Ototsukai wa Shi to Odoru
Chapter 58
[The Ruler’s Judgement]
According to the information drawn out by the secret word, it seems that the meeting place is a family restaurant in front of Gate 5.
I was waiting in front of the family restaurant.
Looking at the wristwatch, the second hand pointed to 12, so it was exactly 5 pm.
Thereupon, a black car appeared vigorously from the street corner, and roughly stopped in front of me.
Then, the passenger window opens and Kuroinu-san’s face peeked from the driver seat.
“This car is not bad. That Shikkou, he’s getting better and better at currying my favor.”
“Is the car provided for today?”
“That’s right. It’s cool, isn’t it?”
“Ha! Get on the back.”
Being told so, I opened the back seat door and got on.
There is my suitcase that I left behind near my feet. There’s also Hakunetsu-san’s.
“Is Hakunetsu-san not here yet?”
Listening to me, Kuroinu-san turned his sight to the family restaurant.
When I turned around, I saw Hakunetsu-san, who was paying his tabs at the cashier.
Hakunetsu-san came out of the family restaurant and leisurely came to the car.
Crimson jacket, white pants, and bluish lens sunglasses.
It Hakunetsu-san-like style.
“Shion-kun, how’s this jacket? Cool, right?”
While saying such things, Hakunetsu-san got in the passenger seat.
“Yes. It’s too flashy though.”
“Ha ha! A man should be flashy, Shion-kun!”
Hakunetsu-san who was able to show off his jacket is in a good mood.
“Hakunetsu, have you done studying yet? Just in case, I have gathered the materials to study.”
“No problem. I have done it excellently.”
“I used my head, which I don’t normally used, till my head heats up.”
“Isn’t that just how you normally iis!?”
“That’s right! Now, let’s go!”
When Hakunetsu-san pressed the button, pop music poured out with a roaring sound.
At the same time, the car starts.
A noisy long journey has begun.
Moon Road at night.
There were casinos in the city where I went to on my first mission, but it seems that the casinos in this town are bigger.
The one who was in control of this city is this time’s transaction partner, the Doltorcia Family.
Illegal trade of drugs and slaves is widespread, and it seems due to the influence of the Family, the Self Defense Force can’t easily reached out their hand here.
“This is a nice city y’know. Sometimes, I even come here in private.
That’s right, do you want me to take you to a good place after the work is done, Shion?”
The music that was played with roaring sounds has been lowered, and the car slowly runs in the glittering city.
The time is past 10:30 pm.
I and Hakunetsu-san have already changed into tuxedo. We changed our clothes inside the car.
I put on the mask in my hand and I sat on the deep seat.
“No, I’ll pass.”
I said.
I can’t underestimate Roll’s sense of smell. She’ll seriously get angry if I go to such a store.
No, there’s no reason for her to get angry, but I know that it’ll put her in a bad mood, so I better not going.
We are partner after all, I also don’t want to be disliked by Roll.
“Kukuku, where do you think you’ll be taken to, Shion-kuuun~? If we’re talking about a good place, it must be there right, Kuroinu!”
“That’s right! Let’s go there!”
Annoying. Somehow, these people’s tension were raised more and more.
“Haa, where is it?”
I hung my elbow on the window and asked so.
“Karaoke! It’s karaoke! It must be a karaoke after a mission, right!”
Karaoke huh. It seems that these people really like it.
“That’s…, not bad, isn’t it.”
“Riight? Let’s finish this mission quickly.”
The inside of the car become silent.
After entering the city, the two’s atmosphere changed.
It seems like Hakunetsu-san wasn’t in his work mode when he helped me at the department store the other day, but he became serious when he’s together with his partner, Kuroinu-san.
Pointlessly light-decorated signboards pass above the car.
Eventually, we made a left turn and our car entered the back alley.
There are no more people outside. The bright atmosphere also quickly disappeared. There aren’t many street lights along the road.
“We barely made it in time though, is it okay?”
I look at my wristwatch again.
The time is 10:40. A bit more then we’d in trouble I guess.
“Don’t be impatient. If you move too quickly, your feet will be seen y’know.[1]
It’s just right to barely arrived at the last minute”
“The other party is mafia. But we are Anonymous. We can’t be compared to some hooligans.”
Is that so? I’m new to this kind of mission, so I don’t know.
