[Return of Death]

Former leader of Anonymous, Hyde.

Boss is currently on the front stage by robbing Lieutenant General Sakai’s life itself and killing himself.

Even Yoiyami-san does not know the full picture of Boss’s ability, but it is certain that he has the power to change an occurrence by robbing time.

Now that he becomes an enemy, we’re up against that mysterious and ridiculous ability of his…

And according to Yoiyami-san, Boss’ ability has been strengthened thanks to Yumesaki Aika’s power. The alterations made by Boss who took the entire time of each person and every person and made them his are immeasurable.

The man before me has doubt about that.

“General Sakai… Lieutenant General Sakai at that time, didn’t have the power to destroy Anonymous. No. That day, the force enough to destroy the organization was certainly participating in the operation.

However, what about Shido? Tameiki? Byakurei? Kemuri?

Although they had caused countless unfortunate events, it is hard to imagine that they fell into a state of annihilation without being able to escape.” (Ichinose)

“…………” (Shion)

There is a blind spot.

Now that Boss has sneaked into the center of the Self-Defense Forces, the best solution is to let the Self-Defense Forces repair itself.

“There are also other suspicious points. Why were all the executives in complete line-up as though they were waiting for the day of the attack? From before that, why were the forces from the branches were gathered at Derrida as though to round them up in one place?

This is as though… the destruction of the organization itself was a scenario. It is strange that no one has any doubts about this.

In the first place, Lieutenant General Sakai was supposed to be well-known as an incompetent, but the reaction of the society was as thought that was not the case.” (Ichinose)

“Shion! Are you okay!?” (Sen)

When Ichinose pause his story, Sen, who is carrying shopping bags in both hands, rushes this way.

Taking a glance at the roof, Utsusemi-san is coming down with a disappointed expression.

It is certainly not a good development for Utsusemi-san. However, this will be a stepping stone to counterattack.

Not that we’re going as far as becoming allies, but if he has this doubt, Ichinose will surely be a piece that we can move.

If there are enemies in the Self-Defense Forces, exterminating them would probably be a much higher priority than killing us, and we would be able to cooperate temporarily.

I exhale a little.

“Alright. Let’s talk. In exchange, we’ll have you answer what we want to know.” (Shion)

“Of course, I don’t mind.” (Ichinose)

“Then I’ll take you to our hideout.” (Shion)

“No, no, no, what are you saying, Shion!? This guy! Is a general, you know!? The top force of the Self-Defense Forces!!” Sen, who has not heard the story from the beginning, opposes.

Sen had seen Ichinose’ fighting power up close, particularly in the sky, so her reaction is natural.

“I know that. Don’t yell.” (Shion)

It is not that much trouble to lower the volume separately, but it is annoying.

I briefly explain the situation to Sen and lead the way to the apartment.


After returning to the apartment with Ichinose, all the members including Ohashi gathered in Yoiyami-san’s room.

Ichinose glanced at Ohashi for a moment but didn’t say anything. As for her, she hung her head as soon as she saw him.

That is natural. Ohashi’s current situation is of her own doing. It is the result of breaking order and following her desire.

“……Shion, what happened, for you doing this?” (Yoiyami)

This situation, that is me inviting a general of the Self-Defense Forces to our hideout, is too strange. Yoiyami-san’s question is completely normal.

Where should I explain from? It was truly unbelievable that Ichinose came into contact with us. However, before that, I went out without Yoiyami-san’s permission and got in touch with Tsurugi.

Should I tell him about that honestly and ask his permission to meet with Tsurugi afterward?

I don’t know what kind of action Ichinose would take after he learn of the circumstances. In that case, I shouldn’t talk about my contact Tsurugi yet.

I connect a sound channel with Yoiyami-san.

At the same time, Ichinose opens his mouth,

“Pleased to meet you, former executive of Anonymous, Yoiyami——. I was the one who got into contact with him first, you know. I wanted to know the truth.”

Yoiyami-san glances at Ichinose, and Roll’s eyes meet with mine.

‘Truth’, huh. It seems that Ichinose has made some guess.

“Given everyone’s reaction, it seems that there was something behind the collapse of Anonymous, wasn’t it?” (Ichinose)

“Before we get into that talk, there is something I want to ask about,” Yoiyami-san says, stopping Ichinose from continuing his words. His line of sight is naturally directed at me.

“It seems that you’ve been doing something sneakily, however, what is your purpose?” (Yoiyami)

As expected, Yoiyami-san knew what I was doing outside, huh. He must have been watching me using his ability.

Even if he saw me calling Tsurugi, I didn’t say anything suspicious, taking in consideration his lip-reading technique.

There is no problem even if I speak honestly. 

“I’m going to meet Tsurugi,” I say on the sound channel connected to Yoiyami-san.

“…Why did you do so arbitrarily?” He asks in no time.

I try to reply with the answer I have prepared after a while,

“……The previous operation failed, wasn’t it? Because of me. So……” (Shion)

“Stop.” (Yoiyami)

*Bang* In an instant my head is twisted to the limit of its range of motion and pressed against the wall of the room.

With a delay, shock run through my whole body, and my wounds that haven’t been completely healed at some parts are hurting severely.

