“I’m relieved. It seems that you can run an errand properly.” (Shion)

Having found Sen in a rough disguise just wearing a wig over her red hair in the liquor corner of the supermarket, I call out from behind her.

The shopping basket has been filled with quite a lot of foodstuffs requested by Roll, but it has been stuck in the liquor corner.

“Wha? Even I can do shopping at least.” (Sen)

She’s extremely smug, but my conversation with Tsurugi only took a few minutes. In other words, it’s more correct to say that Sen didn’t have time to commit any trouble, as the time we parted wasn’t that long.

Besides, I had been listening to the sound of Sen’s activity while talking to Tsurugi, so if something seemed to go wrong, I intended to immediately stop and tell her to return.

Despite that I was still worried; even I myself am surprised that my evaluation of Sen was that low.

“It seems you’re trying to buy something unnecessary though.” (Shion)

I look at the shelves where various liquors are lined up. Sen hurriedly takes out the memo with the list of things to buy and resume her steps.

“……No, I was just passing by…… T-that’s right, rather than that, have you done with your business?” (Sen)

“Ahh.” (Shion)

The negotiation with Tsurugi went smoothly and well. It’s because Tsurugi had predicted my actions to some extent, but that’s fine.

When I get back, I’ll tell Yoiyami-san that I’m going to meet Tsurugi and apologize for acting at my own discretion. Then, I’ll tell him that there’s something I need to discuss with Tsurugi alone.

“By the way, the shampoo on the list, is it for that girl called Ohashi?” (Sen)

“That’s right.” (Shion)

“Haah? There’s no need to treat that girl well, right?” (Sen)

“I don’t know, it was Roll’s decision.” (Shion)

Since Ohashi has been entrusted to Roll, I don’t really care. Just that, because she can be used for the negotiation with Tsurugi, it would not be good to treat her too harshly.

“She sold out the ability of her friend. She’s the worst.” (Sen)

“You haven’t put that to rest? That wasn’t a situation where she could remain silent, and in fact, it’s an ability that you can’t do anything against even if you’ve heard of it.” (Shion)

“But, y’see……” (Sen)

“Give it a rest and quickly finish the shopping. I don’t want to stay outside the apartment for too long.” (Shion)

“Eh~. I don’t wanna go back~.” (Sen)

“Then leave.” (Shion)

“Hey~, Shionnn~.” (Sen)

I take the shopping basket from the whining Sen and quickly bought all the foodstuffs on the list, then I hasten my steps.

“Next is daily necessities, huh.” (Shion)

After getting the foodstuffs and going through the register, all that remains is the daily necessities and clothing needed for Ohashi.

The daily necessities corner is on the second floor, so we head there by escalator.

“I will choose underwear and the likes,” Sen says with a sneaky smile when we get to the second floor.

In addition to daily necessities, there were also change underwear on the list; it certainly seems better to leave it to Sen.

“Then I leave it to you. But if you mess around too much, you’ll be scolded by Roll, you hear?” (Shion)

Sen must be planning to choose something weird. So I warned her.

“Yeaaah…” (Sen)

Hearing Sen’s sloppy reply, I then go on my own way to look for the sundries.

While watching Sen from a distance, I get toothbrush, shampoo, and hand cream, the items on the list in order.

There should be some things that Roll wants to use too. There are few such daily necessities in Yoiyami-san’s apartment. Because to him, that place is only for sleeping.

Thinking about it, Yoiyami-san’s life before meeting us is ideal for me.

Because of his strength, he was left alone and spent his days freely without being targeted by anyone. We cling to Yoiyami-san who have been living alone to get by. When I try thinking about it from his perspective, I feel like suffocating.

At that time, there is a man coming next to me and reaching for a moisturizing oil.

I casually glance at the man’s face and just like that, my thought stops.

“This is essential for battles in the sky, you know. Otherwise, your skin will become rough…”

I deploy Distortion Sound without hesitation as I take a few steps away from the man who appears in plain clothes. At the same time, I send sounds to Sen and others.

“Sen! Come here!” (Shion)

“Hou, so this is the rumored… It’s a wonderful power. You can kill me anytime with this.”

“Ichinose, Soraha…” (Shion)

Why is a general of the Self-Defense Forces in such a place?

Ichinose have a look of leisure while holding the moisturizing oil in his hand, even though his ability is sealed.

“What happened, Shion!? Geh!” (Sen)

Sen who rushes this way throw away the clothes in her arms and enter battle stance. Of course, I muffle Sen’s stupidly loud voice, so we haven’t become the center of attention yet.

Surrounded by me and Sen, General Ichinose immediately returns the moisturizing oil to the shelf, turns his body toward Sen, and begins picking up the clothes she had thrown away.

Full of openings.

As Ichinose said, suppose I fire a Sound-Shot at this distance, though Sen will be caught up in it, he will surely be killed.

The reason I don’t do that is, in addition to the fact I’m holding the absolute advantage now, because this man’s action is too mysterious.

Why did he appear before me? There is no way it’s a coincidence. He is too calm after all; he appears at a completely unexpected time, and he deliberately giving me an advantage.

Even when I try to scan the surroundings, it doesn’t seem that there are troops waiting in the surroundings.

“It looks like you’re living an inconvenient life, isn’t it? This is our second time meeting, I think. Former member of Anonymous, Shion.” (Ichinose)

Apparently, he remembers the matter at Slaceid. At that time, I was on Renga’s back and didn’t face him directly.

“What do you want?” (Shion)

The fact that we, the remnants of Anonymous, have been sheltered by Yoiyami-san was known to Boss because of the matter the other day. It’s no surprise that Ichinose found us, as our hiding place should be the same as his.

