[The Justice’s Judgment]

With my ability, I also let Kuroinu-san hear the content of the call.

I, who was startled by the content, almost unintentionally react, but managed to restrained it.

“I see, understood.”

Hakunetsu-san hung up the call with a normal tone.

However, I can sense that he is slightly tense.

“I have an urgent matter.”

Hakunetsu-san said and he stood up.

Walking slowly to the front of Doltorcia, then he grabbed the materials.

“I’m very sorry, but the transaction is temporarily suspended. Let’s…”

“Unfortunately, I can’t do that.”

Doltorcia grabbed the materials that Hakunetsu-san had grabbed.

For a moment, I turned my eyes to Kuroinu-san, but I can’t read his expression because he is wearing a mask.

However, I know that he is prepared to battle.

“Do you know what you are doing?”

Hakunetsu-san said.

Doltorcia’s followers are few but the distance is too short.

“The talks about TAD was extremely fascinating. But you were too late to bring it here.

If only you were a bit earlier, the current situation would have changed.”

“The negotiation is broken. You trash.”

The materials that Doltorcia grabbed ignited.

At that moment, Kuroinu-san moved.

Strengthening type, Assassination Hound.

Kuroinu-san, who turned into a black wolf, bites the man standing next to the door to death, and knocks out one man in black suit that has launched an attack.

His Anonymous mask falls to the ground due to transformation.

“We’re escaping! You guys, hold on to me!”

Kuroinu-san screams.

Immediately, Hakunetsu-san turned around and clung to Kuroinu-san who became a black wolf.

I also responded immediately and clung to Kuroinu-san’s big body.

Kuroinu-san breaks through the wall and goes out of the room.

Then he started running.

“The mafia is backed by the SDF! What is happening?”

“I also want to know it!”

In the corridor of the Doltorcia mansion, men in black suit are everywhere.

Kuroinu-san jumped up, ran through the wall and slipped through the enemy’s attack.

Breaking through a wall again, we go out to the yard of the Doltorcia mansion.

We were surrounded there.

At the same time, Doltorcia appeared from the wall we broke through.

“Don’t kill them okay. Capture them alive.”

According to Doltorcia’s words, the men in black suit moved all at once.

At that moment, Kuroinu-san jumps up.

“Shion! Please!”

I let go of Kuroinu-san’s furs and fall down.

Then, I released a Soundshoot toward the people on the ground, hitting them all in one shot.

However, Doltorcia avoided it because he was outside the range.

“That old man! Let’s go!”

Kuroinu-san caught me, who was free falling, and landed on the ground.

“I won’t let you!”

The ground explodes.

Kuroinu-san evaded in an instant, but we were still blown away by the blast.

“His ability is explosion!”

“No need to face him! Let’s escape!”

We got up and started running.

Kuroinu-san returned to his original form.

We run through the garden of the Doltorcia mansion, which explodes like the action scene in a movie.

The heat of the explosion is suppressed by Hakunetsu-san, but the blast is still there.

We managed to reach the wall somehow and jump over it.

“Run to the car!”

Kuroinu-san said to me when I look over my shoulder.

We run on the road we originally came from.

When we arrived at the back alley parking lot, Kuroinu-san tried to get in the car first.

At that time, Hakunetsu-san jumped at Kuroinu-san and evaded.


Immediately after that, the car exploded.



It’s a lie right…

When I turned around, Doltorcia appeared from the dark alley.

His followers appeared from behind him in succession.

“Hah, hah, don’t think bad of me. I need to survive as well.”

Probably because he was running, Doltorcia is out of breath.

I glanced at Hakunetsu-san, maybe he was hit by a splinter from the exploded car, he is bleeding from his shoulder.

His white suit is stained with fresh blood.

“Oh, don’t move.

Please be captured obediently. That is the way for you guys to live.”

Battle is inevitable.

Doltorcia said he’ll catch us alive.

If so, we have the advantage.

Ability user who have the power of almost mutual insta kill.

We’ll win if I can do it.

When I thought so, scream rose from behind Doltorcia’s encirclement.



Doltorcia turns around.

I can’t move. I feel something from the other side of the dark alley, ominous killing intent.

Doltorcia changed his expression to horror, shook and stepped back.

