of the organization.]

[Why do you think so? Perhaps you just never seen her before, right?]

[Because I remember almost all the faces of the members who go in and out of the hideout. She had such a conspicuous appearance; if she’s a member, there’s no way I could forget her.]

[You sure did well, leaving her alone.]

That is certainly my fault.

No, it’s not. I wasn’t there, right? In that case, the one who left her alone was Utsusemi-san.

Nominally, that’s how it was.

[I think this is Utsusemi-san’s responsibility no matter how you think about it.]

[No, don’t blame me. Well, thanks to that, it has become a little more interesting.]

What is this guy talking about?

[Come to think of it, that girl didn’t have a key card.]

Even though she opened the lock and came in.

[You’re kiddin’ me, right? Was she using an ability?]

It sure is bad. Even though it’s nominally Utsusemi-san’s fault, why did I leave such a suspicious person alone?

However, as long as the current situation where you can’t go out without permission to go out stands, it is certain that she is still in the hideout. There will be no problem if we find her by tomorrow.

[Anyway, let’s spread out to search for her when the meeting is over. Since no one can get out now, she should still be in the hideout.]


Another call of the room.

Boss and co should be able to unlock the room lock without having to press the internal call button, so it should be someone else.

Like earlier, I, who have the lowest position among them, go to unlock the room. I wish they make a button that can unlock the lock remotely.

The door is knocked with *bang, bang*, it seems that the visitor is in a hurry.

I walk a little faster to the front of the door and unlock the room.


“Pardon my intrusion!! On the surface, the Self-Defense Forces is rushing to the village of Derrida…! They are from the countermeasures department…!”

The member who came as a messenger shout so desperately.

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