Otsutsuki In The Celestial Realm

Chapter 28 - Twelve years later 3

I apologize for the delay in posting the chapter today. Anyway, my editor, he is having problems in his personal life, if anyone is interested in editing this novel so as not to lose its quality, contact me. Enjoy chapter.


"The Rinne-Sharingan, Huh?" Naomi says to herself. "Haruka, what do you think of our Doujutsu?" She says as she activates her Rinnegan that has the symbol of a moon between her eyes.

Haruka looking into Naomi's eyes with her Rinne-Sharingan activated says, "I really don't know what those eyes are... The only thing I can say is that you got those eyes through something related to the boy." She says with a frown on her pretty face. - Not even Rinne-Sharingan can see through those eyes, how strong those eyes are? The only thing I can decipher is that the little divine energy in Akemi and Naomi's body was concentrated in their eyes... Wait? Divine energy? - She thinks while biting her nails.

After thinking for a while in silence Haruka asks them: "How do you have divine energy in your bodies? The only way you can have this divine energy in your bodies is if you are marked as the wife of a divinity".

"?" Hearing their question Naomi, Akemi tilts their head in confusion.

"We don't know how we have divine energy in our body, but I began to feel stronger when Tsukuyomi..." Akemi suddenly stops when she remembers the 'blessing' her nephew did on her.

"!" Naomi, Akemi and even Miyuki start to sweat cold when they connected the dots, a silent atmosphere suddenly descends into the room.

Haruka narrows her eyes and asks, "What have you done?"

The girls start to sweat cold being faced by the Elder of the clan.

"My son... Tsukuyomi... blessed me..." Naomi says with a face completely stained in red with a low voice that not even a mosquito could hear.

Miyuki and Akemi who were close to Naomi heard her voice and began to feel embarrassed their faces turned red as well, a pink atmosphere replaced that uncomfortable atmosphere of before.

The angry clan elder says, "Spit it out! What have you done?"

"!" The girls just turned their heads to the side not wanting to speak, but Akemi who is the bravest of them start to shout: "Tsukuyomi blessed us! When he kissed our cheeks a mark appeared on us!" she says with a red face.





"Haa?!" Haruka says the only thing her mind could think of.

Hearing Akemi scream Naomi and Miyuki's face start to tear out so ashamed that they are in this situation, the girls look at each other, but soon they put their heads down trying to pull themselves together.

Haruka puts her hand on her forehead and sighs, she walks to the edge of the King Size bed and sits down.

After 30 minutes of awkward silence, Haruka says, "I can more or less guess what happened, but I want you all to explain to me what happened."

Hearing Haruka's words, the girls nodded in agreement and began to explain what happened.

After explaining for a while, Haruka understood the situation and it was as she had expected. "Girls, are you idiots?" she can't help but ask.

Hearing their clan elder call them idiots, the girls get angry, but they can't refute to her words. "It is common knowledge that Gods and Dragons mark their wives with their symbols, those symbols give their wives their powers to protect themselves... That's what you call 'blessings', it's just a symbol of a god's partner."

"That means that--" Miyuki says in a tremendous voice.

"Yes... You've been marked as potential brides of this brat." Haruka says with a smile on his face. "Congratulations, you're engaged to this brat now."

"!" The girls are surprised and shocked to hear Haruka's words, but they can't help but put a little smile on their face, especially Miyuki who has come to like her little young master, she doesn't know if what she feels is love, but they are beings who live a long time, she has all the time in the world to find out if what she's feeling is love or not.

"Wait! What do you mean, brides? Are we not his wives?" Akemi asks.

"Hearing Akemi's question the girls look at Haruka waiting for her words, but they didn't expect to see Haruka's face blushing a little.

"You guys have to do that..." Haruka says blushing a little, but soon she recovers from her usual stoic expression.

"That?" They ask in unison with their heads tilted a little to the side showing they are confused. Naomi knows what's going on, after all, she had a child and children don't grow on trees, but she pretends she doesn't know about it, it's fun watching her clan elder act like a teenage girl.

Haruka seeing this starts to blush a little again.


Haruka coughs a little to get her stoic face back and says: "For you to officially marry this brat, you have to have sėx with him, so the brand will become even stronger and a telepathic bond will be formed. She says while covering her face with her long white hair.

"!" Hearing the words that came out to Haruka. Akemi and Miyuki got their faces smoked again, the only one who was smiling in this situation was Naomi.

Akemi and Miyuki begin to imagine their first time with an ȧduŀt Tsukuyomi and then a nosebleed begins to fall from their nose.

Naomi realizing that the atmosphere had begun to become silent again says: "Why don't we get something to eat? After all, it's gonna be a while before it gets dark." She says looking out the window that shows the morning sun.

The girls nodded in agreement and soon they started going out towards the kitchen, before leaving the room Naomi's Says: "I think someone should stay in the room, it's practically impossible for an invader to come in here, but it's okay to be safe.

"In that case, I'll stay... I'm too lazy to goat the kitchen." Haruka says as she went back to bed and lay in a comfortable position a little far from Kaguya and Tsukuyomi that were sleeping next to each other.


Edited By: TornHeart

I'm looking for a publisher who has interested contact me on discord: Victor_Weismann#6273

Read 20 chapters 4 weeks before the launch schedule in Pa treon!

Pa treon.com/VictorWeismann

Discord: discord.gg/GuJXQXJ

Images of the characters in Discord or Pa treon.

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