“Oi…! It’s a lie right…! Oi you, it’s different from what you promised!”

Along with a strong wind, the neck of Doltorcia fell.

Then, a man appeared from the dark alley.

“Why should I keep my promise with villains?”

The flickering streetlights that flicker and blink repeatedly illuminated the man.

White uniform. Black military shoes and white military cap.

I knew the man.

Tsurugi’s father, a man whom I once had a yearning for.

Wind God, General Wind, Wind Dragon…and many other titles and nickname, the strongest wind user who continues to achieve the best results in the Self Defense Force.

I cried out loudly.

“Midou, Ryuusui…!”

The three-star badge on his chest pocket shines ominously.

I felt a sense of incongruity at that time.

…3 stars? Wasn’t the general has 4 stars?

No, that’s not the case right now.

“It’s time for atonement. Anonymous”

General Midou takes a step forward.

I stepped back unintentionally.

We can’t win. He’s on a whole different level.

He’s at a level that even Yoiyami-san can’t compete with…

It’s impossible from the start, right…

Even so, I fired a Soundshoot.

However, the Soundshoot that I fired didn’t affect General Midou.

A vacuum-like wall and wind that offsets shockwaves.


I was speechless. Instant responsiveness.

I took another step back. Then I hit into something.

Looking at it, there were Hakunetsu-san and Kuroinu-san standing side by side.

“A time of atonement huh.”

“Perhaps it is so.”

Hakunetsu-san, who walked to in front of me, said that as he throw away his mask.

Pulling out a cigarette from his chest pocket, he lit it with a fire from his fingers.

“Hakunetsu, fire for me too.”

“All right.”

Kuroinu-san also stood in front of me in the same way.

“If possible, I don’t want to kill you. I have a lot of things to ask to you bastards.”

General Midou said so as he take another step forward.

The streetlights suddenly died out, and only cigarettes fire was noticeable.

They’re keeping each other in check.

“Shion, I’m sorry, but it looks like I won’t be able to go to the karaoke.”

“I would be able to hear my burning voice tough.”

“I don’t…, want that…”

When I tried to step out, a hot air blew up as if to hold me back.

“At times like this, I’d like to talk about cool old tales, but General-san doesn’t seem to be able to wait.

The guy is the type who can’t read the mood.”

“Shion-kun, you should escape. We will buy you some time.”

When I was told that, I was relieved somewhere in my heart.

I want to run away from this place right now. I want to be released from this pressure.

I don’t want to die.

However, if Hakunetsu-san and co attracted the enemy, I might be able to survive.

I was thinking about such a thing while the two standing in front trying to throw their lives for me.

(In Anonymous, sometimes there are people who bet their life for their junior.)

I remember the words that Roll once said.

I don’t know.

Why… why can you bet your life for someone so easily?

“Go quickly!”

Kuroinu-san said, and I started running.

At that moment, a gust struck me.


I hit into the fence in the parking lot, slipped and collapsed.

Then, I heard a sharp sound coming toward me.

I closed my eyes unintentionally.

Immediately after, blood splashed to my mask.

This time, my eyes opened wide.

Because what was there was Kuroinu-san who had lost both of his arms.

And ahead General Midou and Hakunetsu-san are still facing each other.

Kuroinu-san collapsed forward as he was.


I run up to the fallen Kuroinu-san.

Why…! For what!


My tears welled up.

“Don’t get, me wrong, Shion… We thought that, you’re worth…living the most…, so we’ll make sure you live.”


You don’t even know anything about the real me…!

It’s only been less than a year since we met you know…!”

“Ooi…oi, don’t say such sad things.

We’re friends, right…?”

“Yes, but…!”

Damn! Damn it…!

“Someday, the day will come when you will have to change your way of life…

Now, just live…however you want”

Kuroinu-san, who has blood coming out from his mouth, took a breath and screamed.

“Hakunetsu!! I’ll leave the rest to you!! It was fun to work with you!! Thank you!!”

When Kuroinu-san finished saying that, his body ignited.

I move away from Kuroinu-san.

The fire gradually got bigger and wrapped up Kuroinu-san’s body.