Let’s just leave it to the two.
The car runs in the dark alley.
After a while, the car stopped in a parking lot.
“Shion, check the sounds.”
I recheck the surrounding sounds with my ability that I have already turned on.
No one is in the vicinity.
“It’s okay.”
After I said so, Hakunetsu-san and Kuroinu-san got off the car with their mask on.
I also followed them and get out of the car.
The parking lot on the back alley is quiet.
The only car parked here is the car we rode on.
As I continued to move forward while adjusting the position of my mask, I heard the sound that the car was locked behind me.
“The base of the Dortorsia Family is about 10 minutes walks from here. Just in case, Shion-kun, please pay attention to the surrounding sounds.”
About 10 minutes, huh.
We really arrived at the last minute, right.
Hakunetsu-san and co doesn’t talk.
Eventually we came out to a slightly large road.
It’s a somewhat dreary road.
“It’s this way.”
Kuroinu-san took the lead.
I and Hakunetsu-san follow after him.
When we climbed up the slope on the road, there was a mansion there.
The buildings that were lined up disappear, and the sky becomes wide at first glance.
Walls surrounds the mansion. A gate can be seen in the front, and there are 4 guards standing there.
Inside the walls, trees are growing as if surrounding the mansion, so it’s whole appearance can’t be seen.
“It’s amazing.” I said and gulped.
It’s not the time to be awed.
Kuroinu-san and Hakunetsu-san walk forward, and I follow behind them.
At such times, the backs of the two looks big.
We went to the front of the gate, and the guard in black clothes approached us and said.
“People from Anonymous, right.”
“You can tell just by a glance, right.”
Even though we’re going to do transaction, Kuroinu-san takes on an extremely oppressive attitude.
“…can you show me ‘that’?”
Kuroinu-san took out something from his pocket.
It’s something that looks like a ring. Is it something like a mark to identify you as a transaction partner?
When the man in black received it and confirmed it, he said, “Follow me” and went into the gate.
We follow after him.
After passing the gate and walking through the lot, the man stopped before the door of the mansion.
Security checkpoint, huh.
“For the time being, we will keep your weapons.”
“Everyone is without weapons.”
I was told in advance, so I have left my knife and grappling gun.
Hakunetsu-san and co also left their weapons in the car.
I and Kuroinu-san are empty-handed.
Only Hakunetsu-san brought a bag containing materials and so on.
“Show me the inside of the bag”
“You don’t have any trust huuh.”
“Oh dear!”Hakunetsu-san said, then he opened his bag and showed it’s content.
The man puts his hand in it and checks for the presence of a weapon.
I feel that there is no big difference even if an ability user is unarmed, but it may be meaningful to reduce the attack power as much as possible.
We may need different weapons depending on the ability of the opponent after all.
“…Alright. Speaking of which, it’s not the usual man today huh.”
“Kemuri huh. He’s on another job right now.”
“I see.”
He’s on vacation though.
I wonder if Kemuri-san was always doing this kind of work alone. If so, he is amazing.
Well, since that person can make a clone, so he might not felt pressured.
After a body check, we were guided into the mansion.
The inside is luxurious and gorgeous.
Chandelier on the ceiling, paintings on the wall that are evenly spaced, and stonework decoration that seems to be difficult to clean.
However, it seems that the floor plan is wider than I expected.
I don’t want to embarrass myself by looking around restlessly, so I walk while facing forward as much as possible.
“This is the Boss’ room.”
We stand in front of the room we were brought to.
When the man knocked on the door, “Enter”, a voice can be heard from inside.
The man in black slowly opened the door, and in the back of the room, I saw an old man with white hair sitting on the president chair.
Hakunetsu-san take the lead to enter the room this time.
Finally, when I entered, the door was closed.
Then, the man stands right next to the door.
There are 5 escorts of Doltorcia in the room. They are too cautious, right.
“It’s our first time meeting. Don Doltorcia. My name is Hakunetsu.”
Hakunetsu-san bowed lightly and said so.
“So it’s not Kemuri today, huh… Well sit down.”
Doltorcia said so, Hakunetsu-san sat on a prepared chair and crossed his legs.
“Excuse me.”
The man standing next to Doltorcia moved forward a bit, but Doltorcia stop him.
The chairs for me and Kuroinu-san were also prepared, but I couldn’t sit because Kuroinu-san didn’t sit.