“Gah…!” (Shion)

“Shion!” Roll rushes to me immediately, Utsusemi-san, who is coincidentally ahead the sight of my twisted head, whistles.

When I somehow move my eyes down, a black ‘haze’ holding me from my chest to my neck.

It is the power of ‘Darkness Control’. Then the one who used that ability slowly approaches me.

“Shion, it seems you’re looking down on me, aren’t you?” (Yoiyami)

“Please, Yoiyami-san. Stop it.” (Roll)

“You’re in the way.” (Yoiyami)

Roll cut in to stop him, but she is blown away by a ‘haze’. His cold gaze shoot through me.

Ahh, I messed up, I guessed, and strength drains out of my body.

“You lied, no?” (Yoiyami)

 “…………” (Shion)

“You must’ve been thinking that I’m a fool.” (Yoiyami)

Yoiyami grabs my neck with his cold hands and pushes me further against the wall. I can barely make a voice, but I can’t answer.

As he said, I might’ve been looking down on Yoiyami-san. In fact, I was trying to control him for my own convenience. He realized that.

“Please…… release Shion.” (Roll)

With Roll who was blown away by the haze come to hold Yoiyami-san back again, Yoiyami-san releases me.

Then Roll support me who fall on the spot.

“Cough, cough….” (Shion

“…Shion, are you okay?” (Roll)

“Shion. If you think we’re just pieces, leave this place.” (Yoiyami)

I can’t say I didn’t think as such.

But honestly, there were times when I couldn’t understand Yoiyami-san’s way of thinking. What does he think of me, of us? I get that he doesn’t shelter us just because of the course of events.

Like Tameiki-san, Yoiyami-san must be concealing feelings that cannot be cooled down somewhere inside him even though he is cladded in a composed atmosphere. Yet, until now, Yoiyami-san has been passive except for the matter of Observer.

That must be why I unconsciously thought I could control him. To protect myself.

“If you want to change my mind, first, tell me the truth.” (Yoiyami)

Thus, if I bought his displeasure, of course I’d like to change his mind. Tell him the truth.

“Without Yoiyami-san, we would be killed…” (Shion)


Intermittently, I talk about the reason I lied and look up at Yoiyami-san. Roll’s uneasy breathing echoes in my ears.

Yoiyami-san is looking down at me with unknown emotions in eyes.

“Observer… died. She suicided,” I say, averting my eyes.

“I see.” (Yoiyami)

Yoiyami-san’s reply is plain. I try looking at his expression timidly. As expected, I can’t guess the inside of his heart from his eyes. There is no change in his heartbeat either.

There’s no way he doesn’t feel anything. Even though she was dead to begin with, I gave him a futile hope.

“……However, she said something like she transferred a part of her to Yumesaki Aika.” (Shion)

It doesn’t change the fact that she’s dead, but I tell the truth as a mere consolation. At the same time, it was also my excuse, what I told him wasn’t a complete lie.

“I got it,” After saying only that and taking a deep breath, Yoiyami-san looks at Ichinose.

Without being enraged like that time, he seems to understand that going to defeat Boss alone wouldn’t be possible. As long as he doesn’t lose his reasoning, Yoiyami-san is going to protect us.

In that case, revealing the fact this way might be for the best.

I borrow Roll’s shoulder and stand up.

Utsusemi-san who has been listening to the talk that had been interfered with Sound Control from beginning to end is looking at me while grinning.

“Have you finished talking?” Ichinose said in response to the gaze from Yoiyami-san. Sen standing near to the entrance becomes stiff, easily readable form her face. Utsusemi-san put his hand on the sword on his waist with a vulgar smile on his face.

“We won’t be able to talk with that much killing intent in the air, you know,”

Yare yare – Ichinose raises both of his hands.

As expected, with the current members as the opponent, even a general of the Self-Defense Forces has zero chance of winning. On top of that, Ichinose has been under the effect of my Distortion Sound.

“By the way, is she a hostage to get in touch with Tsurugi-kun? I don’t see any restraints on her though, are you just looking down on her, or…” (Ichinose)

Ichinose turn his attention to Ohashi.

“General Ichinose… I …!” (Ohashi)

“Shut up you,” Interrupting Ohashi’s words, I move forward.

Obstructing Ohashi’s words, I went forward. Before receiving the scolding from I was a little reluctant to take control of the situation, but I can’t entrust the flow of the talk to Yoiyami-san, Utusemi-san, Sen, nor the current Roll. I would be troubled if the talk proceeds as Ichinose wants.

“Get to the main subject.” (Shion)

“Wait a bit, Shion, I have called a guest. He should be here soon,” Yoiyami-san says.

“A guest…?” Sen tilts her head.

Is there a fool willing to get involved with us who the Self-Defense Forces trying to annihilate with all their might? – I thought.

After waiting for a while, I hear someone coming up the stairs of the apartment.

The footsteps stop in front of the room; the doorknob is turned and the door is pushed open.

“Yo. Wait, oi, oi…… I haven’t heard of this, Yoiyami. Don’t cha think this is a little too spicy for a new joke?” (?)

Looking at the man complaining like that as soon as he sees Ichinose, I open my eyes wide.

The name of the man who appeared is Hitsugiya Banri. A man who I should’ve killed.

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