“Ugh…! Ahahaha! Your flames, is pretty good…! Hakunetsu…”

It’s Hakunetsu-san’s ability.

Kuroinu-san who can’t move…now, only don’t want to leave information.

It’s being destroyed…

Due to the flame of Hakunetsu-san, Kuroinu-san immediately burnt down to ash.

“He was my best partner.”

Hoo and the smoke of the exhaled cigarette flew into the sky.

“That’s a problem.”

General Midou said.

I ran away.

A vacuum wave hits me. Some parts of my body were cut deep and I fell down.

I turned around with difficulty.

The battle that can’t be called a battle has begun.

Already, Hakunetsu-san lost one of his arm.

It happened in a flash.

“Kuhahahaha! Haaahahahaha!”

Despite the one-sided attack, Hakunetsu-san was laughing loudly.

General Midou’s attack is precise.

Providing appropriate damage to prevent death.

Even so, Hakunetsu-san is laughing.


Suddenly, hot air spreads from Hakunetsu-san.

Looking at him, Hakunetsu-san is clad in bright red flames and is burning.

Due to the heat, General Midou was also keeping a distance.

“Haa haa hahaha!! Do you see it, Shiooooooon!!

I can’t stand the firepower of this technique myself! How is it! It’s a hot, right!!!

But don’t watch it and run away from here quickly!!”

The heat of Hakunetsu-san swallowed the entire parking lot before I knew it.

No, it is even swallowing the outside the parking lot.

I dragged my feet away from the scene.

I knew that General Midou is approaching.

“Ga…aaahahahah! I won’t let you go!”

General Midou finally stop when Hakunetsu-san restraint him.

The vacuum wave of General Midou stopped.

Did he decide that any more attacks would kill me?

Certainly, if I continue this way, I will die of losing too much blood.

Either way, it’s possible that he’ll kill Hakunetsu-san and then chase me.

There are many choices for General Midou.

I left the parking lot and ran into the alley.

I can no longer see Hakunetsu-san.

However, I can hear his voice.

“It’s hot! It’s hot y’know! I really wanted to use my ability to the fullest once! I can do it if it’s now! More! More, mooooore!”

The heat spreads further.

My dripping blood drops and dries immediately.

Even though I lost a massive amount of blood and my body didn’t get cold.

This heat is comfortable.

“Shioooooooon!! You’ll be dry if you don’t escape quickly y’knooooow!

Guaaaaaa my aaaaaaaarms!!”

Hakunetsu-san screams.

I close my eyes tightly.

I can’t escape if I keep walking like this.

But I keep escaping.

“My aaaaaarms!! I don’t have both arms y’knooooow! Kuroinu, look! My arms are goooone!!”

Hakunetsu-san’s heat still continue to spread.

“Aaaahahahahahaha!!! At last, my eyes were also burned! There’s nothing I can do about it riiight!!”

It seems that General Midou is still trying to incapacitate him without killing him, but he seems unable to stop Hakunetsu-san.

While I’m holding onto the wall, I keep moving forward. Then I remove the mask that I was wearing and drop it there.

“Shioooooooon!! Avoid troublesome things! Always choose the very best and enjoy it!!”

I went to the red light district.

The people who walked around the city at night were making a fuss wondering what was happening due to the heat released by Hakunetsu-san.

Even so far away, it’s hot like midsummer. No, it surpassed that.

Perhaps because of that, people do not notice me bleeding here and there.

“Living sneaky sneakily, are you satisfied with such a thrill, Shiooon!”

Men are self-destructing creature! Live for the thrill! Shion!”

My view became poor.

Why? Kuroinu-san, Hakunetsu-san…

“Hahahaha! That’s how it is riiight…!?


Hakunetsu-san’s words stopped there.

The heat subsided.

Literally, Hakunetsu-san has burnt out.

I fell down on the spot.

General Midou is coming this way.

There is no way to escape.

Kuroinu-san is dead. Hakunetsu-san too…

Tears dried on my cheeks before they fell to the ground.


It’s over now.

“Stand up, we’re escaping.”

There was a person who grabbed my arm while I was on my knees.

I look up.

“Be quick. If we don’t hurry, he will come.”

The one who was there was Tsuki Hanare-san(Lit. Moon Separation).

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