However, this attitude… The general of the Self-Defense Forces should have no business with the remnants of Anonymous’s, that is us, other than to annihilate.

If Boss’ side has moved, then I have made miscalculations.

A power-level ‘individual’ named Yoiyami-san. Boss should take some time to make preparation to corner us at New Road, which is far from Saint Celia, so we have some time to change our hideout.

I also include the time to negotiate with Tsurugi in my calculation.

“You must have some doubts. However, today I’m off-duty and I’m doing this on my whim. There is something I want to ask. Which is why I wish you can forget us being enemies for now,” Ichinose says while holding the clothes he has picked up. I can’t feel fighting intent from the gaze behind his glasses.

His words just now… how should I take it?

At least it’s not good to kill him here. That will surely cause a ruckus. If, as Ichinose said, he is acting on whim, then might be not Boss’ ploy.

However, for Ichinose Soraha…… the man called the successor of Midou Ryuusui suddenly to behave modestly to a villain.

“Shion! That’s definitely a lie!” Sen is glaring at Ichinose with a beast-like look. That’s right. I should be vigilant. Of course, I don’t lower my guard, to begin with.

That said, even if we were to continue talking here, it will only attract attention.

“Since I’m leaving my life in your hand like this, I think it’s okay for you to trust me a little, however.” (Ichinose)

Leaving your life in my hand, huh. Considering that, it is strange there is no disturbance in his heartbeat.

“To not be wary at your leisure is strange, no?” (Shion)

“Ahh. That is, well… because of guts, I wonder?” (Ichinose)

Seriously, what is he thinking about?

“…Let’s go out and talk as we walk. You’re suspicious.

Sen, pay this.” (Shion)

“Ehh…? No, but, are you going to be okay? Shion.” (Sen)

“Ahh.” (Shion)

His ability is sealed by Distortion Sound, and I don’t let up on picking up sounds. I’ll keep an appropriate distance from Ichinose, so I can respond immediately if he shows any suspicious movements.

Ichinose, whose ability is sealed, cannot attack at a speed that surpass Sound-Shot.

I kick the shopping basket on the floor and slide it to Ichinose’s feet.

Ichinose pack the clothes he has in it, along with the moisturizing oil taken from the shelf.

After that, he slides it further to Sen’s feet.

“Oi, Shion, shouldn’t you contact Yoiyami and the others…” (Sen)

“I have, since the beginning.” (Shion)

At the same time as I sent a sound to Sen, I informed the encounter with General Ichinose to the members at the hideout.

However, I told them not to rush. It is not good to make too much movement while Ichinose’s intention cannot be read.

I can handle Ichinose under Distortion Sound by myself. If this is a trap, I would rely on everyone.

At this distance to the supermarket, Yoiyami-san can come in an instant with ‘Blackout’, so it’s safe.

Alright, there’s no need to worry.

“This is too reckless even if I say so myself,” Ichinose holds both edges of his glasses with his glasses with his hand and laughs with a self-deprecation as Sen picks up the shopping basket and heads for the register.

“What on earth is your purpose?” I urge Ichinose to walk with my eyes, then I ask from behind.

Thinking about it, no one is aware that a general is here.

Tsurugi’s father, Midou Ryuusui and his peers would immediately be crowded wherever they went, regardless when they are off-duty, but Ichinose could only be seen as an ordinary person when he isn’t wearing military uniform.

“You may have thought about it. No matter how strong you are, you can’t cope when death suddenly visit you. If a salaryman walking next to you suddenly attacks you with no hesitation for some reason, there is nothing you can do no matter how strong you are.

Ahh, but there are exceptions, such as having immortal abilities,” Ichinose starts talking without answering my question.

We take the escalator and head for the exit of the supermarket

“That said, it’s unlikely that a salaryman walking next to you will suddenly attack you, and it’s very stupid to always assume that. Well, in short, there’s no way around it,” Ichinose says, ignoring me who doesn’t even make a sound to agree.

I don’t think this one-sided conversation is meaningful.

“And yet, only when we lose our lives do such unreasonableness assail us, isn’t it?” (Ichinose)

After going out of the supermarket, I see Utsusemi-san, who have arrived at this point, on the roof of a house. I can see that he has a happy expression.

Roll is waiting in the apartment, keeping watch on Ohashi, and Yoiyami-san leaves the decision-making to me, and it seems that he’s not going to move.

As we walk toward the apartment from here, I probe for Ichinose’s intention.

“Therefore, you can’t let go of your caution. And, in that case, you end up thinking about living.

There is no time to relax if you are wary of invisible enemies at all time, whether you sleep or wake up, eat, excrete, or at any time.

Whether or not that can be said to be living as a human being—” (Ichinose

“Enough with the pretentious speech. Speak your purpose,” Feeling irritated at his serious of words that sounds to be filled with insinuation, I erase Ichinose’s voice and say so.

Boss seems to profile my humanity well.

Ichinose, whose voice is erased, looks back at me with an interested look.

Several dozens of meters away from the supermarket, we approach a less popular street.

“My purpose, is it. If I were to do all this, it seems I would die prematurely too,” Perhaps he finally feels like having a proper conversation, smile disappears from Ichinose’s face.

That alone changes his air. It makes me nervous despite I have an overwhelming advantage.

“I came to solve my doubt,” (Ichinose)

“Doubt, you say?” (Shion)

“In regard to General Sakai. Something is wrong with him.” (Ichinose)

About General Sakai, about Boss.

Don’t tell me, this person realizes it…?

“Can you tell me what happened on the day Anonymous was destroyed?” (Ichinose)

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