“I always think about it, but what can the mask do?”
“It’s a trademark. It’s also hard to smoke because of this.”
“Is there an ashtray?”
“No, please don’t fuss over me. I didn’t come to smoke.”
“I see.
If it was Kemuri, he would accompany me into a small talk.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t like that. It’s something I’m not used to.”
“Well, it’s fine. Let’s get into the main subject right away.
What did you come to sell today?”
As if he was waiting, Hakunetsu-san got up and took out the materials inside the bag.
“There are two. The first is the leaf of Bewitching Flower.
As far as I know, the leaves of the Bewitching Flower, which have a strong hallucinating effect during flowering, are good narcotic drugs.
It can’t be transacted as a drug, but we were able to get quite a lot of the raw materials, so I think you would buy it.
It’s pretty hard to get y’know?”
“The goods?”
“It’s here.”
Mr. Hikaru took out a small plastic case from his bag.
Then hand it over to Doltorcia.
Dortorsia opened it for a moment and sniffed the content, then returned the plastic case to Hakunetsu-san.
“I’ll buy it.”
“Thank you. I will give you this as a sample. If it seems that it can not be treated as a raw material, you can cancel it in a later trade.”
That said, Hakunetsu-san handed over the plastic case again.
“Okay, the other one?”
“Torque Wave Reception Ability Detector. It is abbreviated to TAD. There is no actual item.”
“What is that?”
I’ve never heard of it.
Hakunetsu-san put the newly retrieved paper material on the desk of Doltorcia.
Doltorcia picks it up and looks through it.
“Torque waves are electrical activities of the brain when humans activate their ability, that is, the names of their frequency components.
TAD can detect the activation of ability user.”
Doltorcia’s followers become a bit noisy.
It seems that they can’t believe it.
I can’t believe it either.
However, this is not impossible.
It is said that the “Observer”, who is responsible for the central functions of Anonymous, can do it himself.
If the research was based on the “Observer”, then it’s not weird if they manage to realize it.
I’ve only ever heard the name “Observer”, but I’ve never seen the person myself. It seems like Roll, he has been in Anonymous for many years.
Or rather, isn’t this a technology that should not be leaked elsewhere?
Why don’t Anonymous monopolize it?
It is a technology that can easily break the state of affairs and the power relationship.
“…Why are you selling such a thing to the Mafia?”
“It makes sense to sell it to criminal organization y’know.
Even so, TAD at this stage is not in a practical stage.
In other words, trade also comes first…”
Hakunetsu-san closed his mouth there.
Doltorcia hits the desk with a *ton* and taps it with his finger.
“…I see, you mean I should make an investment.”
“I’m saved that the talk can proceed quickly. Don Doltorcia”
“When it reached practical stage, TAD will also become a technology of the Doltorcia family.”
“It’s good, if it’s not a lie. But, I can’t believe it.”
“I can’t bring it even if I want to. You can ask as many questions as you want, but if you can’t believe it, then I have no choice but offer it to others.”
Doltorcia puts his hand on his beard.
Then hums.
“Where else are you going to bring this talk to? Depending on that, I might not invest.”
“…I can’t answer that.”
When Hakunetsu-san said so, a knocking sounded and a man entered the room.
“Excuse me.”
The man walked to the side of Doltorcia and brought his mouth closer to Doltorcia’s ear.
“He has moved.”
He’s whispering, but of course I can hear it.
Doltorcia waved his hand, then the man left the room.
“What was he saying?”
Kuroinu-san muttered so softly, I slightly moved my mouth, and send the man’s words to Hakunetsu-san and Kuroinu-san.
“Sorry. Let’s get back to the talk.”
Doltorcia reseated himself again.
His atmosphere changes slightly.
Who is ‘he’…?
It may be a story unrelated to us, but I’m curious.
At that time, out-of-place music rang from the mobile devices of Kuroinu-san and Hakunetsu-san.
Hakunetsu-san turns his eyes to Doltorcia.
When Doltorcia nodded, Hakunetsu-san said “Excuse me” and picked up the call.
“Yes, it’s Hakunetsu.”
I heard a panicking voice from the other side of the phone.
“Hakunetsu!? This is Shikkou! Run away from there immediately!
There is a transmission from “Observer”, General Midou is heading to that place! The Doltorcia family sold us out!”
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